Date / time : 28.02.2002 16:41
Author      : narab
Title       : heretics reraid by eyes of heretic ;)
Plain size  : 130,7 Kb
<908/908hp 391/391m 291/319mv [W] 742984 tnl> scoYou are Narab the Fighter Hero
Race: minotaur    Sex: male   Age: 91 years old (mature)
You are a true neutral fighter.
Level: 35, with 12053266 exp (at maximum racial level for fighter)

Str: 25      Health: 908 /908     Practices: 2
Int: 15      Mana  : 391 /391     Training sessions: 0
Wis: 17      Move  : 291 /319
Dex: 16      Carrying 22/31 items (129/640 pounds)
Con: 17      You have 3 gold and 2818 silver coins.

Wimpy set to 0 hit points.  Hometown is New thalos
You are standing.
You are in an extreme offensive stance.
Armor: pierce: -102  bash: -105  slash: -90  magic: -78
You are almost invulnerable to piercing.
You are almost invulnerable to bashing.
You are supremely armored against slashing.
You are superbly armored against magic.
Hitroll: 28  Damroll: 35. Saves spell: -8.
Use 'affects' command to see spells affecting you.

<908/908hp 391/391m 291/319mv [W] 742984 tnl>
A street cleaner grumbles as a piece of litter blows by his feet.

<908/908hp 391/391m 319/319mv [W] 742984 tnl> wwThe fighter's bar

[Exits: east west]
A powerful minotaur strides by with only a brief glare in your direction.

<908/908hp 391/391m 318/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> nEntrance to the fighter's guild

[Exits: north east]
A tall knight dressed in warm clothes eyes you carefully as he passes.
A powerful fighter stands guard over his guild.

<908/908hp 391/391m 317/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> On a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas

[Exits: north east south west]
A drunk rests in a corner mumbling incoherent words.
A ragged looking beggar reaches out to passers by for some kindness.

<908/908hp 391/391m 316/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> wOn a cobblestone trade road through Palanthas

[Exits: east south west]
A tall knight dressed in warm clothes eyes you carefully as he passes.

<908/908hp 391/391m 315/319mv [ESW] 742984 tnl> wwwBeneath a large, cracked stone archway before the Palanthas Markets

[Exits: east west]
A tall knight dressed in warm clothes eyes you carefully as he passes.
A dirty girl coughs as she begs for food.

<908/908hp 391/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> A cobblestone trade road through the eastern Palanthas markets

[Exits: north east south west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 313/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> Palanthas market square

[Exits: north east south west]
     You see a metal helmet here.
     (Glowing) A war banner has been left here.

<908/908hp 391/391m 312/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> sIn the southern market

[Exits: north east south west]
     A bronze dagger lies on the ground.
An elf in uniform watching for goblins here.

<908/908hp 391/391m 311/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> sssssUnder a broken stone archway south of the Palanthas markets

[Exits: north south]
     You see a pair of gloves here.
     You see a pair of metal leggings here.
     A plain steel sword is lying here.
     (Glowing) A war banner has been left here.
A passing traveller walks around admiring the city.

<908/908hp 391/391m 310/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssA darkly lit street named 'South road'

[Exits: north east south west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 309/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> sssA darkly lit street named 'South road'

[Exits: north south west]
A monk is standing around here, staring at the sky.

<908/908hp 391/391m 308/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> ssA darkly lit street named 'South road'

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) Ulmudarl the male half-elf is here.

<908/908hp 391/391m 307/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssAn intersection of the southern city walls and 'South road'

[Exits: north east south west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 306/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> sInside the Grand Southern gates of Palanthas

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 305/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Inside the Southern gate house of Palanthas

[Exits: north south up]
A guard is here walking the battlements.
A monk is standing around here, staring at the sky.
A tough dockworker walks around the docks moving crates.
A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing.
A gate guard wearing the armor of Palanthas watches the traffic passing.

<908/908hp 391/391m 304/319mv [NSU] 742984 tnl> Outside the Grand Southern gates of Palanthas

[Exits: north south]
A guard is here walking the battlements.
(White Aura) A powerful man-at-arms stands guard over the city.

<908/908hp 391/391m 303/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Before Briarwood

[Exits: north south]
     A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful.

<908/908hp 391/391m 302/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Beneath the Canopy

[Exits: north east south west]
     A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful.

<908/908hp 391/391m 301/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> Beneath the canopy

[Exits: north east south west]
     A jar of nectar is glowing with a yellow hue, transparent and beautiful.
     A samite robe rests here, floating in the air.
     Blood smeared all over this paper weight suggests it is a weapon.
     A pair of broken glasses sit lopsidedly on the ground.
     This hide smells as if it's been buried in feces for days.
     A steel staff with a sharp point rests gently here.
A goblin monger wanders mindlessly.
An ogre runs around, stabbing at things.
An ogre commander yells out orders to his troops.
An ogre speaks in intelligible tones.

<908/908hp 391/391m 300/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> On a traveled trail

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 299/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssBefore the Vingaard Mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 297/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> sssAt the beginning of the Vingaard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 296/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssOn the road through the Vingaard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 295/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> On the road through the Vingaard mountains

[Exits: north south]
A knight standing here, watching for signs of evil.

<908/908hp 391/391m 294/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> On the road through the Vingaard mountains

[Exits: north east south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 293/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> On the road through the Vingaard mountains

[Exits: north east south west]
A sheep standing here, looking for grass.

<908/908hp 391/391m 292/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> Walking through solid blocks of stones

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 291/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Walking through solid blocks of stones

[Exits: north east south]
A knight dressed in light steel plate stands here watchful.

<908/908hp 391/391m 290/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> Walking through solid blocks of stones

[Exits: north west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 289/319mv [NW] 742984 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 289/319mv [NW] 742984 tnl> wThe intersection of mountain pathes

[Exits: north east south west]
A knight stands here guiding travellers along the mountain road.
A Solamnic knight nods at you and indicates the road continues south.

<908/908hp 391/391m 288/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> ssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 287/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south west]
Galean the male wild-elf is here.

<908/908hp 391/391m 286/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> sssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 285/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north east]

<908/908hp 391/391m 284/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 284/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 284/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 284/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 284/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 284/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> wheePlayers near you:
(PK) Narab      Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

<908/908hp 391/391m 284/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: south west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 283/319mv [SW] 742984 tnl> ssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 391/391m 282/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 281/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north east]

<908/908hp 391/391m 280/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> stance offadrerelaAlas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 280/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> You are already as aggressive as your can get.

<908/908hp 391/391m 315/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> Your blood burns with adrenalin!

<908/908hp 361/391m 290/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> You relax your aggression and assume a normal combat posture.

<908/908hp 361/391m 290/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> clan guard me[HERETIC] Narab: guard me

<908/908hp 361/391m 290/319mv [NE] 742984 tnl> eeSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: east west]

<908/908hp 361/391m 289/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> eeeSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: east west]

<908/908hp 361/391m 288/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: east west]

<908/908hp 361/391m 287/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south west]
(White Aura) A knight stands here guiding travellers along the mountain road.
A Solamnic knight nods at you and gestures that the road continues south.

<908/908hp 361/391m 286/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> sAlas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 361/391m 286/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> Southern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 285/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 284/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> sssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 283/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> sssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 282/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 281/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssssSouthern road through the Vinagard mountains

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 280/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Way of the southern Solamnic road

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 279/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Way on the Southern Solamnic road

[Exits: north east south west]
A knight dressed in a white scale mail shirt is standing here, watching over the mountains.

<908/908hp 361/391m 278/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> The Pass

[Exits: north south]
A silent, tiny kender tries to hide from your eyes.

<908/908hp 361/391m 277/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Near the Tower

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 276/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Before gates of the High Clerist Tower

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 275/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> Entering into the High Clerist Tower

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 274/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> In the Courtyard

[Exits: north east south west]
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.

<908/908hp 361/391m 273/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> Before northern entrance of the tower

[Exits: north east south west]

<908/908hp 361/391m 272/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> The Northern hallway of the tower

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) A knight wearing a helm of the Kingfisher guards the corridors silently.

<908/908hp 361/391m 271/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssThe Northern hallway of the tower

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 270/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> ssThe Northern hallway of the tower

[Exits: north east south]
A tall man bearing a polished armor of Solamnia patrols a corridor.

<908/908hp 361/391m 269/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> ssThe Central hall of the High Clerist Tower

[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) A majestic and regal-looking Magister stands here.

<908/908hp 361/391m 268/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> The Southern hallway of the tower

[Exits: north south west]
A tall man bearing a polished armor of Solamnia patrols a corridor.

<908/908hp 361/391m 267/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> The Southern hallway of the tower

[Exits: north south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 266/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> The Southern hallway of the tower

[Exits: north east south]

<908/908hp 361/391m 265/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> sThe Southern hallway

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) The cleric guardian, ever watchful, stands ready to defend the tower.

<908/908hp 361/391m 264/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> sIn the courtyard

[Exits: north east south west]
A knight clad in shiny steel armor stands here.

<908/908hp 361/391m 263/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****

 **** 2 east ****

 **** 3 east ****
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

 **** 4 east ****
A knight clad in shiny steel armor stands here.

 **** 5 east ****
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

 **** 6 east ****
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<908/908hp 361/391m 263/319mv [NESW] 742984 tnl> eIn the courtyard

[Exits: east south west]

<908/908hp 361/391m 262/319mv [ESW] 742984 tnl> eeIn the courtyard

[Exits: east south west]

<908/908hp 361/391m 261/319mv [ESW] 742984 tnl> eeeIn the courtyard

[Exits: east south west]
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<908/908hp 361/391m 260/319mv [ESW] 742984 tnl> eeeIn the courtyard

[Exits: east south west]
A knight clad in shiny steel armor stands here.

<908/908hp 361/391m 259/319mv [ESW] 742984 tnl> In the courtyard

[Exits: east south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<908/908hp 361/391m 258/319mv [ESW] 742984 tnl> The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<908/908hp 361/391m 257/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 361/391m 257/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> sAlas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 361/391m 257/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 361/391m 257/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> Before the entrance on the south-east watchtower

[Exits: north west up]

<908/908hp 361/391m 256/319mv [NWU] 742984 tnl> nnThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<908/908hp 361/391m 255/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
(Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here riding a young silver dragon.

<908/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 east ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.

<908/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode.

You are affected by the following spells:
Skill adrenalin rush modifies dexterity by 2 for 2 hours
Skill warcry modifies saves by -8 for 29 hours
                       modifies hit roll by 3 for 29 hours
Skill trophy modifies none by 0 for 2 hours

<908/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> dirt e
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A human druid arrives suddenly.

<908/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> You kick dirt up high into Eleitha's eyes!
Eleitha yells '
Help! Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Your kicked dirt
grazes Eleitha.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<908/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha's mount gets in the way of your blow.
Your acidic bite
MUTILATES a young silver dragon!
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha's mount gets in the way of your blow.
Your acidic bite
DISEMBOWELS a young silver dragon!
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
misses you.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<908/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
Vylein steps out of the shadows.
Vylein snaps his hand out to sting Eleitha's kidneys, but misses.
Eleitha yells '
Help! someone is attacking me!'
Vylein's sting of the manticore
misses Eleitha.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<908/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> crus
Eleitha staggers blindly around the room.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with silver light!
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha is in perfect condition.

<908/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> Narab is mounted too high to grab hold of them for a crush.
Vylein's punch
devastates Eleitha!
Eleitha's riposte
decimates Vylein.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<865/908hp 361/391m 254/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> crus
The clouds disappear.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<875/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> Narab is mounted too high to grab hold of them for a crush.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<875/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
Vylein lets loose with a furious series of rapid strikes!
Vylein's viper strike
decimates Eleitha.
Vylein's viper strike
wounds Eleitha.
Vylein's viper strike
decimates Eleitha.
Vylein's viper strike
wounds Eleitha.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<875/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
Vylein's punch
decimates Eleitha.
Vylein's punch
devastates Eleitha.
Eleitha's riposte
decimates Vylein.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
maims you!
Eleitha's mount gets in the way of your blow.
Your acidic bite
MUTILATES a young silver dragon!
Your acidic bite
misses Eleitha.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<834/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> b draYou slam into a young silver dragon, and send him flying!
Your bash
grazes a young silver dragon.
A young silver dragon recovers from the fall and jumps back up on his legs.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<834/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
A young silver dragon's claw
Eleitha's riposte
decimates Vylein.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You riposte Eleitha and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Your acidic bite
devastates Eleitha!
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> b dra
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You riposte a young silver dragon and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
MASSACRES a young silver dragon!
Eleitha's riposte
devastates Vylein!
Eleitha's riposte
decimates Vylein.
Eleitha's riposte
devastates Vylein!
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You riposte Eleitha and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
You are unaffected by Eleitha's heavenly wrath.

Eleitha is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> You fall flat on your face!
Eleitha is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
Vylein lets loose with a furious series of rapid strikes!
Vylein's viper strike
decimates Eleitha.
Vylein's viper strike
devastates Eleitha.
Vylein's viper strike
mauls Eleitha.
Vylein's viper strike
decimates Eleitha.
Vylein's viper strike
wounds Eleitha.
Eleitha is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Vylein's punch
devastates Eleitha.
Vylein's punch
decimates Eleitha.
Eleitha's riposte
mauls Vylein.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Your acidic bite
devastates Eleitha.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<763/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl>
Eleitha rides a young silver dragon north.
Eleitha rears in a young silver dragon and flees from combat!

<763/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> b eleThey aren't here.

<763/908hp 371/391m 319/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> nThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]

<763/908hp 371/391m 318/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> b eleThey aren't here.

<763/908hp 371/391m 318/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> eAlas, you cannot go that way.

