Date / time : 26.02.2002 11:02
Author      : Khgrud
Title       : Amazing Grandmaster
Plain size  : 65,9 Kb

898/898 399/502 317 78088 11.585 EW>
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m a knight of Solamnia!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m a knight of Solamnia!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
maims [0;37m a knight of Solamnia!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m a knight of Solamnia!
Your wrath  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m a knight of Solamnia!
Your wrath  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m a knight of Solamnia!
You see an opening in a knight of Solamnia's defences as he falters close to death.
You mercilessYou mercilessly take advantage of a knight of Solamnia's condition and slay him in cold blood!
Your merciless slaying  [1;31m
does UNSPEAKABLE things to [0;37m a knight of Solamnia!
A knight of Solamnia is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a knight of Solamnia's death cry.

898/898 399/502 317 78088 11.585 EW> gt frenzy
You tell the group '
[1;35mfrenzy [0;37m'

898/898 399/502 317 78088 11.585 EW> w
The eastern part of courtyard
     A Four-Leaf Clover.
Asteris has arrived.
A young green dragon has arrived.

898/898 399/502 316 78088 11.585 NES> whe
Players near you:
(PK) Khgrud     The eastern part of courtyard
(PK) Asteris    The eastern part of courtyard

898/898 399/502 316 78088 11.585 NES>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
You are filled with holy wrath!

898/898 399/502 316 78088 11.585 NES> e
Before a towering iron portcullis
     The corpse of a knight of Solamnia is lying here.
     The torn remains of a knight of Solamnia are here on a cross.
A young green dragon has arrived.
Asteris has arrived.

898/898 399/502 315 78088 11.585 EW> e
Southern end of a stone courtyard
Asteris has arrived.
A young green dragon has arrived.

898/898 399/502 314 78088 11.585 NW> gt shroud dragon
You tell the group '
[1;35mshroud dragon [0;37m'

898/898 399/502 314 78088 11.585 NW>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
An unholy blessing from the abyss shrouds a young green dragon in black mist.

898/898 399/502 314 78088 11.585 NW> gt wait. locate his code
You tell the group '
[1;35mwait. locate his code [0;37m'

898/898 399/502 314 78088 11.585 NW> a
To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode.

You are affected by the following spells:
Spell frenzy modifies armor class by 30 for 16 hours
                       modifies damage roll by 8 for 16 hours
                       modifies hit roll by 8 for 16 hours
Spell shroud modifies none by 0 for 7 hours
Spell phantasmal armor modifies resist bash by 6 for 5 hours
                       modifies resist piercing by 6 for 5 hours
                       modifies resist slashing by 6 for                        modifies resist slashing by 6 for 5 hours
Spell detect invis modifies none by 0 for 33 hours
Spell curse modifies save vs spell by 4 for 0 hours
                       modifies hit roll by -4 for 0 hours
Spell fly modifies none by 0 for 21 hours
Spell protection modifies save vs spell by -7 for 7 hours
Spell dragon mount modifies none by 0 for 11 hours
You have hero resistance bonus of +2%.

898/898 399/502 314 78088 11.585 NW> rem swo
You stop using a Crusader's Sword.

898/898 399/502 314 78088 11.585 NW> wear shie
You wear A silver-crested shield as a shield.

898/918 399/502 314 78088 11.585 NW>
Asteris tells the group '
[1;35mCode is here.. [0;37m'

898/918 399/502 314 78088 11.585 NW>
The curse wears off.

918/918 419/502 317 78088 11.585 NW> n
In a stone courtyard
     A white granite fountain has been placed here.
A young green dragon has arrived.
Asteris has arrived.

918/918 419/502 316 78088 11.585 NS> n
Northern end of a stone courtyard
Asteris has arrived.
A young green dragon has arrived.

918/918 419/502 315 78088 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Asteris turns translucent.

918/918 419/502 315 78088 11.585 NS> n
Before a huge stone archway
A young green dragon has arrived.
Asteris has arrived.

918/918 419/502 314 78088 11.585 NESW> a
To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode.

You are affected by the following spells:
Spell frenzy modifies armor class by 30 for 15 hours
                       modifies damage roll by 8 for 15 hours
                       modifies hit roll by 8 for 15 hours
Spell shroud modifies none by 0 for 6 hours
Spell phantasmal armor modifies resist bash by 6 for 4 hours
                       modifies resist piercing by 6 for 4 hours
                       modifies resist slashing by 6 for                        modifies resist slashing by 6 for 4 hours
Spell detect invis modifies none by 0 for 32 hours
Spell fly modifies none by 0 for 20 hours
Spell protection modifies save vs spell by -7 for 6 hours
Spell dragon mount modifies none by 0 for 10 hours
You have hero resistance bonus of +2%.

918/918 419/502 314 78088 11.585 NESW>
Asteris peers intently north.

918/918 419/502 314 78088 11.585 NESW> n
Under a huge stone archway
     A leather pair of comfortable-looking forest-green boots sits here.
     A steel shortsword has been plunged into the earth.
     A smooth-bladed longsword is on the ground.
     There is a pair of comfortable-looking green leather gloves here, almost blending in with the foliage.
( 2) A thick walking stick has been carelessly dropped here.
     A blade dripping with acid lies here.
Asteris has arrived.
A young green dragon has arrived.

918/918 419/502 313 78088 11918/918 419/502 313 78088 11.585 NS> n
The Temple
     (Humming) A massive statue of a gold dragon has been erected here.
An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.
A young green dragon has arrived.
Asteris has arrived.
Asteris yells '
[1;36mHelp! I'm being attacked by the ancient silver dragon! [0;37m'
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m Asteris.
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m Asteris!
You yeYou yell '
[1;36mHelp! I'm being attacked by the ancient silver dragon! [0;37m'
Your phantasmal armor deflects the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon is in perfect condition.

