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Author Topic: Amazing roleplay example! *giggle*  (Read 26542 times)
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« Reply #40 on: April 24, 2008, 02:38:04 pm »

Huh?  Grin Grin Grin
Like 'you destroy main kulichik!' 'yours vederko is quadrant.. that's wrong!'
* ezus looking through the window to yours pesochnica preparing to make a sh*t.

Red-white destiny.
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« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2008, 03:46:58 pm »


and yes, Hren!
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« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2008, 04:35:07 pm »

For all of theese i just wana say "Bring Chemosh back!" Then i started playin this mud i like its hard rules, was even "denied" couple of times, but still playin. The harder game, the more it become interesting! More RP enforcment, if you are good aligned elf clanned elf you MUST KNOW that none of neutral elves will never give you their items for free, so request was just a provoke, no matter how it described. It's just a greed for eq nothing more nothing less. Surely if i my character be able to get it, I will try to make a lawful trick to do so, but not so puny "Forum RP" like this. Also in old days there were a lot of Shrine followers, gods just choosed ones from crowd and gave them power if feel them worthy to bring their sing upon this land. I see none in nova days. No cult of Dead, no Silvanost team also, just bunch of people who thirst for power(through items of through joinin a clan) and next phase after they got some power they began to seek for blood, no matter which kind of... pity...

So i've heard the warning, curse my name...no regret.
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« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2008, 04:49:47 pm »

Agreed Od1n.

it s game about shinies, what else? there is no any reward i can get. So i seek for shinies. If it will be another reward - i will seek it.

It s simple - theory of motivation.

//about neutral elves - it s problem of game mechanics i think. if it s really neutral it should nt attack. just calmly tell those who ask - sorry, i cant give it for free, i need it myself. But it attacks instead of it.

you can call it abuse, but we all abuse our powers and abilities. some abuse weapon specs to load uber shinies at low levers, other abuse fight-mechanic, etc. we all abuse untill it strictly not forbidden.

let immortals send a scroll - that using request to neutral - abuse, and i will stop.

some times ago, someone adviced such method - request as role-play way to fight neutral if you are good. so i use good advice.

about punishment of Chemosh.

as i can recall, you being clanned offer person of other clan to group and grow together through non clanned person, as way to avoid clan rules. i think it s wrong too.
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« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2008, 04:51:44 pm »


Chemosh isn't a toy to bring him back, you're talking like a kid. Enough maybe?
Past days people themselves made Silvanesti! People! Bring them back, Od1n!
Past days people did a lot to enter shrines, now they do _almost_ nothing (exept 1-2 men).

Now you are not denied because YOU HAVE BEEN CHANGED!
Now others get their deny, do not worry. Ask Khein for example.
And all the time there were people who seek only for shmotkas and power.
And there are and were people who play because of other reasons, everyone try to find their own pleasure in game.
If dehucka doesn't see or need anything exept shinies - let it be. If you do not like it, kill him and get all his gears.
All the time. What damn a hysteric here?
« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 04:53:52 pm by Nierth » Logged
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« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2008, 04:57:54 pm »

oD1n, what a "not wise" point of view!?
When Lirion (elf) was in Guardians and Invoker (elf) was in Warders they fight and kill without asking to "Bring Chemosh back!". In books of Dragonlance much examples when goods fight goods. And so on. Its a realms and its must be free. Its not a jail where you cant make a step and not broke a pack of rules. Repeat again - its a rest but not a work. In realms some good and neutral agressive creatures and no one ask to remove it.
So oD1n, when you cant kill player in realms you start write on forum - lets do it, lets do it. Its sign of weakness.

"and next phase after they got some power they began to seek for blood, no matter which kind of... pity..."

If you can see there is no classes in game like potter or carpenter, janitor or baker.
You need to find more peaceful games if you fear a blood...

Add To Thion.
Sometimes Assassin name "Janitor". We made this world better.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 05:54:45 pm by Lirion » Logged
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« Reply #46 on: April 24, 2008, 05:17:27 pm »

2 my dear Queen of Solace: Chemosh isn't a toy for me dont say like this, its a symbol of old rules of Solace. Hursh punishment for a mistake and great rewards for a exellent play and now ? No rewards, no punishments... No events... Nothing...
People of solace have changed i agreed about this, many good roleplayers left this realms, but still we have a chance to bring this world on top, just let people see that gods are with them... Give them a quests, make some events not only outer induction in clans and technical fixes of this world. If you gods don't play with us why should we play with them?

2 Lirion: My dear don't take it personal i don't care who you are and who you are playing it's just my opinion of this situation, and about situation you described "don't mix apple with oranges" (c) it's a clanwar. For world free? Bwahaha, feel free to feel free. For my role, i play warrior and fight until i die, not a janitor of a city like you.
2 dehucka: I did many mistakes, for those i have done i will pay, you are not my judge Wink

WBR, [Izh]oD1n

So i've heard the warning, curse my name...no regret.
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« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2008, 05:28:24 pm »

ok, Od1n - dont judge and will not be judged - or such. we elves are nt good at english.

vote for totall clan war. all vs all. no limits.

something like 'War of Chaos' - let s try? old tale...
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« Reply #48 on: April 24, 2008, 05:35:38 pm »

aye.. but guardians will fight only at MS and only with those who got criminaled..  Grin  Grin

what an idiot.. save us Chemosh..  Undecided

For the darkness! Angry
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« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2008, 06:25:15 pm »

"Bring Chemosh back!"

Scary !!!  Shocked

Sounds like Bring Stalin back ! Undecided
« Reply #50 on: April 24, 2008, 07:19:14 pm »

Ask Khein for example.

WTF?! when was i denied? Undecided

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« Reply #51 on: April 24, 2008, 07:40:26 pm »

The old days with Chemosh were the best. i got put in ROD for oocing in a group and all i said was "hey how long you going to be on" and bang i was in ROD for a while. the good old days,
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« Reply #52 on: April 25, 2008, 07:42:45 am »

yeah, and you asked for mask twice.
Once when he didnt have it.
And again, after his ressurection.


such char switching and eq transferring is not good.


nice topic
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