Date / time : 09.02.2002 15:38
Author : Navar
Title : Another day as a snooping immortal
Plain size : 0,8 Kb
You say 'I wonder what Sarvich is up to.'
snoop sarvich
(White Aura) (Shadowed ) Sarvich the male draconian is here, playing with his own penis!
You say 'I got him now!'
transfer Sarvich 40044
transfer penis 40044
Sarvich says 'what the hell?'
You say 'mmm hmm. ANd did you talk to your penis?'
Sarvich says 'Dude. It's a penis.'
You say 'Read the rules.'
Sarvich says 'BUT ITS MY PENIS!!'
You say 'We don't care. Rules say you must talk to someone before fighting with them.'
Sarvich says 'I did!'
Sarvich's penis says 'No he didn't it's unreasoned jerk-off.'
You nod.
deny Sarvich
You snicker softly.
From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum