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Author Topic: Last Travel with Lord Zerthan  (Read 4386 times)
Your bane, your curse

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Posts: 1291

« on: December 08, 2005, 12:18:11 am »

I have never post any logs about Zerthan and Kamilla. But now I have dried my tears and snivel and want to show you this log.

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
                 Guarmel the male human
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf
                 Muarah the male dwarf
                 Asherosthar the male dark elf, Apprentice of the Tower
                 Kenjori the male wild elf
                 Erithnial the male human
You tell Zerthan 'Greetings, Lord. How are you?'
Zerthan tells you 'Hello, Kamilla. Feel myself pretty nice..'
You tell Zerthan 'Pity, I havent seen you for so long time. Only Tower is all around.'
Zerthan tells you 'hope they will be glad to hear that Takhisis called me to the Abyss..'
Zerthan tells you 'Seems I' m done here.. on Krynn. Really dont know what exactly She meant, but I'm leaving and its true'
You tell Zerthan 'I dont want them to be glad. How could Queen make such mistake?'
Zerthan tells you 'lets meet somewhere?'
You suddenly feel heavier as a blood red rose pops into your inventory!
You tell Zerthan 'Near your Keep?'
Zerthan tells you 'I' m in Palanthas now'

c 'word of recall'
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
A dark temple within the city

[Exits: north]
     A small stone fountain gushes forth here.
     A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
(Dark Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here, fighting the healer.
(White Aura) The healer is here, fighting Zerthan.

Zerthan's amulet of the Dragonkind become covered in burning flames.
The healer is unaffected by Zerthan's flamestrike!
The healer's divine power injures Zerthan.
The healer's kick decimates Zerthan.

Zerthan's chromatic armor crackles and blue lightning streaks forth!
The healer is unaffected by Zerthan's fork lightning!
Zerthan's amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost.
Zerthan throws forth a shard of sharp ice at the healer!
The healer is unaffected by Zerthan's icelance!
Zerthan's golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light.
The healer is unaffected by Zerthan's divine power!
The healer's divine power injures Zerthan.
The healer's kick decimates Zerthan.

Zerthan gallantly tips his hat.

Zerthan's chromatic armor crackles and blue lightning streaks forth!
The healer is unaffected by Zerthan's fork lightning!
The healer's divine power injures Zerthan.
The healer's kick decimates Zerthan.

You curtsey to him.

The healer's divine power injures Zerthan.
You recite a sweet mystical verse.
Zerthan is surrounded by a white aura.

Zerthan beckons for everyone to follow.

The healer is unaffected by Zerthan's act of cruelty!
The chiming of bells echo in the night as midnight passes.
You feel weaker.

You now follow Zerthan.

The healer is unaffected by Zerthan's act of cruelty!
The healer's divine power injures Zerthan.

Zerthan has turned around, trying to escape!
Zerthan leaves north.
You follow Zerthan.
In a dark, cold alley

[Exits: south west]
(Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.

You join Zerthan's group.

Zerthan leaves west.
You follow Zerthan.
In a dark narrow alley

[Exits: east west]
( 2) You see a metal helmet here.
( 2) A plain steel sword is lying here.
( 2) (Glowing) A war banner has been left here.
(Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.

Zerthan leaves west.
You follow Zerthan.
A darkly lit street named 'South road'

[Exits: north east south west]
(Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.
A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates.
A well dressed lady walks purposefully past without a moment's glance.

You recite a sweet mystical tune.
Zerthan's feet rise off the ground.
A Palanthas lady peers around for something.
A Palanthas lady says, 'Where has that boy gone to now, I could kill him sometimes!'

Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
With a puff of smoke Zerthan's body suddenly seems larger.

A darkly lit street named 'South road'
  You are standing upon a dusty street paved with dark cobblestones. A few
scattered torches flicker in the shadows and provide minimal light to see
by. The road continues north and south, while to the east is a dark alley
and west is the city pet shop.

[Exits: north east south west]
(Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.
A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates.
A well dressed lady walks purposefully past without a moment's glance.

Zerthan leaves north.
You follow Zerthan.
Palanthas market square

[Exits: north east south west]
     A plain steel sword is lying here.
     (Glowing) A war banner has been left here.
(Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.

You sigh sorrowfully and say, 'I dont like this place.'

Zerthan tells the group 'where you want to travel as last travel with me?'

You sigh.

Zerthan clenches his fist and draws magic into him, growling, 'Shanto rlerthasdal cilth hansoi.'
Shadows gather protectively about Zerthan.

You shrug.

You say, 'Is it long travel or short?'

Zerthan shrugs helplessly.

Grinning evilly, Zerthan says, 'Not so long.'

Zerthan smirks.

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'Strange feeling.. I' m loosing my power.. my strenght.'

You say, 'Lets go to Dargaard?'

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

Zerthan nods at you in agreement.

***Travel to Dargaard***

Zerthan leaves up.
You follow Zerthan.
Before the Great Hall

[Exits: down]
(Invis) (Translucent) (Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is

A long-dead man arrayed in the armor of a black knight stands motionless.

You say, 'I have seen large chest on the Tower, on the very high.'

Zerthan looks at the Deathknight Malaclypse.

l 3.
This long-dead man is huge, is a deathknight. An outcast corrupted
long ago by the black magics, corrupted by the urge for power and
complete control of the world at large. Malaclypse was his name then
and it remains his name still now. He is huge, carrying an pitch-black
shortsword and a shield emblazoned with a dying phoenix. His searingly
red eyes pierce into you, hungry to devour your soul as well.
The Deathknight Malaclypse is in perfect condition.

The Deathknight Malaclypse is using:
<worn on finger>    (Glowing) a ruby ring streaked with adamantite
<worn as shield>    a tower shield of black onyx
<wielded>           a longsword wrapped in black flame

Zerthan roars wickedly, 'Yep.'

Zerthan draws upon his magic, uttering in a deep tone, 'Hanme arith meiros er.'

Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
Zerthan is surrounded by a force shield.

You recite a sweet mystical verse.
Zerthan is protected by your magic.
The air around Zerthan becomes a strongly shimmering sphere.

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'This chest is holding the Ward.'

You say, 'What is this?'

You say, 'It' s locked by the way.'

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Grishk the male minotaur
                 Guarmel the male human
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf
                 Muarah the male dwarf
                 Kenjori the male wild elf

Players found: 6

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'In pretty old times.. as legends say.. Shoikan Grove was very dangerous place..'

You ponder the question.

You say, 'Is it the ward to walking along Shoikan Groove?'

Before the Great Hall
  You stand before a great set of iron doors, bolted firmly to
the stone wall. Below you lies the impressively grand stairwell.
Cold air flows all about you, mist rising from the floor only to
melt again in the frigid air. Here especially is the atmosphere
fearful and evil, here it is cold and shivering. And out of the
shadows, a pair of eyes watches you, watches your every move,
watches the fear, the cold, the panic in you, in your soul. Your
limbs grow stiff and your entire body is caught in spasms of quaking
of cold. There is but a single torch above the doorway to the east,
causing shadows to flicker about uncontrollably.

[Exits: down]
(Invis) (Translucent) (Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.
A long-dead man arrayed in the armor of a black knight stands motionless.

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan roars, 'But not only dangerous.. dark magic envelops this place.'

Zerthan nods at you in agreement.

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'Everyone who is trying to enter there.'

The doomsayer yells, 'Beware your doom is coming!'

Zerthan rolls his eyes, disgusted.

You chuckle politely.

Lord Soth yells, 'You will be mine, body and soul!'

Zerthan leaves east.
You follow Zerthan.
Before Lord Soth's Black Throne

[Exits: west]
     A black chest bolted with steel sits beside the throne.
     A throne of flame-blasted black stone towers in the center of the hall.
(Invis) (Translucent) (Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.

Zerthan sits on the black throne of Lord Soth.

You wink suggestively at Zerthan.

Zerthan nods at you in agreement.

You say happily, 'You look good.'

exa che
The chest is made of oak, stained black and reinforced with steel.It is closed.

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'Yea..'

op che
It's locked.

The doomsayer yells, 'Beware your doom is coming!'
The doomsayer yells, 'They must be stopped at all cost!'

Zerthan smirks.

Before Lord Soth's Black Throne
  Raised up on a platform is a black throne that seems to be the focal point
of the room, the focal point for all the undead legions controlled by the
fallen knight that could not overcome his base selfishness in Krynn's hour
of need. The fog is too thick to breathe, too thick to even think. Some
sort of base survival instinct is in the very air, controlling what you
think and feel at this moment in time. Nothing here can change the feeling
in the Keep, nothing here can match the sheer terror and evil that radiates
from the black throne of Lord Soth.

[Exits: west]
     A black chest bolted with steel sits beside the throne.
     A throne of flame-blasted black stone towers in the center of the hall.
(Invis) (Translucent) (Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is sitting on the black throne of Lord Soth.

Zerthan smiles happily.

Zerthan stands up.

You sigh.

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'So.'

Zerthan says wickedly, 'Do you have a wish?'

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Olaf the male elf
                 Guarmel the male human
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf
                 Muarah the male dwarf
                 Kenjori the male wild elf

You say, 'Aye, to see Reyss'  blood near my feet.'

The doomsayer yells, 'Beware your doom is coming!'
The doomsayer yells, 'The drow are preparing to invade this great land!'

You wink suggestively at Zerthan.

Zerthan smiles happily.

You say, 'But seems, you dont have much time.'

Zerthan nods sagely.

Zerthan draws upon his magic, uttering in a deep tone, 'Shanto rlerthasdal cilth hansoi.'
Shadows gather protectively about Zerthan.

You say, 'I have a deal with Griyam, can you imagine?'

Zerthan shrugs helplessly.

The doomsayer yells, 'The drow are preparing to invade this great land!'
Lord Soth yells, 'You will be mine, body and soul!'

You say, 'Now he is seeking for Manual for you.'

You smile happily.

Before Lord Soth's Black Throne
  Raised up on a platform is a black throne that seems to be the focal point
of the room, the focal point for all the undead legions controlled by the
fallen knight that could not overcome his base selfishness in Krynn's hour
of need. The fog is too thick to breathe, too thick to even think. Some
sort of base survival instinct is in the very air, controlling what you
think and feel at this moment in time. Nothing here can change the feeling
in the Keep, nothing here can match the sheer terror and evil that radiates
from the black throne of Lord Soth.

[Exits: west]
     A black chest bolted with steel sits beside the throne.
     A throne of flame-blasted black stone towers in the center of the hall.
(Invis) (Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.

You sit on the black throne of Lord Soth.

You lick your mouth and smile.

Zerthan smiles happily.

Your cheeks are burning.

You stand up.

You say, 'We can travel to Silvanost? Or any place you like to be in.'

Zerthan shrugs helplessly.

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'I was everywhere.. your wish..'

Zerthan smiles happily.

Zerthan clenches his fist and draws magic into him, growling, 'Riel ralithes meiros.'

Grinning evilly, Zerthan says, 'Silvanost?'

You grin evilly.

You say, 'Have you ever been to Netherworld?'

Zerthan grins evilly.

You laugh joyously.
Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan roars, 'Nay.. but we cant travel there.'

You say, 'I know, dont be angry.'

***Travelling to Silvanost***

The misty forest

[Exits: north up]
(Invis) (Translucent) (Dark Aura) (White Aura) (Shadowed) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.
An elf dressed in chain mail stands guard over the path.

<1320/1320hp 1002/1121mn 186/373mv $2644,102 TNL:0 Exits:NU>
Zerthan makes an attempt to cleave an elven guard in half.
Zerthan fades into existence.
Zerthan's cleave MASSACRES an elven guard!

