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Author Topic: Solace quotes.  (Read 17528 times)
Lady Lunitari

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« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2009, 10:32:01 am »

One even better:

HERETIC: Liora: So lets die for the idea?
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« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2010, 12:30:39 am »

<1129/1417hp 548/1023mana 468/469mv 772857tnl | NS> You chant a magical incantation.
Areth yells, 'Die, Vix you sorcerous dog!'
Your lightbane MUTILATES Areth!
Areth is convulsing on the ground.

<1129/1417hp 523/1023mana 468/469mv 772857tnl | NS>
< T: Vix TC: small wounds   E: Areth EC: convulsing >
< >
The air before you flares up and Areth's spell reflects!
Areth is blasted with a sliver of ice!
Areth's icicle MUTILATES him!
Areth is DEAD!!
Areth's leg is sliced from his dead body.

Areth is knight tho. Died to his own autocasting sword. Thats why I find it funny and hilarious Smiley
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« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2010, 05:12:32 am »

headshot  Grin

For the darkness! Angry
Your bane, your curse

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« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2010, 10:29:53 am »

Quote from dedraelos:

It should be noted that unless you have a very very dedicated person who loves you very much, we're all playing this game for our own utmost enjoyment. We will probably only help you if A: We are bored, B: Helping you helps us. Sorry, but that's the way life is.
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« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2010, 03:46:24 pm »

You point a finger at a wall of ice and utter the word, 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporises a wall of ice's heart, killing it instantly!
A wall of ice shatters into a thousand shards of ice which melt away into nothing.

Dont hurt ice walls, they have a heart Sad
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« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2014, 06:41:00 pm »

Koi-8 the male codepage

We will descend
On anyone unable to defend
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See you space cowboy...

« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2014, 06:55:57 pm »

