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Author Topic: A question about dwarves  (Read 341 times)
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« on: February 10, 2025, 09:33:50 am »

Helpfile about dwarves says they have some cool things as fighters.

1. Dwarves become more resilient and strike harder when they are hurt.
Dwarves get a skill(right at 100%) at 1st level which is called 'last stand'. Helpfile on 'last stand' says: "When hurt, dwarves strike harder and become more resilient to all damage.". Did anyone figure out how it works? I've noticed no change at all at 30% hps: no more hr/dr/damage output/ac/resists etc.

2. Dwarven fighters are naturally skilled in berserking; their rage allows them to resist harmful magic.
Same question, how the hell does it work? When you berserk you get a message like "Your rage makes you resistant to magic.". But berserk itself gives same stats(saves, hr, dr) as always, nothing special. No additional resists or armour vs magic too.

I am confused, halp!
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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2025, 09:43:44 am »

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2025, 10:04:36 am »

Argh, silent and not so massive. Lets see if it is at least noticable at 25 or so. I mainly wonder how it 'turns on': either you have to hit some low hp condition or it just scales with hp lost. Also, I hope 'not so massive' doesn't mean non-existant Smiley

Any idea what berserk does? I guess it has silent benefit too, probably 'not so massive' aswell Smiley
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« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2025, 10:17:28 am »

After reading what Siri wrote, I’ve concluded that there’s nothing significantly new with the dwarves—just a smokescreen, really. 

On the topic of dwarves, has anyone looked into the dwarf-only equipment from the Thorbardin king? Is it still as useless as before?

Just say no!.
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« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2025, 10:38:04 am »

While we are discussing useless racial feats, did anyone try elven sword dancing? Is it something worth talking about or same old 'silent and not significant'?

Also got few questions about fighters in general.
1. Which fighter skills work 'cross weapon', i.e. work with weapons outside of specialization they come from. For example, I know cleave(which is axe spec) works with swords. Does reposte work with anything but swords? Does restrike work with anything but daggers?

2. Do flurry/drum/pincer/cross slice still require dual wield?

3. What ground control works with aside of trip/crush? Does it work with shield bash for example?
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« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2025, 01:05:50 pm »

This is how dwarven berserk works:

You quaff a potion of return.
You resist your spell.

Your silver-lined longsword envelops you in soft white light.
You resist your spell.

About 5-10% to resist any spell. Harmful or not.

Dwarven set from Thorbardin is still bad.

Elven sword dancing is noticeable. I'd say it is about 30-40% chance for an additional main-hand sword attack.

I think cleave is the only cross-spec skill. Unless you count 'stand off' and 'leg sweep' for staff/spear.
Lunge can be used with swords/spears/polearms, but its not a specialization skill. Works from offhand in case of swords (probably a bug).

- Do flurry/drum/pincer/cross slice still require dual wield?

- What ground control works with aside of trip/crush?
Just throw, crush, leaping strike. Not with trip or any other skills

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« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2025, 03:07:30 pm »

Dwarven set from Thorbardin is still bad.

Is there a reason why this set is so bad?

Just say no!.
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« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2025, 03:31:26 pm »

This is how dwarven berserk works:

You quaff a potion of return.
You resist your spell.

I would dragonpunch through my monitor if that ever happened to me. Thanks for a warning, my monitor owes you a live. Looks like a bug tho, because skill description says about 'harmful spells'.
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« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2025, 06:04:58 pm »

Dwarven set from Thorbardin is still bad.

Is there a reason why this set is so bad?

Not enough hands to fix all the items. Not enough reports to list all the bad items that need a fix.
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Frack off?

« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2025, 06:59:37 pm »

Dwarven set from Thorbardin is still bad.

Is there a reason why this set is so bad?

Not enough hands to fix all the items. Not enough reports to list all the bad items that need a fix.

Understood; thanks! As I encounter items that are difficult to obtain but underwhelming, I'll start a thread under IDEA for item improvements.

Just say no!.
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