<763/908hp 371/391m 318/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> nb ele
Eleitha has arrived.
A young silver dragon has arrived.
The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]

<763/908hp 371/391m 317/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> They aren't here.

<763/908hp 371/391m 317/319mv [NSW] 742984 tnl> ssThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]

<763/908hp 371/391m 316/319mv [NS] 742984 tnl> b eleThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
A druid stands here, silently watching over the forest.

<763/908hp 371/391m 315/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> They aren't here.

<763/908hp 371/391m 315/319mv [NES] 742984 tnl> eb eleBefore a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his mistress's command.
(Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> Eleitha leaves east.
A young silver dragon leaves east.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> They aren't here.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> dirt knA knight of Solamnia is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt
scratches a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> af
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
misses a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl>
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia DISARMS you and sends your weapon flying!
A knight of Solamnia is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> To see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode.

You are affected by the following spells:
Skill adrenalin rush modifies dexterity by 2 for 1 hours
Skill warcry modifies saves by -8 for 28 hours
                       modifies hit roll by 3 for 28 hours
Skill trophy modifies none by 0 for 1 hours
A knight of Solamnia is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> get acYou get an acid-etched blade.
A knight of Solamnia is covered in bleeding wounds.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> wear ac
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> You dual wield an acid-etched blade.
An acid-etched blade feels like a part of you!
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> dirtHe's already been blinded.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> crusYour crush attempt
misses a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl>
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<763/908hp 371/391m 314/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl>
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<775/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> dirt
Eleitha has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says '
Well met, Knight of the Sword'
A young silver dragon has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<775/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> Your kicked dirt
misses a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia tries to disarm you, but fails.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<775/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl> You yell '
Help! Eleitha is bashing me with a shield!'
You evade Eleitha's shield bash, causing her to fall flat on her face.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<775/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl>
Vylein steps out of the shadows.
Vylein snaps his hand out to sting Eleitha's kidneys, but misses.
Eleitha yells '
Help! Vylein is attacking me!'
Vylein's sting of the manticore
misses Eleitha.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<775/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl>
Vylein's punch
devastates Eleitha.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You riposte Eleitha and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<775/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [EW] 742984 tnl>
Eleitha jabs sharply with her shield and manages to catch you in the eye!
Eleitha's shield jab
mauls you.
Someone is gushing blood.

<755/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [You are blinded!] 742984 tnl>
Someone says '
Well met, Grandmaster of Solamnic Knights'
Someone has arrived.
You dodge someone's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry someone's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry someone's claw.
Someone's riposte
maims someone!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry someone's slash.
Something glows with silver light!
Your acidic bite
mauls someone.
Someone dodges your acidic bite.
Someone shield blocks your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
decimates someone.
Your acidic bite
devastates someone!
You dodge someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slash.
Someone is gushing blood.

<755/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [You are blinded!] 742984 tnl> h eleThey aren't here.
Someone is gushing blood.

<755/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [You are blinded!] 742984 tnl> Someone lets loose with a furious series of rapid strikes!
Someone's viper strike
devastates someone!
Someone's viper strike
devastates someone.
Someone's viper strike
MUTILATES someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

<755/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [You are blinded!] 742984 tnl>
Someone concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Someone yells '
Help! Arathorn is casting a spell on me!'
Someone calls down the wrath of Kiri-Jolith upon someone.
Someone's heavenly wrath
*** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

<755/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [You are blinded!] 742984 tnl>
Someone DISARMS you and sends your weapon flying!
Someone is gushing blood.

<755/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [You are blinded!] 742984 tnl> flee
You parry someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.
Someone's riposte
devastates someone.
Someone's riposte
devastates someone.
Someone's riposte
misses someone.
Someone's punch
decimates someone.
You parry someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slash.
Your acidic bite
decimates someone.
Your acidic bite
decimates someone.
You dodge someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slash.
Someone is gushing blood.

<755/908hp 388/391m 319/319mv [You are blinded!] 742984 tnl> You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

<755/908hp 388/391m 318/319mv [You are blinded!] 742994 tnl> spitYou spit in utter disgust.

<755/908hp 388/391m 318/319mv [You are blinded!] 742994 tnl> eYou can't see a thing!

<755/908hp 388/391m 317/319mv [You are blinded!] 742994 tnl>
Someone's punch
maims someone!
Someone's riposte
decimates someone.
Someone's slash

<755/908hp 388/391m 317/319mv [You are blinded!] 742994 tnl>
Someone leaves west.
Someone has fled!

// retreat

<908/908hp 391/391m 315/319mv [NESW] 742994 tnl> sYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****

 **** 2 east ****

 **** 3 east ****
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

 **** 4 east ****
A knight clad in shiny steel armor stands here.

 **** 5 east ****
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

 **** 6 east ****
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<908/908hp 391/391m 315/319mv [NESW] 742994 tnl> Southern Part of Courtyard

[Exits: north east south west]
     An amulet made of ice and shaped in the form of a tear lies here.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<908/908hp 391/391m 314/319mv [NESW] 742994 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****
(White Aura) A large knight in shining battlearmor standing here, giving an orders to the guards.

 **** 2 east ****

 **** 3 east ****

 **** 4 east ****
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.

 **** 5 east ****

 **** 6 east ****

<908/908hp 391/391m 314/319mv [NESW] 742994 tnl> eeSouthern Part of Courtyard

[Exits: north east west]
(White Aura) A large knight in shining battlearmor standing here, giving an orders to the guards.

<908/908hp 391/391m 313/319mv [NEW] 742994 tnl> eeAt the courtyard of High Clerist Tower

[Exits: north east west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 312/319mv [NEW] 742994 tnl> eeeSouthern Part of Courtyard

[Exits: north east west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 311/319mv [NEW] 742994 tnl> eSouthern Part of Courtyard

[Exits: north east west]
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.

<908/908hp 391/391m 310/319mv [NEW] 742994 tnl> Southern Part of Courtyard

[Exits: north east west]

<908/908hp 391/391m 309/319mv [NEW] 742994 tnl> Before the entrance on the south-east watchtower

[Exits: north west up]

<908/908hp 391/391m 308/319mv [NWU] 742994 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 308/319mv [NWU] 742994 tnl> nAlas, you cannot go that way.

<908/908hp 391/391m 308/319mv [NWU] 742994 tnl> The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<908/908hp 391/391m 307/319mv [NSW] 742994 tnl> nThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
     The splattered brains of a human druid are lying here.
A young silver dragon is here awaiting his mistress's command.

<908/908hp 391/391m 306/319mv [NES] 742994 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 east ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is sleeping here.

<908/908hp 391/391m 306/319mv [NES] 742994 tnl> eBefore a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<908/908hp 391/391m 305/319mv [EW] 742994 tnl> get swYou see no sw here.

