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Author Topic: Starvation sucks  (Read 3222 times)
Hero Member

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« on: January 14, 2006, 01:05:38 pm »

After our knight has fallen to Iwari, Jaslar, Anye and Erhkof once, returning Heretics thier power, Takhisis still had to return thiers. Many skirmishes come before this bit of log, it was huge. So this is the last and successful attempt.

You are hungry.
You feel less righteous.

1195:HP 406:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
[SOLAMNIA] Someone: Both herecy here.

1195:HP 406:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
You are hungry.
Your rage ebbs.

1195:HP 731:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
You are famished!

1195:HP 731:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
[SOLAMNIA] Someone: Strangled wake me.

1195:HP 731:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> wakeYou wake and stand up.

1195:HP 731:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> scan wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(White Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 west ****
(White Aura) Iwari the male dark elf is here.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is sleeping here.
Anye the female human is here, fighting Trundar.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is resting here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here, fighting Anye.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

1195:HP 731:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> wBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'

1195:HP 731:MANA 364:MV 47598:TNL Exits: EW> c 'heal' goramewThey aren't here.

1195:HP 731:MANA 364:MV 47598:TNL Exits: EW> c 'heal' gorame
Trundar has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'
A young bronze dragon has arrived.
The eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
(White Aura) Iwari the male dark elf is here.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) A fox is sleeping here.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

1195:HP 731:MANA 363:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NES>
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.

1195:HP 731:MANA 363:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NES> They aren't here.

1195:HP 731:MANA 363:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NES> e
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.

1195:HP 731:MANA 363:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NES> e
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.

1195:HP 731:MANA 363:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NES> Before a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'

1195:HP 731:MANA 362:MV 47598:TNL Exits: EW> Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.
Faelan the male elf is here.

1195:HP 731:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Trundar's fingers glow with soft blue light!
Faelan is surrounded by a white aura.

1195:HP 731:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 731:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 731:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> c 'heal' faelanYou concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
You feel the deep understanding of life and manage to achieve better effect.
Faelan become surrounded by white healthy glow.

1195:HP 683:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar peers intently west.
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 683:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 683:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> l faelanwhereA derisive chuckle sends you spinning around to face a truly remarkable
figure. Your gaze stop to an elvenkind bearing dark grey clothes. Long
auburn tinted hair woven into strange looking braids fall down till
shoulders. He is not heavily muscled but you see a network of thick veins
protruding from beneath his skin on his forearms. He tall enough and
straight and, at first glance, nothing weighed. Then you understood that
this effect originated from sheerest absence on his body excess meat. Look
like that this person scorched by sun and washed by rain for long time, until
from him remain only the bones, tendon and muscles. His face is shadowed by
the cowl he wears. Deeply planted cold dark-green almond-shaped eyes looking
motionlessly under thick dark eyebrows. A silent look of self confidence
is drawn across his face. His glare of reflectionless eyes draws at your own,
seemingly tearing at your own soul...
Faelan is in perfect condition.

Faelan is using:
<worn on finger>    (Glowing) a ring engraved with a sun
<worn on finger>    (Glowing) a ring engraved with a sun
<worn around neck>  (Shining) a Scarab of Death
<worn around neck>  (Shining) a Scarab of Death
<worn on torso>     a suit of platemail bearing the mark of Solamnia
<worn on head>      a shimmering crown
<worn on legs>      a pair of battleworn fur leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of boots woven from green leaves
<worn on hands>     a pair of ebony gloves
<worn on arms>      a set of ebony sleeves
<worn as shield>    (Glowing) the huge, fur-lined shield of the Redhawks
<worn on body>      (Glowing) (Humming) a red silk aba
<worn on waist>     a dragonrider's girdle
<worn around wrist> (Shining) a bracelet of control
You are famished!
The white aura around your body fades.
Your glowing halo vanishes.

1195:HP 719:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 719:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> Players near you:
Trundar         Southern end of a stone courtyard
(PK) Thulga     Southern end of a stone courtyard
(PK) Faelan     Southern end of a stone courtyard

1195:HP 719:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> 'wherei s gorameYou say, 'Wherei s gorame.'

1195:HP 719:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> c 'crown'You utter a prayer to your deity.
A halo of burning energy appears above your head in the form of a crown.

1195:HP 698:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> c 'sanc'
Trundar leaves west.
A young bronze dragon leaves west.

1195:HP 698:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Faelan says, 'Fox.'

1195:HP 698:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 698:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> affYou utter a prayer to your deity.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> c 'heal' foxYou have the following resistances:
You are resistant against bashing (24%)
You are toughened against piercing (14%)
You are toughened against slashing (16%)
You are toughened against fire attacks (11%)
You are extremely resistant against cold attacks (44%)
You are toughened against electrical attacks (16%)
You are toughened against acidic attacks (12%)
You are toughened against poison (19%)
You are highly resistant against negative energy (34%)
You are slightly toughened against holy attacks (9%)
You are slightly toughened against pure energy attacks (9%)
You are toughened against mental attacks (11%)
You are toughened against diseases (19%)
You are slightly toughened against drowning (9%)
You are slightly toughened against sound (9%)
You are slightly toughened against air and gas attacks (9%)
You are slightly toughened against earth-based attacks (9%)

The following skills and spells are affecting you:

Sanctuary spell is active for 8 hours
Crown of archons spell is active for 10 hours,
   modifying resistance to cold by 25
   modifying resistance to negative by 25
   modifying armor class by -85
Protective shield spell is active for 1 hours
Resist paralysis spell is active for 7 hours
Platinum dragon shield spell is active for 14 hours
Protection spell is active for 14 hours,
   modifying all saves by 3
Fly spell is active for 26 hours
Stone skin spell is active for 16 hours,
   modifying armor class by -40
Clan empower takhisis skill is active permanently,
   modifying all saves by 4
   modifying hit roll by 4
   modifying damage roll by 4
   modifying health by 50

