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Author Topic: Solace quotes.  (Read 17534 times)
Hero Member

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Vicious IRC marauder

« on: October 09, 2008, 11:19:34 am »

I know everyone have done or saw funny moments while playing Solace. And dunno why, but still noone offered to make such topic to post here all fun you have met in game. Just everything you think was funny. Why not?  Wink

For example:

Zhoukoudien says, 'I have to go rejoin my old groupmate Chonduhwan.'


For the darkness! Angry
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« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 01:32:48 pm »

-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
                 Akhulachocho the male dark elf
                 Ezuschocho the male gnome
                 Daekchocho the male gnome


— Откуда у тебя топор?
— Мне королева эльфов дала.
— Зашибись! А топор-то откуда?
Hero Member

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Obnoxious IRC whining alien dog

« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 02:45:43 pm »

what does chocho mean?

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
Hero Member

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Yeah , don't cross my path

« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 02:50:04 pm »

buahaha... deda.. this means...
akhula wish to say: what happened?
ezus wish to say: what happened?
daek wish to say: what happened?

by the way... cho (чо) rougly means what

Deda, could i use yours phone? I can use my sim-cart even... Wink
« Last Edit: October 09, 2008, 02:52:41 pm by ezus » Logged

Red-white destiny.
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« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 02:50:57 pm »

deda, you do not know the word CHO ?
cho(че) = short from 'сhto'(что) = generaly 'what'
but you know russian language is so unpredictable... it is alway hard to tranlate russian soul into poor english
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Vicious IRC marauder

« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2008, 04:09:20 pm »

Translucent grey mist distorts the image of Lirakam, and he vanishes from sight.
Translucent grey mist distorts the image of Azar, and he vanishes from sight.
You let the wisps of magic carry you through unseen corridors to your destination.
You step out of the ethers, arriving suddenly at your destination.
On a black, forsaken road
[Exits: south up]
     (Humming) A longsword forged from mysterious, glittering red metal is here.
(Flaming) Azar the male human is here.
(Translucent) (Flaming) Lirakam the male elf is here.

<903/1132hp 665/804mana 414/414mv 325121tnl | SU>
Azar snaps his fingers.

<903/1132hp 675/804mana 414/414mv 325121tnl | SU>
Lirakam raises his voice, chanting in an ancient tone, 'Est glant dagnir.'
Lirakam begins blinking in and out of existence.

<903/1132hp 678/804mana 414/414mv 325121tnl | SU>

Azar says, 'Bingo.'
Lirakam says, 'At least.'
Azar says, 'Our steps.'

You get a green gemstone from a leather backpack.

<903/1132hp 707/804mana 414/414mv 325121tnl | SU> smile
You smile happily.

<903/1132hp 707/804mana 414/414mv 325121tnl | SU>

Azar gets a green gemstone from a leather backpack.

Azar licks his mouth and smiles.

<936/1132hp 782/804mana 414/414mv 325121tnl | SU>
Azar waves goodbye to Lirakam.

<936/1132hp 785/804mana 414/414mv 325121tnl | SU> pat liraka
You pat Lirakam on his head.

<936/1132hp 789/804mana 414/414mv 325121tnl | SU>
Lirakam says, 'Morons.'

« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 04:19:44 pm by unreal » Logged

For the darkness! Angry
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Obnoxious IRC whining alien dog

« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2008, 02:37:53 am »

Your spell succeeds and a tired traveller's voice obeys to your magic.
A tired traveller says, ''I want sex''

« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 03:06:35 am by deda » Logged

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
Lifetime Member

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IRC pet priest

« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2008, 07:48:19 pm »

Astaret tells the group, 'Child is attackin.'
Astaret tells the group, 'Lets kill the child.'

We will descend
On anyone unable to defend
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« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2008, 02:44:59 pm »

Qhoren says, 'Hahaha.'
Qhoren says, 'And I am a gully dwarf.'

Hero Member

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Yeah , don't cross my path

« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2008, 04:00:03 pm »

Qhoren says, 'Hahaha.'
Qhoren says, 'And I am a gully dwarf.'


Seems someone never talk to Qhoren Wink Must be: Qhoren says, 'And am the gully dwarf.'...