You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk awndd nnno play moakehth Mhmehrrlaood oa duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll worrk oannnd noo play mmahkehth Mmeerrlloodd ah duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All work andd naoo play maakes Mmmerrllod a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk annd naoo plawy mawkess Mmmerllodd aw duhulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk and no play mmakehs Mmerrllood aa dduhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aallll worrck ahnd no pllay mmawkehth Mehrrllood a dduhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worrk aanndd noo plahy mmmakesz Mmehrrlod a dull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorck aannnd nno pllay mackehth Merrllod oa dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck awnnd noo pllay mmmackehth Meerrllod a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll waoorrck annnd noo plawy mmaketh Mmehrrlod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk andd nnnoo play makeess Mmmeerlloodd aa duhhlll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll work annnd nno play mmackehth Mmehrrlodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrck anndd nnoo play mmaakeess Mmmerrllodd ah duhhll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk oand naoo plahy mmaketh Merrllod a duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woork andd nnno play mmoakehs Mmerrlodd aa duhll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worrck awnnnd noo pllahy mmmahckes Mmeerlloodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck and no play mmmakes Mmeerrllod aw duhll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worck annnd nnaoo play mmakehth Mmmerlod a dduhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrck oannnd no plawy mhmahckehsz Mmmeerlood oa dduhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork anndd noo play mmakehsz Mhmerllood a duhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoork annnd nnnoo play mawckees Mmerlood a ddulll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worrck annd nnno pllawy mmmakesz Mmmehrlloodd ah dduhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk and nno pllaay mawkes Merrllaood a dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worrk and noo plawy mmmoacketh Mmmehrlod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk ahnnd no pllay mmmackeesz Mmerlood a dduhhll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk andd no play mmakesz Mmmehrlood aw dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoorrk andd noo plawy maakees Mmmerrlaoodd a dulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woork andd nnno play mmoakehs Mmerrlodd aa duhll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worrck awnnnd noo pllahy mmmahckes Mmeerlloodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck and no play mmmakes Mmeerrllod aw duhll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worck annnd nnaoo play mmakehth Mmmerlod a dduhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrck oannnd no plawy mhmahckehsz Mmmeerlood oa dduhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork anndd noo play mmakehsz Mhmerllood a duhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoork annnd nnnoo play mawckees Mmerlood a ddulll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worrck annd nnno pllawy mmmakesz Mmmehrlloodd ah dduhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk and nno pllaay mawkes Merrllaood a dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worrk and noo plawy mmmoacketh Mmmehrlod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk ahnnd no pllay mmmackeesz Mmerlood a dduhhll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk andd no play mmakesz Mmmehrlood aw dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoorrk andd noo plawy maakees Mmmerrlaoodd a dulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall waoorrk and nnnaoo play mmmahketh Meerrlodd ah ddulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork awnnd no pllay mmakeeth Meerlaoodd a duhulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All work annnd nnnoo play mmmakeeth Meerrloodd a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woork andd nno pllahy maaketh Mmerrlod a dduhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work ahnndd no plahy mahckehs Mmmerlood aw dullll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrk anndd nnnoo plahy mhmawkesz Mhmehrrllod a dduhhlll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk annd no play mmahckeeth Mehrrlood aa duhhlll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck and naoo pllay makes Mmmerlood a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork aandd noo play mmmaakes Mmerrlloodd ah duhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk and nno play mmawcketh Mmehrrllaood oa ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork annnd nnno plawy mmakehs Mmehrrllod a ddull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrk anndd no play mmmakess Mmmerrlaood ah dduhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorck annndd noo play makess Meerrllod a dull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck annd nnnoo pllaay mmackehth Meerrlood aa dull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk ahnnd no play makes Mhmerrlod aw dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worck oannndd nnoo play mmmahckehsz Mmeerlod a ddullll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck and no play mahkes Merrlodd aa ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll work and noo plloay mhmakees Mmerrlod oa duhulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aallll worrk annnd noo play mhmaketh Mmehrrlod oa dull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk andd nnno play mmmakeeth Mmmeerlodd a dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work annd nnnaoo play moakes Mmeerlod oa dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrck ahnndd noo ploay mmmahkeess Mmeerlaood a dduhhllll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All work and nnno play mmoakesz Mmmerllood aw dull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk anndd nnno play makes Mmerrlaoodd a dduhull bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck annnd no plaay mhmackeeth Mmeerlood a ddull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk awnndd no play mmakehs Mhmerlod oa ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worrk ahnnnd no pllay mmaacketh Mhmerrlaood a duhll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work awnndd nnoo pllay mhmackees Mmmeerloodd a ddullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work annd noo play mmmakess Meerllaood a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll waoorrk annndd nnnoo play mawckees Mmeerllood a ddullll vbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoork and noo plahy mmmawcketh Mmerlodd a ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll waoorrck annndd nnno pllay mmmackehs Mmmerrllood a dullll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk oannnd nnaoo plawy mhmakehth Mehrrloodd aw duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk awnnnd naoo play mmmahkesz Mmmerrlaood a duhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll woorrk annnd no plahy makess Mmerrloodd a duhull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worrck awnd noo plaay mmackess Mhmerloodd a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall worrk andd nnno pllay mmmakes Meerrlood a duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck annd nnoo pllahy mmmackeeth Mmehrrllood aa duhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork annnd noo pllawy mmaakeeth Mmerrlloodd ah ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork awnndd nno plawy mmmakehth Mmerrlod a ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall worrk awnd no plaay mahkes Merlood aa ddullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrk and nnno play mahkesz Mmerrlloodd a ddullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All work and no play mmaakees Mmerlod a dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrck aand noo play makes Mhmehrlod aa duhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorck aannnd nnnoo plahy mmakehsz Merrlood aa dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoork awnnnd noo play mhmaakeess Mmerlod oa dduhhlll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrck ahnnndd nnno play mmakees Mmmehrllodd a ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk oandd nno plahy mmawckees Mehrrllaood a ddullll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk annd nnoo play mmacketh Mmerlloodd oa duhulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrk and noo pllawy mmmakesz Mmmehrrlloodd a duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk ahnd no play mmakes Mhmehrrlood a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk and nnnoo play mmakehs Mmeerrlood a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck annnd nnno plahy maketh Meerrlod a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoork annd nnno play maackeess Mmerrllod ah ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoork ahnd nnno pllaay maaketh Mmmeerrlodd ah dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk ahnnnd nnnoo play mmmackehss Mmeerlood a duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk annndd no plahy mmacketh Mmmerrlod oa dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk aand nnoo plahy mmackeesz Merrlod a ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork aannd no play mackesz Merlood a dduhullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrk awnnd naoo plahy moakehth Mhmerlod aw dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work ahnd nnoo pllay macketh Merrloodd a dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck annnd nno plaay mmakeesz Mmmerllood a duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worck annd nnoo plawy makes Mmeerllod a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk annndd nnnaoo play mmakess Mhmerllodd aw duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk oannnd no play macketh Mehrrlood ah dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck annnd no pllahy mhmawkehss Meerllood aa duhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll waoorrk anndd noo pllay mmmakehth Mmehrlod a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worck awnnnd noo plloay macketh Mmerrlodd ah dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk oandd no play mmawkesz Merrlod ah dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll worrk annd noo play mmmoakes Mmerlloodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll worrk and noo pllay mmakes Merrllod a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorrck and nnoo plahy mmahkeeth Merrloodd a dulll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll waoorck aanndd noo pllahy mmmakeess Merlod a duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woork ahnd nnoo plawy mmmacketh Mmmeerrlod a dduhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk ahnnd no play mmmacketh Mmmeerlod a ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worrk annd nno play mmmaaketh Mmerlodd oa duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrk and noo play moakees Mmeerrloodd a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk and nnnoo pllawy mmackehs Meerrlodd a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awllll woorrk andd nnno pllay mahkess Mmerllood a ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk ahnnd no plawy mhmaackeess Merlood a duhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worck aanndd nnno plahy mmmahckehss Meerlod a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk ahnd nnnoo play mawkes Mmerrloodd a dduhhll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk annndd noo plahy mmmackees Mmmehrllood oa duhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrk aanndd nno pllay maakeeth Merrlaood a duhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorck ahnnnd nnno pllawy macketh Mehrlood a dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worck ahnd nnno plahy mhmakehs Merrlod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work ahnnndd nnnoo pllay mmakehth Mhmeerrlod aw duhulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrck annnd no pllay mmakesz Mhmehrrllaood a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll work annnd nnoo pllaay mmmakesz Mmeerloodd oa duhulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorrk ahnnnd nnnoo pllay mmawkees Mehrlood a dull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work aandd nnnaoo play mmakeeth Mhmeerrlod aa ddull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork ahnnndd naoo pllahy mmmaakes Mmmerrlod aw dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All work and noo pllawy mmmackeess Mmmehrrllod ah ddullll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll worrk and noo play makes Mmmeerrlood a ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worck and no pllay mmacketh Merrllaood a duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorck aannd noo plahy mmahkesz Mehrrlod a ddulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll woorrk annd noo plloay mmmaaketh Mmmeerllod oa dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk andd nnoo plahy mmmahkess Merllod ah duhullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woork annd noo play mhmakess Meerrlood a duhllll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork and nnno play maackehsz Mmmehrrloodd oa duhhllll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork ahnnd nnnoo play maakeeth Merlloodd a dduhll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woork ahnnndd nnoo plaay mmmakesz Mehrrllod a duhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork ahnd noo play mmahkehs Mmmerllod aa dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk annndd nnoo pllay mmmawckes Mmeerrlaood a dulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorck oand no pllay mmakees Mmehrrllod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorck ahnndd noo plaay mawkehs Mmmerlood a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrk andd naoo pllay mmoackehs Merrllod a dullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk awnd noo plaay mahkees Mmmehrrlood ah dullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrk ahnnndd nno plahy mmmawkehss Mehrlod a duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll worrk and noo plahy mmahkees Mmeerllodd a duhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck ahnd naoo ploay moaketh Mmeerrlaood a duhlll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrck oandd nnaoo play mhmakehss Mmehrlod a duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall woorrk annnd no plahy mmahkehsz Mhmerllod aa dduhhlll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorrk ahnndd no pllahy mmmakesz Mehrrlodd a dduhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll waoorrck and no plahy mmackesz Mmmeerrloodd a duhlll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk awnnnd nnnaoo pllay mmaketh Mmehrrlood a ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck ahnnnd noo plahy mmahkes Mehrrlod aw ddullll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk aannd nno plawy moakesz Mmmerllodd ah dulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall work ahnd nno plaay mmaketh Merrllod a dulll boy.'
You learn from your mistakes, and you manage to master frostbolt.
