One fine afernoon i realized some basic player concepts were not clear to me, so i want to suggest to bring up the subject in a attempt to clarify some aspecs of the rp related to each alignment combination.
My concepts of the alignments follow, and i hoped that my mistakes would be corrected or discussed by other players and imms.
Lawfull good - A seeker of good whom actively understands the importance of rules.
chaotic good - No fronteers to do good. A "robin hood" like character. A chaotic good character will seek to do good but is unlimited regarding which resources used to do so. He can steal etc etc. As long as his acts dont become evil themselves (wich makes it different from a machiavelic "the objective justifies the means" way of thinking)
neutral neutral - There are two kinds of neutral players, those whom dont care, and the ones neutral by choice, seeker's of balance. A neutral caracter can be selfish and just seek the best for him, regardless of anything, or he can be whom sides with the weaker team at the hour to maintain balance.
lawful evil - a tyrant. A lawfull evil character feels a need for Order but has the ambition and cruelty charactirized by evil. He wishes to control and dominate. Takhisis is a typical example of a lawfull evil divinity, as her goals are to make the world her own. She wishes elves destruction not for its own sake, but because they would never submit or accept her dominance.
A enigmatic figure for me is Chemosh... How could a god whoms objective (caractirized by his shrines adepts) are filled with hate and a random wish for death. To me the concusion was that, though his followers are like so, to him this is a very calculated and dominative purpous. He is the lord of the undead, therefore, for his realm to grow, more must die.
chaotic evil - A destroyer. He does evil for no specific purpous, just follows his own impulses, and what makes him evil, and not simply neutral, are these impulses. If he wants to kill, he kills. He accepts no restrictions to himself and is unaligned to responsabilities or orders.
neutral evil - Frankly i have less defined conceptions of neutral chars. to me it would be a character that follows his impulses and wishes as a chaotic evil, but is less enfatic regarding seeking actively to be unrestrained and free.
neutral good -
Darn, class starting, i have to go (needed to finish enutral good and lawfull good)
Later i will