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Author Topic: Remove all rules  (Read 19821 times)
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Frack off?

« on: October 09, 2014, 10:08:50 am »

Lets just remove all rules from the game.

Here are a few reasons why:
- Some people are not able to control themselves, or are unable to comprehend why that is important.
- Immortal staff is unable or unwilling to ban these misfits which obviously ruin the game for so many.
- Quake is cool, point and shoot.

Just say no!.
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« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2014, 10:36:34 am »

Remove limwatch daemon as well! All stuff should be unlimited !
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Frack off?

« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 10:39:16 am »

Remove limwatch daemon as well! All stuff should be unlimited !


Just say no!.
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« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 10:49:47 am »

Return Arena back. Let people fight there without losing anything.
It was cool place without RULES!!!
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« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 10:51:10 am »

your wish fulfilled


Here you can play Solace of your Dream

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« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2014, 10:57:00 am »

Return Arena back. Let people fight there without losing anything.
It was cool place without RULES!!!

And rules must stay as and limited eq.
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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2014, 11:10:44 am »

There were a test-part in Dark Mists, CF and Solace after heavy changes when all new chars got autopromotion to hero level and ability to choose a clan and join it automatically.

It was fun, blood, guts and corpses all over the main cities. Crazy battles ten on ten. Limited eq was moving from char to char because noone could survive that bloodshes more then 20 minutes.

First day of this test MUD was full of people. But then most of them quit playing untill the test ends.

We like MUDs not only for bloodshed and limited eq.

I know the only one successfull MUD without any rules (few rules about harrassment and weird language does not counts).


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Frack off?

« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2014, 11:33:32 am »

Return Arena back. Let people fight there without losing anything.
It was cool place without RULES!!!

And rules must stay as and limited eq.

Just no, man. No. People who play this mud obviously can't have fun while following rules and there is no interest from immortals to enforce them. 

Just say no!.
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« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2014, 12:25:41 pm »

Nyphistra has crappy RP actually.

But your constant whines are much worser. Really, man.

Actually, if I had a right to judge.. I do not agree wiht most Sirri arguments in this dialogue. In example Nyphistra  is not a warder wanna be. I do not see "dedicate" in her title.
Actually reasonless PK is forbidden in solace. And dwarven neutral priest have no reason to hunt anyone.

So you right in almost all points, man.


You have very rich whining background. Eveyrone know you whining constantly. Everyone. It is like Beorns lust to equipment. You whine.
That's why noone looks serious at your next whining man. And it is just your fault.

Know tale about boys and wolves?

Today you have real reason for whining. But who cares?

Heretics never die, they just go to hell and regroup!
I will never response to khiren's messages on forum. No more. I promise! To myself and everyone.
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Frack off?

« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2014, 12:42:03 pm »

Nyphistra has crappy RP actually.

But your constant whines are much worser. Really, man.

Actually, if I had a right to judge.. I do not agree wiht most Sirri arguments in this dialogue. In example Nyphistra  is not a warder wanna be. I do not see "dedicate" in her title.
Actually reasonless PK is forbidden in solace. And dwarven neutral priest have no reason to hunt anyone.

So you right in almost all points, man.


You have very rich whining background. Eveyrone know you whining constantly. Everyone. It is like Beorns lust to equipment. You whine.
That's why noone looks serious at your next whining man. And it is just your fault.

Know tale about boys and wolves?

Today you have real reason for whining. But who cares?

Stick to topic

Just say no!.
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Obnoxious IRC whining alien dog

« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2014, 01:58:58 pm »

Nyphistra's act of gayness >>> ERADICATES <<< your ass!

You learn from your mistakes, and your ass becomes more lubricated.

You have become better at Imm trolling!

 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Make yourself all honey
...and the flies shall devour you

... Keep on rotting in the free world!...
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« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2014, 02:14:37 pm »

Nyphistra has crappy RP actually.

But your constant whines are much worser. Really, man.

.... It is like Beorns lust to....

Hey, you can't forget name Beorn? This thorn will forever stick in someones ass? Grin  Grin poor poor noob. Wink
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:24:38 pm by andrey » Logged
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« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2014, 02:24:16 pm »

Just stop kill Khiren's chars untill he starts to PK.
Or his whines will >>>> DO UNSPEAKABLE INCURRABLE DAMAGE <<<<< to our brains on this forum

And really guys. According to the Solace rules player killing should have a reason. Actually a REAL reason. Not imaginary reasons like... "My current dwarven true neutral cleric feels tickling in my heel when I see someone in PK and I can't help myself killing"

Want to PK without certain reason - go evil chaotic and PKill just because you really mad on entire world. But then you will have to PKill your RL friends also.

Or go Knight and kill everyone with red aura. Even if they three and you alone.

