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- Please no drama, no toxic stuff etc. Respect each other. Let everyone play and enjoy.
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- Strictly follow ALL RULES.

Consider clans closed for now. Write a role indicating you'd love a certain clan; you might be inducted at some point (don't worry about your level).

Coming soon: a solution for solo mages level grind. Multicharring is NOT allowed (see above about following all rules).


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Author Topic: log request - i love rats, elves kills rats, so i hate elves  (Read 8687 times)
Premium Member

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« on: January 08, 2007, 10:13:35 am »

LOGS FORUM ARCHIVE, December 2001   

Date / time : 11.12.2001 18:56
Author      : Shanare
Title       : Shrum decided to join Takhisis
Plain size  : 13,0 Kb
* After quickly logging off with Nagash, when Vordar and Gahzarr entered the
* game, Navar decides to log in with Shrum. After we all do this, right?
* I mean logging of clan chars and logging in new chars.
* Am I right? Yes? Well at least Navar is sure about it.
* And do not try to convince him that this is multicharring, because he
* is an expert on finding multicharrers (other than himself).

* This log was stolen from Navar's computer. Yes, yes, Kurst. Armed with
* KGB technology we can do everything - you just think about something
* and we already know it. This is all about hacking.

Connected to remote host

      .-"  .`)     (
     j   .'_+     :[                )      .^--..         SOLACE
    i    -"       |l                ].    /      i
   ," .:j         `8o  _,,+.,.--,   d|   `:::;    b  Original DikuMUD by
   i  :'|          "88p;.  (-."_"-.oP        .   :   Hans Staerfeldt,
   ; .  (            >,%%%   f),):8"          :'  i     Katja Nyboe,
  i  :: j          ,;%%%:; ; ; i:%%%.,        i.   `.    Tom Madsen,
  i  `: ( ____  ,-::::::' ::j  [:```          [8:   )  Michael Seifert,
  <  ..``'::::8888oooooo.  :(jj(,;,,,         [8::  < Sebastian Hammer
  `. ``:.      oo.8888888888:;%%%8o.::.+888+o.:`:'  |
   `.   `        `o`88888888b`%%%%%88< Y888P""'-    ;  Based on MERC 2.1
     "`---`.       Y`888888888;;.,"888b."""..::::'-'  by Hatchet, Furey,
            "-....  b`8888888:::::.`8888._::-"              and Kahn
               `:::. `:::::O:::::::.`%%'|
                `.      "``::::::''    .'         ROM 2.4 copyright (c)
                 `.                   <          1993-1996 Russ Taylor
                   +:         `:   -';
                    `:         : .::/

Solace is a role-playing, playerkilling MUD. We ask that you roleplay, and that your name is in acco
rdance with our name rules. If it is not, you will be asked to rename.

Welcome to Solace, by what name shall you be known? Shrum
Wrong password.

*Okay this guy has so many chars that it is hard to remember all passes.
*Anyway, finally.

==> Helpfiles that you should read: Help files you should read:
[Hit Return to continue]


A dark temple within the city

[Exits: north down]
     A shiny metallic pair of silver boots rest here.
     (Humming) A strip of tanned leather lies on the ground.
     (Glowing) A war banner has been left here.
     A small steel sword is lying here.
( 2) (Glowing) An iron dagger, glinting unnaturally in the light, rests here in a sheath.
     A small stone fountain gushes forth here.
     A pit for sacrifices is in front of the altar.
(White Aura) A healer is here giving sermons for the Dark Queen.

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl>

* First equ check. May be something was stolen?
<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger>    a ring of apprenticeship
<worn on finger>    a ring of apprenticeship
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) silver amulet
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) silver amulet
<worn on torso>     a shirt of mithril chain
<worn on head>      the skull of an onyx and aquamarine dragon
<worn on legs>      a pair of white leather leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of red silken boots
<worn on hands>     a pair of blue dragonscale gauntlets
<worn on arms>      a pair of obsidian and vermilion dragonscale sleeves
<worn on body>      (Glowing) white shaman robe
<worn on waist>     (Glowing) the freezing girdle of the White Dragon
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a bracelet of frost
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
<wielded>           (Humming) a glittering steel longsword
<dual wielded>      (Humming) a glittering steel longsword

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> who
-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Shrum the male dwarf of Aghar
                 Gyges the male dark elf
                 Ishamael the male human
                 Aergon the male human
                 Sanosuke the male human
            (PK) Tnolt the male human
                 Tyris the male draconian
                 Vordar the male human, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis
                 Gahzarr the male human, Praporschik of Takhisis Army
            (PK) Decius the male human
                 Dahag the male human
                 Ronavas the male human, Magistrate of Justice

Players found: 12

* Time to write application to Takhisis. Vordar is out of members and he has
* habit of inducting almost everyone, so let's hope he will not be too picky
* and skip reading application.

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> note to Takhisis

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> note subj Glory of Queen

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> note + Me Shrum, me love rats, me hate elfs, Takhisis
queen of rats, let me join.

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> note + Shurmp.

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> note post.

A messanger was sent off to deliver your message.

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> tell Vordar 'Hello, Highlord, did you get my message? '

<790hp 272m 236mv 226262tnl> Vordar tells you 'Come to Citadel '

* Way to Arkham skipped *

A dark temple lit by flickering torches

[Exits: north south]
A savage, small black dragon is here.

<790hp 296m 181mv 226262tnl> Vordar has arrived.
A savage, small black dragon says 'Hail, Dragon Highlord of Takhisis'

<790hp 296m 181mv 226262tnl>

Your don't feel quite so tough.
You feel your pulse slow down.

<790hp 319m 204mv 226262tnl>

pmote hops around slapping the top of his head.
say Me go crazy!  Me go CRAZY!!!
Shrum hops around slapping the top of his head.

<790hp 319m 204mv 226262tnl>
You say 'Me go crazy!  Me go CRAZY!!!'

<790hp 319m 244mv 226262tnl>

Your pulse speeds up, but nothing happens.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl>

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> Vordar scans south.

Vordar yells 'Hey, Prap, come here now, I feel ambush coming!'

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl>

Gahzarr has arrived.
A savage, small black dragon says 'Hail, Mighty Praporschik of Takhisis'
An undead knight has arrived.
A burning red-boned skeleton has arrived.
A burning red-boned skeleton has arrived.
A burning red-boned skeleton has arrived.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> Vordar nods.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'What do you want, Crup? Err sorry, Shrup?'

Vordar says 'I mean Shrum. '

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> kneel Vordar

You kneel before Vordar, almost kissing tips of his toes.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> kneel Gahzarr

You kneel before Gahzarr, almost kissing tips of his toes.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> kneel skeleton

You kneel before skeleton, almost kissing tips of her toes.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> kneel 2.skeleton

You kneel before skeleton, almost kissing tips of her toes.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> kneel 3.skeleton

You kneel before skeleton, almost kissing tips of her toes.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> kneel Vordar

You kneel before Vordar, almost kissing tips of his toes.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl>

Vordar says 'Okay, looks like you are almost ready to join our mighty army '

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl>

Gahzarr says 'Kewl '

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl>

Gahzarr hiccups.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> Vordar bonks Gahzarr for being such a moron.

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Sanc me, I might be ambushed.'

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl>

Vordar says 'Shrum, why you hate elfs?'

*Okay I guess Navar is still in Nagash mode, so he is roleplaying clerver mage *

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> say Shrums live in the sewers. We are on the top of
food chain.

You say 'Shrums live in the sewers. We are on the top of food chain.'

<790hp 304m 244mv 226262tnl> say We, Shrums, eat rats. They are yummy.

You say 'We, Shrums, eat rats. They are yummy.'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> eat rat

You eat hairy fat rat.
You are full.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Gahzarr vomits.

Gahzar says 'Not kewl '

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> say Day and night we hunt for rats

You say 'Day and night we hunt for rats'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> say Rats population suffers from traps.

You say 'Rat population suffers for traps.'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> say Traps are made by gnomes out of wood

You say 'Traps are made by gnomes out of wood'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> say Elfs live in woods.

You say 'Elfs live in woods.'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> say So I hate elfs.

You say 'So I hate elfs.'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar scratches his head, obviously lost.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Wot? '

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> say Me like to eat rats, elfs make wood, wood kills rats,
rats are creatures of Takhisis, Shrum hungy, got it?

You say 'Me like to eat rats, elfs make wood, wood kills rats, rats are
creatures of Takhisis, Shrum hungy, got it?'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar thinks hard.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Takhisis is queen of rats, I am her servant
so .... am I rat?'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> say NO NO

You say 'NO NO'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Let's fight fist to fist, like men!'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Sanc and heal me, Prapor!'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Gahzarr says 'Kewl '

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> kneel Vordar

You kneel before Vordar, licking tips of his boots of south.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar flexes his muscules.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Scared of a SINGLE Herald? '

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> nod

You nod.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Listen, Shrum!'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Takhisis needs you in the army!'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> hop

You hop around, bursting with joy.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'But being in Army is not easy.'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'It requires GUTS.'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'You need to prove it.'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Eat this!'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar gives you piece of brown smelly substance.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> lore sh*t
Object 'brown smelly substance' is type trash.
Weight is 1, value is 10000, level is 35.
Armor class is 9 pierce, 6 bash, 7 slash, and 10 vs magic.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar disappears in the puff of mushroom cloud.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Gahzarr disappears in the puff of mushroom cloud.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Immortal has transferred you.

Realm of Dead

[Exits: east north west south down up]

Vordar is here.
Gahzarr is here.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'What for?'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Immortal says 'For the transfer of limited objects.'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Immortal says 'You gave limited object to Shrum, why?'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Immortal says 'Site team?'
<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Vordar says 'Kostya, gad, zamochu. Vihodi na chestniy boy '

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Immortal says 'Heh!'

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Immortal slays Vordar in cold blood.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> You hear Vordar's death cry.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Gahzarr says 'Kewl '

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> Immortal slays Gahzarr in cold blood.

You hear Gahzarr's death cry.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> get boots 2.corpse

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> You get boots of south from the corpse of Vordar.

<790hp 304m 260mv 226262tnl> whistle

You whistle innocently.

Immortal forces you to quit.
You are denied access!

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« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2007, 06:10:33 am »

lol funny. Cheesy


Roflcopter, out.
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Vicious IRC marauder

« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 12:09:38 am »

Mwahahahaha. Write more! Smiley
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2007, 01:49:02 pm »

From logs archive:

< > note read 11
[ 11] Baldar: My departure, for good
Sun Aug  4 19:36:21 2002
To: dellenci heretic takhisis solamnia entropy guardians immortal warders
Hi. I am a player who has played many characters on this MUD since my introduction to it during
April of '01. Ever since I started playing, I was plagued with people who wanted to ruin this game
for others. Random PK'ng, full looting, using bugs, cheating and power seeking were all the major crimes
perpetrated, without any sense of relief from the hell and malevolence that it caused. I asked the admins
of this game to do something, but usually got the same response: Stop whining. Whining I say? Whining?
Whining is when someone bothers people because he is wrong to begin with, not because he is right and wishes
to see a game that over 50 people play get better. No, I am not whining. I am stating the fact right here
and right now: You have to get rid of the Russians. 90% of these maggots play this game just to cheat and piss
off the others who try hard to make it fun to play. People who roleplay, and don't randomly hunt down and kill
people. People who don't start idiotic wars between clans so they can get new equipment. People who aren't
"Gopaniks" that use IRC/ICQ/MSN/AIM to relay out of character information and cheat to benefit themselves.
This is a cowardly and selfish act, used only to drain others will to play this MUD because they want to
see their character become more powerful. They are lazy, and don't want to work for there character.

 don't expect the immortals to do anything. I don't expect the player base to do anything. All I'm saying
is simple. This game was ruined by the russians. Before you start on some mcarthyist rant on how I'm ignorant
, you should stop and think. I have been playing this game for more then a year and I have come up with my
conclusions based on what I've seen.  This game has a good code base, but its run by people who are lazy
and the *.ru player base makes it that much more worse. Yes, I'm out. For good.

Enjoy this mud, while you still can. -laurel rules-

Jaynus, har har har har har.
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« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 12:59:03 pm »


And the mud closed shortly after because of the truth I spoke.

Eat it.
Your bane, your curse

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« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 02:18:48 pm »

yeah, it is nice to unleash the war by the national characteristics, you may think. But better do it somewhere else. Get it?

PS It is the most disgusting note I have ever seen before.
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« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 10:17:15 pm »

It's a frustrated note sent out by a frustrated player. The MUD has improved greatly since I wrote that, but again, the numbers are on my side. Chemosh HIMSELF said most of the EXACT SAME THINGS I wrote in that note, only a year later.

Once Solace was closed, many of the russian players I was complaining about came over to Carrionfields. I can't count how many times all of them were denied, banned and sitebanned because of their cheating and OOC connections. I hope they learned their lesson.
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