You have a hero resistance bonus of +3%.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> They aren't here.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> l foxYou do not see that here.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> scan wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(White Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 west ****
(White Aura) Faelan the male elf is here, fighting Erhkof.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.
Anye the female human is here.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore stands here, flailing its horrendous tail.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> aff
Trundar has arrived.
A young bronze dragon has arrived.
You have the following resistances:
You are resistant against bashing (24%)
You are toughened against piercing (14%)
You are toughened against slashing (16%)
You are toughened against fire attacks (11%)
You are extremely resistant against cold attacks (44%)
You are toughened against electrical attacks (16%)
You are toughened against acidic attacks (12%)
You are toughened against poison (19%)
You are highly resistant against negative energy (34%)
You are slightly toughened against holy attacks (9%)
You are slightly toughened against pure energy attacks (9%)
You are toughened against mental attacks (11%)
You are toughened against diseases (19%)
You are slightly toughened against drowning (9%)
You are slightly toughened against sound (9%)
You are slightly toughened against air and gas attacks (9%)
You are slightly toughened against earth-based attacks (9%)

The following skills and spells are affecting you:

Sanctuary spell is active for 8 hours
Crown of archons spell is active for 10 hours,
   modifying resistance to cold by 25
   modifying resistance to negative by 25
   modifying armor class by -85
Protective shield spell is active for 1 hours
Resist paralysis spell is active for 7 hours
Platinum dragon shield spell is active for 14 hours
Protection spell is active for 14 hours,
   modifying all saves by 3
Fly spell is active for 26 hours
Stone skin spell is active for 16 hours,
   modifying armor class by -40
Clan empower takhisis skill is active permanently,
   modifying all saves by 4
   modifying hit roll by 4
   modifying damage roll by 4
   modifying health by 50

You have a hero resistance bonus of +3%.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> scan wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(White Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 west ****
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) A fox is here, fighting Anye.
Anye the female human is here, fighting a fox.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar peers intently west.

1195:HP 650:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> wBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'

1195:HP 650:MANA 364:MV 47598:TNL Exits: EW> c 'heal' foxThey aren't here.

1195:HP 650:MANA 364:MV 47598:TNL Exits: EW> w
A fox has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'
A young brass dragon has arrived.

1195:HP 650:MANA 364:MV 47598:TNL Exits: EW> c 'heal' foxThe eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
Anye steps out of the shadows.

1195:HP 650:MANA 363:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NES> They aren't here.

1195:HP 650:MANA 363:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NES> e
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Anye leaves east.

1195:HP 650:MANA 363:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NES> Before a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
Anye the female human is here.
(White Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Well met, Knight of the Crown.'

1195:HP 650:MANA 362:MV 47598:TNL Exits: EW> c 'heal' foxThey aren't here.

1195:HP 650:MANA 362:MV 47598:TNL Exits: EW> ec 'heal' foxSouthern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(White Aura) Faelan the male elf is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> Trundar concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Trundar's fingers glow with soft blue light!
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> They aren't here.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> l foxYou do not see that here.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Trundar's fingers glow with soft blue light!

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> who-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
                 Inyo the male dark elf
 [SOLAMNIA]      Trundar the male dwarf, Knight of the Crown
                 Nekapeth the male draconian
                 Shralar the male dark elf
            (PK) Iwari the male dark elf, Knight of the Thorn
 [SOLAMNIA] (PK) Thulga the male dwarf, Knight of the Crown
 [SOLAMNIA] (PK) Gorame the male human, Knight of the Crown
                 Kasheus the male elf
                 Raema the female wild elf
                 Emeriss the male wild elf
 [SOLAMNIA] (PK) Faelan the male elf, Knight of the Crown

Players found: 11

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> where
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> Players near you:
Trundar         Southern end of a stone courtyard
(PK) Iwari      Before a towering iron portcullis
(PK) Thulga     Southern end of a stone courtyard
(PK) A fox      the Temple
(PK) Faelan     Southern end of a stone courtyard

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> l
[SOLAMNIA] A knight of Solamnia: Intruder! Iwari strikes at the Keep! Est Sularus oth Mithas, to battle!

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(White Aura) Faelan the male elf is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> Trundar peers intently west.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Faelan peers intently west.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> scan w
Trundar peers intently west.
Someone yells, 'Help! Faelan is trying to strangle me!'

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(White Aura) Faelan the male elf is here, fighting Erhkof.
(White Aura) Iwari the male dark elf is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(Hide) Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting Faelan.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting Iwari.

 **** 2 west ****
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar peers intently west.

1195:HP 650:MANA 361:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> affYou have the following resistances:
You are resistant against bashing (24%)
You are toughened against piercing (14%)
You are toughened against slashing (16%)
You are toughened against fire attacks (11%)
You are extremely resistant against cold attacks (44%)
You are toughened against electrical attacks (16%)
You are toughened against acidic attacks (12%)
You are toughened against poison (19%)
You are highly resistant against negative energy (34%)
You are slightly toughened against holy attacks (9%)
You are slightly toughened against pure energy attacks (9%)
You are toughened against mental attacks (11%)
You are toughened against diseases (19%)
You are slightly toughened against drowning (9%)
You are slightly toughened against sound (9%)
You are slightly toughened against air and gas attacks (9%)
You are slightly toughened against earth-based attacks (9%)

The following skills and spells are affecting you:

Sanctuary spell is active for 8 hours
Crown of archons spell is active for 10 hours,
   modifying resistance to cold by 25
   modifying resistance to negative by 25
   modifying armor class by -85
Protective shield spell is active for 1 hours
Resist paralysis spell is active for 7 hours
Platinum dragon shield spell is active for 14 hours
Protection spell is active for 14 hours,
   modifying all saves by 3
Fly spell is active for 26 hours
Stone skin spell is active for 16 hours,
   modifying armor class by -40
Clan empower takhisis skill is active permanently,
   modifying all saves by 4
   modifying hit roll by 4
   modifying damage roll by 4
   modifying health by 50

You have a hero resistance bonus of +3%.
The white aura around Trundar's body fades.
You are famished!

1195:HP 671:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> c 'resist para' You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
You are already resisted against mind and body-affecting powers.

1195:HP 646:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Trundar's fingers glow with soft blue light!
Trundar is surrounded by a white aura.

1195:HP 646:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW>
[SOLAMNIA] Faelan: Damnit.

1195:HP 646:MANA 365:MV 47598:TNL Exits: NW> c 'ble' You utter a prayer to your deity.
You lost your concentration.
You learn from your mistakes, and your bless spell improves.

1195:HP 644:MANA 365:MV 47593:TNL Exits: NW> Trundar peers intently west.

1195:HP 644:MANA 365:MV 47593:TNL Exits: NW>
[SOLAMNIA] Faelan: Jacked.

1195:HP 644:MANA 365:MV 47593:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar peers intently west.

1195:HP 644:MANA 365:MV 47593:TNL Exits: NW> wc 'awake' faelanBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
(White Aura) Faelan the male elf is sleeping here.
(White Aura) A massive turtle of a dark green color gazes about slowly with each step.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
Anye steps out of the shadows.

1195:HP 644:MANA 364:MV 47593:TNL Exits: EW>
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Your resolve against paralysis allows you to negate the attack against you.
You yell, 'Help! Erhkof tried to blackjack me!'
Erhkof's blackjack grazes you.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1191/1195hp 644/731mana 364/365mv 47593tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > You can't concentrate enough.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1191/1195hp 644/731mana 364/365mv 47593tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1191/1195hp 644/731mana 364/365mv 47593tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
Iwari utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Alfirin ebarre alasse ithee.'
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1191/1195hp 644/731mana 364/365mv 47593tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > fle
Erhkof dodges your crush.
Erhkof dodges your crush.
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
You parry Iwari's slice.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1191/1195hp 644/731mana 364/365mv 47593tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > You turn around, trying to escape!
Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

1191:HP 644:MANA 363:MV 47603:TNL Exits: NW> nIn a stone courtyard
  This courtyard is clean and simple, giving a show of humble basics. The
solid stone walls of the keep provide a tranquil, safe atmosphere. The
courtyard continues north and south.

[Exits: north south]
     A white granite fountain has been placed here.

1191:HP 644:MANA 362:MV 47603:TNL Exits: NS> swSouthern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.

1191:HP 644:MANA 361:MV 47603:TNL Exits: NW> Before a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Iwari the male dark elf is here.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
(White Aura) Faelan the male elf is sleeping here.
Anye the female human is here.
(White Aura) A massive turtle of a dark green color gazes about slowly with each step.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.

1191:HP 644:MANA 360:MV 47603:TNL Exits: EW>
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.

1191:HP 644:MANA 360:MV 47603:TNL Exits: EW> c 'awake' faelan
You yell, 'Help! I'm being knifed by Erhkof!'
Erhkof's knifing decimates you.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1162/1195hp 644/731mana 360/365mv 47603tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1162/1195hp 644/731mana 360/365mv 47603tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
Iwari recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Alfirin ebarre alasse ithee.'
Faelan's loses control of his body!
Faelan's body suddenly undergoes a rapid contortion into the form of an armadillo.
You can't concentrate enough.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1162/1195hp 644/731mana 360/365mv 47603tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof dodges your crush.
Erhkof dodges your crush.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof's pierce decimates you.
You parry Erhkof's slice.
You parry Iwari's slice.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1134/1195hp 644/731mana 360/365mv 47603tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > fleYou turn around, trying to escape!
The eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

1134:HP 644:MANA 359:MV 47613:TNL Exits: NES> eBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Iwari the male dark elf is here.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
(White Aura) An armadillo is sleeping here.
Anye the female human is here.
fle(White Aura) A massive turtle of a dark green color gazes about slowly with each step.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
You yell, 'Help! I'm being knifed by Erhkof!'
Erhkof's knifing decimates you.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1107/1195hp 644/731mana 358/365mv 47613tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > You turn around, trying to escape!
Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

1107:HP 644:MANA 357:MV 47623:TNL Exits: NW> fle
Trundar peers intently west.

1107:HP 644:MANA 357:MV 47623:TNL Exits: NW> wc 'awake' faelanYou aren't fighting anyone.

1107:HP 644:MANA 357:MV 47623:TNL Exits: NW> Before a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Iwari the male dark elf is here.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
(White Aura) An armadillo is sleeping here.
Anye the female human is here.
(White Aura) A massive turtle of a dark green color gazes about slowly with each step.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.

1107:HP 644:MANA 356:MV 47623:TNL Exits: EW> They aren't here.

1107:HP 644:MANA 356:MV 47623:TNL Exits: EW>
Iwari raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Alfirin ebarre alasse ithee.'
You yell, 'Help! Iwari is casting a spell on me!'
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
You yell, 'Help! I'm being knifed by Erhkof!'
Erhkof's knifing devastates you.
You shield block Iwari's slice.
You parry Iwari's slice.
Your crush decimates Iwari.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
Iwari has a few scratches.

<1076/1195hp 644/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Iwari EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Iwari has a few scratches.

<1076/1195hp 644/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Iwari EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Iwari's slice misses you.
Iwari's slice injures you.
Iwari blinks away and your crush misses.
Iwari parries your crush.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof rapidly redirects his dagger midway through your parry.
Erhkof's rapid restrike decimates you.
Iwari has a few scratches.

<1039/1195hp 644/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Iwari EC: a few scratches >
< > c 'heal' turtle
Iwari recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Shanto sastten cilth.'
You feel your body going all soft.
Iwari has a few scratches.

<1039/1195hp 644/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Iwari EC: a few scratches >
< > You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
Your open yourself to the light of Mishakal and feel her energy supporting you.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
Iwari has a few scratches.

<1039/1195hp 620/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Iwari EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Iwari has a few scratches.

<1039/1195hp 620/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Iwari EC: a few scratches >
< >
You parry Iwari's slice.
You parry Iwari's slice.
You parry Iwari's slice.
Iwari blinks away and your crush misses.
Your crush decimates Iwari.
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof's pierce devastates you.
Iwari has a few scratches.

<1006/1195hp 620/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Iwari EC: a few scratches >
< > fle
Iwari's eyes flicker with violent rage as his body transmutes into a dreadful manticore!
A dreadful manticore has a few scratches.

<1006/1195hp 620/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: a dreadful manticore EC: a few scratches >
< >
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
The presence of Paladine protects you from a dreadful manticore's tail attack.
The tail strike sends you crashing to the ground!
A dreadful manticore has a few scratches.

<1006/1195hp 620/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: a dreadful manticore EC: a few scratches >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
A dreadful manticore has a few scratches.

<1006/1195hp 620/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: a dreadful manticore EC: a few scratches >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof slices open a vital artery on your body!
Erhkof's bleeding devastates you!
Erhkof's bleeding devastates you!
A dreadful manticore has a few scratches.

<934/1195hp 620/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: a dreadful manticore EC: a few scratches >
< >
A dreadful manticore's claw DISEMBOWELS you!
A dreadful manticore's claw DISEMBOWELS you!
You parry a dreadful manticore's claw.
A dreadful manticore's claw DISMEMBERS you!
A dreadful manticore blinks away and your crush misses.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
You parry Erhkof's slice.
A dreadful manticore has a few scratches.

<757/1195hp 620/731mana 356/365mv 47623tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: a dreadful manticore EC: a few scratches >
< > fleYou turn around, trying to escape!
Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

757:HP 620:MANA 355:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> c 'heal' You aren't fighting anyone.

757:HP 620:MANA 355:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
Your open yourself to the light of Mishakal and feel her energy supporting you.
A deep, warm feeling fills your body.

957:HP 596:MANA 355:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar peers intently west.

957:HP 596:MANA 355:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> aff
You are famished!
Your protective shield fades away.
Your severed artery continues to bleed.
Your bleeding devastates you!

939:HP 616:MANA 365:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> c 'protective shield'
Trundar concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Trundar's fingers glow with soft blue light!
Trundar is surrounded by a protective shield.
You have the following resistances:
You are resistant against bashing (20%)
You are toughened against piercing (10%)
You are toughened against slashing (11%)
You are slightly toughened against fire attacks (8%)
You are extremely resistant against cold attacks (41%)
You are toughened against electrical attacks (13%)
You are slightly toughened against acidic attacks (9%)
You are toughened against poison (16%)
You are highly resistant against negative energy (31%)
You are slightly toughened against holy attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against pure energy attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against mental attacks (8%)
You are toughened against diseases (16%)
You are slightly toughened against drowning (6%)
You are slightly toughened against sound (6%)
You are slightly toughened against air and gas attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against earth-based attacks (6%)

The following skills and spells are affecting you:

Bleed skill is active for 4 hours,
   modifying dexterity by -3
   modifying strength by -3
   modifying constitution by -5
Soften spell is active for 3 hours,
   modifying armor class by 82
Black guard skill is active for 1 hours
Sanctuary spell is active for 6 hours
Crown of archons spell is active for 8 hours,
   modifying resistance to cold by 25
   modifying resistance to negative by 25
   modifying armor class by -85
Resist paralysis spell is active for 5 hours
Platinum dragon shield spell is active for 12 hours
Protection spell is active for 12 hours,
   modifying all saves by 3
Fly spell is active for 24 hours
Stone skin spell is active for 14 hours,
   modifying armor class by -40
Clan empower takhisis skill is active permanently,
   modifying all saves by 4
   modifying hit roll by 4
   modifying damage roll by 4
   modifying health by 50

You have a hero resistance bonus of +3%.

939:HP 616:MANA 365:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
You are surrounded by a protective shield.

939:HP 576:MANA 365:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW>
Trundar peers intently west.

939:HP 576:MANA 365:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> c 'utter'You utter a prayer to your deity.
You feel the deep understanding of life and manage to achieve better effect.
You are no longer bleeding.
A strong, shining white light fills your body.

1195:HP 516:MANA 365:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> Trundar peers intently west.

1195:HP 516:MANA 365:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> scan w
Trundar peers intently west.

1195:HP 516:MANA 365:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(White Aura) Iwari the male dark elf is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(Hide) Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) An armadillo is sleeping here.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting Erhkof.

 **** 2 west ****
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

1195:HP 516:MANA 365:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> wc 'sanc' turtleBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(Hide) Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) An armadillo is sleeping here.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting Erhkof.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.

1195:HP 516:MANA 364:MV 47633:TNL Exits: EW> You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
A hard-shelled turtle is already in sanctuary.

1195:HP 468:MANA 364:MV 47633:TNL Exits: EW>
A dreadful manticore rakes at a hard-shelled turtle with his claws.
A dreadful manticore's raking claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's raking claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Blood covers a hard-shelled turtle's face and gets into his eyes.
Anye steps out of the shadows.

1195:HP 468:MANA 364:MV 47633:TNL Exits: EW> e
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof's pierce mauls a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's slice misses a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.

1195:HP 468:MANA 364:MV 47633:TNL Exits: EW>
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has turned around, trying to escape!

1195:HP 468:MANA 364:MV 47633:TNL Exits: EW> Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.

1195:HP 468:MANA 363:MV 47633:TNL Exits: NW> wBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) An armadillo is sleeping here.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.

1195:HP 468:MANA 362:MV 47633:TNL Exits: EW> c 'heal' turtle
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
You yell, 'Help! I'm being knifed by Erhkof!'
Erhkof's knifing devastates you!
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1159/1195hp 468/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > You utter a prayer to your deity.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1159/1195hp 420/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
A hard-shelled turtle's pound misses a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw misses a hard-shelled turtle.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof dodges your crush.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof's pierce devastates you.
You parry Erhkof's slice.
Erhkof rapidly redirects his dagger midway through your parry.
Erhkof's rapid restrike devastates you!
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1092/1195hp 420/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > c 'heal' turtle
Trundar has arrived.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
A young bronze dragon has arrived.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1092/1195hp 420/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: a few scratches   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack decimates you.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1068/1195hp 420/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Anye grabs hold of Trundar's neck and puts them to sleep.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1068/1195hp 420/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
A hard-shelled turtle's pound misses a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof dodges your crush.
Erhkof dodges your crush.
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof's pierce devastates you!
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1032/1195hp 420/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
You feel the deep understanding of life and manage to achieve better effect.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1032/1195hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof kicks dirt in your eyes!
Erhkof's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1031/1195hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< > fle
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof dodges your crush.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1031/1195hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1031/1195hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
[SOLAMNIA] Trundar: Strangled.
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
The presence of Paladine protects you from a dreadful manticore's tail attack.
The tail strike sends you crashing to the ground!
Erhkof is in perfect condition.

<1031/1195hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: perfect condition >
< >
A dreadful manticore blinks away and a hard-shelled turtle's pound misses.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw misses a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof parries your crush.
Your crush maims Erhkof!
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof rapidly redirects his dagger midway through your parry.
Erhkof's rapid restrike devastates you.
You parry Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<999/1195hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<999/1195hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > fle
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof DISARMS you and sends your weapon flying!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<999/1145hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Erhkof's pierce decimates you.
Erhkof's pierce maims you!
The presence of Paladine protects you from Erhkof's slice.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<933/1145hp 372/731mana 362/365mv 47633tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > You turn around, trying to escape!
Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

933:HP 372:MANA 361:MV 47643:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> You aren't fighting anyone.

933:HP 372:MANA 361:MV 47643:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> w
You are beginning to starve!
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.

956:HP 403:MANA 365:MV 47643:TNL Exits: NW> get all eBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is sleeping here.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) An armadillo is sleeping here.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.

956:HP 403:MANA 364:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW> You see nothing here.

956:HP 403:MANA 364:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW> Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.

956:HP 403:MANA 363:MV 47643:TNL Exits: NW> iYou are carrying:
     a sack made from the skin of Trogmir

956:HP 403:MANA 363:MV 47643:TNL Exits: NW> ct they stole my weapons[SOLAMNIA] Thulga: They stole my weapons.

956:HP 403:MANA 363:MV 47643:TNL Exits: NW> affYou have the following resistances:
You are resistant against bashing (20%)
You are toughened against piercing (11%)
You are toughened against slashing (12%)
You are slightly toughened against fire attacks (8%)
You are extremely resistant against cold attacks (41%)
You are toughened against electrical attacks (13%)
You are slightly toughened against acidic attacks (9%)
You are toughened against poison (16%)
You are highly resistant against negative energy (31%)
You are slightly toughened against holy attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against pure energy attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against mental attacks (8%)
You are toughened against diseases (16%)
You are slightly toughened against drowning (6%)
You are slightly toughened against sound (6%)
You are slightly toughened against air and gas attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against earth-based attacks (6%)

The following skills and spells are affecting you:

Protective shield spell is active for 5 hours
Soften spell is active for 2 hours,
   modifying armor class by 82
Black guard skill is active for 0 hours
Sanctuary spell is active for 5 hours
Crown of archons spell is active for 7 hours,
   modifying resistance to cold by 25
   modifying resistance to negative by 25
   modifying armor class by -85
Resist paralysis spell is active for 4 hours
Platinum dragon shield spell is active for 11 hours
Protection spell is active for 11 hours,
   modifying all saves by 3
Fly spell is active for 23 hours
Stone skin spell is active for 13 hours,
   modifying armor class by -40
Clan empower takhisis skill is active permanently,
   modifying all saves by 4
   modifying hit roll by 4
   modifying damage roll by 4
   modifying health by 50

You have a hero resistance bonus of +3%.

956:HP 403:MANA 363:MV 47643:TNL Exits: NW>
Erhkof yells, 'Help! I am being attacked by an armadillo!'

956:HP 403:MANA 363:MV 47643:TNL Exits: NW> scan wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is sleeping here.
(Hide) Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting Erhkof.
Anye the female human is here.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.

 **** 2 west ****
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

956:HP 403:MANA 363:MV 47643:TNL Exits: NW> wc 'heal' armaBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is sleeping here.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting Erhkof.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.

956:HP 403:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW>
A dreadful manticore rakes at a hard-shelled turtle with his claws.
A dreadful manticore's raking claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's raking claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
An armadillo become surrounded by white healthy glow.

956:HP 355:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW>
Anye steps out of the shadows.

956:HP 355:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW>
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's slice misses a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.

956:HP 355:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW>
Erhkof's bleeding hits an armadillo.
Erhkof's bleeding hits an armadillo.

956:HP 355:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW>
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Anye stalks Trundar with deadly efficiency and closes in for the kill!

956:HP 355:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW> c 'heal' turtle
Anye grabs Trundar and throws him to the ground with stunning force!
Anye's throw decimates Trundar.
Anye takes hold of Trundar and grinds him against the ground.
Anye's ground control decimates Trundar.

956:HP 355:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW> You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
Your open yourself to the light of Mishakal and feel her energy supporting you.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
A young bronze dragon's claw decimates Anye.
A dreadful manticore blinks away and a hard-shelled turtle's pound misses.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Anye is repelled by Trundar's shining sphere and tries to flee.
Anye has turned around, trying to escape!
Anye has turned around, trying to escape!
Anye has turned around, trying to escape!
Anye has turned around, trying to escape!
Anye's claw devastates Trundar!
Erhkof's pierce misses a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's slice decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
An armadillo's pound maims Erhkof!

956:HP 331:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits:

I don't want it back. You can never get rid of the smell, you know. Besides, that dagger was Flint's!
Hero Member

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Posts: 1357

« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2006, 01:11:25 pm »

Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has turned around, trying to escape!

956:HP 331:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW> l turtle
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has turned around, trying to escape!
Erhkof has fled!

956:HP 331:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW>
Trundar has turned around, trying to escape!
Trundar leaves east.
Trundar has fled!

956:HP 331:MANA 362:MV 47643:TNL Exits: EW>
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
You yell, 'Help! I'm being knifed by Erhkof!'
Erhkof's knifing devastates you!
A hard-shelled turtle's pound wounds a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Anye's punch DISEMBOWELS a young bronze dragon!
Anye's punch DISEMBOWELS a young bronze dragon!
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
The presence of Paladine protects you from Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof's slice devastates you!
Erhkof's pierce maims you!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<845/1145hp 331/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
A young bronze dragon has turned around, trying to escape!
A young bronze dragon leaves east.
A young bronze dragon has fled!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<845/1145hp 331/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > c 'heal' turtle
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack decimates you.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<821/1145hp 331/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Erhkof yells, 'Help! I am being attacked by an armadillo!'
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<821/1145hp 331/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > Never would you have imagined a turtle like this, larger than any you have
seen before, with a dangerous maw and a shell that appears thicker than most
plate mail. Its scales are a dark green, while its shell is a few shades
lighter. It moves fast considering its shape and size, and looks difficult
to hurt. Even more disturbing than the physical appearance of this turtle,
is the fact it appears to be much more than a common animal.
A hard-shelled turtle is gushing blood.
Someone spits in utter disgust!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<821/1145hp 331/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > You utter a prayer to your deity.
Your open yourself to the light of Mishakal and feel her energy supporting you.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<821/1145hp 307/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > c 'heal'
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<821/1145hp 307/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
A hard-shelled turtle's pound wounds a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw misses a hard-shelled turtle.
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Erhkof's pierce decimates you.
You shield block Erhkof's slice.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<791/1145hp 307/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof's kicked dirt misses you.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<791/1145hp 307/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
A hard-shelled turtle's pound misses a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Erhkof's pierce maims you!
The presence of Paladine protects you from Erhkof's pierce.
You shield block Erhkof's slice.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<753/1145hp 307/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<753/1145hp 307/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > lYou concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
A deep, warm feeling fills your body.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<953/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<953/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack decimates you.
The tail strike sends you crashing to the ground!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<924/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Your punch misses Erhkof.
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Erhkof's pierce maims you!
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof's pierce devastates you!
An armadillo's pound devastates Erhkof!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<851/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<851/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<851/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > fle
Erhkof looks at a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<851/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Jaslar steps out of the shadows.
Jaslar uncoils a glittering length of razor wire and begins to fashion a noose in the shadows.
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof kicks dirt in your eyes!
Erhkof's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<849/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > c 'heal' Before a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting YOU!
Jaslar the male dark elf is resting here.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting Erhkof.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof parries your punch.
Erhkof dodges your punch.
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof's pierce devastates you!
You shield block Erhkof's slice.
Erhkof's pierce devastates you.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<780/1145hp 259/731mana 362/365mv 47643tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: Thulga TC: bleeding wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > You turn around, trying to escape!
The eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