That is kinda idea of this game.

And, khiren, draconians are hated by all Krynn. This is kinda idea of Dragonlance books. Even draconiasn hate each other. Humans who serves Takhisis in her army hate draconians according to the books.

Actually minotaur who joined Takhisis clan have a reason to kill a draconian from the same clan. Because he hates him. He will have to stronly rp his hate, but he can.

You chose wrong race. Play elf, and I will gladly see the Nyph's explanation why she attacked elven cleric of Mishakal. And then why she attacked him again.

Solace RP is based not only on Solace rules and helps. But also on DL books.

So... Noone broke the rules, actually. I do not think that hunt you constantly is a good style. But still there was no cruel rule-breaking.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:26:04 pm by n00b » Logged

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« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2014, 02:25:22 pm »

Hey, you can't forget name Beorn? This thorn will forever stick in someones ass? Grin  Grin poor poor noob. Wink

Hey, the note about Alenta... how the hell his full name.. was not the only one reason Smiley

Alent... is not by char by the way.

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« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2014, 02:32:06 pm »

Hey, you can't forget name Beorn? This thorn will forever stick in someones ass? Grin  Grin poor poor noob. Wink

Hey, the note about Alenta... how the hell his full name.. was not the only one reason Smiley

Alent... is not by char by the way.
If not yours then why you 'love' beorn so much?    Grin
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« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2014, 02:33:16 pm »

Does anyone else not like gay being used as an insult, i think its totally wrong to use something someone can't control as insult,  they feel ashamed enough as it is.,,for no reason i might add
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:38:21 pm by zondra » Logged
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« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2014, 02:36:12 pm »

If not yours then why you 'love' beorn so much?    Grin

No "love" nor "hate" I find quiet funny this eq hunt and note to all from clan leader about bracer or something.

Then a log about axe and other stuff.

It is a reason to joke some, not to "love" or "hate" some Smiley

Heretics never die, they just go to hell and regroup!
I will never response to khiren's messages on forum. No more. I promise! To myself and everyone.
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« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2014, 02:44:27 pm »

If not yours then why you 'love' beorn so much?    Grin

No "love" nor "hate" I find quiet funny this eq hunt and note to all from clan leader about bracer or something.

Then a log about axe and other stuff.

It is a reason to joke some, not to "love" or "hate" some Smiley
What for a boring 'joke'
Even good joke is good one time , second....ok . But you remind name beorn too much ... It's for sure something more then just a joke. Smiley
Ps: and what exactly funny u find in RP of a greedy for EQ dwarf?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:47:04 pm by andrey » Logged
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« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2014, 02:46:06 pm »

What for a boring 'joke'
Even good joke is good one time , second....ok . But you remind name beorn too much ... It's for sure something more then just a joke. Smiley

Enough is enough. I just gave up to remind the name... damn.. I forget what name... anyway.. whatever Smiley

Heretics never die, they just go to hell and regroup!
I will never response to khiren's messages on forum. No more. I promise! To myself and everyone.
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Frack off?

« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2014, 02:52:04 pm »

And really guys. According to the Solace rules player killing should have a reason. Actually a REAL reason. Not imaginary reasons like... "My current dwarven true neutral cleric feels tickling in my heel when I see someone in PK and I can't help myself killing"

According to last conversation I had with Hiddy about this matter, you don't have to have actual real reason for PK. You can just who pk/find pk/do PK.

Just stop kill Khiren's chars untill he starts to PK.
Or his whines will >>>> DO UNSPEAKABLE INCURRABLE DAMAGE <<<<< to our brains on this forum

Really, I don't mind being PK'ed, what I do mind are cheaters and lazy ass IMMs.

Want to PK without certain reason - go evil chaotic and PKill just because you really mad on entire world. But then you will have to PKill your RL friends also.

Or go Knight and kill everyone with red aura. Even if they three and you alone.

That is kinda idea of this game.

Here I agree.

And, khiren, draconians are hated by all Krynn. This is kinda idea of Dragonlance books. Even draconiasn hate each other. Humans who serves Takhisis in her army hate draconians according to the books.

Actually minotaur who joined Takhisis clan have a reason to kill a draconian from the same clan. Because he hates him. He will have to stronly rp his hate, but he can.

You chose wrong race. Play elf, and I will gladly see the Nyph's explanation why she attacked elven cleric of Mishakal. And then why she attacked him again.

Solace RP is based not only on Solace rules and helps. But also on DL books.

So... Noone broke the rules, actually. I do not think that hunt you constantly is a good style. But still there was no cruel rule-breaking.

Wrong on all points. First you create rules, then you make a loophole which bypasses your set of rules. That is cheating. Sounds much like bible. Are you religious?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:58:29 pm by khiren » Logged

Just say no!.
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