Red-white destiny.
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« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2009, 08:05:04 pm »

Not so much a quote, but something seen.  Who says the realms have no sense of humor!  The things that happen to us while we are sleeping...

<1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]>  
The magic of your fly unravels.

<1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]>  
You suddenly feel confused!

<1111/1111hp 781/781m 360/360mv 702546tnl | [NW]>  
You feel your body going all soft.


New Member

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« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2009, 01:26:38 pm »

Here is the log from old days... well.. not really log, but a copy past coz i was too drunk to turn loggin on that night  Grin

it's not full, but it's all i have

>1055/1055hp 563/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard winks suggestively at Groum.

>1055/1055hp 563/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 563/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say waa
Groum says, 'Hmmm.'
You say, 'Waa.'

>1055/1055hp 563/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  gig
You giggle.

>1055/1055hp 563/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  c 'blade bar
You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
With a shower of sparks a whirlwind of flashing blades appears around you.

>1055/1055hp 513/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum screams loudly!

>1055/1055hp 513/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  look
An Outcropping of Rocks
  Massive boulders jut up out of the depths of the sea from a
dormant volcano just beneath the surface. Worn smooth from
thousands of years of sea water, the rocks have become a
favored sun bathing spot of the merfolk, for which the sea
was named. The water is a deep blue here, not even a hint
of green can be detected.

[Exits: east south west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(White Aura) Trehmos the male half-elf is here.
(White Aura) Groum the male minotaur is here.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

>1055/1055hp 513/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 513/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says to a merman guard, 'Why do you wait until now to say something?'

>1055/1055hp 513/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
The day has begun.
Your rage ebbs.
You feel less righteous.

>1055/1055hp 549/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  ca ble
ca frenz
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
You feel righteous.

>1055/1055hp 544/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
You are filled with holy wrath!

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard sits down and thinks deeply.

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'You  know..'

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say mages...
You say, 'Mages...'

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  smile
You smile happily.

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum tells the group, 'Who is it? *smile.'

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'It is very difficult question for me, I will not answer it!'

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say have too much brains
You say, 'Have too much brains.'

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'What do i know?'

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 514/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
The sun rises in the east.

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos chuckles politely.

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos chuckles at a merman guard's joke.
A merman guard chuckles at Trehmos's joke.

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard shakes Trehmos's hand.

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say yes guard?
You say, 'Yes guard?'

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  smile
You smile happily.

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'I guess you can choose what you answer, and what you dont.'

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'Yes, Hanarr?'

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 584/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  nod
You nod.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  look
An Outcropping of Rocks
  Massive boulders jut up out of the depths of the sea from a
dormant volcano just beneath the surface. Worn smooth from
thousands of years of sea water, the rocks have become a
favored sun bathing spot of the merfolk, for which the sea
was named. The water is a deep blue here, not even a hint
of green can be detected.

[Exits: east south west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(White Aura) Trehmos the male half-elf is here.
(White Aura) Groum the male minotaur is here.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'C'mon! Better to walk with girls than to kill them'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'Agree?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say i'll taky red hair!

Groum looks at an aurburn haired mermaid.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  You say, 'I'll taky red hair!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum smiles happily at an aurburn haired mermaid.
An aurburn haired mermaid smiles happily at Groum.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum says, 'No.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum says, 'I'm first!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say yes!
You say, 'Yes!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos glances at an aurburn haired mermaid.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
The white aura around Groum's body fades.
A steel-plated iron hammer crumbles into dust.
wie sce

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid says, 'Hmm..'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum tells the group, 'Sanc gone.'
You do not have that item.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid says, 'Hmmmmmmmm........'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum kisses an aurburn haired mermaid.
An aurburn haired mermaid kisses Groum.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum dances wildly before you!

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'So your going to rape'em?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid says, 'I choose Groum!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  cry

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum dances wildly before you!

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid pats Trehmos on his head.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos sighs.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum drinks water from a magical spring.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum drinks water from a magical spring.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'What about me?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Your shelter of the earth dissipates.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'I never allow it!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  rofl
You roll on the floor, laughing hysterically.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum roars, 'Guard....'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum giggles.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'I guess you just dont like halflings huh?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'You?...'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  sanc
> c shelter
You utter a prayer to your deity.
The strong shelter of the Earth envelops you.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'Yeah!'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'You are right!'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say hey baby they are ugly!
You say, 'Hey baby they are ugly!'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard nods at Trehmos.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say i am the one you need
You say, 'I am the one you need.'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos glares icily at a merman guard.
A merman guard glares icily at Trehmos.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
The white aura around Trehmos's body fades.
Your blade barrier fades away.
You no longer feel as resisted against cold.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  c 'blade bar
c 'res col
You utter a prayer to your deity.
With a shower of sparks a whirlwind of flashing blades appears around you.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'Ah, them..'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
You feel more resisted against cold attacks.

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.'
Trehmos is surrounded by a white aura.

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid says, 'Hmmm..Hanarr.. Groum is handsome'

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say you too not very beauty
You say, 'You too not very beauty.'

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  l groum
The high and brawny essence faces to you.
Horns, a mighty constitution, and a rough wool covering his body...
You understand that before you the minotaur.
Groum speaks with you with strong accent...
At times you cannot understand that it speaks...
Probably it from the far far grounds...
In His eyes you read calmness and confidence
his head always refused to remember silly magic spells
But his muscles and a true sword never brought Groum
Groum is in perfect condition.

Groum is using:
<worn on finger>    (Glowing) the signet of the Obsidian Alliance
<worn on finger>    a bone ring
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) an ebony necklace set with a sapphire
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) an ebony necklace set with a sapphire
<worn on torso>     a shirt of hard iron rings
<worn on head>      a golden helm decorated with sea serpent horns
<worn on legs>      a skirt of linked iron chains
<worn on feet>      a pair of mud-encrusted boots
<worn on hands>     a pair of brown leather gloves
<worn on arms>      a pair of metal-plated sleeves
<worn on body>      a poncho from the carcass of an aurburn haired mermaid
<worn on waist>     (Glowing) (Humming) a crude iron belt
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a pitch-black obsidian bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a bracelet of frost
<wielded>           (Humming) a blademaster's sword
<dual wielded>      (Humming) a sparkling steel scimitar

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say nay
You say, 'Nay.'

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid must like Groum a great deal to beam at him so broadly!

>1055/1055hp 539/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say he is huge
You say, 'He is huge.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum smiles happily at an aurburn haired mermaid.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say he is powerful
You say, 'He is powerful.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say but not handsome
You say, 'But not handsome.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum nods.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid says, 'I like huge men!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'We are all powerful in our own way.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid says, 'And powerful, ummmmm!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid blushes.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos glares icily at an aurburn haired mermaid.
An aurburn haired mermaid glares icily at Trehmos.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid winks suggestively at Groum.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum tells the group, 'Hannar kill them *smile...'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'Groum.....'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say i have better constitution then he!
You say, 'I have better constitution then he!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'I think they are just trying to use you.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  yell i'll can make it longer!
You yell, 'I'll can make it longer!'
A merman guard says, 'Look guys, dont take my girl, better find another'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum says, 'Hmm.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
You feel able to forge a new hammer.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  gig
You giggle.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum looks at an aurburn haired mermaid.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum looks at a merman guard.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard growls at Groum. Better leave the room before the fighting starts.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum roars, 'Where manuals?...'
Trehmos says, 'The aurburn might dance for you, but she is just trying to dispersuade you.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum giggles.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
You no longer feel as resisted against lightning.
You no longer feel as resisted against fire.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  c 'res fire
c 'res light
You utter a prayer to your deity.
You feel more resisted against fire attacks.

>1055/1055hp 589/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
You feel more resisted against electrical attacks.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe

Trehmos glances at a merman guard.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum looks at a merman guard.
Trehmos recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Magnul arlasklaniles liritar.'
Trehmos begins to flicker in and out of existence before your eyes.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'I may not worry about Groum, he thinks only about books. What a man..'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Before your eyes, a merman guard's sanity is slipping away...

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum roars, 'Heh...'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos chants in a strange, yet melodious tone, 'Emynir ainstan alasse.'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Emynir ainstan alasse.'
Trehmos's skin becomes iron strong.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos chuckles politely.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum drinks water from a magical spring.
Trehmos utters in a beautiful, mystical incantation, 'Haran ilmaths simpa fao.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum fills a buffalo water skin with water from a magical spring.
Trehmos recites a sweet mystical verse, humming, 'Suntaar hansoi shanto.'
The air around Trehmos becomes a softly shimmering sphere.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Faernil fao dagnir.'
Trehmos is surrounded by a force shield.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say yes he have so much brains that they don't fit his head
You say, 'Yes he have so much brains that they don't fit his head.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  smile
You smile happily.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos throws back his head and cackles insanely!

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum punches you playfully. OUCH!

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos intones an elegant incantation, chanting, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.'
Groum is surrounded by a white aura.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Your blade barrier fades away.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  c 'blade bar
You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
With a shower of sparks a whirlwind of flashing blades appears around you.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says to you, 'Let take his head?'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos tickles an aurburn haired mermaid.
An aurburn haired mermaid tickles Trehmos.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
say nay
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  You say, 'Nay.'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  Groum says, 'Hmmm.'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say what for?
You say, 'What for?'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid rubs against Trehmos and purrs contentedly.

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say we can't even play with it
You say, 'We can't even play with it.'

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 564/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
You are bathed in the blood-red glow of Lunitari.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'Dunno..okay, it was a bad idea'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard whistles contentedly.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum smiles happily at a merman guard.
A merman guard smiles happily at Groum.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  eq
You are using:
<worn on finger>    a bone ring
<worn on finger>    a bone ring
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) an amulet emitting a soft light
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) an amulet emitting a soft light
<worn on head>      a brilliant wreath of fresh blue roses
<worn on legs>      a pair of leggings wrapped in vines
<worn on feet>      a pair of brown rakshasa claws
<worn on arms>      a pair of pale blue bracers
<worn as shield>    (Humming) a shield of outstretched wings
<worn on waist>     belt made of fishskin
<worn around wrist> a steel wristguard
<worn around wrist> a steel wristguard
<bearing>           a sign of the forging Hammer

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  inv
You are carrying:
     a leather backpack

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'What was a bad idea?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  look
An Outcropping of Rocks
  Massive boulders jut up out of the depths of the sea from a
dormant volcano just beneath the surface. Worn smooth from
thousands of years of sea water, the rocks have become a
favored sun bathing spot of the merfolk, for which the sea
was named. The water is a deep blue here, not even a hint
of green can be detected.

[Exits: east south west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(White Aura) Trehmos the male half-elf is here.
(White Aura) Groum the male minotaur is here.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum says, 'Take my head.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum says, 'But you can try.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos nods at Groum.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
The white aura around Trehmos's body fades.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard says, 'Oooh.. these wise mages...'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum grins evilly.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.'
Trehmos is surrounded by a white aura.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard giggles.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos smirks at a merman guard's saying.
A merman guard smirks at Trehmos's saying.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  look
An Outcropping of Rocks
  Massive boulders jut up out of the depths of the sea from a
dormant volcano just beneath the surface. Worn smooth from
thousands of years of sea water, the rocks have become a
favored sun bathing spot of the merfolk, for which the sea
was named. The water is a deep blue here, not even a hint
of green can be detected.

[Exits: east south west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(White Aura) Trehmos the male half-elf is here.
(White Aura) Groum the male minotaur is here.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid kisses Groum with intense passion.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  say hey guard
You say, 'Hey guard.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid licks her mouth and smiles.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'Wow groum.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'Guess this one likes you.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  look

Groum and an aurburn haired mermaid perform an elegant waltz.
An aurburn haired mermaid slaps Groum.
An Outcropping of Rocks
  Massive boulders jut up out of the depths of the sea from a
dormant volcano just beneath the surface. Worn smooth from
thousands of years of sea water, the rocks have become a
favored sun bathing spot of the merfolk, for which the sea
was named. The water is a deep blue here, not even a hint
of green can be detected.