780:HP 259:MANA 361:MV 47653:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
A deep, warm feeling fills your body.

980:HP 211:MANA 361:MV 47653:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
You are beginning to starve!
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You stop guarding your head so carefully.

1002:HP 228:MANA 365:MV 47653:TNL Exits: NES> ec 'heal' turtleBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
Jaslar the male dark elf is resting here.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.

1002:HP 228:MANA 364:MV 47653:TNL Exits: EW> You utter a prayer to your deity.
Your open yourself to the light of Mishakal and feel her energy supporting you.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
A dreadful manticore blinks away and a hard-shelled turtle's pound misses.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
An armadillo's pound wounds a dreadful manticore.

1002:HP 204:MANA 364:MV 47653:TNL Exits: EW>
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof hits you over the head with a heavy sack.
You yell, 'Help! Erhkof tried to blackjack me!'
Erhkof's blackjack hits you.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<997/1145hp 204/731mana 364/365mv 47653tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > e
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<997/1145hp 204/731mana 364/365mv 47653tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
An armadillo's armored plates toughen and link up about his body.
A hard-shelled turtle's pound injures a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Erhkof dodges your punch.
Erhkof dodges your punch.
You shield block Erhkof's pierce.
Erhkof's pierce maims you!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<959/1145hp 204/731mana 364/365mv 47653tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<959/1145hp 204/731mana 364/365mv 47653tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > No way!  You are still fighting!
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<959/1145hp 204/731mana 364/365mv 47653tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > fle
A dreadful manticore rakes at a hard-shelled turtle with his claws.
A dreadful manticore's raking claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's raking claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Blood covers a hard-shelled turtle's face and gets into his eyes.
Erhkof has a few scratches.

<959/1145hp 204/731mana 364/365mv 47653tnl | EW>
< T: Thulga TC: small wounds   E: Erhkof EC: a few scratches >
< > You turn around, trying to escape!
The eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

959:HP 204:MANA 363:MV 47663:TNL Exits: NES> eBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
Jaslar the male dark elf is resting here.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.

959:HP 204:MANA 362:MV 47663:TNL Exits: EW>
Trundar has arrived.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
A young bronze dragon has arrived.

959:HP 204:MANA 362:MV 47663:TNL Exits: EW> c 'heal' turtle
Jaslar yells, 'Help! Trundar is smashing me!'
Trundar smashes Jaslar with his mace.
Jaslar hastily leaves his preparations for the kill.
Trundar's crushing blow MANGLES Jaslar!
A young bronze dragon's claw decimates Jaslar.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Jaslar is repelled by Trundar's shining sphere and tries to flee.
Jaslar has turned around, trying to escape!
Jaslar has fled!

959:HP 204:MANA 362:MV 47663:TNL Exits: EW> You utter a prayer to your deity.
Your open yourself to the light of Mishakal and feel her energy supporting you.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.

959:HP 180:MANA 362:MV 47663:TNL Exits: EW>
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Anye's bash seems to slide around Trundar.
Anye's bash misses Trundar.

959:HP 180:MANA 362:MV 47663:TNL Exits: EW>
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack decimates you.
The tail strike sends you crashing to the ground!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 180/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > l turtle
A young bronze dragon's claw maims Anye!
A hard-shelled turtle's pound injures a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Your punch grazes a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore dodges your punch.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 180/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Trundar smashes Anye with his mace.
Trundar's crushing blow DISMEMBERS Anye!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 180/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Someone flexes muscles and looks tougher.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 180/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Anye steps out of the shadows.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 180/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > c 'heal' turtle
Trundar's smash MUTILATES Anye!
A hard-shelled turtle's pound injures a dreadful manticore.
A hard-shelled turtle's pound wounds a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Your punch misses a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore dodges your punch.
Anye's eyes burn with cold fury!
Jaslar steps out of the shadows.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 180/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Trundar smashes Anye with his mace.
Trundar's crushing blow MUTILATES Anye!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 180/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > Never would you have imagined a turtle like this, larger than any you have
seen before, with a dangerous maw and a shell that appears thicker than most
plate mail. Its scales are a dark green, while its shell is a few shades
lighter. It moves fast considering its shape and size, and looks difficult
to hurt. Even more disturbing than the physical appearance of this turtle,
is the fact it appears to be much more than a common animal.
A hard-shelled turtle is gushing blood.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 180/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
Erhkof's knifing decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Jaslar's bash seems to slide around Trundar.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<931/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > c 'heal' turtle
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack decimates you.
The tail strike sends you crashing to the ground!
Gorame has arrived.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
A young brass dragon has arrived.
The cross on Trundar's shield glows a bright white.
Trundar's wounds begin to rapidly heal over.
A hard-shelled turtle's pound misses a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore dodges your punch.
A dreadful manticore dodges your punch.
Jaslar's claw devastates Trundar.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's slice decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Trundar has turned around, trying to escape!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Trundar has turned around, trying to escape!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Trundar has turned around, trying to escape!
Trundar leaves east.
Trundar has fled!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Gorame leaves east.
A young brass dragon leaves east.
Anye steps out of the shadows.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
A dreadful manticore blinks away and a hard-shelled turtle's pound misses.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Your punch misses a dreadful manticore.
Your punch misses a dreadful manticore.
Anye's eyes burn with cold fury!
Anye's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** a young bronze dragon!
Anye's punch MUTILATES a young bronze dragon!
Jaslar's punch DISMEMBERS a young bronze dragon!
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof's pierce mauls a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
A young bronze dragon has turned around, trying to escape!
A young bronze dragon leaves west.
A young bronze dragon has fled!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
An armadillo has turned around, trying to escape!
An armadillo has fled!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 132/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > You utter a prayer to your deity.
Your open yourself to the light of Mishakal and feel her energy supporting you.
You feel the deep understanding of life and manage to achieve better effect.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has turned around, trying to escape!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has turned around, trying to escape!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Gorame has arrived.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
A young brass dragon has arrived.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has turned around, trying to escape!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw misses a hard-shelled turtle.
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
Your punch grazes a dreadful manticore.
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a hard-shelled turtle.
Erhkof's slice mauls a hard-shelled turtle.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<903/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack decimates you.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
A dreadful manticore sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > c 'heal' turtle
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof has turned around, trying to escape!
Erhkof has fled!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof whacks Gorame over the head with a heavy looking sack. Ouch.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Jaslar steps out of the shadows.
Jaslar uncoils a glittering length of razor wire and begins to fashion a noose in the shadows.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw misses a hard-shelled turtle.
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Your punch misses a dreadful manticore.
Your punch misses a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 108/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
Your open yourself to the light of Mishakal and feel her energy supporting you.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 84/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Anye applies treatment to herself.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 84/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > fle
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw devastates a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a hard-shelled turtle!
Your punch scratches a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<875/1145hp 84/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack mauls you.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<853/1145hp 84/731mana 362/365mv 47663tnl | EW>
< T: a hard-shelled turtle TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > You turn around, trying to escape!
Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

853:HP 84:MANA 361:MV 47673:TNL Exits: NW> w
Trundar leaves west.

853:HP 84:MANA 361:MV 47673:TNL Exits: NW> c 'heal' turtleBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is sleeping here.
Jaslar the male dark elf is resting here.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a hard-shelled turtle.
Anye the female human is here.
(White Aura) A hard-shelled turtle is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.

853:HP 84:MANA 360:MV 47673:TNL Exits: EW> Jaslar yells, 'Help! Trundar is smashing me!'
Trundar smashes Jaslar with his mace.
Jaslar hastily leaves his preparations for the kill.
Trundar's crushing blow DISEMBOWELS Jaslar!

853:HP 84:MANA 360:MV 47673:TNL Exits: EW>
An armadillo has turned around, trying to escape!
An armadillo has fled!

853:HP 84:MANA 360:MV 47673:TNL Exits: EW> You utter a prayer to your deity.
You feel the deep understanding of life and manage to achieve better effect.
A hard-shelled turtle become surrounded by white healthy glow.

853:HP 36:MANA 360:MV 47673:TNL Exits: EW>
Jaslar has turned around, trying to escape!

853:HP 36:MANA 360:MV 47673:TNL Exits: EW>
A hard-shelled turtle sniffs at the ground and looks about confused.
A hard-shelled turtle's body undergoes a rapid transformation and he reverts to normal.
A knight of Solamnia's bleeding mauls him.
A knight of Solamnia shivers and suffers.
A knight of Solamnia's poison grazes him.
You are beginning to starve!
An armadillo's bleeding hits him.

853:HP 36:MANA 360:MV 47673:TNL Exits: EW>
Jaslar has turned around, trying to escape!
Jaslar has fled!

853:HP 36:MANA 360:MV 47673:TNL Exits: EW>
A dreadful manticore's claw MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw misses a knight of Solamnia.
A dreadful manticore's claw MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a knight of Solamnia!
Gorame's flaming bite is deflected by an armadillo's armored links.
Gorame's flaming bite hits an armadillo.
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a knight of Solamnia.

853:HP 36:MANA 360:MV 47673:TNL Exits: EW>
A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack misses you.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<853/1145hp 36/731mana 360/365mv 47673tnl | EW>
< T: a knight of Solamnia TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > e
Erhkof steps out of the shadows.
Erhkof kicks dirt in your eyes!
Erhkof's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<852/1145hp 36/731mana 360/365mv 47673tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: a knight of Solamnia TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > fle
Jaslar yells, 'Help! Trundar is smashing me!'
Trundar smashes Jaslar with his mace.
Trundar's crushing blow MUTILATES Jaslar!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<852/1145hp 36/731mana 360/365mv 47673tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: a knight of Solamnia TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< >
[SOLAMNIA] Gorame: Jaked. damn thats cool.
An armadillo has turned around, trying to escape!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<852/1145hp 36/731mana 360/365mv 47673tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: a knight of Solamnia TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > No way!  You are still fighting!
Jaslar's throw seems to slide around Trundar.
An armadillo has turned around, trying to escape!
An armadillo has fled!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
A dreadful manticore's claw maims a knight of Solamnia!
Your punch misses a dreadful manticore.
A dreadful manticore dodges your punch.
Anye steps out of the shadows.
Anye's eyes burn with cold fury!
Erhkof's rapid restrike misses a knight of Solamnia.
Erhkof's pierce decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Erhkof's slice decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<852/1145hp 36/731mana 360/365mv 47673tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: a knight of Solamnia TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > You turn around, trying to escape!
The eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

852:HP 36:MANA 359:MV 47683:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> ct out of mana[SOLAMNIA] Thulga: Out of mana.

852:HP 36:MANA 359:MV 47683:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> leThe eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

852:HP 36:MANA 359:MV 47683:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> eBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
Jaslar the male dark elf is here, fighting Trundar.
(White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here, fighting Jaslar.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
Anye the female human is here, fighting Trundar.
(White Aura) A knight of Solamnia is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
A knight of Solamnia says, 'Aid me to defend our Keep, on your honor, knight!'

852:HP 36:MANA 358:MV 47683:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> A dreadful manticore violently lashes out with his tail.
A dreadful manticore's tail attack misses you.
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<852/1145hp 36/731mana 358/365mv 47683tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: a knight of Solamnia TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > No way!  You are still fighting!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<852/1145hp 36/731mana 358/365mv 47683tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: a knight of Solamnia TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > fle
Trundar smashes Jaslar with his mace.
Trundar's crushing blow MUTILATES Jaslar!
A dreadful manticore has some small wounds.