// some rounds without Arathorn appearing. Remember - we killed knight at entrance and he still not here

631/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris wakes and stands up.

631/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A warm feeling fills your body.

731/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A warm feeling fills your body.

831/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> gt more

Arathorn has arrived.
A young silver dragon has arrived.

831/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
You tell the group '
[1;35mmore [0;37m'

831/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Arathorn leaves north.
A young silver dragon leaves north.

831/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris glances at you.

831/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> sca n
You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

831/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> c sleep Arathorn
They aren't here.

831/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A warm feeling fills your body.

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> gt aha
You tell the group '
[1;35maha [0;37m'

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger>    a ring of apprenticeship
<worn on finger>    a ring of apprenticeship
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) silver amulet
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) silver amulet
<worn on torso>     (Darkened) a suit of fine steel platemail
<worn on head>      a helm tassled with grey feather
<worn on legs>      set of rusty iron leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of red silken boots
<worn on hands>     a pair of soft green gloves
<worn on arms>      (Humming) a pair of steel armban<worn on arms>      (Humming) a pair of steel armbands
<worn as shield>    A silver-crested shield
<worn on body>      (Glowing) white shaman robe
<worn on waist>     a multicolored belt
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
<wielded>           the two-handed sword named "Blasphemy"

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris peers intently north.

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> sca n
You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> c sleep Arathorn

Asteris nods.

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> They aren't here.

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> gt follow self
You tell the group '
[1;35mfollow self [0;37m'

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris goes to sleep.

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>

918/918 439/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris wakes and stands up.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris stops following you.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
An unholy blessing from the abyss shrouds Asteris in black mist.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> alias 1 shove aratho
1 is now realiased to 'shove aratho'.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> eq

[1;37m[TAKHISIS] Asteris: Tell here. [0;37m

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> You are using:
<worn on finger>    a ring of apprenticeship
<worn on finger>    a ring of apprenticeship
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) silver amulet
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) silver amulet
<worn on torso>     (Darkened) a suit of fine steel platemail
<worn on head>      a helm tassled with grey feather
<worn on legs>      set of rusty iron leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of red silken boots
<worn on hands>     a pair of soft green gloves
<worn on arms>      (Humming) a pair of steel armban<worn on arms>      (Humming) a pair of steel armbands
<worn as shield>    A silver-crested shield
<worn on body>      (Glowing) white shaman robe
<worn on waist>     a multicolored belt
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
<wielded>           the two-handed sword named "Blasphemy"

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> sca n

Asteris peers intently north.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> i
You are carrying:
     a Crusader's Sword
     An elegant woven rug
     the lungs of a lungfish
     a brown leather gourd
     an enchanted steel chains
     a canvas rummage sack

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris peers intently north.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> order all drop all
A young green dragon drops an ancient steel longsword.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> get swo
You get an ancient steel longsword.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> wield swo
You stop using the two-handed sword named "Blasphemy".
You wield an ancient steel longsword.
An ancient steel longsword feels like a part of you!

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> sca n
You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
(Silver Aura) An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS>
Asteris peers intently north.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> gr
Khgrud's group:
[37 Mob] A young green dragon  94%hp 100%mana 100%mv     0 xp
[35 Out] Khgrud           100%hp  91%mana 100%mv 17525089 xp

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> n

Asteris rolls her eyes, disgusted.

918/918 458/502 317 78098 11.585 NS> The Temple
     (Humming) A massive statue of a gold dragon has been erected here.
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
(Silver Aura) An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.
A young green dragon has arrived.
You yell '
[1;36mHelp! I'm being attacked by the ancient silver dragon! [0;37m'
You shield block the ancient silveYou shield block the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
You shield block the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
maims [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

878/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S> You fail the shove.
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mHelp! Khgrud just tried to shove me into a fight! [0;37m'
You parry Arathorn's slash.
You parry Arathorn's slash.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

878/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S>
Your slice  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
You fail to render life but deliver a devastating blow!
Your slice  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
Your slice  [1;31m
maims [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
Your slice  [1;31m
misses [0;37m the ancient silver dragon.
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
misses [0;37m the ancient silver dragon.
You parry Arathorn's slash.
You parry Arathorn'sYou parry Arathorn's slash.
You parry a young silver dragon's claw.
A young silver dragon's claw  [1;31m
decimates [0;37m you.
You parry a young silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
maims [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m a young green dragon!
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
maims [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
maims [0;37m you!
You shield block the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
You parry theYou parry the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

733/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S> f
Fill what?
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

733/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S> No way!  You are still fighting!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

733/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S> No way!  You are still fighting!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

733/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S>
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
You fail to render life but deliver a devastating blow!
Your slice  [1;31m
DISMEMBERS [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
You parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You shield block a young silver dragon's claw.
A young silver dragon's claw  [1;31m
mauls [0;37m you.
You parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You shield block Arathorn's slash.
You paYou parry Arathorn's slash.
Arathorn's slash  [1;31m
mauls [0;37m you.
You parry Arathorn's slash.
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m a young green dragon!
You parry the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
You shield block the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

643/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S> f
Fill what?
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

643/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S> No way!  You are still fighting!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

643/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S> flee
No way!  You are still fighting!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

643/918 458/502 316 78098 11.585 S> Under a huge stone archway
     A leather pair of comfortable-looking forest-green boots sits here.
     A steel shortsword has been plunged into the earth.
     A smooth-bladed longsword is on the ground.
     There is a pair of comfortable-looking green leather gloves here, almost blending in with the foliage.
( 2) A thick walking stick has been carelessly dropped here.
     A blade dripping with acid lies here.
(Translucent) (Black aura) (Shadowed) Asteris the female human is here.
You flee from You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.
Asteris leaves north.
Asteris yells '
[1;36mHelp! I'm being attacked by the ancient silver dragon! [0;37m'

643/918 458/502 315 78108 11.585 NS>
A young green dragon has arrived.