[Exits: east south west]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(White Aura) Trehmos the male half-elf is here.
(White Aura) Groum the male minotaur is here.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
The night has begun.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  l gua
He keeps careful watch for predators, especially sea serpents,
ready to give up his life to protect the mermaids. He knows
they trust him explicitely, and would do anything to never let
them down.
A merman guard is in perfect condition.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
A merman guard pats an aurburn haired mermaid on her head.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum bursts into tears.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'But i wonder....'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'How would your kids look?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe

An aurburn haired mermaid hugs Groum.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum hops around like a little kid.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid says, 'Emm...'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
An aurburn haired mermaid says, 'I dont wish any kid!'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, 'It would be a shame to taint your blood, with that of a mermaid wouldnt it>.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
The silvery light of Solinari rises in the night sky.
Your shelter of the earth dissipates.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum gets a leg of lamb from a bag.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Groum eats a leg of lamb.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  
Trehmos says, '?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 1280.41603$ 207012<  

New Member

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Posts: 9

« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2009, 01:30:27 pm »

and another part of wild night

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  You get a Magic Mushroom.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  You eat a Magic Mushroom.
You are no longer hungry.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  You see nothing like that in the bac.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  You do not have that item.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  You do not have that item.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A drunken raven haired mermaid says, 'Deer, Look at me'

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Trehmos throws back his head and cackles insanely!

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum says, 'Bed ready.'

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  Groum says, 'I mean.'
An Outcropping of Rocks
  Massive boulders jut up out of the depths of the sea from a
dormant volcano just beneath the surface. Worn smooth from
thousands of years of sea water, the rocks have become a
favored sun bathing spot of the merfolk, for which the sea
was named. The water is a deep blue here, not even a hint
of green can be detected.

[Exits: east south west]
( 2) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
Phallen the male human is here.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A mermaid, raven black hair fanning about her body, sings to herself.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A beautiful mermaid solicitously brushes her lustrous, golden hair.
(White Aura) The pill dealer stands here carefully manipulating a pill.
(Charmed) A small donkey is here waiting for it's master.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
(White Aura) The potion dealer stands here brewing a new potion.
A mermaid, raven black hair fanning about her body, sings to herself.
(White Aura) Trehmos the male half-elf is here.
Groum the male minotaur is here.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'The stranger came from way out east'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'To magic wood to kill a beast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'His sole intent to have a feast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Some fresh meat at the very least.'

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A drunken raven haired mermaid says, 'I have no legs'

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer laughs joyously.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A drunken raven haired mermaid cries on Trehmos's shoulder.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer says, 'That's a problem.'
A drunken raven haired mermaid cries on Trehmos's shoulder.

>1055/1055hp 569/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'
Phallen's starvation wounds him.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Trehmos says, 'You dont need legs.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum says, 'A drunken raven haired mermaid says, 'Deer, Look at me'.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum roars, 'Drunken.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'The stranger came from way out east'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'To magic wood to kill a beast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'His sole intent to have a feast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Some fresh meat at the very least.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A drunken raven haired mermaid says, 'I dont think so'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'The stranger came from way out east'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'To magic wood to kill a beast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'His sole intent to have a feast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Some fresh meat at the very least.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum asks, 'Where's my money??'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Trehmos says, 'Think about it.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice yawns.
Groum cries on your shoulder.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'The stranger came from way out east'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'To magic wood to kill a beast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'His sole intent to have a feast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Some fresh meat at the very least.'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'The stranger came from way out east'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'To magic wood to kill a beast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'His sole intent to have a feast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Some fresh meat at the very least.'
Phallen's starvation wounds him.
You no longer feel as resisted against lightning.
You no longer feel as resisted against fire.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A very drunken mermaid says, 'Money?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Smirking cruelly, Phallen says, 'Sends away a young scribe with a record of the days events.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum says, 'Buha ha ha ha.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A very drunken mermaid says, 'Which money?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen sends away a young scribe with a record of the days events.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum roars, 'Ok never mind.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum smiles happily.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Trehmos eats a Magic Mushroom.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A very drunken mermaid must like Groum a great deal to beam at him so broadly!

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen drinks red wine from a wine-cask.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen drinks red wine from a wine-cask.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen drinks red wine from a wine-cask.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen drinks red wine from a wine-cask.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'The stranger came from way out east'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'To magic wood to kill a beast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'His sole intent to have a feast,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Some fresh meat at the very least.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer drinks water from a magical spring.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Trehmos says, 'Can anyone make more mushrooms?'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
With a wicked sneer, Phallen says, 'Ahhhhh tho drruhnkenehd.'

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen's starvation mauls him.
Your blade barrier fades away.
You feel less protected.
You feel less armored.

>1055/1055hp 614/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  c cre
You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

>1055/1055hp 609/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  c cre
You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

>1055/1055hp 604/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  c cre

Phallen gets a Magic Mushroom.

>1055/1055hp 604/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen gets a Magic Mushroom.

>1055/1055hp 604/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  You utter a prayer to your deity.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

>1055/1055hp 599/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  Phallen eats a Magic Mushroom.

>1055/1055hp 599/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen eats a Magic Mushroom.

>1055/1055hp 599/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  c cre

The pill dealer's eyes slide out of focus as he utters, 'Baenur filnani dagnir.'
A small volcano grows from the ground, throwing huge boulders around!

>1055/1055hp 599/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Phallen!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES Phallen!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISMEMBERS a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISMEMBERS a young girl with a lovely voice!
A young girl with a lovely voice seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a golden haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a golden haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the pill dealer!
The pill dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a donkey!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a donkey!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
An Unseen God seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the potion dealer!
The potion dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a drunken raven haired mermaid!
A drunken raven haired mermaid seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Trehmos!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES Trehmos!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards you!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Groum!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** Groum!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a very drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a very drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a merman guard!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a merman guard!

>943/1055hp 599/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>943/1055hp 599/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

>943/1055hp 594/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Trehmos eats a Magic Mushroom.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'

>943/1055hp 594/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Phallen!
Someone's flaming boulder maims Phallen!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a golden haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MASSACRES a golden haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the pill dealer!
The pill dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The pill dealer seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a donkey!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a donkey!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
A young girl with a lovely voice seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the potion dealer!
The potion dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISMEMBERS a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Trehmos!
Someone's flaming boulder decimates Trehmos.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards you!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES you!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Groum!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS Groum!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a very drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a very drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a merman guard!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a merman guard!

>850/1055hp 594/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen says nastily, 'Muhch oblligehd.'

>850/1055hp 594/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'

>850/1055hp 594/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>850/1055hp 594/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Phallen!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES Phallen!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a golden haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a golden haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the pill dealer!
The pill dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a donkey!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a donkey!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the potion dealer!
The potion dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MASSACRES a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Trehmos!
Someone's flaming boulder decimates Trehmos.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards you!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES you!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Groum!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** Groum!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a very drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a very drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a merman guard!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a merman guard!

>800/1055hp 594/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer says, 'Woops'

>800/1055hp 594/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  c cre
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

>800/1055hp 589/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Trehmos recites a sweet mystical tune, whispering, 'Suntaar sanntheeshie shanto.'

>800/1055hp 589/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer says, 'Woops.'

>800/1055hp 589/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Phallen!
Someone's flaming boulder maims Phallen!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISMEMBERS a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a golden haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a golden haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the pill dealer!
The pill dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a donkey!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a donkey!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
A young girl with a lovely voice seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the potion dealer!
The potion dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISMEMBERS a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
Someone's flaming boulder DISMEMBERS An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Trehmos!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS Trehmos!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards you!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Groum!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES Groum!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a very drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a very drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a merman guard!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a merman guard!

>674/1055hp 589/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  cm
> c 'cure mort'
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
A warm feeling fills your body.

>774/1055hp 549/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Phallen!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES Phallen!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
A young girl with a lovely voice seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a golden haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a golden haired mermaid!
A golden haired mermaid seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the pill dealer!
The pill dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a donkey!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a donkey!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
An Unseen God seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the potion dealer!
The potion dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISMEMBERS a drunken raven haired mermaid!
A drunken raven haired mermaid seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards you!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Groum!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** Groum!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a very drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a very drunken mermaid!
A very drunken mermaid seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a merman guard!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a merman guard!

>673/1055hp 549/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer roars, 'Ouch'

>673/1055hp 549/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  cm

A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.

>673/1055hp 549/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer says, 'Run!'

>673/1055hp 549/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  > c 'cure mort'
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
A warm feeling fills your body.

>773/1055hp 509/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Phallen!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES Phallen!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a golden haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a golden haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the pill dealer!
The pill dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a donkey!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a donkey!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder maims a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder maims a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the potion dealer!
The potion dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The potion dealer seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISMEMBERS a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards you!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES you!
You are stunned by the impact!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Groum!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** Groum!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a very drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a very drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a merman guard!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a merman guard!

