Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Logs => Topic started by: Trum on June 07, 2004, 04:48:45 am

Title: My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Trum on June 07, 2004, 04:48:45 am
[log][728/1215hp 59/655mana 60/256mv 1352002tnl] >
whisper air fly
You whisper to an air elemental 'fly'
An air elemental swirls around you, raising your feet from the ground.
You feel the wind rushing through your clothes as you are lifted high up
into the skies. The land dwindles away into tiny fragments of distant
features, each one nothing more than a dot on the landscape far below. In
the sky you become shrouded in misty clouds and cold, powerful winds.
Your mount glances back briefly to make sure you are secure, then surges
onwards with the journey.

High above the city of Kalaman

[Exits: north east south west down]
(Charmed) A violent vortex of swirling air is here.

Krull tells the group 'darwaz attacked me'

[774/1215hp 117/655mana 94/256mv 1352002tnl] > w
You can't fly.

[774/1215hp 117/655mana 94/256mv 1352002tnl] > c fly
You are concentrating too much on staying airborne, you can't cast spells up here!

[774/1215hp 117/655mana 94/256mv 1352002tnl] > d
You can't fly.

[774/1215hp 117/655mana 94/256mv 1352002tnl] > gt i am stuck high in air
You tell the group 'i am stuck high in air'
'You feel the presence of Lictor passing by an ironwood tree.'
'You feel the presence of Darvaz passing by an ironwood tree.'
'You feel the presence of Kahvnagor passing by an ironwood tree.'
[WARDER] A ranger of the ironwood: Intruder! Darvaz is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] A ranger of the ironwood: Intruder! Someone is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] A ranger of the ironwood: Intruder! Someone is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] A ranger of the ironwood: Intruder! Someone is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] A ranger of the ironwood: Intruder! Someone is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] A ranger of the ironwood: Alas, I have fallen to someone.
[WARDER] The great grizzly bear: Intruder! Darvaz is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] The great grizzly bear: Intruder! A lion is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] The great grizzly bear: Intruder! A lion is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] The great grizzly bear: Intruder! Kahvnagor is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] The great grizzly bear: Intruder! Lictor is attacking the Ironwood!
[WARDER] The great grizzly bear: Alas, I have fallen to someone.
You feel a shudder run through your soul!
You feel a shudder run through your soul!
[1215/1215hp 655/655mana 256/256mv 1352002tnl] > w
You can't fly.[/log]

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Trum on June 07, 2004, 04:59:11 am
Great.. released an elemental, fell down, died, no corpse, no stuff. *smirk* Seems the room was purged.. (??)

Was dressed really well, lost all because of some sort of crap?..

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Akhulas on June 07, 2004, 07:26:20 am
have you tried "cast word" ?

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Zamarahal on June 07, 2004, 08:04:08 am
When you die in the air - there is always no corpse.

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: hordak on June 07, 2004, 08:56:23 am
see people what happens when dwarf trys to fly...that should be a lesson
to evry other dwarf  ;D

You should stick to diging..

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Zeboim on June 07, 2004, 09:35:22 am
Don't even try to swim either;)))

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Trum on June 07, 2004, 10:24:48 am
Not funny. :'(

P.S. You cannot cast in air or quaff potions.

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Dervish on June 07, 2004, 11:41:11 am
Oh, no!
Trum!you have lost MY stuff!!!!
*sniff sadly*

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Jemma on June 07, 2004, 12:18:18 pm
No corpse when you die in the air? But it surely must fall down SOMEwhere?? You always have a corpse when you die.

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Trum on June 07, 2004, 12:37:10 pm
The corpse seems to be blown by air somewhere very-very far.. it is one of those cases when you got no corpse.. just nothing :-[

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Teilli on June 07, 2004, 01:06:28 pm
Not funny. :'(

P.S. You cannot cast in air or quaff potions.

You can recite :)

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on June 07, 2004, 04:41:49 pm
An air elemental will help you to fly inside any air sector from now on. Such things must be reported in BUGs section of this forum.

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: hedaya on June 08, 2004, 01:16:58 pm
Not funny. :'(

P.S. You cannot cast in air or quaff potions.

Tip - you can recite scrolls in the air : )

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: rettiseert on June 09, 2004, 01:24:41 pm
Cleric cannot recite scrolls AFAIK. Isn't it?

Title: Re:My elemental makes troubles (a BUG btw)
Post by: lynx on July 14, 2004, 12:27:56 pm
Retti is right, not to mention!