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Author Topic: Uh oh they wanted my blood.  (Read 6297 times)
« on: November 15, 2005, 10:38:36 am »

I'm a yound 23 lvl invoker, mastering some stuff in guild.
Dont even have interposing hand/elemental shields(24,25 lvls)
And they come for my blood.

The red-robe golem guard yells 'Help! Argotz is attacking me!'
The red-robe golem guard yells 'Help! Argotz is attacking the guild!'

414/414hp 854/854m 247mv 335799tnl $393.73 (D)
You hold a green staff in your hands.

414/414hp 854/854m 247mv 335799tnl $393.73 (D)
You brandish a green staff.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

414/414hp 854/854m 247mv 335799tnl $393.73 (D)

The red-robe golem guard yells 'Help! Gebreselaise is attacking the guild!'
The red-robe golem guard yells 'Help! Vylar is attacking the guild!'
The red-robe golem guard yells 'Help! A bear is attacking the guild!'
The red-robe golem guard yells 'Help! A bear is attacking the guild!'

414/414hp 854/854m 247mv 335799tnl $393.73 (D)
You brandish a green staff.
You fail to invoke a green staff.

414/414hp 854/854m 247mv 335799tnl $393.73 (D)
#All actions now disabled.
You brandish a green staff.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

414/414hp 854/854m 247mv 335799tnl $393.73 (D)
You brandish a green staff.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.
414/414hp 854/854m 247mv 335799tnl $393.73 (D)

A wall of ice yells 'Help! Argotz is attacking me!'

c word
You recite a sweet mystical tune.

-running to safe place-

-a bit later-

437/489hp 834/754m 247mv 335799tnl $393.73 (EW)
-=-=-=-= Visible players in the realms =-=-=-=-
            (PK) Torrad the male draconian
                 Danifae the female wild elf
            (PK) Aika the female dark elf
            (PK) Argotz the male minotaur, Soldier of Heretics
                 Veraxi the male draconian
            (PK) Vylar the male wild elf
                 Shallra the female draconian
                 Gebreselaise the male dark elf

Players found: 8

You tell Torrad 'want to battle the heretic?'
Torrad tells you 'why not?'

You tell Torrad 'need to get some things first'
-notice my hp at guild :) -

bu shim
You haggle with the potion dealer.
You buy a potion shimmering with blinding light for 36507 silver.


bu war
A warhorse now follows you.
Enjoy your pet.


c brew map
You raise your voice into an ancient incantation.
You have created a potion.
Use label, if you wish to label it.

579/579hp 629/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (NE)
lab pot
You concentrate a moment, identify a silver potion and then label it.

You are carrying:
( 2) (Glowing) a silver potion labelled haste

You give a silver potion labelled haste to Torrad.

-now ready.. searching for them-

579/579hp 566/699m 233mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EWU)
Players near you:
(PK) Torrad     Inside the Eastern gate house of Palanthas
(PK) Aika       Inside the Eastern gate house of Palanthas
(PK) Argotz     Palanthas market square
Veraxi          Inside the Southern gate house of Palanthas
(PK) Vylar      Palanthas market square
(PK) Gebreselaise Palanthas market square


579/579hp 566/699m 233mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
You pull yourself up onto a warhorse and mount him.
You fade into existence.

579/579hp 566/699m 233mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
gt here
You tell the group 'here'

579/579hp 566/699m 233mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)

Torrad tells the group 'here'

Torrad quaffs a potion shimmering with blinding light.

579/579hp 561/699m 235mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
get shim bac
You get a potion shimmering with blinding light from a leather backpack.

579/579hp 561/699m 236mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
Torrad gets a silver potion labelled haste from a canvas rummage sack.

579/579hp 561/699m 236mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)

Torrad quaffs a silver potion labelled haste.
Torrad is moving more quickly.

579/579hp 561/699m 236mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
quaf shim
You quaff a potion shimmering with blinding light.
Your skin becomes tough and gnarled.

564/564hp 610/684m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
You brandish a deep-blue sparkling rod labelled sanctuary.
A warhorse is surrounded by a white aura.
Torrad is surrounded by a white aura.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

wear comb
You stop using a deep-blue sparkling rod labelled sanctuary.
You hold a comb made from finger coral in your hands.


564/579hp 610/699m 239mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
c vap vy
You ride a warhorse west.
Way of the eastern Solamnic road

[Exits: east west]
Gebreselaise the male dark elf is here.
(Charmed) A large bear is here, sharpening is claws on the ground.
(Charmed) A large bear is here, sharpening is claws on the ground.
Argotz the male minotaur is here.
Vylar the male wild elf is here.
Torrad has arrived.

564/579hp 610/699m 238mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)

Argotz is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Argotz yells 'Help! Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Torrad fades into existence.
Torrad's kicked dirt scratches Argotz.
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
Vylar yells 'Die, Aika you sorcerous dog!'
You direct a channel of superheated air at Vylar.
Your vapour chain *** DEMOLISHES *** Vylar!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain *** DEMOLISHES *** Vylar!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain MANGLES Vylar!
Vylar is gushing blood. 25-49%

564/579hp 570/699m 238mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Aika:a few scratches E:Vylar:gushing blood]

564/579hp 570/699m 238mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Aika:a few scratches E:Vylar:gushing blood]

Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz!
Vylar parries your freezing bite.
Vylar dodges your freezing bite.
Argotz lets out a cry of outrage!
The gods protect Torrad from Gebreselaise.
Vylar's slice decimates you.
Vylar's slice mauls you.
You parry Gebreselaise's punch.
You parry Gebreselaise's punch.
You parry Gebreselaise's punch.
Vylar is gushing blood. 25-49%

523/579hp 570/699m 239mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Aika:a few scratches E:Vylar:gushing blood]
c vap vy

Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz.
Torrad's acidic bite decimates Argotz.
A bear rakes at Torrad with her claws.
A bear's raking claw mauls Torrad.
A bear's pound mauls Torrad.
Your downward freezing bite misses Vylar.
Vylar dodges your freezing bite.
Argotz's crush decimates Torrad.
You parry Vylar's slice.
You parry Vylar's slice.
You parry Gebreselaise's punch.
Gebreselaise's punch mauls you.
Your mount gets in the way of Gebreselaise's blow.
Gebreselaise's punch mauls a warhorse.
Vylar is gushing blood. 25-49%

507/579hp 570/699m 241mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:Vylar:gushing blood]

Gebreselaise kicks dirt up high and into your eyes!
Gebreselaise's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!
Someone is gushing blood. 25-49%

505/579hp 570/699m 241mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:someone:???]

Someone sends someone sprawling with a powerful bash.
Someone's bash hits someone.
They aren't here.
Someone is gushing blood. 25-49%

443/579hp 570/699m 243mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:someone:???]
c vap
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
You direct a channel of superheated air at someone.
Your fingers tingle as a surge of power flows through you!
Your vapour chain *** DEVASTATES *** someone!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
Someone splatters blood on your armor.
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
The gods protect someone from you.

443/579hp 530/699m 243mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)

Someone's acidic bite devastates someone.
Someone's acidic bite MASSACRES someone!
You parry someone's punch.
Someone is in perfect condition. 100%

443/579hp 530/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:someone:???]

Someone sends someone sprawling with a powerful bash.
Someone's bash grazes someone.
Someone is in perfect condition. 100%

443/579hp 530/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:someone:???]

Someone has turned around, trying to escape!
Someone has fled!

443/579hp 530/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)

Someone's acidic bite maims someone!
Someone's acidic bite devastates someone!
Someone rakes at someone with her claws.
Someone's raking claw decimates someone.
Someone's pound decimates someone.
Someone lets out a cry of outrage!
Someone's crush MASSACRES someone!

443/579hp 530/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
c windwall
You raise your voice into an ancient incantation.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
Someone yells 'Die, Aika you sorcerous dog!'
Someone appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS someone!
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS someone!
Someone appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS someone!
Someone yells 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!'
Your air blast MUTILATES someone!
Someone has some small wounds. 75-89%

443/579hp 510/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:someone:???]
c windwall

Someone's acidic bite maims someone!
Someone's acidic bite MASSACRES someone!
Your downward freezing bite misses someone.
Your downward freezing bite misses someone.
Someone's pound misses someone.
Someone's punch misses you.
You parry someone's punch.
Someone's punch misses you.
Someone has some small wounds. 75-89%

443/579hp 510/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:someone:???]

Someone sends someone sprawling with a powerful bash.
Someone's bash grazes someone.
Someone has some small wounds. 75-89%

443/579hp 510/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:someone:???]
c windwall
You intone an ancient mystical chant.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
Someone appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast MASSACRES someone!
Someone appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS someone!
Your air blast DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone yells 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!'
Someone appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast MUTILATES someone!
Someone is covered in bleeding wounds. 50-74%

443/579hp 490/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:someone:???]
c windwall

Someone's pound misses someone.
Someone's acidic bite MASSACRES someone!
Someone hand blocks your freezing bite.
Someone uses his shoulder to partially deflect your freezing bite.
Your downward freezing bite misses someone.
Someone's acidic bite maims someone!
Someone's punch mauls you.
You blink away from someone's punch.
Someone is covered in bleeding wounds. 50-74%

422/579hp 490/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:someone:???]

Someone has turned around, trying to escape!
Someone has fled!

422/579hp 490/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)

Someone's kicked dirt misses someone.

422/579hp 490/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (You are blinded!)
Someone sends someone sprawling with a powerful bash.
Someone's bash hits someone.
The sun slowly disappears in the west.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Argotz rubs the dirt out of his eyes.

431/579hp 542/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW) You raise your voice into an ancient incantation.
You lost your concentration.

431/579hp 532/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)

Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz.
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES a bear!

431/579hp 532/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
c windwall
You recite a sweet mystical tune.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
A bear appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS a bear!
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS a bear!
Argotz yells 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!'
Argotz appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast maims Argotz!
Torrad's acidic bite misses Argotz.
Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz.
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES a bear!
Torrad's acidic bite MANGLES a bear!
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
A warhorse's pound misses a bear.
Argotz's crush mauls Torrad.
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

431/579hp 512/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]

Torrad sends Argotz sprawling with a powerful bash.
Torrad's bash grazes Argotz.
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

431/579hp 512/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]
c windwall

A warhorse's pound misses a bear.
A bear's pound mauls Torrad.
Your winged helm glows with pure white light.
You feel better!
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Argotz's crush decimates Torrad.
Argotz's crush decimates Torrad.
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

484/579hp 512/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]
You recite a sweet mystical tune.
You lost your concentration.
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

484/579hp 502/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]

Argotz pugils Torrad with a bone crushing pugil!
Argotz's pugil maims Torrad!
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

484/579hp 502/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]

Torrad sends Argotz sprawling with a powerful bash.
Torrad's bash hits Argotz.
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

484/579hp 502/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]
c windwall

A warhorse's pound misses a bear.
Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz.
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES a bear!
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Argotz's crush mauls Torrad.
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

484/579hp 502/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]
You recite a sweet mystical tune.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
Your air blast MASSACRES a bear!
Your air blast MASSACRES a bear!
Argotz yells 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!'
Argotz appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast MUTILATES Argotz!
A bear is writhing in agony. 15-24%

484/579hp 482/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:writhing]
c windwall

Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz.
Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz.
A bear's pound mauls Torrad.
Your winged helm glows with pure white light.
You feel better!
Your downward freezing bite injures a bear.
Your downward freezing bite hits a bear.
An icy flanged mace freezes a bear.
A bear is writhing in agony. 15-24%

535/579hp 482/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:writhing]
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
Someone yells 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!'
Gebreselaise appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS Gebreselaise!
The gods protect Vylar from you.
A bear appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS a bear!
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS a bear!
Argotz yells 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!'
Argotz appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast maims Argotz!
A bear is convulsing on the ground. 0-14%

535/579hp 462/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:convulsing]

Argotz pugils Torrad with a bone crushing pugil!
Argotz's pugil decimates Torrad.
A bear is convulsing on the ground. 0-14%

535/579hp 462/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:convulsing]

Torrad sends Argotz sprawling with a powerful bash.
Torrad's bash hits Argotz.
A bear is convulsing on the ground. 0-14%

535/579hp 462/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
c windwall
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:convulsing]

Torrad's acidic bite maims Argotz!
Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz!
Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz!
A bear's pound mauls Torrad.
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Gebreselaise steps out of the shadows.
You blink away from Gebreselaise's punch.
You parry Gebreselaise's punch.
A bear is convulsing on the ground. 0-14%

535/579hp 462/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:convulsing]
You chant a sweet melodious line.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
The gods protect Vylar from you.
Your air blast MASSACRES Gebreselaise!
A bear appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast MASSACRES a bear!
Your air blast MASSACRES a bear!
Argotz yells 'Help! Someone is casting a spell on me!'
Argotz appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS Argotz!
A bear is convulsing on the ground. 0-14%

535/579hp 442/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:convulsing]

Argotz has turned around, trying to escape!
Argotz leaves.
Argotz has fled!
A bear is convulsing on the ground. 0-14%

535/579hp 442/699m 247mv 334611tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:convulsing]
c vap ge

A bear's pound mauls Torrad.
Torrad's acidic bite MANGLES a bear!
Your winged helm glows with pure white light.
You feel better!
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
You have become better at second attack!
A warhorse's pound misses a bear.
Gebreselaise's punch misses you.
Your mount gets in the way of Gebreselaise's blow.
Gebreselaise's punch misses a warhorse.
You parry Gebreselaise's punch.
A bear is convulsing on the ground. 0-14%

579/579hp 442/699m 247mv 332711tnl $149.235 (EW)
[T:Torrad:bleeding wounds E:a bear:convulsing]

A bear has turned around, trying to escape!
A bear leaves east.
A bear has fled!
A bear has turned around, trying to escape!
A bear leaves west.
A bear has fled!
c vap ge
You recite a sweet mystical tune.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.

579/579hp 422/699m 247mv 332711tnl $149.235 (EW)

Argotz has arrived.
A bear has arrived.

579/579hp 422/699m 247mv 332711tnl $149.235 (EW)

Argotz leaves.
A bear leaves east.

579/579hp 422/699m 247mv 332711tnl $149.235 (EW)
c 'faerie fire' ge
scan west
scan east
They aren't here.

-some running-

You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****

 **** 2 west ****

 **** 3 west ****
(Translucent) Vylar the male wild elf is here.
A heavily muscled barbarian stands guard over the camp.

 **** 4 west ****
(Charmed) A large bear is here, sharpening is claws on the ground.
(Charmed) A large bear is here, sharpening is claws on the ground.
Argotz the male minotaur is here.

Torrad's acidic bite MANGLES a huge barbarian!

579/579hp 477/699m 247mv 332711tnl $294.5457 (EW)

Vylar says, 'We didn' t attack you.'

579/579hp 477/699m 247mv 332711tnl $294.5457 (EW)

Torrad's acidic bite MANGLES a huge barbarian!
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES a huge barbarian!
Torrad's acidic bite MANGLES a huge barbarian!
A huge barbarian's crush misses Torrad.

Argotz has arrived.
A huge barbarian says, 'Hail, Soldier of Heretics'
A bear has arrived.
A bear has arrived.

579/579hp 477/699m 247mv 332711tnl $294.5457 (EW)
Torrad flexes his muscles and looks tougher!
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES a huge barbarian!
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES a huge barbarian!
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES a huge barbarian!

579/579hp 477/699m 247mv 332711tnl $294.5457 (EW)

Torrad yells 'Help! Argotz is attacking me!'

Argotz's kicked dirt misses Torrad.

579/579hp 477/699m 247mv 332711tnl $294.5457 (EW)

Torrad's acidic bite DISMEMBERS a bear!

579/579hp 477/699m 247mv 332711tnl $294.5457 (EW)
c windwall
You recite a sweet mystical tune.
You lost your concentration.

579/579hp 467/699m 247mv 332711tnl $294.5457 (EW)
c windwall

Argotz's crush mauls Torrad.
Torrad is struck by lightning from a steel capped oaken staff.
Argotz's crush mauls Torrad.
Torrad is struck by lightning from a steel capped oaken staff.

579/579hp 467/699m 247mv 332711tnl $294.5457 (EW)
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
A bear appears to be blinded by the debris.
You fade into existence.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS a bear!
A bear is DEAD!!
You receive 2492 experience points.
You hear a bear's death cry.
The gods give you 75 silver coins for your sacrifice.
You split 75 silver coins. Your share is 38 silver.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS a bear!
Argotz yells 'Die, Aika you sorcerous dog!'
Your air blast MUTILATES Argotz!
The gods protect Vylar from you.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS a huge barbarian!
A bear is covered in bleeding wounds. 50-74%

579/579hp 447/699m 247mv 330219tnl $294.5495 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:bleeding wounds]
c windwall

Torrad sends Argotz sprawling with a powerful bash.
Torrad's bash grazes Argotz.
A bear is covered in bleeding wounds. 50-74%

579/579hp 447/699m 247mv 330219tnl $294.5495 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:bleeding wounds]

A bear rakes at Torrad with his claws.
A bear's raking claw mauls Torrad.
A bear parries your freezing bite.
Your downward freezing bite injures a bear.
An icy flanged mace freezes a bear.
A bear parries your freezing bite.
A warhorse's pound misses a bear.
Argotz lets out a cry of outrage!
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

579/579hp 447/699m 247mv 330219tnl $294.5495 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]
You raise your voice into an ancient incantation.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
A bear appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS a bear!
Argotz yells 'Die, Aika you sorcerous dog!'
Argotz appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast maims Argotz!
The gods protect Vylar from you.
Your air blast DISEMBOWELS a huge barbarian!
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

579/579hp 427/699m 247mv 330219tnl $294.5495 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]
c windwall

A warhorse's pound misses a bear.
Torrad's acidic bite decimates Argotz.
Your winged helm glows with pure white light.
You feel better!
Your downward freezing bite injures a bear.
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Argotz lets out a cry of outrage!
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

579/579hp 427/699m 247mv 330219tnl $294.5495 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]

Torrad sends Argotz sprawling with a powerful bash.
Torrad's bash grazes Argotz.
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS a bear!
Argotz yells 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!'
Argotz appears to be blinded by the debris.
Your air blast MUTILATES Argotz!
The gods protect Vylar from you.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS a huge barbarian!
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

579/579hp 407/699m 247mv 330219tnl $294.5495 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]
c windwall

A warhorse's pound misses a bear.
Torrad's acidic bite misses Argotz.
Torrad's acidic bite devastates Argotz.
A bear's pound mauls Torrad.
A huge barbarian's crush mauls Torrad.
Your winged helm glows with pure white light.
You feel better!
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Your downward freezing bite misses a bear.
Argotz lets out a cry of outrage!
Argotz lets out a cry of outrage!
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

579/579hp 407/699m 247mv 330219tnl $294.5495 (EW)
[T:Torrad:small wounds E:a bear:gushing blood]
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS a bear!
Argotz yells 'Die, someone you sorcerous dog!'
Your air blast MUTILATES Argotz!
The gods protect Vylar from you.
Your air blast DISMEMBERS a huge barbarian!
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

Argotz has turned around, trying to escape!
Argotz leaves.
Argotz has fled!
A bear is gushing blood. 25-49%

A warhorse's pound decimates a bear.
Torrad's acidic bite MANGLES a bear!
Torrad's acidic bite DISMEMBERS a bear!
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES a bear!
A bear is DEAD!!
You receive 2057 experience points.
Warm, wet blood splashes across your feet as a bear's brains spill out.
Torrad splits 75 silver coins. Your share is 37 silver.
Torrad sacrifices the corpse of a bear to the gods.
A huge barbarian's crush misses Torrad.
The white aura around Torrad's body fades.
Your skin softens.
Your protective shield fades away.

579/579hp 457/699m 247mv 328162tnl $294.5532 (EW)

The minotaur Inquisitor yells 'Help! Argotz is attacking me!'

Players near you:
(PK) Torrad     Entrance to the camp of Heretics
(PK) Aika       Entrance to the camp of Heretics
(PK) Argotz     In the camp of Heretics
(PK) Vylar      Entrance to the camp of Heretics

You are carrying:
     a black-crested battle shield
     a blackened smooth-steel ring

-spamming 'inv' to see if get robbed or not-

You are carrying:
     a black-crested battle shield
     a blackened smooth-steel ring


c vap vy
You chant a sweet melodious line.
Vylar yells 'Die, Aika you sorcerous dog!'
You direct a channel of superheated air at Vylar.
Your vapour chain *** DEMOLISHES *** Vylar!
Vylar is DEAD!!
Vylar's guts spills out in a steaming pile of bloody entrails.
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
The gods protect Vylar from you.
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
The gods protect Vylar from you.

The corpse of Vylar holds:
     (Glowing) a dagger named 'naga-slayer'

You tell Vylar 'think before you do anything, thief.'


You ride a warhorse east.
Way of the eastern Solamnic road

[Exits: east west]
     The corpse of Vylar is lying here.
Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is hiding and invisible nearby.
Torrad has arrived.

c windwall
You raise your voice into an ancient incantation.
You raise a violent wall of wind to strike your foes.
Someone yells 'Help! Aika is casting a spell on me!'
Your air blast MASSACRES Grifolk!
Grifolk has some small wounds. 75-89%

c 'faerie fire'

Grifolk steps out of the shadows.
Grifolk fades into existence.
Grifolk's punch MUTILATES you!
Grifolk's punch MUTILATES you!
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk has some small wounds. 75-89%
484/579hp 540/699m 242mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (EW)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:Grifolk:small wounds]

Torrad sends Grifolk sprawling with a powerful bash.
Torrad's bash injures Grifolk.
Grifolk has some small wounds. 75-89%

484/579hp 540/699m 242mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (EW)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:Grifolk:small wounds]

Grifolk's punch devastates you!
Grifolk's punch devastates you!
You parry Grifolk's punch.
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk has some small wounds. 75-89%

414/579hp 540/699m 244mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (EW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:Grifolk:small wounds]
c vap
You recite a sweet mystical verse.
You direct a channel of superheated air at Grifolk.
Your vapour chain *** DEVASTATES *** Grifolk!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain *** DEMOLISHES *** Grifolk!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain DISEMBOWELS Grifolk!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain MUTILATES Grifolk!
Grifolk is gushing blood. 25-49%

Grifolk's punch MUTILATES you!
Grifolk's punch misses you.
Your winged helm glows with pure white light.
You feel better!
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk is gushing blood. 25-49%

Torrad sends Grifolk sprawling with a powerful bash.
Torrad's bash injures Grifolk.
Grifolk recovers from the fall and jumps back up on his legs.
Grifolk is gushing blood. 25-49%

419/579hp 500/699m 246mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (EW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:Grifolk:gushing blood]
c vap

Grifolk has lost his link.
Grifolk has reconnected.
Grifolk is gushing blood. 25-49%

425/579hp 531/699m 247mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (EW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:Grifolk:gushing blood]

Grifolk's punch devastates you.
Grifolk's punch decimates you.
Grifolk's punch maims you!
You parry Grifolk's punch.
Torrad's acidic bite MASSACRES Grifolk!
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk dodges your freezing bite.
Grifolk is gushing blood. 25-49%

320/579hp 531/699m 247mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (EW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:Grifolk:gushing blood]

Grifolk has turned around, trying to escape!
Grifolk has fled!

320/579hp 531/699m 247mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (EW)
Cast the spell on whom?

320/579hp 531/699m 247mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (EW)
You ride a warhorse west.
Walking on the eastern Solamnic road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Grifolk the male elf is here.
Your wizard's eye reports that Someone is hiding nearby.
Torrad has arrived.

c vap gri
320/579hp 531/699m 246mv 328172tnl $294.5532 (NESW)
You intone an ancient mystical chant.
Grifolk yells 'Die, Aika you sorcerous dog!'
You direct a channel of superheated air at Grifolk.
Your vapour chain *** DEVASTATES *** Grifolk!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain MANGLES Grifolk!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain MANGLES Grifolk!
Grifolk is DEAD!!
You hear Grifolk's death cry.

320/579hp 491/699m 247mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (NESW)
' elf.

Gebreselaise steps out of the shadows.
You yell 'Help, Gebreselaise is attacking my mount!'
Gebreselaise's strangulation attempt misses a warhorse.

320/579hp 491/699m 247mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (NESW)
You say, 'Elf.'

320/579hp 491/699m 247mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (NESW)

The gods protect Gebreselaise from Torrad.
Gebreselaise's punch maims a warhorse!
Gebreselaise's punch MUTILATES a warhorse!

320/579hp 491/699m 247mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (NESW)
c 'faerie fire' ge
320/579hp 486/699m 247mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (NESW)
[T:a warhorse:a few scratches E:Gebreselaise:perfect condition]

Gebreselaise has turned around, trying to escape!
Gebreselaise has fled!

320/579hp 486/699m 247mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (NESW)
scan west
scan east
c vap ge
You peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
(Pink Aura) Gebreselaise the male dark elf is here.

-some running-

Grifolk tells you 'you are very lucky.. just in time'
Grifolk tells you 'when my mind was dropped'
-sorry about that, wouldnt attack if knew you're linkdead-

341/579hp 613/699m 239mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (EW)
Outside a run-down tavern in the dark backstreets

[Exits: east south west]
(Pink Aura) Gebreselaise the male dark elf is here.
A powerful man wearing the armor of Palanthas inspects the streets.
A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle.
A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates.
A tired looking woman walks by oblivious to your presence.
A small kender rushes by, wide-eyed with wonder as he picks things up.
A warhorse has arrived.
Torrad has arrived.

c vap ge
341/579hp 613/699m 239mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (ESW)
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
Gebreselaise yells 'Die, Aika you sorcerous dog!'
Captain of the Palanthas guard exclaims, 'Aika is fighting in the city! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!'
You direct a channel of superheated air at Gebreselaise.
Your vapour chain *** DEMOLISHES *** Gebreselaise!
Rushing air gathers and chains onto the blast.
Your vapour chain MANGLES Gebreselaise!
Gebreselaise is covered in bleeding wounds. 50-74%

341/579hp 573/699m 239mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (ESW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:Gebreselaise:bleeding wounds]

Gebreselaise has turned around, trying to escape!
Gebreselaise has fled!

341/579hp 573/699m 239mv 328172tnl $346.5687 (ESW)
c word

You learn from your mistakes, and your parry skill improves.
Captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave MUTILATES you!
You parry captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave.
Captain of the Palanthas guard is in perfect condition. 100%

297/579hp 573/699m 241mv 328167tnl $346.5687 (ESW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:captain of the Palanthas guard:perfect condition]

Your winged helm glows with pure white light.
You feel better!
Captain of the Palanthas guard dodges your freezing bite.
Captain of the Palanthas guard dodges your freezing bite.
You parry captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave.
Captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave MUTILATES you!
Captain of the Palanthas guard is in perfect condition. 100%

300/579hp 573/699m 243mv 328167tnl $346.5687 (ESW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:captain of the Palanthas guard:perfect condition]
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
A dark temple within the city

heal crit
The healer utters the words 'cure critical' .
You feel better!

433/579hp 633/699m 174mv 328167tnl $346.4187 (ND)
heal crit
The healer utters the words 'cure critical'.
You feel better!