>724/1055hp 509/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  cm

A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Came he from a mage's guild,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'In high magics he was skilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Upon his spells power he'd build...'
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'A magic-less knight had him killed,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Promises now unfulfilled,'
A young girl with a lovely voice sings 'Magic blood in the forest spilled.'

>724/1055hp 509/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Phallen!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS Phallen!
Phallen seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a golden haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a golden haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the pill dealer!
The pill dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a donkey!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a donkey!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the potion dealer!
The potion dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MASSACRES a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards you!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Groum!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** Groum!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a very drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a very drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a merman guard!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a merman guard!

>612/1055hp 509/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer says, 'Woops.'
> c 'cure mort'
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
A warm feeling fills your body.

>712/1055hp 469/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
A young girl with a lovely voice plucks the strings of her harp.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Phallen!
Someone's flaming boulder maims Phallen!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a drunken mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a golden haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a golden haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the pill dealer!
The pill dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a donkey!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a donkey!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES a young girl with a lovely voice!
A young girl with a lovely voice seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder maims a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a young girl with a lovely voice!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a young girl with a lovely voice!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards the potion dealer!
The potion dealer is unaffected by someone's flaming boulder.
The potion dealer seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a drunken raven haired mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MASSACRES a drunken raven haired mermaid!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards An Unseen God!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES An Unseen God!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards you!
Someone's flaming boulder *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards Groum!
Someone's flaming boulder MANGLES Groum!
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a very drunken mermaid!
Someone's flaming boulder MUTILATES a very drunken mermaid!
A very drunken mermaid seems to be stunned by the impact.
The volcano shivers and throws a boulder towards a merman guard!
Someone's flaming boulder DISEMBOWELS a merman guard!

>599/1055hp 469/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Smirking cruelly, Phallen says, 'Ccoarefuhul!'

>599/1055hp 469/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>599/1055hp 469/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  cm
> c 'cure mort'
You concentrate a moment and pray to your deity.
A warm feeling fills your body.

>699/1055hp 429/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum leaves east.
You follow Groum.
An Outcropping of Rocks
  A soft, warm breeze whispers through the rocks, not even
strong enough to stir up the dark blue water just barely
drifting through. The rocks, worn smooth from the pressure
of the water, are part of an old, dormant volcano just below
the water's surface. At any given time, merfolk can be seen
here, either sunbathing or gazing up at the stars.

[Exits: north east south west]
Groum the male minotaur is here.
A tawny haired mermaid swims effortlessly through the waves.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.
A merman guard says, 'State your business Hanarr, or be gone!'
A merman guard says, 'State your business Groum, or be gone!'

>699/1055hp 429/614mn 290/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen has arrived.
A merman guard says, 'State your business Phallen, or be gone!'

>699/1055hp 429/614mn 290/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  sca w
You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(A small, but dangerous-looking volcano is here)
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A mermaid, raven black hair fanning about her body, sings to herself.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A beautiful mermaid solicitously brushes her lustrous, golden hair.
(White Aura) The pill dealer stands here carefully manipulating a pill.
(Charmed) A small donkey is here waiting for it's master.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
(White Aura) The potion dealer stands here brewing a new potion.
A mermaid, raven black hair fanning about her body, sings to herself.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

 **** 2 west ****
A tawny haired mermaid swims effortlessly through the waves.
A beautiful mermaid solicitously brushes her lustrous, golden hair.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

You hear something's death cry.

>699/1055hp 429/614mn 290/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>699/1055hp 429/614mn 290/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  Groum yells, 'Go east!'

>699/1055hp 429/614mn 290/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
With a wicked sneer, Phallen says, 'Heal me hanarr.'
The pill dealer yells, 'RUUUUUUUUUN!'

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer yells, 'RUUUUUUUUUN!'

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer yells, 'RUUUUUUUUUN!'

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer yells, 'RUUUUUUUUUN!'

