First of all, get rank 2 =) It's very sad to loose well-rolled one because of link faults or crashes. Second of all - this guide is mostly related with cases when You are alone or other newbies are not suitable to group with You (well, the case of _real_ newbie =) ).
In most cases You can immediately practice Your primary weapon to 75% or about that with one prac even with non-maxed int. Usually, 20 int is enough for than. Do it and go to newbie area, kill all birds there. You can also try rabbits, probably (not to mention minofighters who can start with hunter
). Before gaining rank 2 try to visit northern part of newbie zone and collect ministrel bracelets (one to east from center and one east-north from it) - they used to be lying on the ground. Also collect items that maximize Your int, wis and con - there are some of them. Basic weapon tends to be enough to gain rank 2.
Btw, don't forget to switch autosac, autosplit, trustgroup, notransfer =)
Fine, rank 2.
Buy some food (eastern part of newbie zone) and water skin - You should have enough money for now, and that food will be used during next travel. Keep in mind - being thirsty or hungry almost prevents You from regenerating, so quench the thirst and feed the hunger as it's needed.
Also it's worthy to buy sack - You can carry more items in it.
It is worthy to spend some time to gather some items lying all over the Krynn - this will greatly improves Your growing speed, and even mage can hit with devastates on 2-nd rank.
I would advise to visit the following places:
museum in Palanthas (5e4nen from MS), take care of worms (don remeber whether they are aggressive, indeed). Get some things.
western road till kender (just follow the road), sometimes there is helm lying under him... but usually it doesn't
from kender (in case kender is not where it used to be - from the place road goes north and east and path goes south) You can go 3sw3s and find opal ring in rock, it grants damroll.
few easts before the kender, there was path south - carefully go there, avoiding gray beast and shaman (and troll... and others?) and gather rusted items - they grants damroll.
Recall to city and sleep some. When ready, go to eastern road till crossroad. Then go 4s2es2ed, open west and go slowly and carefully west/south/down (generic direction). When You'll reach the bottom, pick centaur items and something lying under druid. Way back to the crossroad is slightly different from the way You came in - but You shouldn't be lost. At the crossroad it can be worthy to go north (sometimes east, but generally north) till green knight - there can be sword under him, and it's great for this rank. Usually it doesn't though
Now You can either return to newbie zone, or take one more travel to Kalaman - this will take about 5 hours since You are low of moves, but can be worthy. Kalaman is generally east (sometimes south) from Palanthas, just follow the road. In New Thalos You'll have to open gate when You'll leave it. On the cross between New Thalos and Kalaman (there are only one) You can go full north and probably pick something under uncles - bracer, for example, but You already have one from centaurs, probably. Finally, in Kalaman You should go south from central square out of gates and collect items there - generally avoid long road going west and south. There You'll most likely find staff and sword - both are nice for that rank. Not to mention armor with hitpoints!
Fine. Recall.
Now it's all depends on what the power of char is. Most likely it's worthy to stay in newbie zone for few more ranks (just go down from recall place) and kill-them-all =)
When You'll see they are easy for You, You can go out (don't forget to buy some food, so You can continously grow till rank 10 not worrying about food/water).
Being evil/neutral You can go to museum (look above for speedwalk) and kill guards there. Take care, they assist. At about rank 7 You should consider to go to Kalaman's forest by all classes (not to mention when You are groupped!). Forest is right south from Kalaman, and Your first targets should be doe and bucks - they are vulnerable to physical and You'll hit them hardly. It's prefferable to dirt kick them or blind by any means. There are food supplies under feets, and few springs - nice for growing up. As for me, I tend to stay there till about 13 rank, after that You can move to another place, and here's mine guide is over, You are no longer newbie
Being good You'll have to go south from Palanthas and kill goblins there. There are two areas - briarwood and goblin village. Be carefully, and don't go west too far, as like as south - first can lead to death, second - to waste of time. Take care of shaman and troll on far east too. You should, probably, stay there till rank 10, though it's really boring at that ranks. You can try to kill lesser trolls in dead forest (4s2ese3se3s from crossroad), but take care since they assist and seems to be stronger a bit from "old times"
And few general notices
1) try to find group - even 1-st level cleric will improve Your exp gain. To do so, use 'who newbie'.
2) try to ask somebody in Palanthas to grant You crap - person with summon can easily summon and kill warchief or minotaur mercenary with nice items for low ranks.
3) at level 10 You'll see Your damroll - try to wear those items which grants You more damroll
4) always eat and drink as needed. You can find food in one of Palanthas's market square (damn me, I don't remember exact corner
) )