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Author Topic: How to present flowers right  (Read 4620 times)
Your bane, your curse

Karma: +20/-4
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« on: February 10, 2006, 03:49:51 am »

You tell Kinath, 'Hello, little mage.'
Kinath tells you, 'Oh.. its you again! Greetings, grandma *smiles*.'
You tell Kinath, 'Whaaat?'
Kinath tells you, 'Oh nevermind!'
Kinath tells you, 'Its just a joke *smile*.'
You tell Kinath, 'I wanted to give you magic book, but now I changed my mind!'
Kinath tells you, 'OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!'
Kinath tells you, 'I wont call you grandma anymore! I promise!'
You tell Kinath, 'How will you call me then?'
Kinath tells you, 'Hm.. it depends on number of books..'
You tell Kinath, 'Hey you..'
Kinath tells you, '*smile*.'
You tell Kinath, 'I will sacrifice this book, okay?'
Kinath tells you, 'NOOOOOOOOO!!!!'
You tell Kinath, 'Yeeeesss!'
You tell Kinath, 'I said YES!'
Kinath tells you, 'Please!!'
You tell Kinath, 'Cause you should learn some manners!'
You tell Kinath, 'How to talk to woman! Especially to me!'
Kinath tells you, 'You're LADY!!! you're QUEEN!!! you're GODDESS!!! BUT DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!'
Kinath tells you, 'Ghm..'
Kinath tells you, 'And what inside? *smile*.'
You tell Kinath, 'Do not shout please!'
You tell Kinath, 'Hmm.'
You tell Kinath, 'Does it matter?'
Kinath tells you, 'Of course!'
You tell Kinath, 'I will not tell you what is inside.'
Kinath tells you, 'Ghm..'
Kinath tells you, 'Let me do it myself? *wink*.'
You tell Kinath, '*ponders*.'
Kinath tells you, 'I meant let me have a look??'
You tell Kinath, 'Okay, meet in Inn. I will know you ONLY if you have 3 roses!'
Kinath tells you, 'Ouch.'
You tell Kinath, 'Other way, I will not even notice you.'

#### In the Inn ###

Kinath smirks.
Kinath bows deeply.

The Crowded Corner of the Inn
  This part of the room is the favorite gathering place of the locals. It is
vibrant with life, people sit in large groups and talk in loud voices. Right
now they are cheering on two burly fellows who are engaged in a drinking

[Exits: north west]
(Invis) Kinath the male wild elf is here.
A tall, muscular mercenary stands here, guarding the inn.

You whistle contentedly.

Players near you:
Kinath          The Crowded Corner of the Inn
(PK) Kamilla    The Crowded Corner of the Inn

Kinath eats a Magic Mushroom.
Kinath looks at you.
You say, 'Where are my roses?'
Kinath sighs.
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.
You say, 'Go and find then!'

Kinath gives you a cactus. ###Here I just fall down from my chair =)))))))))))

Kinath covers himself...
You laugh joyously.
You pat Kinath on his head.
Kinath giggles.
You say, 'Does it look like ROSE?'
Kinath gives you a single black Rose.
Kinath gives you a single black Rose.
Kinath gives you a single black Rose.
You gasp in astonishment.
Kinath says, 'Why not?'
Kinath chuckles politely.
You say, 'Nice roses they are..'
Kinath gives you a Lily of the Valley.
Kinath gives you a Carrion Flower. ## Second fall
You roll on the floor, laughing hysterically.
Kinath chuckles politely.
Kinath says, 'Am i gentelmen?'
Kinath says, 'Yes i am!'
You say, 'Abit.'
Kinath gallantly tips his hat.
You say, 'Just abit.'
Kinath sighs.
You say, 'You still have much to learn!'

### Later..##

Kinath says, 'Much better now.'
Kinath flexes his muscles...what a stud!?!
You say, 'Thanks for cactus.'
Kinath chuckles politely.
Kinath says, 'Thanks for book.'
Kinath smiles at you.
You shake his hand.
Kinath gallantly tips his hat.
Kinath waves happily.

« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2006, 11:22:31 am »

 Grin  Grin  Grin
Hero Member

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2006, 11:26:37 am »

Let everyone send cactus and yozhik to Kami  Grin

Vsem piz*i, a krilya mne!
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 04:00:08 pm »

Everything's borrowed... in this world...
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 08:37:44 pm »

what are you talkin about?
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