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  sca w
You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(A small, but dangerous-looking volcano is here)
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A mermaid, raven black hair fanning about her body, sings to herself.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A beautiful mermaid solicitously brushes her lustrous, golden hair.
(White Aura) The pill dealer stands here carefully manipulating a pill.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
(White Aura) The potion dealer stands here brewing a new potion.
A mermaid, raven black hair fanning about her body, sings to herself.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

 **** 2 west ****
A tawny haired mermaid swims effortlessly through the waves.
A beautiful mermaid solicitously brushes her lustrous, golden hair.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  The pill dealer has arrived.
A drunken mermaid has arrived.
A drunken raven haired mermaid has arrived.
A golden haired mermaid has arrived.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer peers intently west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum applies bandages to himself.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe

Phallen looks at the pill dealer.
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Trehmos    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer peers intently west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen peers intently west.
The pill dealer peers intently west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum peers intently west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen throws back his head and cackles insanely!

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Groum peers intently west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) A hard-shelled turtle An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer yells, 'Casualties?'

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen leaves west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
The pill dealer peers intently west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  sca w
You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(A small, but dangerous-looking volcano is here)
Phallen the male human is here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
A young girl with a lovely voice is sitting here.
(White Aura) The potion dealer stands here brewing a new potion.
A mermaid, raven black hair fanning about her body, sings to herself.
A lovely, auburn haired mermaid floats about, soaking up the sun.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

 **** 2 west ****
A tawny haired mermaid swims effortlessly through the waves.
A beautiful mermaid solicitously brushes her lustrous, golden hair.
A merman carefully guards the mermaids as they sunbathe.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  The pill dealer leaves west.
A golden haired mermaid leaves west.
A drunken raven haired mermaid leaves west.
A drunken mermaid leaves west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen has arrived.
A merman guard says, 'State your business Phallen, or be gone!'

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 
Phallen leaves west.

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012<  whe
Players near you:
(PK) Phallen    An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Groum      An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) A hard-shelled turtle An Outcropping of Rocks
(PK) Hanarr     An Outcropping of Rocks

>739/1055hp 511/614mn 294/294mv 216.134$ 206012< 

With love to Экся  Roll Eyes
Hero Member

Karma: +31/-4
Offline Offline

Posts: 641

« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2009, 04:36:30 pm »

A fall buck has arrived.

What my sleepy eyes see:
A ball f*ck has arrived.

"Come to the edge," he said.
They said, "We are afraid".
"Come to the edge," he said.
They come, he pushed them...
and they flew.
Hero Member

Karma: +35/-43
Offline Offline

Posts: 2025

Obnoxious IRC whining alien dog

« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2009, 04:57:11 am »

Murphy's law applied:

<1006/1202 617/617 391>NSW 523586 get lib
You get a gold 'Libram of Rape of Angels'.

You are a neutral good assassin, Wayfollower of the Seasons.
Level: 35+11, with 21968870 exp (experience to level: 523586)

<1202/1202 617/617 391>NSW 523586 drop book
You drop a gold 'Libram of Rape of Angels'.

<1202/1202 617/617 391>NSW 523586 sac book
The gods give you 5 silver coins for your sacrifice.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 05:06:29 am by deda » Logged

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
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IRC pet priest

« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2009, 07:15:02 pm »

<192/546hp 208/682mana 259/259mv 483614tnl | NW>drop rug
You drop a coarsly woven rug.
A greater troll has arrived.
A greater troll gets a coarsly woven rug.
A greater troll leaves west.
<192/546hp 208/682mana 259/259mv 483614tnl | NW> rest rug
You don't see that here.

We will descend
On anyone unable to defend
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« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2009, 01:08:47 am »

<192/546hp 208/682mana 259/259mv 483614tnl | NW>drop rug
You drop a coarsly woven rug.
A greater troll has arrived.
A greater troll gets a coarsly woven rug.
A greater troll leaves west.
<192/546hp 208/682mana 259/259mv 483614tnl | NW> rest rug
You don't see that here.

there's even better - when a peacekeeper at the Inn takes your rug. Cheesy

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
Lady Lunitari

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« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2009, 04:45:30 pm »

You tell RatkoMladic, 'You want to be banned for using such name right now or I should wait for a moment?'
RatkoMladic tells you, 'Whats wrong with my name.'
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« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2009, 06:39:06 pm »

"what's wrong with drinking ale?"(c)

We will descend
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« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2009, 02:05:47 am »

there's even better - when a peacekeeper at the Inn takes your rug. Cheesy
or minotaur in asalandor

"Come to the edge," he said.
They said, "We are afraid".
"Come to the edge," he said.
They come, he pushed them...
and they flew.
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