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Author Topic: Merdok the kender  (Read 4829 times)
Premium Member

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« on: September 19, 2006, 07:14:26 pm »

Just a short story of little kender killing two unlucky zombies. Wonder how many kicks he will need to kick The Unding Destruction out from this Universe?

Merdok opens the door.

<1042/1070hp 560/590mana 263/271mv 561049tnl | NESW> n
A grisly scene, NW corner of Mausoleum

[Exits: south]
( 2) A pile of silver coins.
A horrible creature is here, feeding off of a decaying corpse.
A horrible creature is here, feeding off of a decaying corpse.
Merdok has arrived.

<1042/1070hp 560/590mana 262/271mv 561049tnl | S>
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch === OBLITERATES === a hungry ghoul!

<1057/1070hp 590/590mana 271/271mv 561049tnl | S> s
Northwest main area of the Mausoleum.

[Exits: north east south west]
( 4) A decaying corpse lies here, feeding the worms and rats.

<1057/1070hp 590/590mana 270/271mv 561049tnl | NESW> n
A grisly scene, NW corner of Mausoleum

[Exits: south]
( 2) A pile of silver coins.
Merdok the male kender is here, fighting a hungry ghoul.
A hungry ghoul is here, fighting Merdok.
A horrible creature is here, feeding off of a decaying corpse.
A hungry ghoul's chill wounds Merdok.
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul!
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul!
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch MASSACRES a hungry ghoul!

<1057/1070hp 590/590mana 269/271mv 561049tnl | S>
Merdok executes a high reverse-roundhouse kick!
Merdok slices a hungry ghoul with his umberhulk claws!
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's kick does UNSPEAKABLE things to a hungry ghoul!
Merdok's leg sweeps around and strikes with a follow through!
Merdok's follow kick *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul!

<1057/1070hp 590/590mana 269/271mv 561049tnl | S>
Merdok's punch DISMEMBERS a hungry ghoul!
A hungry ghoul is DEAD!!
A hungry ghoul falls on the ground and evaporates into a grey mist.

<1057/1070hp 590/590mana 269/271mv 561049tnl | S>
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch === OBLITERATES === a hungry ghoul!
A hungry ghoul trips Merdok, sending him to the ground.
A hungry ghoul's trip wounds Merdok.
Merdok recovers from the fall and jumps back up on his legs.
Merdok's punch MASSACRES a hungry ghoul!
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a hungry ghoul!
Merdok's punch MASSACRES a hungry ghoul!
Merdok's punch DISMEMBERS a hungry ghoul!
Merdok's punch MANGLES a hungry ghoul!
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch === OBLITERATES === a hungry ghoul!

<1057/1070hp 590/590mana 269/271mv 561049tnl | S>
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul!
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** a hungry ghoul!
Merdok lands a devastating blow!
Merdok's punch *** DEVASTATES *** a hungry ghoul!
A hungry ghoul is DEAD!!
A hungry ghoul falls on the ground and evaporates into a grey mist.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2006, 09:08:02 am by Bacuha » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 08:27:24 am »

poor poor narin Cry
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« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2006, 09:02:45 am »

Funny, lets wait for logs named "Medrok vs Narin, Narin wins" Smiley
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« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2006, 01:45:40 pm »

Don't want to blow my own trumpet but i will! Before i deleted gurd he unspeaked with punches those poor guardians in sla mori... Wink

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
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« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2006, 01:09:40 am »

You step out from your cover.
Your surprise attack does UNSPEAKABLE things to a winged wraith!
A winged wraith is DEAD!!

You step out from your cover.
Searing flame flare up across your antique longsword.
Your surprise attack does UNSPEAKABLE things to a spectre of half-dragon!
A spectre of half-dragon is DEAD!!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2006, 09:38:10 am by Quino » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2006, 09:43:01 am »

Don't want to blow my own trumpet but i will! Before i deleted gurd he unspeaked with punches those poor guardians in sla mori... Wink

Not to down of gurd, but that was before assassins damage was cut in half.

When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs up on the tables and lock the universe behind me when I leave.
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