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS>
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mDie, Asteris you sorcerous dog! [0;37m'

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS>
Asteris has arrived.

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS> sca n
You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
(Silver Aura) An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS> ct heal and dont enter
[1;37m[TAKHISIS] Khgrud: heal and dont enter [0;37m

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS> a
To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode.

You are affected by the following spells:
Spell frenzy modifies armor class by 30 for 12 hours
                       modifies damage roll by 8 for 12 hours
                       modifies hit roll by 8 for 12 hours
Spell shroud modifies none by 0 for 3 hours
Spell phantasmal armor modifies resist bash by 6 for 1 hours
                       modifies resist piercing by 6 for 1 hours
                       modifies resist slashing by 6 for                        modifies resist slashing by 6 for 1 hours
Spell detect invis modifies none by 0 for 29 hours
Spell fly modifies none by 0 for 17 hours
Spell protection modifies save vs spell by -7 for 3 hours
Spell dragon mount modifies none by 0 for 7 hours
You have hero resistance bonus of +2%.

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.

675/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A warm feeling fills your body.

775/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger>    a ring of apprenticeship
<worn on finger>    a ring of apprenticeship
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) silver amulet
<worn around neck>  (Glowing) silver amulet
<worn on torso>     (Darkened) a suit of fine steel platemail
<worn on head>      a helm tassled with grey feather
<worn on legs>      set of rusty iron leggings
<worn on feet>      a pair of red silken boots
<worn on hands>     a pair of soft green gloves
<worn on arms>      (Humming) a pair of steel armban<worn on arms>      (Humming) a pair of steel armbands
<worn as shield>    A silver-crested shield
<worn on body>      (Glowing) white shaman robe
<worn on waist>     a multicolored belt
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
<wielded>           an ancient steel longsword

775/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS>
Asteris glances at you.

775/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A warm feeling fills your body.

875/918 478/502 317 78108 11.585 NS> n
The Temple
     (Humming) A massive statue of a gold dragon has been erected here.
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
(Silver Aura) An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.
A young green dragon has arrived.
You yell '
[1;36mHelp! I'm being attacked by the ancient silver dragon! [0;37m'
You shield block the ancient silveYou shield block the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
You shield block the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon DISARMS you and sends your weapon flying!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

875/918 478/502 316 78108 11.585 S> get swo
wield swo

You fail the shove.
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mHelp! Khgrud just tried to shove me into a fight! [0;37m'
Arathorn's slash  [1;31m
decimates [0;37m you.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

852/918 478/502 316 78108 11.585 S>
Your punch  [1;31m
mauls [0;37m the ancient silver dragon.
Your punch  [1;31m
wounds [0;37m the ancient silver dragon.
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
Arathorn's slash  [1;31m
decimates [0;37m you.
Arathorn's slash  [1;31m
mauls [0;37m you.
A young silver dragon's claw  [1;31m
mauls [0;37m you.
YoYour phantasmal armor deflects a young silver dragon's claw.
You shield block a young silver dragon's claw.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
maims [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
maims [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

663/918 478/502 316 78108 11.585 S>
The ancient silver dragon spreads its wings and beats violently at the air!
The ancient silver dragon's air blast  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m a young green dragon!
The ancient silver dragon's air blast  [1;31m
decimates [0;37m you.
The gods protect the healer from the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

639/918 478/502 316 78108 11.585 S> You get an ancient steel longsword.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

639/918 478/502 316 78108 11.585 S> You wield an ancient steel longsword.
An ancient steel longsword feels like a part of you!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

639/918 478/502 316 78108 11.585 S> flee

A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
The ancient silver dragon parries your slice.
Your slice  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m the ancient silver dragon.
You parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You parry Arathorn's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with golden light!
You parry Arathorn's slash.
You shield block Arathorn's slash.
Your phantasmal arYour phantasmal armor deflects the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m a young green dragon!
You shield block the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

639/918 478/502 316 78108 11.585 S> Under a huge stone archway
     A perfectly made rug of felt appears very comfortable.
     A leather pair of comfortable-looking forest-green boots sits here.
     A steel shortsword has been plunged into the earth.
     A smooth-bladed longsword is on the ground.
     There is a pair of comfortable-looking green leather gloves here, almost blending in with the foliage.
( 2) A thick walking stick has been carelessly dropped here.
     A blade dripping with acid lies here.
(Translucent) (Black aura)(Translucent) (Black aura) (Shadowed) Asteris the female human is sleeping on An elegant woven rug.
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

639/918 478/502 315 78118 11.585 NS>
A young green dragon has arrived.

672/918 502/502 317 78118 11.585 NS>
Asteris wakes and stands up.

672/918 502/502 317 78118 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
The air around Asteris becomes a softly shimmering sphere.

672/918 502/502 317 78118 11.585 NS> rep
You say '
I have 73% hp 100% mana 100% mv 17525069 xp.'

672/918 502/502 317 78118 11.585 NS>
Asteris gets An elegant woven rug.

672/918 502/502 317 78118 11.585 NS> sca n

Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A warm feeling fills your body.

772/918 502/502 317 78118 11.585 NS> You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
(Silver Aura) An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

772/918 502/502 317 78118 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A warm feeling fills your body.