<852/1145hp 36/731mana 358/365mv 47683tnl | You are blinded!>
< T: a knight of Solamnia TC: gushing blood   E: a dreadful manticore EC: small wounds >
< > You turn around, trying to escape!
Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is here.
You flee from combat!
You lose 10 experience points.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Gorame peers intently west.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> eAlas, you cannot go that way.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> rest bagYou sit on a sleeping bag and rest.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> lSouthern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is here.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Gorame leaves west.
A young brass dragon leaves west.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> aff
Erhkof yells, 'Die, Gorame you sorcerous dog!'

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> You have the following resistances:
You are resistant against bashing (20%)
You are toughened against piercing (11%)
You are toughened against slashing (12%)
You are slightly toughened against fire attacks (8%)
You are extremely resistant against cold attacks (41%)
You are toughened against electrical attacks (13%)
You are slightly toughened against acidic attacks (9%)
You are toughened against poison (16%)
You are highly resistant against negative energy (31%)
You are slightly toughened against holy attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against pure energy attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against mental attacks (8%)
You are toughened against diseases (16%)
You are slightly toughened against drowning (6%)
You are slightly toughened against sound (6%)
You are slightly toughened against air and gas attacks (6%)
You are slightly toughened against earth-based attacks (6%)

The following skills and spells are affecting you:

Dirt kicking skill is active for 0 hours,
   modifying hit roll by -4
Black guard skill is active for 1 hours
Protective shield spell is active for 3 hours
Soften spell is active for 0 hours,
   modifying armor class by 82
Sanctuary spell is active for 3 hours
Crown of archons spell is active for 5 hours,
   modifying resistance to cold by 25
   modifying resistance to negative by 25
   modifying armor class by -85
Resist paralysis spell is active for 2 hours
Platinum dragon shield spell is active for 9 hours
Protection spell is active for 9 hours,
   modifying all saves by 3
Fly spell is active for 21 hours
Stone skin spell is active for 11 hours,
   modifying armor class by -40
Clan empower takhisis skill is active permanently,
   modifying all saves by 4
   modifying hit roll by 4
   modifying damage roll by 4
   modifying health by 50

You have a hero resistance bonus of +3%.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> scan wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is here, fighting Erhkof.
Jaslar the male dark elf is here, fighting Trundar.
(White Aura) Trundar the male dwarf is here, fighting Jaslar.
Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
Anye the female human is here, fighting Trundar.
(White Aura) A knight of Solamnia is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.

 **** 2 west ****
(White Aura) A strange armadillo covered in small plates of bony armor readies itself.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Erhkof yells, 'Die, Gorame you sorcerous dog!'

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Trundar has arrived.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Trundar peers intently west.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> scan wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(White Aura) A strange armadillo covered in small plates of bony armor readies itself.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is here.
Jaslar the male dark elf is here.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
(White Aura) A knight of Solamnia is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.

 **** 2 west ****
(White Aura) Erhkof the male dark elf is here.
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> Trundar concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Trundar's fingers glow with soft blue light!
Trundar is filled with strong restorative energy, as his wounds mend.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Gorame has arrived.
A young brass dragon has arrived.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> scan w
Gorame leaves west.
A young brass dragon leaves west.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is here.
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
(White Aura) A knight of Solamnia is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.

 **** 2 west ****
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Trundar peers intently west.
Gorame yells, 'Help! Erhkof has just kicked dirt in my eyes!'

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> scan w
Trundar peers intently west.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is here, fighting Erhkof.
(White Aura) Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting Gorame.
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.
Jaslar the male dark elf is here.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
(White Aura) A knight of Solamnia is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.

 **** 2 west ****
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Gorame yells, 'Help! Someone is bashing me!'

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
Erhkof yells, 'Help! An armadillo is attacking me!'

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> scan wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting Erhkof.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here, fighting Erhkof.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is here, fighting Erhkof.
(White Aura) Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting Gorame.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
Anye the female human is here, fighting Gorame.
(White Aura) A knight of Solamnia is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.

 **** 2 west ****
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> Trundar peers intently west.
Gorame yells, 'Help! Someone is bashing me!'

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> scan wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(White Aura) An armadillo is here, fighting Erhkof.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here, fighting Erhkof.
(Pink Aura) (Silver Aura) Gorame the male human is resting here.
(White Aura) Erhkof the male dark elf is here, fighting Gorame.
Jaslar the male dark elf is here, fighting Gorame.
(White Aura) A dreadful manticore is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
Anye the female human is here, fighting Gorame.
(White Aura) A knight of Solamnia is here, fighting a dreadful manticore.

 **** 2 west ****
(Charmed) A young bronze dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> standYou stand up.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> rest bag
Trundar leaves west.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> lYou sit on a sleeping bag and rest.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> Anye yells, 'Help! Trundar is smashing me!'

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> Southern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!> lSouthern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.

852:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: You are blinded!>
You are starving!
Your starvation hits you.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Your skin no longer feels so soft.

845:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: NW> lSouthern end of a stone courtyard
  The open courtyard is sparse and humble, with a lack of grandeur that is
usually associated with keeps. Despite this the dull stone walls provide a
comfortable and safe feeling. The courtyard continues north and there is a
large portcullis to the west.

[Exits: north west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
     A sleeping bag is here.
     A delicious magic mushroom is here.

845:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: NW> standYou stand up.

845:HP 36:MANA 357:MV 47693:TNL Exits: NW> nIn a stone courtyard
  This courtyard is clean and simple, giving a show of humble basics. The
solid stone walls of the keep provide a tranquil, safe atmosphere. The
courtyard continues north and south.

[Exits: north south]
     A white granite fountain has been placed here.

845:HP 36:MANA 356:MV 47693:TNL Exits: NS> c 'cr f'You utter a prayer to your deity.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

845:HP 31:MANA 356:MV 47693:TNL Exits: NS> get mush
[SOLAMNIA] A knight of Solamnia: Alas, I have fallen to someone.

845:HP 31:MANA 356:MV 47693:TNL Exits: NS> ea mushYou get a Magic Mushroom.

845:HP 31:MANA 356:MV 47693:TNL Exits: NS> Alas, you cannot go that way.

845:HP 31:MANA 356:MV 47693:TNL Exits: NS> eat mushnYou eat a Magic Mushroom.
You are no longer starving.
You are hungry.


I don't want it back. You can never get rid of the smell, you know. Besides, that dagger was Flint's!
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