<908/908hp 391/391m 305/319mv [EW] 742994 tnl> dirt knA knight of Solamnia is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt
scratches a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<908/908hp 391/391m 305/319mv [EW] 742994 tnl>
Your stab
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your stab
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<908/908hp 391/391m 305/319mv [EW] 742994 tnl> fleeflee
Your stab
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your stab
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<908/908hp 391/391m 305/319mv [EW] 742994 tnl> fleeA knight of Solamnia moves to block the passage east.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<908/908hp 391/391m 305/319mv [EW] 742994 tnl> The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
     The splattered brains of a human druid are lying here.
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

<908/908hp 391/391m 304/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<908/908hp 391/391m 304/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> stance offadrerelaYou prepare yourself for the heat of battle.

<908/908hp 391/391m 304/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> Your blood burns with adrenalin!

<908/908hp 361/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> You relax your aggression and assume a normal combat posture.

<908/908hp 361/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> clan where are you ?[HERETIC] Narab: where are you ?

<908/908hp 361/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> whelPlayers near you:
(PK) Vylein     At the courtyard of High Clerist Tower
(PK) Narab      The eastern part of courtyard

<908/908hp 361/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> The eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
     The splattered brains of a human druid are lying here.

<908/908hp 361/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> get brYou get the brains of a human druid.

<908/908hp 361/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> trop brYou make a bloody trophy from the brains of a human druid.

<908/908hp 331/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> wear poYou stop using a poncho from the carcass of A dwarven pikeman.
You wear a poncho from the carcass of a human druid about your body.

<908/913hp 331/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> drop poYou drop a poncho from the carcass of A dwarven pikeman.

<908/913hp 331/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 east ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.

<908/913hp 331/391m 279/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> l
The sky is getting cloudy.

<913/913hp 355/391m 319/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> The eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.

<913/913hp 355/391m 319/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> sThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> clan are you here ?[HERETIC] Narab: are you here ?

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> whePlayers near you:
(PK) Vylein     The eastern part of courtyard
(PK) Narab      The eastern part of courtyard

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> lThe eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and west, and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> lThe eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and west, and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> sc wYou peer intently west.
 **** 1 west ****
A knight clad in shiny steel armor stands here.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

 **** 2 west ****

 **** 3 west ****
A guard of the crown patrols the courtyards here.
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

 **** 4 west ****

 **** 5 west ****

 **** 6 west ****

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> [HERETIC] Vylein: yes

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> sc sYou peer intently south.
 **** 1 south ****
A young silver dragon is here awaiting his mistress's command.

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> sc nYou peer intently north.
 **** 1 north ****

 **** 2 north ****

 **** 3 north ****

 **** 4 north ****

 **** 5 north ****
A knight clad in shiny steel armor stands here.

 **** 6 north ****

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> lThe eastern part of courtyard
  The large wall of solid stone has been erected from west, protecting
the courtyard of the High Clerist Tower from blasting winds. Over the
east, a large tower made from pure white stone raises up to the sky,
enchanting you with its majestic sight. A walkway continues to the south
and west, and you can turn back to north to the battlements.

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<913/913hp 355/391m 318/319mv [NSW] 743004 tnl> nThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.

<913/913hp 355/391m 317/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****
A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 east ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.

<913/913hp 355/391m 317/319mv [NES] 743004 tnl> eBefore a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<913/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl> dirt knA knight of Solamnia is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt
grazes a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<913/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl>
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your stab
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your stab.
A knight of Solamnia parries your acidic bite.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<913/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl>
Arathorn has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says '
Well met, Grandmaster of Solamnic Knights'
A young silver dragon has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<913/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl>
Your stab
maims a knight of Solamnia!
Your stab
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your stab
maims a knight of Solamnia!
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<913/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl>
[HERETIC] Vylein: Get your eq near knight and group me
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<913/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl> dirt ar
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
You yell '
Help! Arathorn is casting a spell on me!'
Arathorn's blast of light
Arathorn is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt
grazes Arathorn.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<840/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
You riposte Arathorn and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
wounds Arathorn.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You riposte a young silver dragon and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
DISMEMBERS a young silver dragon!
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Your stab
maims a knight of Solamnia!
A young silver dragon dodges your stab.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
Your stab
maims a knight of Solamnia!
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<840/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl> flee
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You riposte a young silver dragon and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
DISMEMBERS a young silver dragon!
A young silver dragon gets a wild look in his eyes.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
You riposte Arathorn and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
injures Arathorn.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
Your stab
maims a knight of Solamnia!
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your stab
maims a knight of Solamnia!
Your stab
MUTILATES a knight of Solamnia!
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<840/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl> A knight of Solamnia moves to block the passage east.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Arathorn's punch
misses you.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
Your stab
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
Your stab
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<840/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl> flee
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
You are unaffected by Arathorn's heavenly wrath.

A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<840/913hp 355/391m 316/319mv [EW] 743004 tnl> The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

<840/913hp 355/391m 315/319mv [NES] 743014 tnl> eBefore a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<840/913hp 355/391m 314/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> b arArathorn yells '
Help! someone is bashing me!'
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
grazes Arathorn.
Arathorn has a few scratches.

<840/913hp 355/391m 314/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> b
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
You riposte Arathorn and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
injures Arathorn.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Your stab
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Arathorn defensively shield blocks your stab.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Arathorn has a few scratches.

<840/913hp 355/391m 314/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> b
Vylein steps out of the shadows.
Arathorn yells '
Help! Vylein is attacking me!'
Arathorn's face contorts in agony as Vylein stings him with a paralyzing blow.
Arathorn has a few scratches.

<857/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Arathorn has a few scratches.

<857/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl>
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
A young silver dragon's claw
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
You riposte Arathorn and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
misses Arathorn.
Arathorn shield blocks your stab.
Arathorn shield blocks your stab.
Arathorn shield blocks your stab.
Your stab
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<788/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> shie
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You riposte a young silver dragon and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
MASSACRES a young silver dragon!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
Your stab
devastates Arathorn!
Your stab
maims Arathorn!
Your stab
decimates Arathorn.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<788/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<788/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl>
Vylein grasps Arathorn's arm and weakens him with pressure points.
Arathorn yells '
Help, Vylein is attacking me!'
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<788/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
Arathorn shield blocks your stab.
Your stab
Arathorn shield blocks your stab.
Arathorn shield blocks your acidic bite.
Arathorn defensively shield blocks your acidic bite.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<788/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl>
Arathorn yells '
Help!  Vylein is attacking me!'
Your might blow cleaves Arathorn's shield in half!
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<788/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl>
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
Vylein's punch
decimates Arathorn.
Vylein's punch
maims Arathorn!
Vylein's punch
maims Arathorn!
Vylein's punch
maims Arathorn!
Vylein's punch
misses Arathorn.
Your stab
maims Arathorn!
Your stab
devastates Arathorn!
Your stab
maims Arathorn!
Your acidic bite
misses Arathorn.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<788/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> b
Arathorn starts limping.
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
injures Arathorn.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<788/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl>
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Arathorn's punch
wounds you.
Arathorn's punch
injures you.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's punch.
Vylein's punch
devastates Arathorn.
Vylein's punch
devastates Arathorn.
Vylein's punch
devastates Arathorn.
Your stab
misses Arathorn.
Your stab
Your acidic bite
Your acidic bite
misses Arathorn.
Arathorn is writhing in agony.

<765/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> b
Vylein's throw
misses Arathorn.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
You dodge Arathorn's punch.
Vylein's punch
maims Arathorn!
Arathorn leaves west.
Arathorn has fled!

<765/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<765/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> b arThey aren't here.

<765/913hp 371/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> wb arThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.

<765/913hp 371/391m 318/319mv [NES] 743014 tnl> Arathorn yells '
Help! Narab is bashing me!'
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
injures Arathorn.
Arathorn leaves east.
Arathorn has fled!

<765/913hp 371/391m 318/319mv [NES] 743014 tnl> eb arBefore a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here, fighting Vylein.
Vylein the male human is here, fighting Arathorn.
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<765/913hp 371/391m 317/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> Arathorn yells '
Help! Narab is bashing me!'
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
scratches Arathorn.
Arathorn leaves west.
A young silver dragon leaves west.
Arathorn has fled!

<765/913hp 371/391m 317/319mv [EW] 743014 tnl> wb arThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is resting here.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [NES] 743014 tnl> The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [NES] 743014 tnl>
Eleitha has summoned you!
An empty room

[Exits: none]
(Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> open nopen sopen eopen wopen uopen dI see no door n here.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> Ok.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> I see no door e here.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> I see no door w here.
That's not a container.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> I see no door u here.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> sYou yell '
Help! Eleitha is bashing me with a shield!'
You evade Eleitha's shield bash, causing her to fall flat on her face.
I see no door d here.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> No way!  You are still fighting!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> sNo way!  You are still fighting!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<765/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha's slash
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
Your acidic bite
devastates Eleitha!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<646/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> dirtThe prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<646/913hp 371/391m 316/319mv [S] 743014 tnl>
Your blood cools down.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<660/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [S] 743014 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Your stab
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Your acidic bite
maims Eleitha!
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<660/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [S] 743014 tnl>
Eleitha closes the door.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<660/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
Eleitha's shield jab
mauls you.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> fleePANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> fleePANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> fleefleePANIC! You couldn't escape!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> open nopen sopen eopen wopen uopen dI see no door n here.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> Ok.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> sI see no door e here.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> I see no door w here.
That's not a container.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> I see no door u here.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> Eleitha closes the door.
I see no door d here.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> No way!  You are still fighting!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> fleePANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> fleefleePANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> fleePANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<638/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
Eleitha's slash
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You riposte Eleitha and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<565/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> open sOk.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<565/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [S] 743014 tnl>
Eleitha closes the door.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<565/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> fleePANIC! You couldn't escape!
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<565/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> dirtEleitha is blinded by the dirt in her eyes!
Your kicked dirt
scratches Eleitha.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<565/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with silver light!
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha shield blocks your stab.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<565/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> shie
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with silver light!
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<565/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> Your might blow cleaves Eleitha's shield in half!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
maims you!
Eleitha is in perfect condition.

<523/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> b
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha is in perfect condition.

<523/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
hits Eleitha.
Eleitha is in perfect condition.

<523/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> b
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Eleitha is in perfect condition.

<523/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
grazes Eleitha.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<523/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Your stab
devastates Eleitha!
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<523/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> bstance offadrerela
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Eleitha's blast of light
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<448/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<448/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
grazes Eleitha.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<448/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Your stab
Your stab
Your stab
maims Eleitha!
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<448/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> clan help medirtYou prepare yourself for the heat of battle.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<448/913hp 384/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Eleitha's blast of light
*** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Your blood burns with adrenalin!
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<330/913hp 354/391m 294/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You riposte Eleitha and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
Your stab
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your acidic bite
*** DEMOLISHES *** Eleitha!
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha is covered in bleeding wounds.

<282/913hp 354/391m 294/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> open dopen sfleefleefleefleeYou relax your aggression and assume a normal combat posture.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You riposte Eleitha and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
maims you!
Your stab
maims Eleitha!
Your stab
devastates Eleitha!
Your acidic bite
maims Eleitha!
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<258/913hp 368/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> Eleitha holds a branch covered with green leaves in her hands.
[HERETIC] Narab: help me
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<258/913hp 368/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> Eleitha is blinded by the dirt in her eyes!
Your kicked dirt
scratches Eleitha.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<258/913hp 368/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You riposte Eleitha and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
misses Eleitha.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Your stab
Your stab
Your stab
maims Eleitha!
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<258/913hp 368/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
devastates you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your acidic bite
devastates Eleitha.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<177/913hp 368/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> I see no door d here.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<177/913hp 368/391m 319/319mv [none] 743014 tnl> Ok.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<177/913hp 368/391m 319/319mv [S] 743014 tnl> Eastern hallway of the tower

[Exits: north east west]
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

<177/913hp 368/391m 318/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<177/913hp 368/391m 318/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<177/913hp 368/391m 318/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<177/913hp 368/391m 318/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> bannYou apply battle dressing to yourself.
You feel better.

<282/913hp 353/391m 318/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> An empty room

[Exits: south]
(Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.

<282/913hp 353/391m 317/319mv [S] 743024 tnl> [HERETIC] Vylein: DO not know where is it

<282/913hp 353/391m 317/319mv [S] 743024 tnl> b elEleitha yells '
Help! someone is bashing me!'
You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
hits Eleitha.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<282/913hp 353/391m 317/319mv [S] 743024 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Your stab
misses Eleitha.
Your stab
devastates Eleitha.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<282/913hp 353/391m 317/319mv [S] 743024 tnl> b
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with silver light!
Eleitha's slash
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
devastates you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your stab
Your stab
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<194/913hp 353/391m 317/319mv [S] 743024 tnl> You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
hits Eleitha.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<194/913hp 353/391m 317/319mv [S] 743024 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with silver light!
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Your stab
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your stab
devastates Eleitha!
Your stab
Eleitha leaves south.
Eleitha has fled!

<153/913hp 353/391m 317/319mv [S] 743024 tnl> sb elEastern hallway of the tower

[Exits: north east west]
(Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.

<153/913hp 353/391m 316/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> Eleitha yells '
Help! someone is bashing me!'
You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
grazes Eleitha.
Eleitha is gushing blood.

<153/913hp 353/391m 316/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl>
Eleitha's slash
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Your stab
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha is writhing in agony.

<95/913hp 353/391m 316/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> b
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Your stab
The prescence of Paladine protects Eleitha from you.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha is writhing in agony.

<95/913hp 353/391m 316/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
hits Eleitha.
Eleitha is writhing in agony.

<95/913hp 353/391m 316/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Your stab
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
You sure are BLEEDING!
Eleitha is writhing in agony.

<43/913hp 353/391m 316/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> bYou slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
grazes Eleitha.
Eleitha leaves west.
Eleitha has fled!

<43/913hp 353/391m 316/319mv [NEW] 743024 tnl> wb elEastern hallway of the tower

[Exits: east west]
(Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.
A tall man bearing a polished armor of Solamnia patrols a corridor.

<43/913hp 353/391m 315/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl>
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Eleitha yells '
Help! someone is bashing me!'
You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
injures Eleitha.
Eleitha is writhing in agony.

<43/913hp 353/391m 315/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl>
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Your stab
misses Eleitha.
Eleitha parries your stab.
Your stab
Your acidic bite
maims Eleitha!
Eleitha is convulsing on the ground.

<43/913hp 353/391m 315/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl> cross
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Your stab
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your stab.
Eleitha is convulsing on the ground.

<43/913hp 353/391m 315/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl> You slice your swords across Eleitha in a smooth scissor motion.
Your slicing blade
maims Eleitha!
Eleitha is DEAD!!
get bookEleitha's leg is sliced from her dead body.

<63/913hp 381/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl> clan gotcha !!!!!You see no book here.

<63/913hp 381/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl> exa cor[HERETIC] Narab: gotcha !!!!!

<63/913hp 381/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl> The corpse of Eleitha is lying here.
The corpse of Eleitha holds:
     an ivy belt
     (Humming) a pair of steel armbands
     a Big Ol'Pack Sack
     a pair of forest-green boots
     some razor-edged gloves
     (Humming) a hard adamantite helmet
     (Glowing) silver amulet
     (Glowing) (Humming) an embroidered silk cape
     a skirt of linked iron chains
     a cold-bladed ethereal scythe
     a fine silver longsword
     (Glowing) (Humming) a longbow strung with unicorn hair
( 2) a ring of apprenticeship
     (Glowing) a jewel-encrusted bracelet
( 2) (Glowing) a kender made wooden bracelet
     the lungs of a lungfish
( 2) (Glowing) a solamnic sword
( 2) a dark leather bracer
     (Glowing) a skull pendant
     a suit of platemail bearing the mark of Solamnia
     an acid-etched blade
     a branch covered with green leaves
     869 silver coins and 28 gold coins

<63/913hp 381/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl> get coin cor
[HERETIC] Vylein: Cool
You get 869 silver coins and 28 gold coins from the corpse of Eleitha.

<63/913hp 381/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl> get he corYou get a hard adamantite helmet from the corpse of Eleitha.

<63/913hp 381/391m 319/319mv [EW] 743024 tnl> wear heYou stop using a helm tassled with grey feather.
You wear a hard adamantite helmet on your head.

<63/903hp 381/391m 319/344mv [EW] 743024 tnl> get bra corYou get a jewel-encrusted bracelet from the corpse of Eleitha.

<63/903hp 381/391m 319/344mv [EW] 743024 tnl>
[HERETIC] Vylein: And rest

// one more try

<903/903hp 361/391m 302/344mv [NSW] 742024 tnl> nThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     (Magical) A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.

<903/903hp 361/391m 301/344mv [NES] 742024 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 east ****
(Translucent) (Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is sleeping on a coarsly woven rug.

<903/903hp 361/391m 301/344mv [NES] 742024 tnl> stance offadrerelaYou prepare yourself for the heat of battle.

<903/903hp 361/391m 301/344mv [NES] 742024 tnl> You are already as hyped up as you can get.

<903/903hp 361/391m 301/344mv [NES] 742024 tnl> You relax your aggression and assume a normal combat posture.

<903/903hp 361/391m 301/344mv [NES] 742024 tnl> eBefore a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> dirt knHe's already been blinded.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> ki knYour acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Someone nods.
A knight of Solamnia is gushing blood.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> feinYou mislead a knight of Solamnia with a cunning feint.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia's attack swings wide and
misses by a long way.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> feinYou mislead a knight of Solamnia with a cunning feint.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 361/391m 300/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Your vision dulls.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> whePlayers near you:
(PK) Arathorn   Southern end of a stone courtyard
Eleitha         Southern end of a stone courtyard
(PK) Narab      Before a towering iron portcullis
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> feinThey are already being mislead.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Eleitha has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says '
Well met, Knight of the Sword'
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Arathorn has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says '
Well met, Grandmaster of Solamnic Knights'
A young silver dragon has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<903/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> fein
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
You yell '
Help! Arathorn is casting a spell on me!'
Arathorn's blast of light
*** DEMOLISHES *** you!
They are already being mislead.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<779/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Eleitha glances at a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<779/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
You dodge Arathorn's slash.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia parries your acidic bite.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<779/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> dirt arYour kicked dirt
misses Arathorn.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<779/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> Vylein steps out of the shadows.
Vylein snaps his hand out to sting Arathorn's kidneys, but misses.
Arathorn yells '
Help! Vylein is attacking me!'
Vylein's sting of the manticore
misses Arathorn.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<779/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn's blast of light
*** DEMOLISHES *** you!
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<658/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> dirt ar
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You riposte a young silver dragon and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
DISEMBOWELS a young silver dragon!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge Arathorn's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
You riposte Arathorn and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein!
Vylein's punch
decimates Arathorn.
Vylein's punch
devastates Arathorn.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
MUTILATES a young silver dragon!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Arathorn's riposte
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<609/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn's blast of light
*** DEMOLISHES *** you!
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<484/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with golden light!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
You riposte Arathorn and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein.
Vylein's punch
devastates Arathorn.
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<484/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> Your kicked dirt
misses Arathorn.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<484/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> Vylein grabs Arathorn and throws him to the ground with stunning force!
Vylein's throw
Vylein takes hold of Arathorn and grinds him against the ground.
Vylein's ground control
decimates Arathorn.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<484/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> flee
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge Arathorn's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
You riposte Arathorn and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
Vylein's punch
decimates Arathorn.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
MUTILATES a young silver dragon!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Arathorn's riposte
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<434/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn calls down the wrath of Kiri-Jolith upon Vylein.
Arathorn's heavenly wrath
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<434/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl>
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<434/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> fleeflee
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge Arathorn's slash.
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
MUTILATES a young silver dragon!
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<434/903hp 374/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742024 tnl> fleeA knight of Solamnia moves to block the passage east.
The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

<434/903hp 374/391m 343/344mv [NES] 742034 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<434/903hp 374/391m 343/344mv [NES] 742034 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<434/903hp 374/391m 343/344mv [NES] 742034 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<434/903hp 374/391m 343/344mv [NES] 742034 tnl> baneYou apply battle dressing to yourself.
You feel better.

<539/903hp 359/391m 343/344mv [NES] 742034 tnl> Before a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here, fighting Vylein.
(Translucent) (Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.
Vylein the male human is here, fighting Arathorn.
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.
Vylein's punch
devastates Arathorn.
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein!

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> b ar
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn yells '
Help! Narab is bashing me!'
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
injures Arathorn.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
A young silver dragon gets a wild look in his eyes.
Arathorn's slash
devastates Vylein!
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein.
Your acidic bite
devastates Arathorn!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> shie
Vylein grabs Arathorn and throws him to the ground with stunning force!
Vylein's throw
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> But they aren't using a shield.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Arathorn's slash
maims Vylein!
Your acidic bite
devastates Arathorn!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
Your acidic bite
maims Arathorn!
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> bYou slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
injures Arathorn.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Arathorn's riposte
Arathorn's riposte
decimates Vylein.
Your acidic bite
devastates Arathorn!
Your acidic bite
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> b
Azar tells you '
greetings, may i know how to speak to your Leader ?'
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Vylein grabs Arathorn and throws him to the ground with stunning force!
Vylein's throw
Vylein takes hold of Arathorn and grinds him against the ground.
Vylein's ground control
decimates Arathorn.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
The gods protect Vylein from Eleitha.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<539/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
hits Arathorn.
A young silver dragon's claw
Vylein's punch
maims Arathorn!
Vylein's punch
decimates Arathorn.
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Arathorn's riposte
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<493/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<493/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
devastates Arathorn!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<493/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> crusYour crush attempt
misses Arathorn.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<493/903hp 359/391m 342/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Vylein grabs Arathorn and throws him to the ground with stunning force!
Vylein's throw
Vylein takes hold of Arathorn and grinds him against the ground.
Vylein's ground control
decimates Arathorn.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<509/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Eleitha lays her hands upon Arathorn and Arathorn's wounds seem to heal.
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<509/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Arathorn's slash
maims Vylein!
Arathorn's slash
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein.
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
devastates Arathorn!
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<509/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> crus
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn calls down the wrath of Kiri-Jolith upon Vylein.
Arathorn's heavenly wrath
*** DEMOLISHES *** Vylein!
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<509/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Arathorn's riposte
misses Vylein.
Arathorn's riposte
misses Vylein.
Arathorn's riposte
devastates Vylein.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Arathorn's riposte
devastates you!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> You grab Arathorn and slam him to the ground with bone crushing force!
Your body crush
With brutal skill you grind Arathorn against the ground with your weight.
Your ground control
devastates Arathorn!
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Vylein leaves west.
Vylein has fled!
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> crus
Azar tells you '
i've sent a note, did your organization recieved it ?'
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Eleitha leaves east.
You dodge Arathorn's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
You riposte Arathorn and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
Your acidic bite
decimates Arathorn.
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Eleitha has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says '
Well met, Knight of the Sword'
Arathorn is gushing blood.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Arathorn leaves east.
Eleitha leaves east.
Arathorn has fled!

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> b arThey aren't here.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> lBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) a young silver dragon is here, fighting YOU!
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> ki knYour acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> feinYou mislead a knight of Solamnia with a cunning feint.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> feinThey are already being mislead.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
A knight of Solamnia parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> stance offadrerelaYou prepare yourself for the heat of battle.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> You are already as hyped up as you can get.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> You relax your aggression and assume a normal combat posture.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> feinThey are already being mislead.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
misses a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> feinThey are already being mislead.
A knight of Solamnia is writhing in agony.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<475/903hp 375/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> reply busyYou tell someone '
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Your blood cools down.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 387/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> feinThey are already being mislead.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 387/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> stance offadrerelaYou prepare yourself for the heat of battle.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 387/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> Your blood burns briefly, but it subsides.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 372/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 372/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> stance offadrerelaYou relax your aggression and assume a normal combat posture.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 372/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> You prepare yourself for the heat of battle.
Your acidic bite
misses a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
misses a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You riposte a knight of Solamnia and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 372/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> Your blood burns briefly, but it subsides.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> [HERETIC] Vylein: Almast dead
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your acidic bite
DISMEMBERS a knight of Solamnia!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> You relax your aggression and assume a normal combat posture.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
You hear something's death cry.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> whePlayers near you:
(PK) Arathorn   Southern end of a stone courtyard
(PK) Eleitha    Southern end of a stone courtyard
(PK) Narab      Before a towering iron portcullis
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> lBefore a towering iron portcullis
  You stand before an enormous iron portcullis, beyond which lies a small
isolated keep. There is a tranquil but strong quality about this place.
To the east the keep extends into a small courtyard.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) a young silver dragon is here, fighting YOU!
(Silver Aura) a knight of Solamnia is here, fighting YOU!
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Eleitha has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says '
Well met, Knight of the Sword'
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<489/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl>
Eleitha's slash
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<432/903hp 357/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742034 tnl> flee
Eleitha concentrates for a moment of prayer.
The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

<432/903hp 357/391m 343/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl> wwAlas, you cannot go that way.

<432/903hp 357/391m 343/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<432/903hp 357/391m 343/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl> nnThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]

<432/903hp 357/391m 342/344mv [NS] 742044 tnl> nnnThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]
A knight clad in shiny steel armor stands here.

// honey, i'm home

<903/903hp 361/391m 282/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl> sc eThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]
A knight clad in shiny steel armor stands here.

<903/903hp 361/391m 281/344mv [NS] 742044 tnl> You peer intently east.

<903/903hp 361/391m 281/344mv [NS] 742044 tnl> sThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south]

<903/903hp 361/391m 280/344mv [NS] 742044 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.

<903/903hp 361/391m 280/344mv [NS] 742044 tnl> sThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A blood stained poncho from the remains of A dwarven pikeman lies here.
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.

<903/903hp 361/391m 279/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting her mistress's command.
(Translucent) (Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 east ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.

<903/903hp 361/391m 279/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl>
You are once more able to administer battle aid.
A poncho from the carcass of A dwarven pikeman crumbles into dust.

<903/903hp 387/391m 344/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl> sThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<903/903hp 387/391m 343/344mv [NSW] 742044 tnl> saveSaving. Remember that Solace has automatic saving.

<903/903hp 387/391m 343/344mv [NSW] 742044 tnl> afTo see resistances and vulnerabilities use 'verbose' mode.

You are affected by the following spells:
Skill adrenalin rush modifies dexterity by 2 for 1 hours
Skill trophy modifies none by 0 for 43 hours
Skill warcry modifies saves by -8 for 7 hours
                       modifies hit roll by 3 for 7 hours

<903/903hp 387/391m 343/344mv [NSW] 742044 tnl> nThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.

<903/903hp 387/391m 342/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl> sc eYou peer intently east.
 **** 1 east ****
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting her mistress's command.
(Translucent) (Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here, fighting Vylein.
Vylein the male human is here, fighting Eleitha.
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

 **** 2 east ****
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.

<903/903hp 387/391m 342/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl> sThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north south west]
A cleric novice stands here, studying books of divine order.

<903/903hp 387/391m 341/344mv [NSW] 742044 tnl> neThe eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.