872/918 502/502 317 78118 11.585 NS> n
The Temple
     (Humming) A massive statue of a gold dragon has been erected here.
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) A young silver dragon is here awaiting her master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
(Silver Aura) An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.
A young green dragon has arrived.
You yell '
[1;36mHelp! I'm being attacked by the ancient silver dragon! [0;37m'
You parry the ancient silver dragoYou parry the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
You shield block the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
maims [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon's divine power  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m you!
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

789/918 502/502 316 78118 11.585 S> You shove Arathorn in front of you!
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mHelp! Khgrud just shoved me into a fight! [0;37m'
You yell '
[1;36mHelp! I'm being attacked by the ancient silver dragon! [0;37m'
You parry the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

789/918 502/502 316 78118 11.585 S> flee

The ancient silver dragon dodges your slice.
Your slice  [1;31m
maims [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
Arathorn's slash  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
Arathorn's slash  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A solamnic sword glows with golden light!
A young silver dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancieA young silver dragon's claw  [1;31mMUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
A young silver dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m the ancient silver dragon!
Your phantasmal armor deflects the ancient silver dragon's divine power.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

789/918 502/502 316 78118 11.585 S>
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
The air before the ancient silver dragon flares up and Arathorn's spell reflects!
The ancient silver dragon's spellturning field disipates with a crackle of blue energy.
Arathorn is unaffected by AraArathorn is unaffected by Arathorn's heavenly wrath.
The ancient silver dragon has some small wounds.

789/918 502/502 316 78118 11.585 S> Under a huge stone archway
     A leather pair of comfortable-looking forest-green boots sits here.
     A steel shortsword has been plunged into the earth.
     A smooth-bladed longsword is on the ground.
     There is a pair of comfortable-looking green leather gloves here, almost blending in with the foliage.
( 2)
 A thick walking stick has been carelessly dropped here.
     A blade dripping with acid lies here.
(Translucent) (Black aura) (Shadowed) Asteris the female human is here.
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
A young green dragon has arrived.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> c sleep Arathorn
They aren't here.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> c sleep Arathorn
They aren't here.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> c sleep Arathorn
They aren't here.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
Asteris peers intently north.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
Asteris says '
[1;33mbash him [0;37m'

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> sca n
You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) a young silver dragon is here, fighting the ancient silver dragon.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here, fighting the ancient silver dragon.
(Silver Aura) the ancient silver dragon is here, fighting Arathorn.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

Asteris says '
[1;33mwhen he comes here [0;37m'

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> wield crus
You stop using an ancient steel longsword.
You wield a Crusader's Sword.
A Crusader's Sword feels like a part of you!
Arathorn has arrived.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mHelp! Khgrud is bashing me! [0;37m'
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mHelp! Asteris is casting a spell on me! [0;37m'
Roaring abyss flame erupts at the feet of Arathorn!
Asteris's flames of dragonkind  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Arathorn!

789/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
The shadows about you dissipate.

825/918 502/502 317 78128 11.585 NS> bash

Arathorn leaves south.
Arathorn has fled!

825/918 502/502 317 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
But you aren't fighting anyone!

825/918 502/502 317 78128 11.585 NS> They aren't here.
Asteris rolls her eyes, disgusted.

825/918 502/502 317 78128 11.585 NS> Before a huge stone archway
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
A young green dragon has arrived.

825/918 502/502 316 78128 11.585 NESW> bash Arathorn

Arathorn leaves north.

825/918 502/502 316 78128 11.585 NESW> They aren't here.

825/918 502/502 316 78128 11.585 NESW> n
Under a huge stone archway
     A leather pair of comfortable-looking forest-green boots sits here.
     A steel shortsword has been plunged into the earth.
     A smooth-bladed longsword is on the ground.
     There is a pair of comfortable-looking green leather gloves here, almost blending in with the foliage.
( 2) A thick walking stick has been carelessly dropped here.
     A blade dripping with acid lies here.
(Translucent) (Black aura) (Shadowed) Asteris the female human is here.
A young green A young green dragon has arrived.

825/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> sca n
You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here, fighting the ancient silver dragon.
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) a young silver dragon is here, fighting the ancient silver dragon.
(Silver Aura) the ancient silver dragon is here, fighting Arathorn.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

825/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.

825/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
Arathorn has arrived.

825/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mHelp! Khgrud is bashing me! [0;37m'
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash  [1;31m
hits [0;37m Arathorn.
Arathorn has a few scratches.

825/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Your wrath  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Arathorn!
Your wrath  [1;31m
maims [0;37m Arathorn!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Arathorn!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Arathorn!
Arathorn's punch  [1;31m
misses [0;37m you.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

825/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash

Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

825/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Arathorn!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Arathorn!
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your wrath.
Your wrath  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m Arathorn!
Arathorn's punch  [1;31m
grazes [0;37m you.
You parry Arathorn's punch.
Arathorn's punch  [1;31m
grazes [0;37m you.
You parry Arathorn's punch.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
Arathorn leaves north.
Arathorn has fled!

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> But you aren't fighting anyone!

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> sca n
You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here, fighting the ancient silver dragon.
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) a young silver dragon is here, fighting the ancient silver dragon.
(Silver Aura) the ancient silver dragon is here, fighting a young silver dragon.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
Asteris peers intently north.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
Asteris throws back her head and cackles insanely!

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
They aren't here.
Arathorn has arrived.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash Arathorn
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mHelp! Khgrud is bashing me! [0;37m'
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash  [1;31m
hits [0;37m Arathorn.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> sca n

Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn yells '
[1;36mDie, Asteris you sorcerous dog! [0;37m'
Roaring abyss flame erupts at the feet of Arathorn!
Asteris's flames of dragonkind  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Arathorn!
Arathorn is gushing blood.

817/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Your wrath  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m Arathorn!
Your wrath  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m Arathorn!
Your blow ruptures critical arteries and blood explodes around Arathorn!
Your act of cruelty  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Arathorn!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Arathorn!
You shield block Arathorn's punch.
Arathorn's punch  [1;31m
grazes [0;37m you.
Asteris's pound  [1;31m
mauls [0;37m Arathorn.
Arathorn is convulsing on the ground.

8813/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> bash

Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn is convulsing on the ground.

813/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> You peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****
(Charmed) (Silver Aura) a young silver dragon is here, fighting the ancient silver dragon.
(Silver Aura) the ancient silver dragon is here, fighting a young silver dragon.
(White Aura) A healer is here ready to offer his services.

Arathorn is convulsing on the ground.

813/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash  [1;31m
grazes [0;37m Arathorn.
Arathorn is convulsing on the ground.

813/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS>
Asteris concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Roaring abyss flame erupts at the feet of Arathorn!
Asteris's flames of dragonkind  [1;31m
maims [0;37m Arathorn!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Arathorn!
Arathorn is DEAD!!
Warm, wet blood splashes across your feet as Arathorn's brains spill out.

813/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> look in corpse
But you aren't fighting anyone!

813/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> The corpse of Arathorn holds:
     (Glowing) an ancient Ranger Lord's Stetson
     some royal silk leggings
( 2) (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
     a pair of red silken boots
     (Glowing) white shaman robe
     a pair of mithril gauntlets
     a pair of steel engraved armguards
     (Glowing) helm of the divine Order
     (Invis) (Glowing) a wisp of ether
     (Invis) (Humming) a ring of blue stained quartz
     (Invis) Ring of the Witch
     (Glowing) a badge of knight commander
       a golden filigree pendant
     a ranger's knapsack
     a silver-studded belt buckle
     (Humming) a scroll of divine protection
     (Invis) (Humming) a ring of green stained quartz
     a suit of platemail bearing the mark of Solamnia
     374 silver coins

813/918 502/502 315 78128 11.585 NS> get quart
You see no quart here.
Asteris says '
[1;33mWill you loot? [0;37m'

854/918 502/502 317 78128 11.585 NS> get quart cor
You get a ring of blue stained quartz from the corpse of Arathorn.

854/918 502/502 317 78128 11.585 NS>
Asteris says '
[1;33mI won't. [0;37m'

// after slaying dragon who do you think came ?:))

1030/1080 478/502 304 78148 11.585 S> open north

1030/1080 478/502 304 78148 11.585 NS> n
You ride a young green dragon north.
Before gates of the High Clerist Tower

1030/1080 478/502 303 78148 11.585 NS> n
You ride a young green dragon north.
Near the Tower
A knight in toughen armor guards here, watching for invaders.

1030/1080 478/502 302 78148 11.585 NS> n
You ride a young green dragon north.
The Pass
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
A silent, tiny kender tries to hide from your eyes.

1030/1080 478/502 301 78148 11.585 NS> n
You ride a young green dragon north.
Way on the Southern Solamnic road
A knight dressed in a white scale mail shirt is standing here, watching over the mountains.

1030/1080 478/502 300 78148 11.585 NESW> You ride a young green dragon north.
Way of the southern Solamnic road

1030/1080 478/502 299 78148 11.585 NS> whe
Players near you:
(PK) Khgrud     Way of the southern Solamnic road
(PK) Zyrd       Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

1030/1080 478/502 299 78148 11.585 NS> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Way on the Southern Solamnic road
A knight dressed in a white scale mail shirt is standing here, watching over the mountains.

1030/1080 478/502 298 78148 11.585 NESW> You ride a young green dragon south.
The Pass
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
A silent, tiny kender tries to hide from your eyes.

1030/1080 478/502 297 78148 11.585 NS> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Near the Tower
A knight in toughen armor guards here, watching for invaders.

1030/1080 478/502 296 78148 11.585 NS> ct he near me
[1;37m[TAKHISIS] Khgrud: he near me [0;37m

1030/1080 478/502 296 78148 11.585 NS>
Zyrd rides in on a shadowy spectre.
The mummy of a dwarven miner has arrived.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.
An iron golem has arrived.
The skeleton of a fall general has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.

1030/1080 478/502 296 78148 11.585 NS>
Zyrd chants a strange, yet melodious line.
You yell '
[1;36mDie, Zyrd you sorcerous dog! [0;37m'
Zyrd points a finger at you and utters the word, 'Die'.
Zyrd's word of power  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m you!
Zyrd is in perfect condition.

976/1080 478/502 296 78148 11.585 NS> gt come hct
You tell the group '
[1;35mcome hct [0;37m'
Zyrd is in perfect condition.

976/1080 478/502 296 78148 11.585 NS>
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Zyrd!
Zyrd's mount gets in the way of your blow.
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
DISMEMBERS [0;37m a shadowy spectre!
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Zyrd!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
DISEMBOWELS [0;37m Zyrd!
You shield block a shadowy spectre's chilling grasp.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
Your mouYour mount gets in the way of the skeleton of a fall general's blow.
Your phantasmal armor deflects an iron golem's slash.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
You shield block the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound.
You shield block the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound.
You shield block the mummy of a dwarven miner's pound.
You parry the mummy of a dwarven miner's pound.
You parry the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
Your phanYour phantasmal armor deflects the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
Zyrd has some small wounds.

976/1080 478/502 296 78148 11.585 NS> c 'blind'
You clench your fist and draw magic into yourself.
You fail to blind Zyrd.
Zyrd has some small wounds.

976/1080 473/502 296 78148 11.585 NS> c 'blind'

The skeleton of a fall general rescues Zyrd!
The skeleton of a fall general is in perfect condition.

976/1080 473/502 296 78148 11.585 NS>
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MANGLES [0;37m the skeleton of a fall general!
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MANGLES [0;37m the skeleton of a fall general!
Zyrd's downward pierce  [1;31m
hits [0;37m you.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
You shield block the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
You shield block the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
Your mount gets in the way of the zombie of a weeping zombie's blow.
The zombie of a weeping zombie's slash  [1;31m
mauls [0The zombie of a weeping zombie's slash  [1;31mmauls [0;37m a young green dragon.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
You parry Zyrd's pierce.
The skeleton of a fall general has some small wounds.

970/1080 473/502 296 78148 11.585 NS> You make a deep incantation, drawing upon your magic.
You fail to blind the skeleton of a fall general.
The skeleton of a fall general has some small wounds.

970/1080 468/502 296 78148 11.585 NS>
Asteris tells the group '
[1;35mJed? [0;37m'
The skeleton of a fall general has some small wounds.

970/1080 468/502 296 78148 11.585 NS> c 'blind' zyrd

The mummy of a dwarven miner's pound  [1;31m
misses [0;37m you.
The mummy of a dwarven miner's pound  [1;31m
decimates [0;37m you.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound  [1;31m
decimates [0;37m you.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound.
The skeleton of a fall general dodges your wrath.
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MANGLES [0;37m the skeleton of a fall general!
The skeleton of a fall general dodges your wrathThe skeleton of a fall general dodges your wrath.
The skeleton of a fall general's slash  [1;31m
mauls [0;37m you.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
The skeleton of a fall general kicks dirt up high and into your eyes!
The skeleton of a fall general's kicked dirt  [1;31m
scratches [0;37m you.
You can't see a thing!
You parry someone's slash.
Your mount gets in the way of someone's blow.
Someone's slash  [1;31m
decimates [0;37m someone.
Someone is covered in bleeding wounds.

899/1080 468/502 296 78148 11.585 Y899/1080 468/502 296 78148 11.585 You are blinded!>
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of someone's lips.
Someone releases a searing flame of blue-green spellfire.
Someone's spellfire  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m you!
Someone is covered in bleeding wounds.

856/1080 468/502 296 78148 11.585 You are blinded!> They aren't here.
Someone is covered in bleeding wounds.

856/1080 468/502 296 78148 11.585 You are blinded!> flee
You ride someone north.
You can't see a thing!
You rear in someone and flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

856/1080 468/502 295 78158 11.585 You are blinded!> n
You ride someone north.
You can't see a thing!

856/1080 468/502 294 78158 11.585 You are blinded!> n
You ride someone north.
You can't see a thing!

856/1080 468/502 293 78158 11.585 You are blinded!> n
You ride someone north.
You can't see a thing!

856/1080 468/502 292 78158 11.585 You are blinded!> n
You ride someone north.
You can't see a thing!

856/1080 468/502 291 78158 11.585 You are blinded!> n

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
The shadows about you dissipate.
Your shroud wisps away into nothing.
Your rage ebbs.

901/1080 498/502 317 78158 11.585 NS> gt shroud gone.
gt frenzy gone.
You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

901/1080 498/502 316 78158 11.585 NS> You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

901/1080 498/502 315 78158 11.585 NS> You tell the group '
[1;35mshroud gone. [0;37m'

901/1080 498/502 315 78158 11.585 NS> You tell the group '
[1;35mfrenzy gone. [0;37m'

901/1080 498/502 315 78158 11.585 NS> n
You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
     You see a small dull ring in front of you.

901/1080 498/502 314 78158 11.585 NS> You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

901/1080 498/502 313 78158 11.585 NS> You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
(White Aura) A knight stands here guiding travellers along the mountain road.
A Solamnic knight nods at you and gestures that the road continues west.

901/1080 498/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW> c pha
You clench your fist and draw magic into yourself.
You feel protected as shadows seem to gather about.

901/1080 438/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW> c 'summon' jed

Zyrd rides in on a shadowy spectre.
The mummy of a dwarven miner has arrived.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.
An iron golem has arrived.
The skeleton of a fall general has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.

901/1080 438/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW>
Zyrd recites a sweet mystical verse.
You yell '
[1;36mDie, Zyrd you sorcerous dog! [0;37m'
Zyrd points a finger at you and utters the word, 'Die'.
Zyrd's word of power  [Zyrd's word of power  [1;31m
*** DEMOLISHES *** [0;37m you!
Zyrd has some small wounds.

789/1080 438/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW> You can't concentrate enough.
Zyrd has some small wounds.

789/1080 438/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW>
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
DISMEMBERS [0;37m Zyrd!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
DISMEMBERS [0;37m a shadowy spectre!
A shadowy spectre's chilling grasp  [1;31m
maims [0;37m a young green dragon!
The zombie of a weeping zombie's blow misses your mount and falls on you.
You shield block the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
The skeleton of a fall general's blow misses your mount and falls on you.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
An iron golem's blow misseAn iron golem's blow misses your mount and falls on you.
Your phantasmal armor deflects an iron golem's slash.
The zombie of a weeping zombie's blow misses your mount and falls on you.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear's blow misses your mount and falls on you.
You parry the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound.
The mummy of a dwarven miner's blow misses your mount and falls on you.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the mummy of a dwarven miner's pound.
You parry the skelYou parry the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
You parry the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
An iron golem's blow misses your mount and falls on you.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
Your phantasmal armor deflects Zyrd's pierce.
Zyrd has some small wounds.

789/1080 438/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW> c 'blind'
You fail to blind Zyrd.
Zyrd recites a sweet mystical tune.
Zyrd releases a searing flame of blue-green spellfire.
Zyrd's spellfire  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m you!
Zyrd has some small wounds.

718/1080 433/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW>
Your phantasmal armor deflects the mummy of a dwarven miner's pound.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the mummy of a dwarven miner's pound.
You shield block the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
The zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m you!
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
Your mount gets in the way of the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's blow.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m a young green dragon.
You parry the mummyYou parry the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound.
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Zyrd!
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Zyrd!
You shield block the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
You parry the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
The skeleton of a fall general's kicked dirt  [1;31m
misses [0;37m you.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
Zyrd is covered in bleeding wounds.

682/1080 433/502 312 78158 11.585682/1080 433/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW> flee

Zyrd raises his voice into an ancient incantation.
Zyrd releases a searing flame of blue-green spellfire.
Zyrd's spellfire  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m you!
Zyrd is covered in bleeding wounds.

603/1080 433/502 312 78158 11.585 NSW> You ride a young green dragon north.
Deep in the Vingaard Mountains
You rear in a young green dragon and flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

603/1080 433/502 311 78168 11.585 ES> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
(Charmed) A zombie of a weeping zombie is standing here.
(Charmed) A skeleton of a fall general is standing here.
(Charmed) A large iron golem is here.
(Charmed) A zombie of a weeping zombie is standing here.
(Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of the ancient ranger bear is standing here.
(Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of a dwarven miner is standing here.
Zyrd the male dark-elf is here riding a shadowy spectre.
((White Aura) A knight stands here guiding travellers along the mountain road.

603/1080 433/502 310 78168 11.585 NSW>
Zyrd rides a shadowy spectre north.
The zombie of a weeping zombie leaves north.
The skeleton of a fall general leaves north.
An iron golem leaves north.
The zombie of a weeping zombie leaves north.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear leaves north.
The mummy of a dwarven miner leaves north.

603/1080 433/502 310 78168 11.585 NSW>
Zyrd rides in on a shadowy spectre.
The mummy of a dwarven miner has arrived.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.
An iron golem has arrived.
The skeleton of a fall general has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.

603/1080 433/502 310 78168 11.585 NSW>
Zyrd raises his voice into an ancient incantation.
You yell '
[1;36mHelp! Zyrd is casting a spell on me! [0;37m'
Zyrd points a finger at you and utters the word, 'Die'.
Zyrd's word of power  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m you!
Zyrd is covered in bleeding wounds.

524/1080 433/502 310 78168 11.585 NSW> c sleep Zyrd

Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Zyrd!
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
DISMEMBERS [0;37m Zyrd!
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Zyrd!
A young green dragon's claw  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m Zyrd!
You parry Zyrd's pierce.
You shield block the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
You shield block the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
You parry the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
You parry an ironYou parry an iron golem's slash.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound.
You shield block the mummy of a dwarven miner's pound.
Your phantasmal armor deflects a shadowy spectre's chilling grasp.
Zyrd is gushing blood.

524/1080 433/502 310 78168 11.585 NSW> You can't concentrate enough.
Zyrd is gushing blood.

524/1080 433/502 310 78168 11.585 NSW> c 'blind'
You clench your fist and draw magic into yourself.
You fail to blind Zyrd.
Zyrd is gushing blood.

524/1080 428/502 310 78168 11.585 NSW> flee

The skeleton of a fall general rescues Zyrd!
The skeleton of a fall general dodges your wrath.
The skeleton of a fall general dodges your wrath.
Zyrd's downward pierce  [1;31m
wounds [0;37m you.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
You shield block the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
You parry Zyrd's pierce.
The skeleton of a fall general is covered in bleeding wounds.

510/1080 428/502 310 78510/1080 428/502 310 78168 11.585 NSW> You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
You rear in a young green dragon and flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

510/1080 428/502 309 78178 11.585 NS> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
     You see a small dull ring in front of you.

510/1080 428/502 308 78178 11.585 NS> n
You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

510/1080 428/502 307 78178 11.585 NS> n
c sleep Zyrd
You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
(Charmed) A zombie of a weeping zombie is standing here.
(Charmed) A skeleton of a fall general is standing here.
(Charmed) A large iron golem is here.
(Charmed) A zombie of a weeping zombie is standing here.
(Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of the ancient ranger bear is standing here.
(Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of a dwarven miner is standing here.
Zyrd the male dark-elf is here riding a shadowy spectre.
((White Aura) A knight stands here guiding travellers along the mountain road.
A Solamnic knight nods at you and gestures that the road continues west.
Zyrd rides a shadowy spectre south.
The zombie of a weeping zombie leaves south.
The skeleton of a fall general leaves south.
An iron golem leaves south.
The zombie of a weeping zombie leaves south.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear leaves south.
The mummy of a dwarven miner leaves south.

510/1080 428/502 306 78178 11.585 NSW> They aren't here.
[1;37m[TAKHISIS] Asteris: Let me gate [0;37m

510/1080 428/502 306 78178 11.585 NSW> c sleep Zyrd

Zyrd rides in on a shadowy spectre.
The mummy of a dwarven miner has arrived.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.
An iron golem has arrived.
The skeleton of a fall general has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.

510/1080 428/502 306 78178 11.585 NSW> Zyrd yells '
[1;36mDie, Khgrud you sorcerous dog! [0;37m'
Your phantasmal armor deflects Zyrd's pierce.
Zyrd is gushing blood.

