Title: Nice DT in a middle of mid-level area Post by: kadroh on September 01, 2004, 08:53:42 pm I was fighting obsidian guards when i was forced to vanish
and where i got! The Misty Room The mist in this room makes you gasp for air. It is thick with a chromatic mist that seems to burn your lungs. You see twinkles of strange light that flash all around you. The hazy mist burns also at your eyes as you find you can no longer focus on anything. Through teary and blood-shot eyes, you see a glowing cube floating in the middle of the room, seemingly the source of the mist. [Exits: none] I tryed to vanish again but got something like this Your attempt to vanish into the shadows, but something strange prevents it from working. recall failed also and when i tryed to open all sides i couldnt now if this room is normal , can i recomed that you implement a option to murder self so you can continue game and not sit at that spot for ever till you die from thirst and hunger. Also you can not be summoned from this room. Title: Re: Nice DT in a middle of mid-level area Post by: Solan on September 02, 2004, 09:00:21 am I'm in agreement with that request, I got stuck there from a teleport in some emergency, didn't even know it was in obsidian castle...very annoying place, maybe just make it kill anyone who enters instantly? That'd be quicker and vastly less annoying...
Title: Re: Nice DT in a middle of mid-level area Post by: kadroh on September 02, 2004, 12:37:58 pm the way i see it is this:
if you can get in room with vanish then you should be abel to vanish out of there, simple as that.. Title: Re: Nice DT in a middle of mid-level area Post by: Elissa on September 02, 2004, 06:34:08 pm Nah. Then life is too safe.
Title: Re: Nice DT in a middle of mid-level area Post by: galihad on September 03, 2004, 08:06:44 am maybe suicide pill should be made. have it sold in black market arias? then for knights 'honorable suicide' skill maybe? i mean book talk about how knights think suicide is an honorable death you know. just a thought.