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Author Topic: cleaver's rp  (Read 25720 times)
Hero Member

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« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2010, 05:23:22 pm »

takhs do not whine!! takh spits in da face of death and go and fight!! takhs foreva, i'm with you! (though not playing yet)  Grin

For the darkness! Angry
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« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2010, 06:16:36 pm »

third, we have 2 applicants and but i can see that solamnia takes people but we cant because immortals( that immortal who frozed Vasq on the log) cant want to see them. Yeah immortal friend or char is a good thing to use:))

It is not because you are applicant of Takhisis. I was waiting now two weeks for Tower. Well, after first week  immortal wakes me and wants to talk but it was 3am and i didn't see him and he left. Another time he blinded me and  tried to kill me while i was mastering spells at archmage. Fortunately i saw it on time or i would die. Then i was finally accepted Smiley .  So, it is not because you are in Takhisis, it is because you have to match your online time with imm time.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 06:18:56 pm by bluesky » Logged

"Come to the edge," he said.
They said, "We are afraid".
"Come to the edge," he said.
They come, he pushed them...
and they flew.
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« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2010, 08:26:31 pm »

yeah nierth there are many reasons about it. i just mention one of them, and dont blame to imms, and i didnt mean you were, just pointed that check this situations also.Because you are experienced imms in here and it seems something is going wrong with them. No need to be smart or wise, just look the logs and actions.
i oppologize if my sayings hurt you , i didnt mean you anyways.

And bluesky, i was talking about balance, what about sharoth?? he was dwarf and deleted and entered human assasin and then in 2 days after created that char he was on solamnia, and that minotaur cleric, i am sure he is alkahen's char also.

Unreal, no worries, all time Smiley)) Darkness will hug them Smiley
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« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2010, 10:06:50 pm »

wtf is that accepting season assassins into solamnia? that's like GAY x 2

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
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« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2010, 10:26:57 pm »

Hirirand yells, 'Help! Mijesh is smashing me!'
You smash Hirirand's head, sending him crashing to the ground.
Your crushing blow MANGLES Hirirand!
A knight of the Dragonarmy has a few scratches.
You smash Hirirand with your mace.
Your crushing blow *** DEVASTATES *** Hirirand!
A knight of the Dragonarmy has a few scratches.

WTF is that? Since when a priest can mace swing twice per round? Someone been bug abusing, eh?

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
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« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2010, 10:41:47 pm »

Ok, seems it sounded maybe too hard. Sorry. Smiley Just wanted to put some fun here. 1 : 1 sounded funny from my point of view. Smiley
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 07:38:15 am by Biopower » Logged
Your bane, your curse

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« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2010, 11:45:13 pm »

Mijesh lost several things because some seems very well know by immortals people called him storer!

Evils & Goods
Count is 1 : 1 !!!

It's a war among immortals already?

I warn everyone here on the forum. One more phrase towards immortals in such manner without any proof and you will be banned not from the forum but from the mud as well. Dot.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 08:39:10 am by Nierth » Logged
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« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2010, 12:04:30 am »

yeah... sad day  Tongue

unseen(i think you know who is that ) strip soth's armor from mijesh
reason was.... mishakal cleric can't use armorm from corrupted solamnic
wtf is that? any lightwalker can and mishcleric no... so its all about RP?
how about he HAD that armor before he was corrupted!!!! why he hell
heretics use armor with solamnia symbols then?Huh?
we killed soth 3 times after this... armor not apeared ....
so... i will be not surprized if i will see that stuff on Nierth.
and btw
right after unseen strip armor from me. Nierth was been tryed to kill me...
nice tactic... we cant kill him... okey lets strip gear from him and try again... hurray!  Tongue
mijesh is very helpfull.... i think he was helped to everyone of you guys...
lihgtwalker balanced ... even really low ranked evils.... i remeber how i find some dark elf in kalaman forset ... he was knocked down... i think he had like - 1 hp or something... so i heal him... so i think my rp is fine...
yes i failed with that zombies... true... but its ONES! just one f*cking time
everyone calling me a storer here...
    an elegant woven rug
      a mace covered with freezing ice
     (Glowing) a flickering blue orb
     (Glowing) a flickering blue orb labelled displacement
     (Glowing) a red-tinted spiked battle mace
     (Humming) the mace of disruption
     a cloak of the Underworld
     (Humming) a coral spiked mace
     a leather backpack
     a ring set with two sapphires  
i'm storer?

i know names like lumen mia gorthar etc etc etc
and main person its a lirakam... he havnt been online like a month
and he still didnt loose anything..... and many others

everyone called me cheater
yes! i do transfer some items from mijesh to shadyn
but it was really long time ago(shadyn was yang).. and unseen tranfered me and strip everything.. so i was been panished
oooh c'mon tell me you never do the same? now or before....
unseen always keep eye on me ... i CAN"T cheat for fcuk sake
coz i know i will be denaied

when mijesh was yang ... i had really big problems .. was been killed like 5 6 times
untill sanctuary
when i was yang everyone was a dark around... in takhisis was like 4 - 6 members
and what i see now?
everyone is light now... and who main light bad ass ?
ofccourse mijesh... lets kill him!!!!
hes a main cheater storer etc ...
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« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2010, 12:05:20 am »

oh.. i write it before nierth post ... hahaha
Hero Member

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« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2010, 12:26:43 am »

Hirirand yells, 'Help! Mijesh is smashing me!'
You smash Hirirand's head, sending him crashing to the ground.
Your crushing blow MANGLES Hirirand!
A knight of the Dragonarmy has a few scratches.
You smash Hirirand with your mace.
Your crushing blow *** DEVASTATES *** Hirirand!
A knight of the Dragonarmy has a few scratches.

WTF is that? Since when a priest can mace swing twice per round? Someone been bug abusing, eh?

yes its a new skill for priest - swing chain   Grin

he cut paste pieces of log and continued on another place i gues

"Come to the edge," he said.
They said, "We are afraid".
"Come to the edge," he said.
They come, he pushed them...
and they flew.
Hero Member

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« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2010, 12:41:45 am »

I warn everyone here on the forum. One more phrase towards immorals in such manner without any proof and you will be banned not from the forum but from the mud as well. Dot.

 Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
(it is not fake log this time Smiley )

ps. Excuse me, excuse me for my very bad rp today with Lunitari!  I make mistakes sometimes heh.  
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 12:51:57 am by bluesky » Logged

"Come to the edge," he said.
They said, "We are afraid".
"Come to the edge," he said.
They come, he pushed them...
and they flew.
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« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2010, 12:44:41 am »

yeah ... sorry its wrong copy/past

i'm cheater.. you forgot?  Grin
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« Reply #32 on: July 06, 2010, 02:36:28 am »

Ути, бедненький Шадин. Все тебя обижают. Ну заплачь еще.
Или ты думаеш тут все тупые, слепые и наивные и никто не заметил как ваша хиро гопа перекочевала в солому, прихватив с собой херову гору стафа? Или может ты думаеш что иммы проглотят твое дибильное рп аля "Я помогаю лайтволкерам"? Да в соломе на кого не глянь, там с 25 левела все ходят с стафе, который без твоего подтирания соплей им бы тока снился. Им сучкам повезло что их не имм индактил, щас бы все с банами сидели.

А вообще я не понимаю какой интерес так играть.  Вас там 5 рыл + еще 3-4 ооц чара постоянно парят. Стафа уже натрансферили по самые уши. Ну и че, разорвете тахов, они свалят с мада, будете сидеть дро*ить на свой стаф и радоваться как вы круто всех поимели. Сей грустный факт определяет ваш скилл левел, господа. А именно тот момент что без ооц поддержки и трансфера вы говна не стоите Smiley

п.с. Вы уж простите что я по русски. Как то ближе, родней и понятней будет )
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« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2010, 03:14:09 am »

а по сабжу слабо ченить сказать?
i'm playing from SPB and i know only one person from my city who play solace.
and hes my foe actualy... so you failed!
no ooc team
about gear.... yes i helped them with gear... so what?
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« Reply #34 on: July 06, 2010, 04:44:56 am »

Ути, бедненький Шадин. Все тебя обижают. Ну заплачь еще.
Или ты думаеш тут все тупые, слепые и наивные и никто не заметил как ваша хиро гопа перекочевала в солому, прихватив с собой херову гору стафа? Или может ты думаеш что иммы проглотят твое дибильное рп аля "Я помогаю лайтволкерам"? Да в соломе на кого не глянь, там с 25 левела все ходят с стафе, который без твоего подтирания соплей им бы тока снился. Им сучкам повезло что их не имм индактил, щас бы все с банами сидели.

А вообще я не понимаю какой интерес так играть.  Вас там 5 рыл + еще 3-4 ооц чара постоянно парят. Стафа уже натрансферили по самые уши. Ну и че, разорвете тахов, они свалят с мада, будете сидеть дро*ить на свой стаф и радоваться как вы круто всех поимели. Сей грустный факт определяет ваш скилл левел, господа. А именно тот момент что без ооц поддержки и трансфера вы говна не стоите Smiley

п.с. Вы уж простите что я по русски. Как то ближе, родней и понятней будет )

hey hey!! takhs will not be 'разорваны' ))) if it will be so - i swear i'll try to find some time and make a char to raise em up Smiley..

For the darkness! Angry
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« Reply #35 on: July 06, 2010, 05:24:18 am »

i really hope you will find some time to play Smiley
will be fun
Your bane, your curse

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« Reply #36 on: July 06, 2010, 08:43:12 am »

Ути, бедненький Шадин. Все тебя обижают. Ну заплачь еще.


По поводу всего остального, Mijesh : у тебя истерика. Имей силы и мужество объясняться в игре, а не разводить здесь сопли, неловко пытаясь разбавить это сарказмом Smiley Тоска.

PS Я тебе даю совет: не нужно думать, что умный тут ты один. 3 раза они Сота убивали... А ты думал, иммортал даст так просто вернуть этот армор в паре в тут же залогинившимся соламником?Smiley)
Мне интересно, смысл тут для всех распинаться, а в маде затыкаться и не мочь по рп поговорить кроме "я сота не знаю". И все ваши нападки на чар Nierth, что я тут начиталась - что, реально Nierth делает все, что вы тут на нее вешаете? Что вы гоните бессовестно?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 11:15:53 am by Nierth » Logged
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« Reply #37 on: July 06, 2010, 11:07:44 am »

i know names like lumen mia gorthar etc etc etc
and main person its a lirakam... he havnt been online like a month
and he still didnt loose anything..... and many others

А в глазурь? (с)

If you not see him - that not mean he is not play at all.
Or you sit in mud 24x7?
Congratulations then. You have not private life absolutely.

I was better opinion about you. Pity.
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« Reply #38 on: July 06, 2010, 11:29:12 am »

Nierth, не обращай внимания на лай шавок. Просто многих не устраивает то, что ты вернулась и пытаешься навести порядок, народ обнаглел до крайности. Я и сам читер, но то, что было тут за последнее время на голову не налазит.  Эх, руки чешутся, солому порубать, но у меня очередное обострение очень заразной болезни "карпфишинг"  Smiley

На выходных отловился, взял трофейного карпа на 12,5кг, а в воскресенье день рыбака, усиленно занимаюсь подготовкой  Wink

— Откуда у тебя топор?
— Мне королева эльфов дала.
— Зашибись! А топор-то откуда?
Your bane, your curse

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« Reply #39 on: July 06, 2010, 11:37:56 am »

Да мне просто забавно читать что-то типа "nice tactic... we cant kill him... okey lets strip gear from him and try again... hurray! " Smiley
Такой флешбек в прошлое, год 2004, те же рассуждения.

ну или вопль "unseen always keep eye on me ... i CAN"T cheat for fcuk sake
coz i know i will be denaied " - это же какая несправедливость Smiley

Да, в такую погоду в городе делать нечего.
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