Date / time : 04.02.2002 01:32
Author : Sio
Title : Clowns from Tower clan.
Plain size : 7,8 Kb
// Remember story of Kuksuger about Rimosh and Medallion of Mishakal?
// Here is the continue of it....
// Me and Khgrud were the only Takhisis on, when I suddenly located medallion in Kalaman's neutral pit.
// We found it and picked up.
// Some time passed, and Neirid starts to speak with me.
Neirid tells you 'Priest of Takhisis is storing the Medallion of Mishakal whatta shame on you.'
You tell Neirid 'Thank you, Neirid, for care about me.'
Neirid tells you 'I dont care about you currently but i am think that you Queen willnt be glad to hear about it.'
You tell Neirid 'And, brave Neirid, there's even amulet of Healing Hand in my pockets.'
You tell Neirid 'You may come and get it'
You tell Neirid 'If you will be strong enough of course'
Neirid tells you 'You willnt be alone cause you are horde.'
You tell Neirid 'Than, please, be so kind.'
Neirid tells you 'and i am not so brave to fight horde.'
You tell Neirid 'Shut your wide mouth up'
You tell Neirid 'Thank you'
Neirid tells you 'HORDE you cant do anything with out your charmies'
// I've heard this song many times already.
// Hei, Neirid, how could I clear my honour in your eyes?
// rem all;drop all;sacr all;nofol;c cancell;murder bull would satisfy you?
// Is that they way I should fight with you? LMAO.
You tell Neirid 'I didn't know it'
You tell Neirid 'Thank you for care about me'
Neirid tells you 'By the way why you need them why you dont sacrafice them to you godnes?'
// To keep it away from people like Rimosh, dude.
// Allright, I lied.
You tell Khgrud 'Neirid's after location of medallion became so aloud'
You tell Neirid 'If your little brain will know this, your small head will explode and there will be no Neirid more. So, stay alive, boy.'
Neirid tells you 'Boy?and why do you always fleding from boy then he is defend his Tower?'
Neirid tells you 'Cowerdy isnt best aspect of Lord.'
// Damn, I exploded. Theadore was the first but not the last dumbass, who called me a coward during the sitting under his dragon and waiting my preparations for raid.
// Theadore called me a coward, because I attacked his outer knight and then fled from him in order to recover mana and health to fight further.
// Here's another one, speaking with me so alound under the archmage's pants about a bullshit theme.
You tell Neirid 'Oh, I don't even want to remember how much times I raided you and how much times you recalled when you archmage was alive. There will be no fingers on my arms to count it, boy.'
Neirid tells you 'Blinded and showed must i fight me teacher,only fools will do it.'
Neirid tells you 'my teacher even'
Neirid tells you 'It is useless talk'
You tell Neirid 'yes, because you're such an idiot.'
Neirid tells you 'Swearing it isnt polite.'
You tell Neirid 'I know'
You tell Neirid 'you lie - i don't like it'
You tell Neirid 'That because i swear'
Neirid tells you 'I am lie?'
// More correct will be "Am I lie?"
// Am I right?
Neirid tells you 'Tell me what was lies in my speech'
You tell Neirid 'I don't remember last time when I fled from you on tower raid.'
You tell Neirid 'only you was there who recalled'
You tell Neirid 'and only you didn't come for power to retrieve'
// Not once and not even twice.
You tell Neirid 'so shut your wide mouth, PLEASE'
Neirid tells you 'You always blinding me and fleding isnt it right?'
Neirid tells you 'then return'
You tell Neirid 'but why you telling me the -'
You tell Neirid 'Neirid tells you 'Boy?and why do you always fleding from boy then he is defend his Tower?''
You tell Neirid 'WHY?'
You tell Neirid 'WHEN I ALWAYS FLEEING???'
You tell Neirid 'are you IDIOT or what?'
You tell Neirid 'or that wasn't your words?'
Neirid tells you 'You have no respect in your speech'
// Neirid, are you arcane lord of tower to have a bit of respect to you?
// There's already one arcane clown lord, it's enough for me.
Neirid tells you 'Thats why i speak like this'
You tell Neirid 'respect to you? of coruse I have no respect to dumb idiots'
Neirid tells you 'And by the way i dont tell that you retreat only fled got the different?'
// Oh my god. Hey, people, got the difference? I didn't.
// I'm coward because I flee down from archmage after bull's goaring and wait down there.
You tell Neirid 'Neirid, you're pathetic, really'
You tell Neirid 'If I had a right to be a deaf'
// type "DEAF" and calm down, Gahzarr :)
You tell Neirid 'I would do it with pleasure'
You tell Neirid 'But since I'm highlord, I can't do this'
You tell Neirid 'This why I'm so annoyed to listen to the bullshit from you and your mesaana and wermona'
// Yes, and I wonder where this two (mesaana and wermona) came from, but their roleplay of tower mages weak.
// They both look like kenders, with WIDELY opened mouthes and long arms. Looting rugs and etc, calling everyone "slaves"
// and other bullshit. It's a bit annoing.
Neirid tells you 'Gahzar since you become a Highlord i thought you become to make you clan more stronger but i dont seet it, i have more respect to Zongi than to you cause he do all he need to do and you are priest and you are speakign like a man who handt mind and w'
You tell Neirid 'Good luck'
Neirid tells you 'Neither conquer but KILL!'
Neirid tells you 'As i heard you queen want to conquer not demonlish all.'
You tell Neirid 'be silent, Neirid, be silent.'
Neirid tells you 'Ok, if you dont want to speak more, farewell.'
You tell Neirid 'I already understood the size of your stupidity. Don't try to enlarge it.'
You tell Neirid 'EXACTLY'
You tell Neirid 'I '
Neirid tells you 'Swearling it all you can do perfect.'
You tell Neirid 'beacause you're stupid and pathetic'
Neirid tells you 'And you why you just stop swear and said farewell'
Neirid tells you '?'
Neirid tells you 'Why?'
You tell Neirid 'farewell, no more tells to me, allright, kind Neirid?'
Neirid tells you 'Farewell'
// You blame me in swearing? Allright. But be on my place. Tower became the clan of clowns.
// If, in the past, wermona and mesaaana were annoying me by their "stay here, slave" only during tower raids
// and their reraids, now they send me tells of the next content with small delay:
// Mesaana tells you 'the slave didn't hear my order?'
// Mesaana tells you 'perhaps the slave needs to be whipped some...'
// [TAKHISIS] Someone: Arcane Lord Wermona invite us to Tower to a big party - free bear and stronger drinks if wanted.
// [TAKHISIS] Tiozuro: Wermona tells you 'Are you coming yet?'
// And so on, and so on...
// Shoulnd't I be so angry, and shouldn't I swear on tower mage, who decided to blame me for the things, he shouldn't bother about?
// If you call someone "slave" or whatever, than why you don't come for reraids?
// Sarvich told me some time ago, that wermona doesn't do a reraid even against the only him. Without my healings of dragon.
From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum