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Author Topic: Guardians and Cobar  (Read 19333 times)
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« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2010, 05:55:38 pm »

no one plays guardians and cobar because they dont really have any pk role.

Takhisis pk people because they are evil.
Heretics kill people who use  magic.
Solamnics try to kill evils and power-word-quit when evil comes to kill them.
Tower and Warders do whatever strikes them first, because it is very easy to find a reason to kill someone for those clans.

Guardians dont really have agressive rp. Their duty is protection, not demolition. And Cobar has anti-rp rules written in code.

Does Cobar have primary enemy clan at all? Or any single reason to kill people? They are like gypsies and no one wants to be a gypsy!
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« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2010, 07:09:05 pm »

enemies vs. guardians and takhisis

"Come to the edge," he said.
They said, "We are afraid".
"Come to the edge," he said.
They come, he pushed them...
and they flew.
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« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2010, 07:42:47 pm »

What does Cobar actually have against Guardians Smiley?
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« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2010, 10:21:05 pm »

Guardians protect and publish the law. Cobars are against any law except their own.

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« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2010, 07:38:20 am »

Cobar are not against the law. They obey no other law but their own(as clan info says). It doesnt mean they have any problems with other laws and should act agressive against lawful society.
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« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2010, 02:54:52 pm »

Okay. Lets think again... Cobar do not obey other law

"7. We observe no law but our own, and the law of the wild places."

So they should reject any enforcements to follow other laws. But it's main goal of Guardians - force everybody to follow the laws. It's a clear conflict of interest.

Seems Cobar is in war with every force who plants their own laws to Cobar wild plains. Solamnia, Takhisis, Guardians.

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« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2010, 06:48:46 pm »

- This is a common dilemma for Cobar and to some extent the Guardians.  Cobar can by this help file determine that "oh Im cobar so I will just strike lawfuls all day"... but if not cleric..you just have to guess.  And even when your winning and they flee.. "technically" Cobar is supposed to let them flee and not chase... and never loot.

- So solamnics are bound by code, and people say this balances them with there powers.  Cobar have similiarly restrictive code, forced to be human (lame), pigeon holed "effective" classes, and no pk powers to pretend balances them.

- And  then... Herecy "hates" magic and thus have power against magic in the form of clan skills.  Same with solam/takh, both have abilities to fight each other more effectively.  Cobar "hates" law... and has no special beneficial power vs lawful.. or anyone for that matter. 

- I'll say this one again... when Cobar war'd with Guardians in the past (when they are active).  The battle does not look any different really then any normal pk, except one fancy force that rescues and one fat one that just eats damage.

- Guardians just wait at town squares for crime, and cobar just wait for corral to be raided.

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« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2011, 11:38:03 pm »

got out of work early so i am bored.going back and rereading this. i think it's clear cobar is a pointless. they don't really have any direct clan to fight it's whoever wants an extra empower or someone in cobar has like the gold leaf pendant so tower will attack to get them. entropy fought law. and pretty much everyone.  cobar may be a strictly rp clan. but choas was a fun clan with some rp, they faught to destory laws not just wait for law to hunt them down. in a way chaos had as more of a rp than cobar and i think people enjoy it more.so in a word. down with cobar. up with chaos.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 11:39:45 pm by zondra » Logged
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« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2011, 06:34:36 pm »

- Clans are for pk.  Guardians and Cobar have the worse PK.. so none of the "usual suspects" pick them.  Its about power especially with low population.  If you wanna make cobar and guardians a shrine.. fine.

- But if they are to remain clans, they need a complete skill overhaul to give them more pk power or they will just be ignored.  I always pick the underdogs, and a few of us made something of the Cobar awhile back.. but it really had little to do with our clan powers tbh.

- Problem with entropy was, that it just turned into a haven for players who wanted to troll other players.  Basically Takhisis can do whatever entropy used to, they just kill anyone they want.  They whole entropy clans validation was "we're entropy we're supposed to make logging in annoying" ... thats just not a good vision statement.

-The best part about this conversation... is we never have to have it again.                             - Archangel Gabriel
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« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2011, 07:04:02 pm »

if your looking at the game like that just power hungry people yea. but i was talking about the rp part. i think chaos as more of a part in game as outlaws against the guardians then cobar as against not really anyone. Dark knights are going to kill anyone who doesn't bow down the queen, which puts them at war with entropy for they bow down to noone. i think any clan can be strong if the best player is in that know with the best eq. Put waks in entropy and i bet she still beat almost anyone. you look back in time at one put every clan was strongest in lands. The underdog is fun i agree but some times it's fun to win and having the right friends in game and beging in the right clan at the right time. all i'm saying is i think player base would enjoy entropy more than cobar and i was saying it's just as more rp as cobar. so give the people what they want. Saying entropy is haven for people to run around and kill people isn't fair, what do you call heretics that attack non mages for "grouping with mage" at some point in time because they want there axe etc. or like i said before i remember waks and goshke raiding cobar and slaying them for gold leaf pendants. having entropy won't hurt the rp, people can always make up a reason for pointless killing. at least let us have some fun with fun empowers, while talking about pointless things, lets bring bards back..*smile*
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« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2011, 09:24:38 pm »

Shortly after solace went down, I was reading some old logs. In this one log bards were just removed. Someone was begging to have them put back in the game, one of the imms, I forge which said they were removed so they could be tweaked and would be back within a few weeks, seems it's the longest few weeks ever. I never got to play a bard, there still were a few around when I started playing. Remember getting killed by one, that sucked. Wish we had the immortal support to bring them back.

Once solace is back up we have all got to start voting again to bring in new players. I think those of us that are the newest, are not terrible players, but V.S. Veteran players we just won't stand as much of a chance yet. If there is ever anything that I can do to help this game I will. Would even put in some cash here and there to keep it going. If it would help.

ÿ çëîïàìÿòåí!!!!!!!
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« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2014, 07:33:56 pm »

- Hey Siri,  Any thoughts on this thread?

-The best part about this conversation... is we never have to have it again.                             - Archangel Gabriel
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« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2014, 04:03:26 am »

*starts slow chant* bards, bards, bards, bards....

The world is naturally a place of darkness, spread what light you can before it engulfs us all.
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