<1320/1320hp 1007/1121mn 186/373mv $2644,102 TNL:0 Exits:NU>
Zerthan's armor flares up and fire explodes out in a flaming ring!
Zerthan's flaming wave *** DEVASTATES *** an elven guard!
Zerthan's act of cruelty MANGLES an elven guard!
Zerthan's blow ruptures critical arteries and blood explodes around an elven guard!
Zerthan's magnificient axe named 'Honor's Face' glows fierce red.
Zerthan's divine power === OBLITERATES === an elven guard!
Zerthan's flaming bite DISMEMBERS an elven guard!
Zerthan's divine power MASSACRES an elven guard!
You fade into existence.
Your blast of light misses an elven guard.
Your blast of light decimates an elven guard.
Your blast of light decimates an elven guard.
Zerthan's phantasmal armor deflects an elven guard's slash.
An elven guard is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1320/1320hp 1015/1121mn 186/373mv $2644,102 TNL:0 Exits:NU>
< T: Zerthan TC: perfect condition E: an elven guard EC: bleeding wounds > c soften
You recite a sweet mystical verse.
An elven guard looks more vulnerable.
An elven guard is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1320/1320hp 985/1121mn 186/373mv $2644,102 TNL:0 Exits:NU>
< T: Zerthan TC: perfect condition E: an elven guard EC: bleeding wounds >
Zerthan's golden leaf pendant glows with soft blue light.
Zerthan's act of cruelty *** DEVASTATES *** an elven guard!
Zerthan's blow ruptures critical arteries and blood explodes around an elven guard!
Zerthan's divine power MANGLES an elven guard!
Zerthan's flaming bite MASSACRES an elven guard!
Zerthan's divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** an elven guard!
Your blast of light devastates an elven guard!
Your blast of light decimates an elven guard.
Zerthan's phantasmal armor deflects an elven guard's slash.
An elven guard is gushing blood.

<1320/1320hp 988/1121mn 186/373mv $2644,102 TNL:0 Exits:NU>
< T: Zerthan TC: perfect condition E: an elven guard EC: gushing blood >
You feel solid again.
An elven guard is gushing blood.

<1320/1320hp 1033/1121mn 256/373mv $2644,102 TNL:0 Exits:NU>
< T: Zerthan TC: perfect condition E: an elven guard EC: gushing blood >
c haste zerthan
An elven guard is gushing blood.

<1320/1320hp 1033/1121mn 256/373mv $2644,102 TNL:0 Exits:NU>
< T: Zerthan TC: perfect condition E: an elven guard EC: gushing blood > You raise your voice into an ancient incantation.
Zerthan is moving more quickly.
Zerthan's armor flares up and the air around him becomes deathly cold.
Zerthan's deathly cold air *** DEMOLISHES *** an elven guard!
Zerthan's divine power MASSACRES an elven guard!
Zerthan's divine power MASSACRES an elven guard!
Zerthan's divine power MASSACRES an elven guard!
Your blast of light decimates an elven guard.
Your blast of light devastates an elven guard!
An elven guard is writhing in agony.

<1320/1320hp 1006/1121mn 256/373mv $2644,102 TNL:0 Exits:NU>
< T: Zerthan TC: perfect condition E: an elven guard EC: writhing >
Zerthan's amulet of the Dragonkind becomes covered in deadly frost.
Zerthan throws forth a shard of sharp ice at an elven guard!
Zerthan's icelance MANGLES an elven guard!
Zerthan's divine power MANGLES an elven guard!
Zerthan's flaming bite MASSACRES an elven guard!
An elven guard is burned by a huge axe named 'Rebel Heart'.
An elven guard is blinded by smoke!
Zerthan's divine power MANGLES an elven guard!
get book corpse
You earn 1 experience points.
An elven guard's guts spills out in a steaming pile of bloody entrails.

Tunnels under the forest

[Exits: east west]
     The torn remains of a nightmare are here on a cross.
     A steaming pile of a nightmare's entrails is lying here.
(Charmed) (White Aura) A young red dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Dark Aura) (White Aura) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.

Grinning evilly, Zerthan says, 'Nailed nightmare.'

The white aura around Zerthan's body fades.
Zerthan shivers and suffers.
Zerthan's poison decimates him.
You stop gripping your weapon so firmly.
You return to normal size.

You say, 'Slow you?'

Zerthan shrugs helplessly.

Zerthan smiles happily.

You poke him in the ribs.

You say, 'Seems you dont want anything.'

You say, 'Lord what are you thinking about?'

Zerthan stands up.

Tunnels under the forest
  These tunnels serve as a means of travel for the elves and safety. They
can blend in almost anywhere here since there are leaves everywhere
from the forest above and there are large branches laying that were drug down here so the elves will have some reminders of their people and the forest they were so proud of.