562/579hp 633/699m 178mv 328167tnl $346.2687 (ND)


562/579hp 633/699m 170mv 328167tnl $346.2687 (NESW)
c fork ge
Outside a run-down tavern in the dark backstreets

[Exits: east south west]
(Pink Aura) Gebreselaise the male dark elf is here.
A powerful man wearing the armor of Palanthas inspects the streets.
A citizen of Palanthas trudges by with a tired shuffle.
A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates.
A tired looking woman walks by oblivious to your presence.
A small kender rushes by, wide-eyed with wonder as he picks things up.
Captain of the Palanthas guard yells 'Aika, now you die!'
Captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave MUTILATES you!
Captain of the Palanthas guard is in perfect condition. 100%

515/579hp 633/699m 169mv 328167tnl $346.2687 (ESW)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:captain of the Palanthas guard:perfect condition]
You intone an ancient mystical chant.
Gebreselaise yells 'Help! Aika is casting a spell on me!'
Crackling blue lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks!
A burst of energy channels into your magic!
Your fork lightning *** DEMOLISHES *** Gebreselaise!
Your fork lightning DISMEMBERS Gebreselaise!
Captain of the Palanthas guard is in perfect condition. 100%

515/579hp 603/699m 169mv 328167tnl $346.2687 (ESW)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:captain of the Palanthas guard:perfect condition]
c fork ge

A woman looks about herself, obviously lost.
A kender traveller peers about himself, obviously seeking something.
Captain of the Palanthas guard dodges your freezing bite.
Captain of the Palanthas guard dodges your freezing bite.
You parry Gebreselaise's punch.
You parry Gebreselaise's punch.
You parry captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave.
Captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave MUTILATES you!
Captain of the Palanthas guard is in perfect condition. 100%

466/579hp 603/699m 171mv 328167tnl $346.2687 (ESW)
[T:Aika:small wounds E:captain of the Palanthas guard:perfect condition]

Gebreselaise has turned around, trying to escape!
Gebreselaise has fled!
Captain of the Palanthas guard is in perfect condition. 100%
They aren't here.
Your winged helm glows with pure white light.
You feel better!
Captain of the Palanthas guard dodges your freezing bite.
Captain of the Palanthas guard dodges your freezing bite.
Captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave MUTILATES you!
Captain of the Palanthas guard's cleave MUTILATES you!
Captain of the Palanthas guard is in perfect condition. 100%

425/579hp 603/699m 175mv 328167tnl $346.2687 (ESW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:captain of the Palanthas guard:perfect condition]
c fork ge
They aren't here.
Captain of the Palanthas guard is in perfect condition. 100%

425/579hp 603/699m 175mv 328167tnl $346.2687 (ESW)
[T:Aika:bleeding wounds E:captain of the Palanthas guard:perfect condition]
c fork ge
You chant a sweet melodious line.
Gebreselaise yells 'Die, Aika you sorcerous dog!'
Crackling blue lightning erupts and forks into twin streaks!
Your fork lightning *** DEMOLISHES *** Gebreselaise!
Your fork lightning MANGLES Gebreselaise!
Gebreselaise is DEAD!!
You hear Gebreselaise's death cry.

You tell the group 'done'

You tell Gebreselaise 'tell velar to be visible if he wants his stuff.'
You tell Gebreselaise 'Vylar'

Vylar tells you 'My badge?'
You tell Vylar 'I' ll keep it.'

--Only gold and 1 item looted.--

« Last Edit: November 15, 2005, 10:43:09 am by Raider » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2005, 12:49:47 pm »

Deadly MF %)
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« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2005, 12:41:43 am »

That was some fun but you got lucky..caught me without spellbane on and you guys hardly came close to killing me that time, the only time you got my was my AFK time :-P

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« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2005, 06:20:14 am »

Haha, nice log indeed, always good to see valiant magi, even evil ones, triumphing over those dastardly heretics. 
Fight on, Raider Smiley

Know all who channel the arcane, who put the cause of innocents above their own, and who serve the world instead of rule it, that Lord Solinari walks with you.
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« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2005, 05:10:59 pm »

COO! Kicking ass! Smiley Raider gogo! Really cool Smiley
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