Now that 2nd and 3rd cicle Toughness and Mob are history (

) it is interestin' to discuss which feats are nice for each class... since they were main/only feat choice for... every class.

By the way... solace main site needs updating.

One particular feat that I expect will see more action, depending of the class of course, is bloodline.
And mages will finally start takin' spellcastin' feats!
1st cicle toughness... I don't know if it is much worth it... 2hit points per lvl? bleh...
for casters... you prefer 70hp or 2 in each saves (arcane defense)? Balance I am quite sure is way more worth it for who doesn't have recovery.
Here's my suggestion on some classes:
Rangers -1st: lightning reflexes/ balance/ toughness/ hide tracks;
-2nd: blind-fighting/ forester/ spell defense
-3rd: uncanny dodge(dex race)/ animal companion/ forester/ spell defense
As in ranger newbie guide, its preferable to concentrate on one thing
-anti-magic dude: something/spell defense/spell defense
Alteration transmuters -1st: balance/toughness/spell penetration
-2nd: spell penetration
-3rd: combat casting/ WoG
Also best to concentrate: Toughness/something/ WoG
But i think... from my experience with Gellen, I would try something totally different then he was: spell penetration/ spell penetration/ Combat casting.
So many times I wished I could cast polymorph other in combat...
OutcastNow that people will have little life... I think outcasts will have a good rating again.
And to take advantage of this: 2xCritical Hit I personally think is best option... or blind-fight as second feat.
Or maybe you plannin' a anti solamnic knight outcast of takhisis and get everything Bloodline divine (solamnic inner delivers divine damage afterall) and wham! 65% resistance divine and wrath is no good against you.
Also... lots of amazing weapons do divine type damage... so it will be very nice... forcing people to use their secondary weapons in battle against you.
Well... i'll shut up for now...

PS: please don't call me stupid.