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Author Topic: Playerbase  (Read 50539 times)
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« Reply #100 on: December 30, 2014, 01:52:20 am »

- Solace has always been a sad little sandbox...but it makes it worse when people change it into a litter box.

- These same people keep sh*tting in it and asking why it smells is the most amusing part. 

this at me bc of my post
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« Reply #101 on: December 30, 2014, 04:29:59 am »

- nah , i write this sentiment everytime this subject matter comes up.  I have also retaliate full looted people etc so I'm not going to preach from a pedestal of pristine holy gaming.  

- It is a cycle and I'm sure I've stunk it up myself but not to the extent of some.  Its a solace game culture , you can be "above" it all and never get ahead or compete or decide your level of corruption.

-  Some people will argue "this is not kindergarten .." Or some such thing referencing some hay day of solace where chemosh ruled with an iron fist blah blah blah.  The sad truth is that time is over and the game is available as a sandbox that the dev is kind enough to allow us to run around in.  Some people will spoil this because the owner has not the time or will to babysit some fun killers or cheaters.  So it becomes the Wild West...cheat or be swallowed up.  

- If "all" people we're able to govern themselves we wouldn't have government lol.  So solace is not governed and i dont expect it to be ,i  appreciate the gift of an open "shell" or husk of a game I once loved if nothing else for nostalgia.  I would like to ask some who are reading and maybe have not posted yet to think twice before they ruin what we have left of this game ...even if its just a shadow of its former self but that wont work of course because some people need rules becaus they lack the capacity to govern themselves ... They need limits set on them and they will search endlessly to work around them even when restrictions are in place.

-  So yes, I've always been in favor of looting parameters and inconveniences put in place to limit the ease of full looting.  Get all.corpse ...is just lazy and dumb...it should never have been that easy imo even in the die hard timeframe of pk solace.  Should have to look and type what you want... Jeez there is even a cooldown on requesting items but you can just carry 2 persons worth of belongings with a smal phrase in half a second.

P.s. Anyway its just a small population of a dead game that makes these situations more dramatic and more personal. 
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 05:08:16 am by Kage » Logged

-The best part about this conversation... is we never have to have it again.                             - Archangel Gabriel
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« Reply #102 on: December 30, 2014, 05:30:23 am »

i'm ok for looting. although i hardly ever do it. never more than 1 or two things, can only think of one full loot i've ever done. with limited player base and trying to get number back up if even just alittle id be happy with 10-15 people playing. still have nice clan wars etc. but players like a rank 28 cleric of morgion which for all time is op at rank 28, then pretty weak at hero, to sit at 28 for months just to pk and full loot crap eq does't help the game, you can get your rush from the pk but if i was a newbie, i would most likely leave and not return, if i had gos and chromo etc then yea i would expect it to be looted, but to loot and sac wyrming eq and like ogre rings from rank 24 char is just dumb. i want my foes to be strong. i've even enemies gear at lower ranks to help them grow so we can have good fights at at higher ranks. not sure who ravol is but i have good maces when he was 20ish so we could fight and he killed me with that mace i might add.but it was fun. and when he killed me he took one or two things gos and rings i think but i didn't care it was fun and he didn't wanna full loot me bc he had fun fighting someone who was tough rather than kill naked char or wait a week for me to reeq. remember what the fun parts of playing are, and the more people that due it the more people will return and stay. sorry for rant but i still have fun playing and exploring and learning new things all the time. 
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« Reply #103 on: December 30, 2014, 01:50:04 pm »

I think full loot should be more difficult.

There are situation when full loot has it's reasons.

I will describe situations when I full looted without any regrets.

1. My knight was solo ranking in civ area. Thief came to kill me, attacked me, but had to flee. I did not wish to change place to forested, for my own reasons. But he kept coming and fleeing. My learning became much slower, because I did not want to drop health and mana lower then 50%. I killed him and got all his weapons i told him he will get them back later. He became mad, found another weapons and attacked me again. I killed him and warned. He came again. It was really annoying. He often was close to success lagging me with trips, bleeding me etc. So when I killed him third time I full-loot-saced him. To give me hour or two while he reequips.

This is definetly normal situation.

2. When you play alone against enemy clan. You separated one of them (summon, kidnap, etc) - you killed him - you full loot him. Hell. they are three and more on you. You killed one they are two on you. You do not want them become three on you again.

3. When someone full looted-saced you. I do not believe that if you acts kind towards ass-holes they will become better. He broke your nose - broke his neck.

Many others situations have reasons for fast full loot.

Full looting after interesting and balanced combat is a sh*t. And those who do that - sh*theads. And the more they do that, the more sh*t in their heads.

Water wet...night is dark..

Heretics never die, they just go to hell and regroup!
I will never response to khiren's messages on forum. No more. I promise! To myself and everyone.
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« Reply #104 on: December 30, 2014, 11:10:17 pm »

1. My knight was solo ranking in civ area. Thief came to kill me, attacked me, but had to flee. I did not wish to change place to forested, for my own reasons. But he kept coming and fleeing. My learning became much slower, because I did not want to drop health and mana lower then 50%. I killed him and got all his weapons i told him he will get them back later. He became mad, found another weapons and attacked me again. I killed him and warned. He came again. It was really annoying. He often was close to success lagging me with trips, bleeding me etc. So when I killed him third time I full-loot-saced him. To give me hour or two while he reequips.

Everyone, eye yourselves in such an example of humility from this knight... and his RP skills.

c'mon, just relax and try to imagine that you're just a letters on the screens of other people Grin
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« Reply #105 on: January 29, 2015, 04:14:27 pm »

i have made up my mind i'm out for a while. people wanna ruin mud by full looting every two days while waiting for induct three on one, makes game not fun for me so why play, i kill someone two on one dont loot you, you call in trash char friend and full loot me. thats fine but know this is why you are going to be only person playing...neirth to help me can you close my zondra account well my only account i can't see how to do it. good luck
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« Reply #106 on: January 29, 2015, 04:53:45 pm »

Zondra, no need to take those things so near to your heart... such sh*t always happened in Solace and you will not change it.
And the eq. is easy to get now because of playerbase:  I think there is not more then 20 players now playing this mud.
Better let us just split on two teams and do a Deathmatch: Full Solamnia VS Takhisis, full Tower VS Heretics, half Solamnia&guardians VS half Chaos&Takhisis and so on...
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« Reply #107 on: January 29, 2015, 05:11:54 pm »

Mud doesn't need me, good luck
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« Reply #108 on: January 29, 2015, 05:42:39 pm »

Mud doesn't need me, good luck
Mud is not alive. It does not need anyone.
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« Reply #109 on: January 29, 2015, 08:17:33 pm »

Pity, you left. I thought about leaving too, much found that mud is the better thing for meh to let my brains rest.
Hope you'll return.
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« Reply #110 on: February 02, 2015, 03:05:08 am »

Hey, is there anyone playing NOT to leave the mud? I was hoping to return and play a bit more when all the sh*t around would settle down...
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« Reply #111 on: February 02, 2015, 08:49:55 am »

Welcome back. Solinari has returned, so there shouldn't be such boredom, that was continued last two weeks.
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« Reply #112 on: April 05, 2015, 02:44:52 pm »

An hour a day would save gear, also knowing couple times longer, hour in a good group exploring goes by fast, i know time is hard to find with family,  i have a 6 4 and 6month old, but if you like the game , we all need "me" time

an hour a day to save gear? Has this changed? Didn't work for me Cheesy
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« Reply #113 on: April 05, 2015, 04:26:08 pm »

hmmn. i believe this is something that should be looked into, especially if we want to bring people back who don't have time. due to family restraints
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« Reply #114 on: April 05, 2015, 06:08:04 pm »

An hour a day would save gear, also knowing couple times longer, hour in a good group exploring goes by fast, i know time is hard to find with family,  i have a 6 4 and 6month old, but if you like the game , we all need "me" time

an hour a day to save gear? Has this changed? Didn't work for me Cheesy

I always thought it was half an hour a day.

Nothing is too much to hope for.
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« Reply #115 on: April 06, 2015, 02:36:44 am »

whatever it is .. I played ... and returned possibly 24 hours later and KABOOM .. nada gone zilche nekked lol but .. I was gifted with items so was grateful for the experience of wearing pretty shinies for a brief time. So back to exploring, hunting, RUNNING lol and enjoying. Cheesy
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« Reply #116 on: April 06, 2015, 04:25:19 pm »

When you are of low rank, items of much higher level then you will vanish much quicker, as part of regulation that tries to stop high ranked chars to gift low ranked chars and make them disproportionally strong for their level.

c'mon, just relax and try to imagine that you're just a letters on the screens of other people Grin
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« Reply #117 on: April 06, 2015, 05:08:22 pm »

Gran assassin was at least 32 i helped rank her and gave alot of the eq
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« Reply #118 on: April 07, 2015, 03:15:39 am »

Yep Smiley
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« Reply #119 on: April 10, 2015, 01:39:15 pm »

I always thought it was half an hour a day.

Back in the days Kiri has changed it so that it depended on number and quality of gear. Don't know if that piece of code is in effect though.
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