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) (White Aura) A young red dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (Dark Aura) (White Aura) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'About time I spent in this World..'

You say, 'And what exactly do you think?'

You say, 'It was useful?'

Zerthan shrugs helplessly.

Zerthan says wickedly, 'I bet yes..'

You smile happily.

You say, 'I' m sure - yes.'

You say, 'I doubt anybody will smile knowing about your leaving..'

Zerthan smiles at you.

Zerthan says wickedly, 'Do you want any items from me as the memory?'

Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

You shrug.

Zerthan looks at you.

Zerthan nods.

You say, 'Only if you want yourself.'

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'Let this aura now cover you as protection from me.'

Zerthan grins evilly.

Zerthan gives you a chromatic dragonscale helmet.

You hug him.

The white aura around Zerthan's body fades.
You are thirsty.

Zerthan nods at you in agreement.

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

Zerthan says wickedly, 'The memory about the dragons which are following us in our travels.'

Zerthan gives you the Amulet of the Dragonkind.

You say, 'If you' d ever know how I dont want you to leave.'

Zerthan smiles at you.

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'Wear it and do not remove.'

You say, 'Only one hope is with me - that we will meet somewhere else.'

Zerthan roars wickedly, 'Use that pendant as the memory about the hordes of elven weaklings I smashed down.'

In a merry voice, you say, 'They will remember your power too.'

Zerthan looks at you.

You say, 'May I have any hope that I will se you some day again here?'

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'Not sure, Kamilla.. its all up to my Queen..'

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'And this girdle.. as the memory about our fearless travels in many dangerous places.'

You say, 'Yeap, you have shown me the whole World.'

You say, 'I will pray her then.'

You say, 'Every day and every night.'

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'Seems I finished here my mortal way and I can only guess which Army I' ll lead now in the Abyss.'

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Grissom the male human, Grandmaster of Solamnic Knights
                 Bjo the male gnome
                 Duncon the male kender
                 Shuai the female elf
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf
                 Muarah the male dwarf

You say, 'When I will finished my mortal way, we will meet it Abyss for sure, Lord.'

Zerthan is surrounded by a white aura.

Zerthan gives you a dark brown cloak of finest elven silk.

You hug him.

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan roars, 'And this cloak is just a present for me.. wear it when you want to be in safety..'

You say, 'Anyway you' re most powerful even now.'

Zerthan glances at you.

Zerthan smiles happily.

You say, 'Your careness about me during all my life - it' s the most lavish present for me, Zerthan.'

Zerthan smiles happily.

Zerthan pats you on your head.

You say, 'It' s true.'

Zerthan sighs.

Zerthan draws upon his magic, uttering in a deep tone, 'Hanme arith meiros er.'

You say, 'I never! tell you any lie.'

Zerthan smiles happily.

Standing before you is a huge mountain of a man, his exceptionally large and muscular neck has thick veins protruding from beneath his fur.  His head is in the shape of a bull, two long horns curve outwards and upwards from his head they resemble the color of midnight obsidian, a small speck of dark brown color can be detected at the very tip of each.  His black eyes pierce through the air giving him an angered prescense, it's evident he is full of much rage when you look at him.  His shoulders are twice, almost three times as wide as any human that walks through Krynn.  Large veins run down his shoulders and bicep, and they join a network of large veins on his forearm.  He clasps the hilt of his weapon tightly.  He stands in stone, rigid silence as he peers around himself,
his chest heaves as he draws in the air around him, powerful muscles ripple and tighten as he scratches his chin in thought. His soldier-like stance and aura provide a fearful combination of deadly skill and pure brute force, as he generally can be seen holding a large axe, or a two-handed sword, holding it in one hand and swinging it with a skill that could have only come from years and years of training in real combat battles and situations.  Yet, with all this supposed combat experience, he lacks the scars of a warrior who has seen half the battles that this Minotaur Knight has.  Often it is said that the best warriors are the ones with no marks upon their body.  His fur is auburn tinted
and it covers his entire body in a sheen coat, his body, fur, and weapons are all well taken care of.  It is obvious that this minotaur is not like many of his brethren, who charge headfirst into battle and hope they land the hardest hit.  At a last glance, you size him up, he seems to stand at least a head and a half taller than even very tall humans.
Zerthan is covered in bleeding wounds.

