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Author Topic: A tale old as Solace itself  (Read 8669 times)
« on: July 31, 2006, 04:29:41 am »

<438/438hp 14/705mana 234/234mv 258645tnl | D> -=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-

            (PK) Imvren the male dark elf
                 Graul the male minotaur, Fist of Heretics
            (PK) Elvin the male elf
            (PK) Aereth the male draconian
                 Trodos the neuter minotaur
            (PK) Korgan the male minotaur, Warden of the Tree
                 Rafrig the male dwarf, Sentinel of the Ironwood

Players found: 7


Browsing through forum, mastering summon.


<438/438hp 705/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D>
get rug
put rug back
get mug back
dri mug
put mug back
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
c summon chemosh
<438/438hp 705/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You wake and stand up.

<438/438hp 705/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You get a coarsly woven rug.

<438/438hp 705/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You put a coarsly woven rug in a leather backpack.

<438/438hp 705/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You get a mug from a leather backpack.

<438/438hp 705/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You drink mead from a mug.
You feel drunk.
Your thirst is quenched.

<438/438hp 705/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You put a mug in a leather backpack.

<438/438hp 705/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You chant a magical incantation.
You failed.

<438/438hp 655/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You begin chanting your magical spell.
You failed.

<438/438hp 605/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D>
A kitten leaves down.

<438/438hp 605/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You recite your magical incantation.
You failed.

<438/438hp 555/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> The spidery language of magic comes out of your lips.
You failed.

<438/438hp 505/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You begin chanting your magical spell.
You failed.

<438/438hp 455/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> You chant a magical incantation.
You failed.

<438/438hp 405/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D>
Someone grabs hold of your neck and puts you to sleep.

<438/438hp 405/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> In your dreams, or what?

<438/438hp 405/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> In your dreams, or what?

<438/438hp 405/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> In your dreams, or what?

<438/438hp 405/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> In your dreams, or what?

<438/438hp 405/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D> In your dreams, or what?

<438/438hp 405/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D>
Imvren fades into existence.
Imvren's punch DISEMBOWELS you!
Imvren's punch DISEMBOWELS you!
Imvren's punch DISEMBOWELS you!
Imvren dodges your pierce.
Imvren dodges your pierce.
Imvren is in perfect condition.

<268/438hp 405/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D>
< T: Aereth TC: bleeding wounds   E: Imvren EC: perfect condition >
< >
Imvren's punch MUTILATES you!
Imvren's punch DISEMBOWELS you!
Imvren's punch misses you.
Imvren's punch DISEMBOWELS you!
Your pierce wounds Imvren.
The day has begun.
Imvren is in perfect condition.

<123/438hp 447/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D>
< T: Aereth TC: gushing blood   E: Imvren EC: perfect condition >
< >
Imvren performs a powerful side-kick!
Imvren's kick MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Imvren is in perfect condition.

<78/438hp 447/705mana 234/234mv 240215tnl | D>
< T: Aereth TC: writhing   E: Imvren EC: perfect condition >
< > Connected to host solace.msm.ru

      .-"  .`)     (
     j   .'_+     :[                )      .^--..   SOLACE II, The Awakening
    i    -"       |l                ].    /      i
   ," .:j         `8o  _,,+.,.--,   d|   `:::;    b  Original DikuMUD by
   i  :'|          "88p;.  (-."_"-.oP        .   :   Hans Staerfeldt,
   ; .  (            >,%%%   f),):8"          :'  i     Katja Nyboe,
  i  :: j          ,;%%%:; ; ; i:%%%.,        i.   `.    Tom Madsen,
  i  `: ( ____  ,-::::::' ::j  [:```          [8:   )  Michael Seifert,
  <  ..``'::::8888oooooo.  :(jj(,;,,,         [8::  < Sebastian Hammer
  `. ``:.      oo.8888888888:;%%%8o.::.+888+o.:`:'  |
   `.   `        `o`88888888b`%%%%%88< Y888P""'-    ;  Based on MERC 2.1
     "`---`.       Y`888888888;;.,"888b."""..::::'-'  by Hatchet, Furey,
            "-....  b`8888888:::::.`8888._::-"              and Kahn

               `:::. `:::::O:::::::.`%%'|
                `.      "``::::::''    .'         ROM 2.4 copyright (c)
                 `.                   <          1993-1996 Russ Taylor
                   +:         `:   -';
                    `:         : .::/

Solace is a role-playing, playerkilling MUD. We ask that you roleplay,
and that your name is in accordance with our name rules. If it is not,
you will be asked to rename.

Welcome to Solace, by what name shall you be known? Aereth
Password: *****


<318/318hp 425/425mana 224/224mv 240215tnl | ND>

<318/318hp 425/425mana 224/224mv 240215tnl | ND> who
-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Aereth the male draconian
                 Carron the male minotaur
                 Rhonne the female wild elf
                 Trodos the neuter minotaur

Players found: 4

<318/318hp 425/425mana 224/224mv 240215tnl | ND>
Someone smiles at you.

<318/318hp 425/425mana 224/224mv 240215tnl | ND> wak
You stand up.

<318/318hp 425/425mana 224/224mv 240215tnl | ND> fly
You unfold your wings and rise off the ground as you beat into the air.


<318/318hp 419/425mana 218/224mv 240215tnl | SU> The darkened laboratory

[Exits: down]
     The corpse of Aereth is lying here.
(White Aura) Your guildmaster stands here.

<318/318hp 419/425mana 217/224mv 240215tnl | D> exa cor
The corpse of Aereth is lying here.
The corpse of Aereth holds:

<318/318hp 425/425mana 224/224mv 239215tnl | D> note to imvren

<318/318hp 425/425mana 224/224mv 239215tnl | D> note Subj Behaving like that is a priviledge of true morons. Go on.

<318/318hp 425/425mana 224/224mv 239215tnl | D> note post
You send off a messenger to deliver your message...
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« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 08:22:25 pm »

it's random killer
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« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2006, 12:35:24 am »

So, you returned to play a necro?!?!? Serves you right!  Grin Just kidding. Maybe you should consider finding some less accessible place to learn spells?

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
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« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2006, 02:51:53 am »

Maybe you should consider finding some less accessible place to learn spells?

Well, you were in the guild in Palanthas for a long time.  Serves you right, and I am glad that Imvren got you.  He had been eagling me... Wink

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« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2006, 04:52:06 am »

Mastering on triggers or spamming commands doesn't make untouchable. It was your choice and why a killer should wait you back to keyboard?

Just to make sure you understand me right - I don't care if Imvren is moron or not.
First rule of surviving - do not look like lunch Smiley
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2006, 06:10:05 am »

Slaying an obviously mindless foe and looting his or her crap? That smells.
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« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2006, 06:19:37 am »

Welcome back to Solace! Cool

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
New Member

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« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2006, 08:42:29 am »

Slaying an obviously mindless foe and looting his or her crap? That smells.

You died coz you were mastering on triggers. That's the main reason you died. Though I must agree - looting crap smells like crap.
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« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2006, 04:13:48 pm »

trigers is your only fiend in solace last days. And signal (PK) is the only chance to escape madness of boredom. I can understand Imrven, I can understand mastering necro, he was so surprised somebody came to get him :-) Isn't this log demonstration for those who is dissapointed, that there is some action in solace still?

Just kidding, sorry
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« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2006, 08:26:13 am »

You slam into the blacksmith, and send him flying!
The blacksmith is unaffected by your bash!
The blacksmith is in perfect condition.

>401/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< S
 T:Erty: a few scratches   |||   E:the blacksmith: perfect condition
Someone kicks dirt in your eyes!
You yell, 'Help! Thomehoonnnee hhas jutht kiickehd ddiirt iin mmmy ehyehs!'
Soriden fades into existence.
Soriden's kicked dirt grazes you.
You can't see a thing!
>397/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: a few scratches   |||   E:someone: fle
dri mug

Someone parries your crush.
Someone's claw DISMEMBERS you!
Someone's claw DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge someone's claw.
Someone's pound misses you.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: You turn around, trying to escape!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone is in perfect condition.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: You turn around, trying to escape!
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

>272/436hp 258/258mn 191/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded! You aren't fighting anyone.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded! You can't find it.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded! You can't see a thing!
Someone yells, 'Erty, now you die!'
You dodge someone's pound.
Someone looks up from what he's working on, wiping sweat and soot from his brow.
Someone says, 'Lemme know if you see anything you want.'
Someone goes back to work.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 191/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 191/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 191/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 191/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>272/436hp 258/258mn 191/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is unaffected by your crush!
Someone is unaffected by your crush!
You parry someone's pound.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>281/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>281/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>281/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>281/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>281/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>281/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>281/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>281/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: #10 SECONDS TO TICK

Someone dodges your crush.
Someone's pound devastates you.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>249/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>249/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
bash blacksm
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>249/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
You yell, 'Hhelp! Thommeonne is ahttackinng mmmee!'
You dodge someone's claw.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>249/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>249/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>249/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>249/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>249/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: bleeding wounds   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is unaffected by your crush!
You parry someone's claw.
Someone's claw DISMEMBERS you!
You parry someone's pound.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>182/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>182/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>182/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>182/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>182/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>182/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>182/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is unaffected by your crush!
Someone is unaffected by your crush!
You dodge someone's claw.
You keep someone at bay with your weapon.
Someone's claw DISMEMBERS you!
You keep someone at bay with your weapon.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>121/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: You turn around, trying to escape!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>121/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: They aren't here.
Someone is in perfect condition.

>121/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone: bash blacksm
Throw what?
Someone is in perfect condition.

>121/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: gushing blood   |||   E:someone:
Someone grabs you and throws you to the ground with stunning force!
Someone's throw MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone grinds you against the ground with brutal skill.
Someone's ground control DISEMBOWELS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone is in perfect condition.

>20/436hp 258/258mn 192/192mv 185.85$ 7878< You are blinded!
 T:Erty: convulsing   |||   E:someone:
Someone is unaffected by your crush!
You keep someone at bay with your weapon.
Someone's pound devastates you.
You have been KILLED!!

exa cor
The corpse of Erty is lying here.
The corpse of Erty holds:

Guess who?

PS: мальчик самоутверждается...
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 08:31:29 am by Critic » Logged

Vsem piz*i, a krilya mne!
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« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2006, 10:16:50 pm »

I guess name of the topic "A tale old as Solace itself" means that solace will forver have some ppl mastering their skills afk on triggers and easy to kill.
gogo AFK killers! loot them all!
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« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2006, 12:00:27 am »

Ok, one thing I think people fail to realize here. I dislike looting myself. Not fond of full loots, irregardless of whether i'm doing the looting or being looted. However, people need to keep in mind the rp here. Assassins are just that way. They will strike without a word when you are weakest. They are not meant to be honorable. I see people complain about this lack of honor and poor playing. It may seem like random pk. From a knight, or a fighter, or a mage, I would agree. But it was an assassin. Don't bash the player OOC for that. You can't expect assassins or thieves or even many warriors to show honor all the time, or even most of the time.

When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs up on the tables and lock the universe behind me when I leave.
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« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2006, 12:18:16 am »

My chars almost never looted enemies (I can barely recall one of two times)

but full looting crap's not honor. it's moronship in real life.
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