510/1080 413/502 306 78178 11.585 NSW> c sleep Zyrd

Your downward wrath  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m Zyrd!
Zyrd's mount gets in the way of your blow.
Your downward wrath  [1;31m
DISMEMBERS [0;37m a shadowy spectre!
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
The zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m you!
You parry the zombie of a weeping zombie's pierce.
You shield block the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
Your mount gets in the way of the skeleton ofYour mount gets in the way of the skeleton of a fall general's blow.
You parry an iron golem's slash.
You shield block the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
You shield block the zombie of a weeping zombie's slash.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m you!
You parry the mummy of the ancient ranger bear's pound.
You parry the mummy of a dwarven miner's pound.
Your mount gets in the way of the mummy of a dwarven miner's blow.
The mummy of a dwarven miner's pound  [1;31m
devastates [0;37m a young green dragon.
YouYou shield block the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
Your phantasmal armor deflects the skeleton of a fall general's slash.
The zombie of a weeping zombie's slash  [1;31m
maims [0;37m you!
An iron golem's slash  [1;31m
MUTILATES [0;37m you!
You parry an iron golem's slash.
You parry Zyrd's pierce.
Zyrd is gushing blood.

345/1080 413/502 306 78178 11.585 NSW>
The skeleton of a fall general rescues Zyrd!
The skeleton of a fall general is covered in bleeding wounds.

345/1080 413/502 306 78178 11.585 NSW> flee
You can't concentrate enough.
The skeleton of a fall general is covered in bleeding wounds.

345/1080 413/502 306 78178 11.585 NSW> You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
You rear in a young green dragon and flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

345/1080 413/502 305 78188 11.585 NS> n
You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
(Charmed) A zombie of a weeping zombie is standing here.
(Charmed) A skeleton of a fall general is standing here.
(Charmed) A large iron golem is here.
(Charmed) A zombie of a weeping zombie is standing here.
(Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of the ancient ranger bear is standing here.
(Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of a dwarven miner is standing here.
Zyrd the male dark-elf is here riding a shadowy spectre.
((White Aura) A knight stands here guiding travellers along the mountain road.
A Solamnic knight nods at you and gestures that the road continues west.

345/1080 413/502 304 78188 11.585 NSW> get return sack
quaf return

You see nothing like that in the sack.

345/1080 413/502 304 78188 11.585 NSW> You do not have that potion.
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of Zyrd's lips.
You yell '
[1;36mDie, Zyrd you sorcerous dog! [0;37m'
Zyrd releases a searing flame of blue-green spellfire.
Zyrd's spellfire  [1;31m
*** DEMOLISHES *** [0;37m you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
You rear in a young green dragon and flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

212/1080 413/502 303 78198 11.585 NS> flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

212/1080 413/502 303 78198 11.585 NS>
Zyrd rides in on a shadowy spectre.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.
The skeleton of a fall general has arrived.
An iron golem has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear has arrived.
The mummy of a dwarven miner has arrived.

212/1080 413/502 303 78198 11.585 NS> s

Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of Zyrd's lips.
You yell '
[1;36mDie, Zyrd you sorcerous dog! [0;37m'
Zyrd releases a searing flame of blue-green spellfire.
Zyrd's spellfire  [1;31m
MASSACRES [0;37m you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You ride a young green dragon north.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
(White Aura) A knight stands here guiding travellers along the mountain road.
A Solamnic knight nods at you and gestures that the road continues west.
You rear in a young green dragonYou rear in a young green dragon and flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

134/1080 413/502 302 78208 11.585 NSW> You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
(Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of a dwarven miner is standing here.
(Charmed) A torn and shredded mummy of the ancient ranger bear is standing here.
(Charmed) A zombie of a weeping zombie is standing here.
(Charmed) A large iron golem is here.
(Charmed) A skeleton of a fall general is standing here.
(Charmed) A zombie of a weeping zombie is standing here.
Zyrd the male dark-elf is here riding a shadowy spectre.

134/1080 413/502 301 78208 11.585 NS> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains
     You see a small dull ring in front of you.

134/1080 413/502 300 78208 11.585 NS> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

173/1080 445/502 316 78208 11.585 NS> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

173/1080 445/502 315 78208 11.585 NS> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

173/1080 445/502 314 78208 11.585 NS> You ride a young green dragon south.
Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

173/1080 445/502 313 78208 11.585 NS> You ride a young green dragon south.
Way of the southern Solamnic road

173/1080 445/502 312 78208 11.585 NS> get return sack
quaf return

You ride a young green dragon south.
Way on the Southern Solamnic road
A knight dressed in a white scale mail shirt is standing here, watching over the mountains.

173/1080 445/502 311 78208 11.585 NESW> You ride a young green dragon south.
The Pass
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
A silent, tiny kender tries to hide from your eyes.

173/1080 445/502 310 78208 11.585 NS> You see nothing like that in the sack.

173/1080 445/502 310 78208 11.585 NS> You do not have that potion.

173/1080 445/502 310 78208 11.585 NS> s
You ride a young green dragon south.
Near the Tower
A knight in toughen armor guards here, watching for invaders.

173/1080 445/502 309 78208 11.585 NS> c tele
You make a deep incantation, drawing upon your magic.
You lost your concentration.

173/1080 433/502 309 78208 11.585 NS> c tele

Zyrd rides in on a shadowy spectre.
The mummy of a dwarven miner has arrived.
The mummy of the ancient ranger bear has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.
An iron golem has arrived.
The skeleton of a fall general has arrived.
The zombie of a weeping zombie has arrived.

173/1080 433/502 309 78208 11.585 NS>
Zyrd intones an ancient mystical chant.
You yell '
[1;36mHelp! Zyrd is casting a spell on me! [0;37m'
Zyrd releases a searing flame of blue-green spellfire.
Zyrd's spellfire  [1;31m
*** DEVASTATES *** [0;37m you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You ride a young green dragon south.
Before gates of the High Clerist Tower
You rear in a young green dragon and flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

18/1080 433/502 308 78218 11.585 NS> You are pulled from your mounting on someone.
Walking through the muddy grounds
A large and slimy creature is here swirling in the mud.


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