Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: Hiddukel on August 28, 2004, 03:55:50 pm

Title: I am really sad Solace is dying
Post by: Hiddukel on August 28, 2004, 03:55:50 pm
Its been a friend for so long, it even wrecked my University career :)

And its sad now to see how people are raging and sighing and offering up reasons for and against....

I just want to say, Thank you all for an amazing time, its been so much fun, so much adrenalin, so much emotion (usually anger!), its gonna be hard to replace...

And now of course, it means i will have to do real work in the day instead of pretending to type reports while playing Solace....:)

I really hope it can be saved, really. Its one of the best MUDS, I think.....The passion is better than any other I have tried!

And Paola, I couldn't read your final words, perhaps you can say a few for me in English?  ;)

Well, peace to you all  :-*


Title: Re:I am really sad Solace is dying
Post by: Maerryji on August 28, 2004, 04:08:46 pm
Thank you for being with us, and thank you for being the deity who liked chaotical behaviour...
You have asked me to spread my wisdom across my country, but I preferred to share it with other members of the forum. And if it is possible for you to read 7k size post, I will be glad to hear your opinion.