Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Logs => Topic started by: Elyndor on February 16, 2004, 02:42:32 pm

Title: kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Elyndor on February 16, 2004, 02:42:32 pm
PreHistory:he started to raid us, we word, and show up,(we were ranking when he attacked)

EDITED: i'm pretty sure hes quite a  bit younger then me, (i'm rank 23)

[Exits: east west]
(PK) Kbaot the male exile elf is here, fighting a knight.
(White Aura) [Solamnia] A knight is here, fighting Kbaot.
Yokshi has arrived.
A knight says 'Welcome, Yokshi, Knight of the Crown.'
A knight says 'Welcome, Kanath, Knight of the Crown.'

<488hp 358m 219mv>

Kbaot's throw misses a knight.

<488hp 358m 219mv>

Kbaot yells 'Help! Kanath is attacking me!'
Kbaot has a few scratches.

<488hp 358m 219mv>
The gods protect Kbaot from Yokshi.
Kbaot's punch wounds a knight.
Kbaot has a few scratches.

<488hp 358m 219mv>

Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his deity.
The gods protect Kbaot from Yokshi.
Kbaot has a few scratches.

<488hp 358m 219mv>
You draw upon the powers granted by your god.
You call down the wrath of Kiri-Jolith upon Kbaot.
Your heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Kbaot.
You say 'Clarior e tenebris!'
You deliver an arcing backhand blow!
Your backhand slash MASSACRES Kbaot.
Your slash maims Kbaot.
The gods protect Kbaot from Yokshi.
Kbaot is writhing in agony.

<488hp 338m 219mv>
Kbaot looks around trying to escape.
A knight moves to block Kbaot's way as he tries to leave west.
A knight says 'You are not allowed to go there.'
Kbaot leaves east.
Kbaot has fled!

<488hp 338m 219mv>

Cast the spell on whom?

<488hp 338m 219mv>
A trail to the Halls of Solamnia
[Exits: south west]
(PK) Kbaot the male exile elf is here.
Yokshi has arrived.

<488hp 338m 217mv>

Kbaot yells 'Help! Kanath is attacking me!'
Your weapon glows blue!
You feel better.
You say 'Betrayer of the light!'
You bring your arm up in an elbow strike.
Your pummeling elbow DISMEMBERS Kbaot.
Your slash DISEMBOWELS Kbaot.
Kbaot is DEAD!!
Kbaot hits the ground ... DEAD.

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Vasq on February 16, 2004, 02:46:24 pm
Your heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Kbaot.
I ty tam che-to zhalovalsa na overpowernost' Takhovskih draconov... hmm... Eto eshe blind/curse ne proshli

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Elyndor on February 16, 2004, 02:48:51 pm
i'm a canadian man, translation please? (I DO NOT speak russian :P)

(EDITED: and  my wrath has been practiced nicely, it aint no 75percent, i use it alot.)

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Vasq on February 16, 2004, 03:00:30 pm
Your heavenly wrath *** DEVASTATES *** Kbaot.

You complain about Takhisis' dragon owerpower and how it hits hard. Look at your wrath. You can kill evil man with 2 casts. Itsn't it overpower too? You did your victim writhing in one round, even not blinded and cursed him.

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Elyndor on February 16, 2004, 03:10:30 pm
Level 15: wrath                     [ 85%]  20 mana

and it really depends on his saves, i mean, i could DISEMBOWL easily, and thats often what i do, it all depends on the power of the persons saves, his low, i will do better damage, his high, weaker damage.

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Elyndor on February 16, 2004, 03:17:03 pm
Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Zarzak.

Your heavenly wrath DISEMBOWELS Zarzak.

Your heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Zarzak.

Your heavenly wrath DISEMBOWELS Valhera.

Your heavenly wrath DISEMBOWELS Valhera.

Your heavenly wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Valhera.

ALL depends on there rank, saves, and s**tload of other factors, kbaot was equip was crap. he didnt have much saves,

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Vasq on February 16, 2004, 03:28:26 pm
Be sure, I know it. Successfull saveing spell checking lowering damage by 2. But dragon isn't overpowered. Use mount, use plate, use protection, use sanc (do knights have protectorate or sanc here?), use healing swords.

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Elyndor on February 16, 2004, 03:36:37 pm
had healign sword, at time against zarzak, he was rank 23, i was only 21 (which means no cross slice, or protectorate,)

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on February 16, 2004, 03:39:42 pm
Their dragon is ok, and won't be changed.

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: wHATEver on February 17, 2004, 10:50:47 am
put here log, when you fled from me :)
btw, when im attacking your guard, im wasnt Takhisis Knight

Title: Re:kanath vs kbaot
Post by: Elyndor on February 18, 2004, 05:48:12 am
heh, didnt have a log when i fleed, wut happened was, we were RAIDING YOU, i was taking majority of hits, i got booted down ot half health, which then my wimpy kicked in, i fled to you, one hit from you caused me to flee again(because of bieng less then half health) into the dragon,which did 5 hits in a row to me of pretyt damn high damage(was without protectorate, it just fell) which killed me.

EDITED: of course, i was dirted whole time and honestly dont know, i know for a fact our little battle happened after i fled from Ancient black dragon with less then 200hp

EDITED2: OH FOUND IT, i'll post it as takhisis vs solamnia