<903/903hp 387/391m 340/344mv [NES] 742044 tnl>
Vylein has arrived.
Before a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting her mistress's command.
(Translucent) (Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<903/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl> b eEleitha yells '
Help! Narab is bashing me!'
You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
hits Eleitha.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<903/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl>
Arathorn has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says '
Well met, Grandmaster of Solamnic Knights'
A young silver dragon has arrived.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<903/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl> b e
Arathorn leaves east.
A young silver dragon leaves east.
Eleitha's slash
A solamnic sword glows with silver light!
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha shield blocks your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Eleitha's riposte
devastates you!
Your acidic bite
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<808/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl>
Eleitha's shield jab
wounds you.
You slam into Eleitha, and send her flying!
Your bash
injures Eleitha.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<794/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl> Arathorn has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia says '
Well met, Grandmaster of Solamnic Knights'
A young silver dragon has arrived.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<794/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl>
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
You yell '
Help! Arathorn is casting a spell on me!'
Arathorn's blast of light
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<729/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl>
You dodge Arathorn's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
You dodge Arathorn's slash.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You riposte a young silver dragon and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
MASSACRES a young silver dragon!
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
DISEMBOWELS a young silver dragon!
Your acidic bite
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<729/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl> shie ar
Vylein steps out of the shadows.
Vylein snaps his hand out to sting Arathorn's kidneys, but misses.
Arathorn yells '
Help! Vylein is attacking me!'
Vylein's sting of the manticore
misses Arathorn.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<729/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl>
Arathorn concentrates for a moment of prayer.
Arathorn's blast of light
*** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
A young silver dragon's claw
You dodge Arathorn's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Arathorn's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with golden light!
Vylein's punch
maims Arathorn!
Vylein's punch
maims Arathorn!
Vylein's punch
devastates Arathorn.
Arathorn's riposte
decimates Vylein.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<544/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl> But they aren't using a shield.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<544/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl>
Eleitha's shield jab
mauls you.
Eleitha has some small wounds.

<526/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl> flee
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
You dodge a young silver dragon's claw.
Arathorn's slash
A solamnic sword glows with golden light!
Vylein's punch
maims Arathorn!
Arathorn's riposte
decimates Vylein.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
A solamnic sword glows with silver light!
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
You dodge Eleitha's slash.
Eleitha shield blocks your acidic bite.
A young silver dragon dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
devastates Arathorn!
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha parries your acidic bite.
Eleitha has a few scratches.

<463/903hp 387/391m 339/344mv [EW] 742044 tnl> A knight of Solamnia moves to block the passage east.
The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

<463/903hp 387/391m 338/344mv [NES] 742054 tnl> eBefore a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here, fighting Vylein.
Vylein the male human is here, fighting Arathorn.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting her mistress's command.
(Translucent) (Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.
(Silver Aura) A powerful knight stands his vigilant guard over the Keep.

<463/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl> b ar
Vylein grabs Arathorn and throws him to the ground with stunning force!
Arathorn yells '
Help! Narab is bashing me!'
You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
injures Arathorn.
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<463/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl>
A solamnic sword glows with golden light!
Eleitha's slash
Arathorn's riposte
decimates Vylein.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn is in perfect condition.

<463/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl> b
Arathorn's slash
Vylein's punch
decimates Arathorn.
Vylein's punch
devastates Arathorn!
Your acidic bite
decimates Arathorn.
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<463/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl> You slam into Arathorn, and send him flying!
Your bash
injures Arathorn.
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<463/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl> flee
Eleitha falls flat on her face.
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<463/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl> flee
Vylein's punch
decimates Arathorn.
Arathorn's riposte
decimates Vylein.
Your acidic bite
devastates Arathorn!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Arathorn's riposte
Your acidic bite
maims Arathorn!
Your acidic bite
misses Arathorn.
The prescence of Paladine protects Arathorn from you.
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<411/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl>
Vylein leaves west.
Vylein has fled!
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<411/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl> fleefleeA knight of Solamnia moves to block the passage east.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Arathorn has some small wounds.

<411/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl> A knight of Solamnia moves to block the passage east.
A knight of Solamnia moves to block the passage east.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Arathorn's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
maims Arathorn!
Arathorn parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
maims Arathorn!
Your acidic bite
devastates Arathorn!
Arathorn is covered in bleeding wounds.

<411/903hp 387/391m 337/344mv [EW] 742054 tnl> The eastern part of courtyard

[Exits: north east south]
     A fresh-looking herb is here.
     A few large, red berries are laying here.
     A long wooden staff is wrapped up in thick leather.
     (Glowing) A robe made of wool and dyed green lies in a heap.
     (Humming) A small loop of wood is lying here.
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.

<411/903hp 387/391m 336/344mv [NES] 742064 tnl> fleeYou aren't fighting anyone.

<411/903hp 387/391m 336/344mv [NES] 742064 tnl> You aren't fighting anyone.

<411/903hp 387/391m 336/344mv [NES] 742064 tnl> banYou apply battle dressing to yourself.
You feel better.

<516/903hp 372/391m 336/344mv [NES] 742064 tnl> eBefore a towering iron portcullis

[Exits: east west]
Vylein the male human is here, fighting a knight of Solamnia.
(Charmed) A young silver dragon is here awaiting his master's command.
(Silver Aura) Arathorn the male half-elf is here.
(Charmed) A young brass dragon is here awaiting her mistress's command.
(Translucent) (Silver Aura) Eleitha the female human is here.
(Silver Aura) a knight of Solamnia is here, fighting Vylein.

<516/903hp 372/391m 335/344mv [EW] 742064 tnl>
Vylein's punch
devastates a knight of Solamnia!
Vylein's punch
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Vylein's punch
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Vylein's punch
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Vylein's punch
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Vylein's punch
decimates a knight of Solamnia.

<516/903hp 372/391m 335/344mv [EW] 742064 tnl> ki kn
Vylein leaves west.
Vylein has fled!
A knight of Solamnia parries your acidic bite.
A knight of Solamnia dodges your acidic bite.
A knight of Solamnia parries your acidic bite.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<516/903hp 372/391m 335/344mv [EW] 742064 tnl>
Vylein has arrived.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<530/903hp 384/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742064 tnl>
Vylein yells '
Help! Eleitha is bashing me with a shield!'
Eleitha charges Vylein, but falls flat on her face.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<530/903hp 384/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742064 tnl>
Eleitha's riposte
decimates Vylein.
Eleitha's slash
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
misses a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
mauls a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You dodge a knight of Solamnia's slash.
A knight of Solamnia is convulsing on the ground.

<530/903hp 384/391m 344/344mv [EW] 742064 tnl>
A young silver dragon's claw
A young silver dragon's claw
Vylein's punch
devastates Eleitha.
Vylein's punch
maims Eleitha!
Eleitha's riposte
decimates Vylein.
Vylein leaves west.
Vylein has fled!
Your acidic bite
decimates a knight of Solamnia.
A knight of Solamnia parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite
devastates a knight of Solamnia.
Using your dual wielded swords you parry a knight of Solamnia's slash.
You riposte a knight of Solamnia and return an attack of your own!
Your riposte
maims a knight of Solamnia!
A knight of Solamnia is DEAD!!
get bookYou receive 0 experience points.
You hear a knight of Solamnia's death cry.
The head of a priest appears in a flash of light and returns to where it belongs.
You feel a shudder run through your soul!
The gods give you 72 silver coins for your sacrifice.


From http://solace.allnetwork.ru logs forum