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk annndd nnno play mmmacketh Merlod a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrk awnd nnno pllaay mmawkes Mmerrlood aw dullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall work annnd naoo plaay mmmackeeth Meerlod aa ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk annndd no plawy mmmakehth Mmerlod oa duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work annd nnnoo plaay mahkes Mmmerrllodd a dulll vbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck annd nno plaay mmahckehth Mmmehrrlaoodd ah ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All work annndd nnoo pllay mhmakehss Mehrrloodd a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll work oandd nnno plloay moackesz Mmerrlood a ddulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork oannd nno play macketh Mmeerlood aw dullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work and nnno plahy mmahckeesz Mmmehrrllodd a dduhulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll work and nnoo play mawkesz Mmmerrllodd a dullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck anndd noo play mmaakes Mmerrloodd a ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrck and nnno pllay mackehss Mmehrrlod a ddullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrk ahnnd nnnoo play mmakehs Mmerlodd aa dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk annnd noo pllay mmakeesz Mehrrllod a dulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk annndd noo pllay mmmahkeess Mmmerrlod oa ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoorrk andd nnno ploay mmmahkehs Mmmehrrlod oa duhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork awnnd noo plahy makeess Mmmerrlodd aw dduhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worrck ahnndd nno pllawy mmahckess Mhmeerllodd a duhll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck ahndd nno play mmahkeesz Mmerlaood oa duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk oanndd no play moackeess Mmerrllodd ah dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All work anndd nnaoo plaay mmakehs Meerlod a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork annd no play mahkehth Mmmerrlood a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll work annndd nnnaoo pllay mmmaketh Mmerrlaoodd ah dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll work ahnnd nno play mmmaketh Mhmerlood aa dduhllll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorck ahnnnd noo plaay mmakees Mhmehrrlood a duhull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck annnd noo play mmakess Mmerllood a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk aannd no plawy mahckeeth Mhmerllood oa dulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk annndd nnaoo pllay mmmakes Mmmerllod a dduhlll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awllll worrck and nnnaoo play mmmakes Mmmehrrlood a duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work awnd nnoo ploay mmakees Mehrllood aa ddull bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk oand no plaay mhmakes Mhmehrlaoodd ah dullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk oannnd no play mhmawkehs Mehrllaood a duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk anndd naoo play mhmakess Mmeerrlod a dduhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk anndd naoo pllay mmmackehss Mmmerrllod a dduhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oallll work annnd nnno play mackeeth Merrlodd a dulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorck ahnndd nnoo plahy makes Mmeerlodd ah duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll waoorrck awnd naoo plaay mmacketh Mmehrrllod a duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork and no plahy makehth Mmerlood a dduhlll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk and nnno play mmakehth Merrlod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck and nnoo plaay mawkees Mmerrloodd aa duhhll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck and nnnaoo ploay makes Mmeerlaoodd a dduhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worck annnd no pllay mmmakes Mmmeerrlood a dduhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrck annnd no plaay makeess Mehrrlood oa duhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorck anndd nnnaoo plawy mackes Mmehrlod a ddullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk ahnd nnnaoo play mmmawkess Mmmehrlod a ddulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk andd nno play mmackes Mehrrlod oa ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrk andd nno play mhmackes Mmmerllod a ddulll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll woorrck annnd nnnoo plahy maketh Mmmerlodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk and nnno pllay makehs Mmmerrlodd a ddull bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work and naoo play mmaaketh Mmeerrllood a dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoorrck aand nnnoo play mhmawckehs Mhmerlodd aa dduhll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk aandd nnnoo pllahy mmakees Mehrrllodd aw duhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk annndd no pllay maketh Mmmerrlodd oa dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll work oandd nno play mmahkehsz Mmmerlod a dulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk ahndd noo pllay mmakeess Mmeerlloodd oa dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk ahnd no play mmakeeth Merrlood aw ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrck ahndd no play mmmakess Mmerllod oa ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work and naoo pllay maakeeth Mehrrlood a duhllll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk andd nnno plahy makes Merllod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worrck awnd noo pllay mmaketh Meerrlaood ah duhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrk ahnnd no play moackesz Mmerrlaood oa dduhll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk annndd naoo play mmmakess Mhmeerrllood a ddullll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrk andd nnnoo ploay mahkeeth Mmerllod oa dduhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorck aannnd nnnoo ploay makes Mmehrrllood a dull bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorck ahnnnd nnnaoo plaay mmackes Mmmehrrlloodd ah duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrck annd nnnaoo play mmaakees Mhmehrlod ah duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work oandd nnnoo play maakeess Merrllodd oa dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall work and nnno plahy mackesz Mmerrllaood ah dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work and nnno play mackees Mmmerrllood a dduhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk annnd no pllahy mmacketh Mehrloodd a ddullll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrck oannd naoo pllay mahckees Mhmerrlod ah ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoork and nnoo plaay mmackes Mhmeerlod ah dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrck annnd nnaoo pllay mmmahkeeth Mmeerrlod a duhullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oallll woork awnnnd nnno pllay maketh Mmmeerrllod a ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll waoorrk and nnno pllaay mmakesz Mmerrlodd oa duhlll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk annd no play mmaakesz Mmeerrllood oa dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worck ahnd nnnoo plahy mmmahketh Mmerrlod ah dulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worrk anndd nnaoo play mhmakeeth Mhmeerlloodd a dull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk awnnnd nnnoo pllay mmackes Merrllodd a dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll work oannnd nnnoo plaay mmmakeesz Mhmehrllaood ah dull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll woorrk anndd no play mhmakes Mehrrllodd a dduhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awllll worrk anndd nnnoo plawy mmaakeesz Merrlaood a ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorck annndd no play mmakess Mmmerrllood ah ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrck andd naoo pllay mmmakeess Mmmeerrlood a dduhlll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrk annndd nnoo play mahckes Mmeerrlodd a dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll waoorrk and nnnoo ploay mmackeeth Mmehrrlood ah duhull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrk andd nnoo pllay mmakesz Mmerrlod ah duhulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oallll woorrk annndd nnno pllay mmaketh Mmehrlood a dulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorck and noo plaay mmahkehs Mmehrloodd aw ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work ahndd noo pllaay mmahkess Mhmeerrlloodd a duhllll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork annnd noo play mmmahkeess Mehrrlod ah ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrk and nnnoo pllaay mmackehs Mmmehrrlaood a dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk ahndd nnoo play mahkess Meerlood a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll work and nnaoo pllay mahkes Mmeerrlood a duhulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrk awnnd nnoo pllahy mmmakess Mmerllod a dduhullll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worck aannnd naoo plahy mmakess Merllood ah ddullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrck ahnnnd naoo ploay mhmaketh Mhmehrrlod a duhllll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrk and nnoo pllay mhmahckesz Mmehrrllaood a dullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk annnd nnnaoo play mhmackehsz Mmmerllodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck aand nno pllay mmmackehsz Mmmerllaood aw dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrck aannnd noo ploay mmakehsz Mmehrloodd ah duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk ahnnnd noo pllay mmakess Mmmehrrlodd ah dduhlll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck ahndd nnno pllay mmaketh Mmerlood a duhulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woork ahnd nnnoo play moakeesz Mehrrllodd a ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk awnd nnaoo pllaay mmmawkess Mhmerrlaoodd a duhull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorck ahnndd naoo pllaay mhmakesz Mmeerlod oa duhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk and nnaoo play mmmaketh Mhmehrrlodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall woork awnndd no play mmaackehsz Mmerrloodd ah duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All work oannndd nnaoo play mmakehsz Mmmehrrlod oa dduhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrck annnd nnnaoo pllay mmmoackehth Mmeerrlood a dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll waoorrk andd nnoo plloay mhmakees Mmmeerllodd a duhullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck ahnnd nno pllay makess Meerrlaood a dduhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk awnd nnnaoo plahy mmakeeth Mmeerrlood a duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork and noo play mmmahkes Mmerrllod ah dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrck ahnd nnno play mmawketh Mmerrllaood ah duhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork aannndd nnoo plaay mmakes Mmeerrllaood ah duhlll vbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll woorrk andd naoo plahy mahkes Meerrlod a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorrck awnnnd no play mawkes Mhmeerrlood a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck annndd nnoo pllay mmoacketh Mmmerllod a duhll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk annd no plahy mmahkehs Mmmeerllood a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk ahnndd nnoo plawy mmakeeth Mmerloodd a duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk and nnnoo pllay makesz Mmmerrlaood a dulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck annnd noo play mhmakehth Mmmeerllaood ah dduhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll waoorrck ahnnd nnaoo play mmakehss Mmeerrlood a dulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll waoork annd nnno plaay mmmackehsz Mmeerrllodd ah duhhllll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorrk annnd noo play mmaketh Mmeerllood ah dduhllll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk annnd no plahy mahkess Merrlodd a dull bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrk andd nnoo pllay mawkeeth Meerrllood aa dduhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woork ahnnd no pllay mmmahkeess Merlodd ah duhhll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk ahnd nnaoo play makeesz Merrllaood a dduhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrk aand nnoo play mmmakes Merlood a duhhll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll waoorrck and nnoo pllay mmackes Mmmeerrlodd a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worrk and no plahy mmackeess Mehrrlod a duhulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck aannndd nno plawy mmawckeesz Mmmehrrllood a dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk oand nnno play mahketh Mmerrllaoodd a dduhhll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work and nnoo plaay mmmahkess Mmmeerrloodd a duhull boy.'
You feel a sudden rush of knowledge!
With your increased skill with fly you gain an insight into windwall.
You tell the group, 'All woork oand nnno play maaketh Mehrllaood a duhhll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk andd no pllay mmackesz Mmerrllod a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll waoorrk aannnd nnno plahy mmahckeess Merrloodd a dduhllll vboy.
You tell the group, 'Oall woorrk and nnoo plaay mmackeeth Mmeerrllod oa dduhulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck and nnnoo play mmakehs Mmerrlod a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrck annnd nnaoo pllahy mhmackehth Mmmeerllood a duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck ahndd nnoo pllay mmmackehth Mhmerlaoodd a dduhhllll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck oannnd nnnoo play maackes Merrllod aw dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk ahndd noo play mmakehs Mmmeerlod a dduhulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork and no pllahy mahketh Mmmerrlodd a duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk ahnd naoo play mmmawketh Mmmehrrlaood a dduhhll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrk and no play mmmahkes Mmerrllood a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork awnd noo play mawkes Mmerrllod ah ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk ahnnnd nnno play mmmakehss Mmmerrlaoodd a duhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work annnd nnoo play mawckees Mmmerrllodd oa dulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork annd nno play mhmackees Meerlaoodd ah duhulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worrk annd noo pllay mmaketh Mmerrloodd aw dduhulll vbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorrck andd nno play mmacketh Mehrrloodd a dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck andd nno pllay maackesz Mhmeerrllod a dulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll waoorck ahndd nno play maaketh Mehrrlodd a ddulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All worck annnd nnno plahy mmoacketh Mmerrlod a dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoork annd nnoo pllawy mmawckees Mhmehrrllodd a ddulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk awnnnd nno ploay mmmahckeeth Mmmerrloodd aw dduhull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck annd naoo play makes Meerlod oa duhhll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll waoorrck andd nnoo ploay mmmakehsz Mehrlodd a dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll worrk annnd nnno play mahckees Mehrrlood a duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck annnd nno pllay mmmakes Merrlod aw dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woork ahnd no pllahy maakees Mmeerrllodd a duhhlll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk and noo plloay makess Mehrrllod aa dulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk annd no plawy macketh Mmerrlod a ddulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll worck anndd nnno plahy mmmacketh Mhmerrllaood aw duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrck annd nnoo play mhmackees Merllod a ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck annnd nnoo play mmmawckehsz Mmerrlloodd a ddulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk andd no pllay mackes Meerrlaood ah duhull bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrck ahndd nnnoo pllay mhmakes Mmmeerloodd a dduhll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Oallll woorrk andd noo play mmmacketh Mmehrllodd ah duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrk andd noo plawy mmackesz Mmmehrrlood a dduhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woork annd nnnoo play moackes Mmehrloodd oa dull bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll waoorrck and no plahy mmmahketh Mmmehrrloodd a duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woork oannd no play mmmahkess Meerrllood oa ddull bbooy.'
You learn from your mistakes, and you manage to master invisibility.
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrck ahnnnd nnnoo plahy mahketh Mmerlood a duhulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All work anndd nnnoo play makesz Mhmehrrllaood a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoork andd noo play mmakehth Merrlloodd aw dduhhlll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk anndd nnno plaay mmackees Mmerrlood aw duhhll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorck and nnaoo pllaay makehs Mhmeerrllood a duhhll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall worrck ahnd nnoo play mmmahkehs Mmmeerloodd oa duhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worrk andd nnno play mmackesz Mmeerlod oa ddull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worrk annndd nnoo play mmmahketh Mmehrrlodd ah ddull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk awnnd noo plloay mackehth Mmerllood ah dull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck aannd nnno ploay makehs Merrlood ah duhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll work and noo pllay mmackess Mehrrlod ah ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck ahnndd nnno plahy mmaakehth Mmerlood oa duhlll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall worrck ahnnnd noo play maakehs Mmmehrloodd oa dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll waoorck annnd nno plloay moakesz Mhmerlood a ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All work awnd nnoo ploay moackees Merllaoodd aa duhlll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck annnd nno plahy maketh Mmerrlood a dulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck andd nnno pllay mhmahkeess Merrlod a dduhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall work annd nnoo play makehth Mmmerrlodd a dulll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk ahnnd no play makesz Mhmerlood aa dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll waoorrk and nno plaay mmoakeess Mmerlood oa dduhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll waoork and naoo play mmaakehs Mhmerrlood a ddulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll waoorrk annndd noo plaay mmoakeesz Mmeerrlloodd aa duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrk aannd nnno pllaay mahkesz Merlood aw dduhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll waoorrk ahnndd no plaay mmakehsz Meerlood a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrck awnd naoo ploay makehss Mmerrloodd aa dduhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck and noo pllay makes Mmeerrlloodd aa dull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrk ahnnnd noo plaay macketh Mmerrlod aw dull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck anndd no plawy mmakees Mmeerrlaood aa ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woorrk awnnndd nnnaoo pllawy mhmakeess Meerrlod oa dullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrk andd nno plaay mmackes Mmmeerrlaoodd oa dduhllll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll work annd naoo pllay mmmawkehsz Merrlood aw dduhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woork awnndd nno play mhmawkees Mmeerlood ah dduhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrk oannnd nno play mmakesz Mmmerrlod a dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck annnd naoo pllahy mmakeesz Mehrrllood a dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck andd naoo play mmakehss Mmerlod a dduhulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk annnd nnoo pllay mmoakeesz Mmerrlod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk ahnd nno ploay mmmawkees Mmehrrlood a duhlll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork awnd naoo play mmmahketh Mehrlod aa duhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorck ahnnd nnno play mmmahkehs Mmehrrlod aw dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoork and nnnoo plawy mmmahkeess Mmeerrllood aw duhhll booy.'
You feel a sudden rush of knowledge!
With your increased skill with transfer object you gain an insight into interposing hand.
You tell the group, 'Awlll woork and no pllahy mahckehs Mehrrllodd ah dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk and nno play mmmaakehth Mmmeerrloodd a ddullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall waoork annd nnnoo plloay mackeess Mhmerrloodd a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrk and no pllaay mackees Merrlaood aw duhhll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk annd nnoo play maakess Mmmerrloodd a dduhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk andd noo plahy mmakehs Mhmerrllood a ddulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk and nnno ploay maketh Mmeerrlodd oa dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk oannndd nno pllaay macketh Merrllaoodd a ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk ahnndd noo ploay mmackeeth Mhmehrrlood a dduhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk awnd nnaoo play mmmahckehsz Mhmerlood a duhullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woork andd nnoo pllay maaketh Mhmehrrlod a duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oallll worrck aannndd nnno play mmoakeeth Merllod ah duhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk annndd nnoo pllay mhmahckes Mmmeerrllod a dduhllll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk ahnndd noo pllahy mmawkees Mmerrllood ah dduhll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrk annndd no play mmahketh Merllood ah duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrk aannnd nnnoo play mmmackeeth Merlaood aw ddull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck aanndd no plahy mmahketh Mmeerrlood a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All work oandd no plaay mahkeeth Meerlodd a dulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll worrk oand noo plaay mahckes Merrlod ah ddulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall worrck annnd noo pllay mmmackess Mmmerrllaoodd oa dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk and naoo plaay mawkess Mmmeerrlod oa ddull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck aand nnno plaay mmmoacketh Mhmeerrlod ah dduhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk ahnnndd noo play mahckeess Mmmerlood a ddullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll waoorrk anndd nno plaay mmmoakes Merllaood oa ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worrk ahnd noo play mahckes Mmeerrlod a dullll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck annnd nnoo pllay mmahkes Mmmerrlodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorck oannnd noo pllay mhmakess Mhmerlood aw ddullll booy.'
You feel a sudden rush of knowledge!
With your increased skill with fireball you gain an insight into heat metal.
You tell the group, 'Awll work andd no pllay mmmaakehth Mmmerllodd a duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck andd noo pllay mahketh Mhmerloodd ah duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork oand noo play mahckehss Mmmerlod a duhulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrk awnnndd nnno pllawy mahkehs Mmmeerrllodd aa dduhllll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll woorrk andd naoo play mahcketh Mmerrlood a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk ahnnnd no plaay mmakees Mmmerrlood oa dull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck ahnd no pllawy makeesz Mehrrlod a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk anndd no play mahkehs Merlloodd a ddull vbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk and nnnaoo play mmahkess Mmerlaood ah ddulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork annnd nnnoo plaay mackehsz Mmerrllaood aw duhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoork ahnnndd nno ploay mmaakess Mmmeerrlaood a duhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk aand no plaay makehsz Mmeerlod a ddullll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk annnd nnoo plawy mmahkehs Mehrrlaoodd ah dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorrck ahndd nnnaoo ploay mmoacketh Meerrlod aa duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk annd no play maketh Mehrrloodd a dduhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worrk ahnnnd naoo play mhmaakeess Merrlloodd a dull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll work andd noo plahy mhmawkeesz Mmmerrllood oa dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk awnnd nnnoo play mmmaketh Mmehrrlaood a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck annnd nnno play mmmoackes Mmmeerrllodd a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrk and nnoo pllahy mhmoaketh Mmeerrllaoodd a duhhlll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall worrk ahnd noo plloay mhmahckesz Mmmeerrlood ah duhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorck and nnaoo plaay mmmakehs Meerrllod a ddull bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk and nno play mmaakess Merrlaoodd aw ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk ahnnnd no pllahy mmahkehsz Mhmerllaoodd aa duhullll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll waoorrck ahnnnd noo play mhmakehsz Mehrrlloodd aa dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oallll woorck and nnnoo play mhmahketh Mmerrllood a dull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aallll work annnd no plawy mmmakesz Mmmeerlood ah dduhhllll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck andd nnno pllay mawkes Mehrrllood a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk aand nnno play mmoakesz Mmerrloodd a ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork ahndd nno play mackeesz Mmehrrlod a ddullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll woork awnd nnoo plahy mmackehth Mmerrloodd oa duhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrck and nnnoo plawy mmmahkesz Mmmehrrloodd aa duhulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk andd noo play mmmackehth Mmmerrlod ah duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work andd nnnoo play maaketh Mhmerlood aa dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worck annndd nno plloay mmakehth Mmmeerrllodd a ddullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worrk and nno play mmahkes Mmerrlodd ah duhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk ahnnnd nno pllawy mmaakesz Mmehrrlloodd a duhlll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck aanndd noo play mmawkeess Mehrlod a dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck annnd nnoo pllay mmoackehth Mmmeerlood aw duhhllll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrck andd no play moakehs Merrlood ah duhll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrck anndd no play mmaakes Mmerrlaood ah ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk annnd naoo pllahy mahkess Mmmeerlood a duhllll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oallll worrk annd nnnoo play mmoakes Mhmeerrlood a dullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrk oandd naoo plawy mahkeess Mmerrlod ah ddullll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk annndd nnnoo pllay mmawkehth Mmmehrrlood a dullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk and nnnoo plaay makess Mhmerrlood a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork ahnnd nnnoo plawy makehs Mmehrrllood a duhhlll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk oannd nno plahy mmmahkeesz Mmerlod a duhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck andd nnnoo pllay moackes Mmerrloodd ah ddulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk annd noo play mmakehsz Mmehrrlodd a dulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll woorrk andd nnoo play maketh Mmerrloodd a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall work and nnoo play mmawcketh Merrlaood a dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll work oandd no pllahy mawkehs Mmerrllood ah ddulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll waoork and nnoo pllay mmmakehth Merrlodd a dull booy.'
You have mastered fireball!
You tell the group, 'All woorrk andd noo pllay mmaketh Mmehrrllood ah dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work ahndd no plahy mahkehs Mmerrllaoodd a duhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck annd nnnoo pllawy maketh Mmerrloodd aa ddulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrk andd nnnaoo pllay moakeeth Merrlood a ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll work andd nnno plahy mmakeeth Merrlod a dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck annd nnnoo play mmmoakeeth Mmmerrllaood a duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrk and nnno ploay makes Mhmehrrlood ah dduhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck ahnd naoo ploay mmmackes Meerrllodd a dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck annnd noo plahy makes Mmmerlloodd a dduhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk annd nnnoo ploay mmahkeeth Mmmerrloodd aa ddull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woork and naoo plaay mmmakeeth Mmerlod aw dduhhlll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woork annd nnnaoo plahy mackes Meerloodd a duhhllll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll work ahnnnd no play mmoakes Mmmerrlodd oa duhhlll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll woork and nnnoo plaay mawketh Mmeerrllood a duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk aandd nnno plloay mmawckeeth Mmmerllood ah duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck ahndd no ploay mmakeeth Merrlood ah dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck ahnndd nnnoo plloay mmmackeeth Meerrllood a ddulll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoork ahnd nno pllay mmmakeesz Mehrrlod oa duhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork annndd naoo ploay mmaakes Mmmerrlood a dulll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll worrck annnd nnoo pllay mhmaakeeth Meerlod aa dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk annd naoo play mmawkehth Mhmeerlodd oa ddullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk and nnno plahy mmmoackes Merlod aa duhulll vbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worck annnd nno pllay makesz Mmerlodd a duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorrck annndd naoo plahy mmmackess Merlloodd ah dullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work ahnndd noo pllawy mhmaacketh Mmerlaood a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll worrk andd noo play makess Mhmerrlodd a dduhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck and no ploay mmaakeeth Merrloodd a ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoorrk annd noo plaay mmawkess Merrloodd a duhll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorck and nno plloay mmackeeth Mmeerlod a duhulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork oannnd nnnoo plahy mahkes Mmerlood ah ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork oanndd nnnoo play mhmahkeeth Meerlaood ah duhullll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk ahnnnd noo pllay mmmakees Mmehrrlloodd aa dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll waoorrck aand no play mawkeesz Mmeerllood a duhll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll worrk awndd nno pllawy mmmoackess Mmmerrloodd aa ddull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorck and naoo plahy mmacketh Merlood oa dull bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll worrk annnd no pllahy mhmawkess Mhmehrrllood aw dulll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrck ahnd noo plaay maakesz Mhmeerrlaood aw ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aallll work ahnd nnno plaay makess Merlodd a dull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoork annd naoo pllay makehs Mmehrrlaood a duhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorck ahnd noo pllay mhmaketh Mmerrloodd aa ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work ahndd nno ploay maackes Mmehrlodd a duhll bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorck annnd nnaoo plahy mawkehs Mmeerrlood a dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll waoorrck ahnnd nnnoo pllawy maakehs Mmmeerrlood a dullll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oallll work aannd nnnaoo pllay makehss Merlod a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk ahnnnd no play makehs Mmeerrlloodd ah duhhlll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll worrk annnd no pllawy mahkes Merrlood a dduhhlll booy.'
You feel a sudden rush of knowledge!
With your increased skill with windwall you gain an insight into tsunami.
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrck annndd noo plaay mahkehss Mehrlod aa dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrck ahnd nnoo plawy makes Mmerllaood a duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woork and noo plahy mhmacketh Mhmehrrllaoodd a dulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk ahnnd noo pllahy mmmackeesz Mehrllood a ddull bbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk oannd noo play mackesz Mmmeerrlood a dduhll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall woorrck oannd nnno play mmackess Meerlaoodd aa dull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woorrck and nno ploay macketh Merrlood a duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck aannnd nnoo ploay makes Mmmehrrlod a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk ahnnnd noo play mmmakess Mmeerllodd a dull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll work annd no ploay mmakess Mhmerrlod aa duhull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worrck aannd nnno play mackesz Mhmerrlodd oa duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork awnnd nnaoo play mahkesz Mmmehrrlod aa duhlll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll worrck aandd nno plahy mmakes Mmerrlood ah dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woorck annnd nnno pllawy mawckes Mmerrlood a dull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck annnd nnnoo ploay mmakeeth Mhmehrrloodd a dull bboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll work annnd nno play mmmoackeess Mmerlloodd a duhulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk annndd no pllay maackehs Mmerrlood a dull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk andd no plaay mmawckees Mmeerlood a duhull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll waoorrck ahnnndd noo plahy mhmacketh Merrlod a ddulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrck and no play mmackehth Meerrloodd ah dduhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll woorrk and noo ploay maacketh Mmmeerrlloodd a dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll woorrk oannndd nnoo play mackes Mmeerrlood a ddull baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll woork ahnndd nnoo play mahketh Mmehrrllod ah ddulll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrk andd nnnoo ploay mawkehsz Mmerllood a duhhllll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck ahnnnd nnnoo plahy mmmackes Mmehrrlodd ah dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrck anndd nno plaay mmmahkeeth Mmmerrlaoodd ah dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoorrck annnd noo pllay mmakees Meerlod a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork and noo plaay mhmahketh Merlodd a duhlll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrck awnd nnoo play mmmaakess Mmmehrrlod a dulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck oanndd nnnoo pllay mmahkeesz Mmmerrlodd a dduhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll worrk annnd no pllay mahckees Mmmeerllodd aa dulll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Aallll woorrk oannndd noo plahy mmahkes Mmeerrlodd a ddull bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll waoorrk and nnnoo play mmakehss Mehrrlood a dduhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork ahnndd nno plawy mmahkeeth Mmerrlood ah duhulll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worck aannnd nnnoo pllawy mmmakeesz Mhmehrlood a ddull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrck annnd no plahy makes Mmehrrloodd a dulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll woorrck ahnd nnnoo play macketh Mmmerrlod aw dduhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahlll waoork and noo pllay maakehs Mehrrllood oa dduhhll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All work ahnndd nnno play mmahckehs Mmmehrrlaood a duhhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk annnd noo ploay mmakeesz Mmerrloodd a dullll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk annnd nnaoo pllahy makess Mmmeerrlood a duhlll vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahllll woorrk annd no play mawkeeth Mhmerrlod ah dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoorrck ahnnndd noo play mmmaakehth Merrlloodd oa duhll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk annnd nno ploay mahckess Mmehrrllodd a duhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Awlll worrk oand nno play mmmackehth Merlod a duhhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall waoorrck awnnd noo play makesz Mmeerrlodd a dull vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrck oandd nno pllay mhmoackess Mehrlod aa ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll worrk aand no pllahy makees Mehrlodd a duhullll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk andd nnno pllay mawckeesz Merlod a dduhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woork and no play mmackehth Merlood a duhll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll waoork ahnndd noo pllahy makehth Mmmerlod a dulll vbaooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk aandd nnnoo play mmaketh Mmehrrlood aw duhlll bboy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck ahnnd nno pllay moakeess Mmeerlodd a dull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrck ahnnd nnnoo plaay mmakess Mehrlloodd aa duhull vbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woorrk andd nnoo plahy mmmaketh Mmehrrllood aw dullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall worrk and no play mhmaakesz Mmmeerrlood ah dullll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll worrk annnd nnnoo pllay mmawkes Mmehrlood oa dduhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'All worrk annd noo pllay mmahkes Mmeerrlod a ddull booy.'
You tell the group, 'Awll worrck annd no plahy maketh Mmehrrllod a duhlll boy.'
You tell the group, 'All waoorrk ahnnnd no ploay makehss Meerllodd ah dulll bbooy.'
You tell the group, 'Oall woorrk annnd noo play mmoakeess Mmmehrrllood a ddull boy.'
You tell the group, 'Oalll waoorrk annd naoo plahy makesz Mmeerrlod a dulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Alll woorrk annnd noo play mmoaketh Mmerllaood a dduhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woork annd noo pllahy mmmackees Mmehrllood aa ddulll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Aalll woorrck and no play mhmackes Mmerrlloodd aa dduhll baooy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll worrk aannndd nnoo plahy makess Mehrrlod a duhhlll booy.'
You tell the group, 'Aall woorrck oannndd nnnaoo play mmaacketh Mmerrlodd ah duhhll boy.'
You tell the group, 'Ahll woork andd nnoo pllay mmmakeesz Mmmerrlaood a dduhull booy.'
You tell the group, 'All woork awnnd nnoo ploay mawckeeth Mmehrlodd a ddulll vboy.'
You tell the group, 'Allll work and no play mhmackes Mmmeerllod oa dduhll boy.'
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 07:51:19 pm by Argonar » Logged

c'mon, just relax and try to imagine that you're just a letters on the screens of other people Grin
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