Zerthan is using:
<worn on finger>    (Invis) (Glowing) a hollow crystal ring
<worn on finger>    (Invis) (Glowing) a hollow crystal ring
<worn on legs>      some leggings of red platemail
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of nightmares
<worn around wrist> bracelet engraved with strange symbols
<wielded>           (Glowing) the magnificent axe named 'Honor's Face'
<dual wielded>      (Darkened) a phoenix-hilted broadsword

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'I still cant beleave that I' m leaving..'

Zerthan sighs.

You say, 'Neither am I..'

You say, 'Leave one little hope for you to return?'

The white aura around Zerthan's body fades.

You say, 'Dont remove your soul, Lord.'

Zerthan nods at you in agreement.
You say, 'I hope you understand what I mean.'

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'Maybe time will come and I' ll return for a little time just to meet you and speak with you..'

You dazzle Zerthan with your smile.

You say, 'Thank you for these words.'

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'And crystal ring is a present from one mighty elven king.. I think it will be usefull for you.'

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

You say, 'I dont know his name.'

You say, 'But I know your name, it' s enough for me.'

Zerthan smiles at you.

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Olaf the male elf
                 Ziganha the male dwarf
            (PK) Grissom the male human, Grandmaster of Solamnic Knights
                 Bjo the male gnome
                 Duncon the male kender
                 Shuai the female elf
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf

Players found: 8

Grinning evilly, Zerthan says, 'Well.. now I can leave at least..'

Zerthan stops dual wielding a phoenix-hilted broadsword.

Zerthan dual wields a huge axe named 'Rebel Heart' .

You say, 'I think even Grisson will frown at your leaving..'

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'My weapon will follow with me to the Abyss, I dont want to do this step with bare hands.'

Zerthan grins evilly.

You smile at him.

You say, 'Wise thought.'

Zerthan nods at you in agreement.

You say, 'Nobody knows what you will meet there.'

Tunnels under the forest
  These tunnels serve as a means of travel for the elves and safety. They
can blend in almost anywhere here since there are leaves everywhere
from the forest above and there are large branches laying that were drug
down here so the elves will have some reminders of their people and the
forest they were so proud of.

[Exits: north east west]
     (Glowing) Black beetle lies here, absorbing the light.
     This sword drips saliva that sizzles when it touches anything.
     A collar covered with blood and gore lies here.
An elven warrior left to guard the retreat of the rest of the Silvanesti waits here in ambush.
(Charmed) A young red dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Invis) (White Aura) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.

Zerthan says wickedly, 'Thats true..'

You say, 'May I lead you to the Keep?'

Zerthan smiles happily.

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'With pleasure.'

Zerthan bows deeply.

You curtsey to him.

Zerthan rolls his eyes, disgusted.

Zerthan smiles happily.

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'Send us home before.'

Zerthan smiles happily.

You intone an ancient mystical chant.
Zerthan disappears.

You intone an ancient mystical chant.
A dark temple within the city

[Exits: north]
     A small stone fountain gushes forth here.
     A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
(Invis) (White Aura) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.
(White Aura) A healer is here giving sermons for the Dark Queen.
The white aura around Zerthan's body fades.

You beckon for Zerthan to follow - sure hope they do!

Players near you:
(PK) Zerthan    A dark temple within the city
(PK) Kamilla    A dark temple within the city

Zerthan fills a brown leather gourd with water from a stone fountain.

Zerthan now follows you.

In a dark, cold alley

[Exits: south west]
A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates.
Zerthan has arrived.

A turn in the hills

[Exits: east south]
Zerthan has arrived.

You say, 'I' m not so fast as you.'

Zerthan smiles happily.

You say, 'Moreover I dont want to go fast..'

A winding path in the hills

[Exits: north west]
Zerthan has arrived.

Zerthan says wickedly, 'I dont want my last travel will be fast..'

An intersection

[Exits: north south west]
Zerthan has arrived.

You nod agreeably at Zerthan.

The sun slowly disappears in the west.

The upper hills

[Exits: north south]
Zerthan has arrived.

