Date / time : 11.12.2001 13:48
Author      : Vordar
Title       : Our dragon got *DRUNK* :)
Plain size  : 1,6 Kb
Riena has arrived.
A savage, small black dragon says '
the Knight Thorn Hail, of'
A savage, small black dragon yells '
Thorn the of Knight Hail,'
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
A savage, small black dragon says '
Takhisis Highlord Hail, Dragon of'
Riena has arrived.
A savage, small black dragon says '
Hail, Thorn Knight of the'
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
A savage, small black dragon says '
Highlord Takhisis of Hail, Dragon'
(Pink Aura) A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
A savage, small black dragon yells '
Hail, Highlord of Dragon Takhisis'
(Pink Aura) A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
A savage, small black dragon yells '
Takhisis of Highlord Hail, Dragon'
(Pink Aura) A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
A savage, small black dragon says '
Highlord Hail, Dragon Takhisis of'
(Pink Aura) A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
A savage, small black dragon says '
of Dragon Hail, Takhisis Highlord'
(Pink Aura) A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
A savage, small black dragon says '
Hail, Takhisis of Dragon Highlord'
(Pink Aura) A small, cruel looking black dragon blocks the way into the temple.
A savage, small black dragon yells '
Hail, Dragon of Highlord Takhisis'


From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum