Premium Member
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 211
« on: December 24, 2014, 05:56:14 pm » |
prehistory .... i had all powers so ..... tower reraided with low rank mage its ok Dmidar was tryed aswell .... pointless.... so ... some time later what i see in my camp
You yell, 'Wow.'
<1455/1455hp 563/563mana 437/437mv 691949tnl | EW>
A charming dryad waves her hand gracefully and vanishes from sight.
<1455/1455hp 563/563mana 437/437mv 691949tnl | EW>
[HERETIC] A huge barbarian: Intruder! A fox is attacking the Camp! We should purge the evil of the agressor!
<1455/1455hp 563/563mana 437/437mv 691949tnl | EW>
[HERETIC] A huge barbarian: Intruder! Raim is attacking the Camp! We should purge the evil of the agressor!
<1455/1455hp 563/563mana 437/437mv 691949tnl | EW>
scan e
You peer intently east.
**** 1 east ****
(White Aura) A charming dryad stands here, piercing you with her crystal-blue eyes.
(White Aura) A fox is here, fighting a huge barbarian.
(White Aura) Raim the male minotaur is here, fighting a huge barbarian.
(White Aura) Bennur the male minotaur is here, fighting a huge barbarian.
A huge barbarian is here, fighting a fox.
ok ... f*cking pussy dmidar called for help two unclunned persons ... well its ok !!! ill deffend!!!!
<1455/1455hp 558/563mana 436/437mv 691949tnl | EW>
Raim yells, 'Help! Qoiqva has just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Your kicked dirt scratches Raim.
Raim is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Raim has a few scratches.
<1455/1455hp 558/563mana 436/437mv 691949tnl | EW>
< T: a huge barbarian TC: gushing blood E: Raim EC: a few scratches >
< >
A huge barbarian's punch wounds Raim.
You will no longer regenerate health over time.
Your flaming bite misses Raim.
Your poisonous bite maims Raim!
Raim is poisoned by the venom on a silver flail spiked with porcupine quills.
Raim dodges your flaming bite.
Your poisonous bite devastates Raim.
Your flaming bite decimates Raim.
Raim parries your flaming bite.
Your flaming bite decimates Raim.
Raim strikes a huge barbarian with deadly accuracy!
Raim's shocking bite DISEMBOWELS a huge barbarian!
Raim's acidic bite maims a huge barbarian!
Your blood cools down.
Raim has some small wounds.
etc etc etc
but .... what da f*ck!
[HERETIC] Someone: Intruder! Elbik is attacking the Camp! We should purge the evil of the agressor!
tower mage?!?!!? tower mage helping em?!!?!? really? and few moment later ....
(White Aura) A charming dryad stands here, piercing you with her crystal-blue eyes.
**** 4 east ****
(White Aura) A massive turtle of a dark green color gazes about slowly with each step.
(White Aura) Raim the male minotaur is here.
(White Aura) Bennur the male minotaur is here.
**** 5 east ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his mistress's command.
(Charmed) A large mountain lion stands here, eyeing you suspiciously.
(Charmed) A large mountain lion stands here, eyeing you suspiciously.
(Charmed) A large mountain lion stands here, eyeing you suspiciously.
Rhynne the female minotaur is here.
(White Aura) Elbik the male gnome is here.
the damned solamnic knight come helps aswell!!!! HAHAHAHAHA so its 5 vs 1 ! damned rats you guys ..... really ... rats now ... waiting for an explanation! especially from the immortals
Premium Member
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 211
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2014, 06:27:44 pm » |
should i repeat? rat... i did raid tower i did RAID YOU!!! you nor even helped your bear.... and show me any cheats by me  ? btw..... its really remind me this ! **** 2 east **** **** 3 east **** **** 4 east **** **** 5 east **** (White Aura) Sharoth the male human is here, fighting a huge barbarian. (Silver Aura) Imlyee the male human is here riding a magnificent white stallion. (Charmed) (White Aura) A young silver dragon is here, fighting a huge barbarian. (White Aura) Rakkase the female half-elf is here, fighting a huge barbarian. (Translucent) Velico the male minotaur is here.
Hero Member
Karma: +8/-7
Posts: 1170

« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2014, 06:34:06 pm » |
should i repeat? rat... i did raid tower i did RAID YOU!!! you nor even helped your bear.... and show me any cheats by me  ? btw..... its really remind me this ! **** 2 east **** **** 3 east **** **** 4 east **** **** 5 east **** (White Aura) Sharoth the male human is here, fighting a huge barbarian. (Silver Aura) Imlyee the male human is here riding a magnificent white stallion. (Charmed) (White Aura) A young silver dragon is here, fighting a huge barbarian. (White Aura) Rakkase the female half-elf is here, fighting a huge barbarian. (Translucent) Velico the male minotaur is here. if you remember i wasn't with them, you killed me on reraid and i was just getting my corpse haha i always reraid. how do you think you two cleaves arsa? haha also the fact i was dumb and forget to savage blow my self before i came back. but hey happens.