Before a towering stone dragon

[Exits: north south]
A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
Zerthan has arrived.
A savage, small black dragon says, 'Hail, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis.'

Zerthan bows deeply.

You overwhelm Zerthan with a great, big, hulking bearhug.

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'Many years that was my home..'

Zerthan sighs.

Zerthan stands at attention and salutes a savage, small black dragon perfectly.
A savage, small black dragon stands at attention and salutes Zerthan perfectly.

You say, 'It will stay as your home.'

You say, 'Waiting for your return, Lord.'

You say, 'And I will always stay somewhere near.'

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
                 Kenjori the male wild elf
                 Zeeloth the male minotaur
            (PK) Olaf the male elf
            (PK) Grissom the male human, Grandmaster of Solamnic Knights
                 Bjo the male gnome
                 Duncon the male kender
                 Shuai the female elf
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf

Players found: 9

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

Crowing with evil glee, Zerthan says, 'I doubt.. I wish to leave mortal ranks of the Army to not let stop the mortal way of my Queen..'

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

Zerthan says wickedly, 'But here is one problem..'

You say, 'You may refuse your post at least, but stay on rank list.'

With an unpleasant smirk, Zerthan says, 'Well.. let it be so..'

You smile at him.

You say, 'Glad to hear that.'

You say, 'I ask only one.'

Zerthan grins evilly.

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
                 Kenjori the male wild elf
                 Zeeloth the male minotaur
            (PK) Olaf the male elf
                 Bjo the male gnome
                 Duncon the male kender
                 Shuai the female elf
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Knight of the Lily
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf

Players found: 8

You say, 'Write a note to everybody you consider as friends.'

Before a towering stone dragon
  You stand before a lifelike monument of a dragon carved from solid black
granite. To the north the sounds of soft chanting can be heard, and the
acrid smell of burning flesh and blood fills the air.

[Exits: north south]
(Invis) Zerthan the male minotaur is here.
A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.

You chant a sweet melodious line.
Zerthan is surrounded by a white aura.

You recite a sweet mystical tune.
A savage, small black dragon is surrounded by a white aura.

You bow before him.

Zerthan nods at you in agreement.

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
                 Kenjori the male wild elf
                 Zeeloth the male minotaur
            (PK) Olaf the male elf
                 Bjo the male gnome
                 Duncon the male kender
                 Shuai the female elf
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Knight of the Lily
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf

Players found: 8

Players near you:
(PK) Zerthan    Before a towering stone dragon
(PK) Kamilla    Before a towering stone dragon

Grinning evilly, Zerthan roars, 'I will..'

You say, 'I think they worth it.'

You say, 'I will pray to Queen asking her to bless your path.'

You say, 'Any path you will choose.'

Grinning evilly, Zerthan says, 'Well.. I wish you luck, Kamilla.. be strong and do not forget old times.. The memory is the holy thing.'

Zerthan bows before you.

You say, 'I will not forget, Lord Zerthan.'

You bow before him.

Zerthan smiles at you.

Zerthan waves happily.

Zerthan leaves north.
You follow Zerthan.
A savage, small black dragon moves to block the passage north

Players near you:
(PK) Zerthan    The Hall of the Dragonhighlords
(PK) Kamilla    Before a towering stone dragon

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Griyam the male dark elf, the Dragonslayer, Hound of the Prince
                 Kenjori the male wild elf
                 Zeeloth the male minotaur
            (PK) Olaf the male elf
                 Bjo the male gnome
                 Duncon the male kender
                 Shuai the female elf
            (PK) Zerthan the male minotaur, Knight of the Lily
            (PK) Kamilla the female dark elf

Players found: 9

The White-robe's laboratory

[Exits: down]
A guard is here walking the battlements.
(White Aura) Your guildmaster stands here.

Garent the butcher yells, 'Freshly cut meats, get ya meats here!'

Saving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving.

A blacksmith yells, 'Best blades made here, buy ye blades here!'

The realm will await your return.
A young snow pegasus stops following you.
Zerthan stops following you.
You feel less attuned to the powers of magic.
A glow around your band blazes and gone.

Dont want to say anything. He already knows everything I think about him.

Farewell, Lord.

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