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Author Topic: Whoa! we have some RP here!  (Read 8064 times)
« on: November 12, 2005, 04:23:09 am »

            (PK) Argotz the male minotaur
            (PK) Elesthos the male dark elf

Argotz tells you 'Travel?'
You tell Argotz 'why not'
Argotz tells you 'Where shall we meet?'
You tell Argotz 'Pax?'
Argotz tells you 'Aye.'
Argotz tells you 'Tell me, why were ye cast from the elven lands.'
You tell Argotz 'Why do you care, minotaur? Your kind is known to despise all others.'
Argotz tells you 'I do despise most others.'
Argotz tells you 'And my liking towards you is growing farther from a good side of me.'
You tell Argotz 'why do you care then about 'thrash at your feet'?'

An underground waterway

[Exits: south up]
(Charmed) A grey wolf stands here, snarling softly.
(Charmed) A grey wolf stands here, snarling softly.
Argotz the male minotaur is here.
(White Aura) A dwarven priest of Reorx silently meditates before the shrine.

Argotz tells you 'Those I travel with I will know well.'
You shrug.
Argotz looks at you.

You yell 'Help! Argotz is bashing me!'
Argotz sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Argotz's bash hits you.
Argotz is in perfect condition. 100%


You say, 'I worship lord of fire. That should explain everything.'


You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
Argotz is surrounded by a pink outline.

-some running-

 c summon argot
You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
Soft blue.
Argotz arrives suddenly.

Argotz's bash seems to slide around you.
Argotz's bash misses you.
Argotz is covered in bleeding wounds. 50-74%

You utter a prayer to your deity.
***COMBAT: Argotz appears to be BLINDED.

You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
Soft blue.
You conjure forth the demons of hell!
Argotz looks very uncomfortable.
Your torments MANGLES Argotz!

You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

Within a small cave

[Exits: south]
(Pink Aura) Argotz the male minotaur is here.
A large bloody wolf is here glaring at you.

You close the door.

You say, 'So now.'
You say, 'Explain your cowardice, minotaur.'
Argotz says, 'We can speak nicely.'
Argotz roars, 'And get along, or we can duel to the death here. and now.'
You say, 'Not before you explain your treachery.'
Argotz says, 'Matters not to me, I was waiting for you.'
Argotz says, 'My treachery.'
Argotz says, 'Yer words bring insult.'
Argotz roars, 'Because yer are smarter than me.'
You say, 'My words are your view of things.'
Argotz says, 'You need not put words in my mouth.'
You say, 'The truth insults you?'
Argotz roars, 'Your words include an entire race.'
Argotz says, 'One Minotaur is not the same as another.'
Argotz bows before you.
Argotz says, 'Master elf.'

l argo
Standing in front of you he seems to be very proud  of who he is. Standing his ground you notice he will not back down from
With great honor and pride he stand mighty and tall. It seems as though he comes in no harm to those who walk the lighted pa
Argotz is gushing blood. 25-49%

Argotz says, 'You of all should know this.'
You say, 'You have horns.' // those minotaurs who have been outcasted from minotaur society have horns sawed off, as sign of dishonor and cowardice. in simple words, horns=honor.
Argotz nods.
You say, 'That means you're like others minotaurs.' //
help minotaur
Minotaurs are a very honorable race.

Argotz says, 'Than you are sadly mistaken.'
Argotz whistles loudly.
You say, 'I know history of your race.'
You say, 'Your culture.'
Argotz yells 'Pelus, Kalar!!'
Argotz yells 'Come my pets!!!'
You say, 'Family is everything for a minotaur.' // meaning all of them are very similar
Argotz says, 'Honor is everything to me.'
Argotz says, 'I am not blessed with a family.'
Argotz roars, 'Mine was taken before mine time.'
You say, 'Sad to hear.'
Argotz shakes his head negatively.
Argotz roars, 'Way of the world.'
You say, 'What do you know about Sargonnas?'
Argotz says, 'A few things.'
Argotz roars, 'His passion for fire and its destructive nature is well known.'
Argotz says, 'Not many have a clear view as to where his true allegiance lie.'
You say, 'Most minotaurs worship him. They call him Sargas.'
You say, 'You should have respect to that at least.'
Argotz snarls angrily.
Argotz says, 'I bare no respect for a Lord of my people who would let my family die in the ruins of fire!'  // common story.. vragi sozhgli rodnuju hatu
Argotz throws back his head and howls in profound frustration!
You say, '"Let your family die?" -You- let your family die.'
Argotz in a rage brings himself to his full height!
Argotz says, 'I let noone die.'
Argotz says, 'I was a mere calf when my family came to pass.'
You say, 'Gods are here not to fight for you.'
You say, 'They're to guide.'
Argotz says, 'They guided me towards hatred.'
You say, 'Hatred? What do you hate?'
Argotz says, 'Fire weilders burned my villiage it is there power stolen from god.'
You say, 'Then you and your villagers were too weak. And deserved to be burned.'
You say, 'Thats the life.'
Argotz grins evilly.
Argotz says, 'You believe you know of life fragile elfling.'// it was 'elf master' 5 mins ago
You must be tired.
Argotz roars, 'Seek a power that you can not control as your own.'

Argotz opens the door.
Argotz leaves.

You tell Urimarr 'I just had an interesting conversation with Argotz. You might want to know that he wants to be one of you.'
Urimarr tells you 'and?'
You tell Urimarr 'And just like most of minotaurs i've met he lacks honor that his kind is known of.'
You tell Urimarr 'A treacherous and dumb creature. A disgrace to generations of your ancestors.'
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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 09:27:28 pm »

Put it in log test. Why did you run away after that fight, no patience for me to come back?

Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.
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« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2005, 09:02:03 pm »

He's a heretic now?
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2005, 09:03:55 pm »

He's a heretic now?
yes, it is...
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« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2005, 05:05:53 pm »

damn.. i never read a single dragonlance book, what then?
raider i hope you feel cool Cheesy
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2005, 05:13:12 pm »

I always feel myself cool.

There is help minotaur, that explains all you need to know about minotaurs.

People who know about Dragolance expect characters to act properly, honourable minotaurs, fearless but not agressive kenders, arrogant elves.  Yet those people are being disappointed. If solace was not dragonlance based there would be no problems.
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Kingdoms are forged by war...

« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2005, 08:26:58 pm »

Raider your just a punk....post the whole thing, not just what you thought went down you little whining hoe

Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2005, 09:41:43 am »

              Argotz the male minotar,  The Hornless
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