Date / time : 04.12.2001 00:03
Author      : Sefuirosu
Title       : Question to Chemosh, and maybe other Imms...
Plain size  : 3,1 Kb
The black and bloody cross READS:

             -=-=-=-Code of the Knights of Takhisis-=-=-=-

                  Death Before Disobeying Our Queen!

1) Goodness of Krynn spread forth a doings what we cannot allow, most
important is a knights, spreading a false knowledge of Paladine and
Kiri-Jolith. Eradication of them is a must, worshippers of false gods
must be killed  and his body should be nailed, as lesson for others.

2) Always obey the orders of those higher in rank than you. Failure to
do so will result in harsh punishment. Always exercise judgement in matters
when you have nobody to ask advice of, and do not be foolish in your actions,
for that is a sign of weakness.

3) When attacked, unless you are hopelessly outnumbered and cannot hope to
win, you are expected to stand your ground with courage and honor for your

4) Every battle that you win for Her, She will reward you. But every battle
that you lose in Her name, She will punish you. This is especially expected
while defending the sacred Temple of Takhisis.

5) Remember about uncontrolled bloodthirst might only a harm to our Queen,
control your hatred. Let neutral ones follow his own way, changing his mind
slowly into the our side. But does not hide in a face of danger, and righteous
power will fill you in a battle against ones who does not let our queen step

6) Order of the leader is the law. Follow every his order, disobeying
will make you anathema.
                  -=-=-=-Loyalty to the other clans-=-=-=-

Knights of Solamnia.
They are created for spread force of Paladine over Krynn, keep it always
in mind. Annihilation of the forces of goodness is the only way to help
the Queen of the Abyss step forth to this place of existence. We cannot
have alliances with Solamnia by any way, since they only seek a way to
banish our Queen back to the Abyss.

Archmages of the High Tower of Sorcery.
As far as we know, mages are classified by different ways of magical
research, black, red and white. Necromancers following the path of evil
might be a resource of helpful knowledge, but the High Arcanus is changed
from time to time, and we cannot be sure that next time throne of High
Tower of Sorcery will not be taken by White-robed mage. So keep your
eyes open for mages of the High Sorcery, they might be helpful in a face
of necromancer, and dangerous in the face of a transmuter.

Heretics of Krynn.
The only thing we know of the Heretics is their primal rage against
everyone who possesses the wisdom of gods, or power of magic. They
keep mutilate everyone who uses heaven's gift. Powerful and well
trained, they walk across Krynn spreading death and fear. The only
thing that can stop them is true fighting power. Beware of them, for
the Heretics of Krynn are powerful enemies and the only way to protect
our queen from them is to strike from the shadows.

Remember that helping other clans is forbidden, since they only seek a
way to follow their own goals. If they are asking for help in any way
it means that they seek a way to use your power for their own goals.
It cannot and will not be accepted.


From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum