Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: dehucka on September 07, 2004, 09:06:03 pm

Title: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: dehucka on September 07, 2004, 09:06:03 pm
Realy i dont whine, it s just true, abjuration is much better.

Wish play only abjuration, yeah yeah. (Imms will think, let s catch him,
and make abjuration worse, so he will not be happy with playing abjuration,
but it was joke, i will not play abjuration)

Just warning, dont make alteration, because you will suffer greatly, it s total crap play this damned class, it s impossible to explore, it s impossible to good PK, only way - "RP as looser" - with that class it will be so easy :)))))

Also, dont make assassins beasts - totall crap, one of base skill of beasts - rage of wolverine is totall s**t now, not interesting, nor powerfull,

I d suggest shadow, season - not bad classes, have much interesting thing.

Fighters good, thieves good, but spellbook for thieves - dont think about it - nobody will lose percents for only one scribe for poor thief.

Rangers rule - make rangers, good in exploring, good in pk.

Necroses - hard to play, dont make it, only for gurmans, but powerfull.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Elissa on September 07, 2004, 09:17:27 pm

Thieves rule.

Necromancers, so powerful, so powerful, but to the wise thief they are meat. Same with fighters, same with anyone.

All are profit and meat to the thief.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: galihad on September 08, 2004, 04:06:59 am
beast assassin crap? i agree rage sucks but there are many positive sides to beast assassin such as the dragon blood, weapon turn, and a few others. plus great for pk. all in all i think you whine too much.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: dehucka on September 08, 2004, 09:20:03 am
Dont want whine, i m really dont whine.

I just suggest, i dont whine because imms make rules and order in this world
and this is right.

We just can choose inside this rules and balance.

And i advice (in my honest opinion) choose this or that class, i dont want Gods do anything, all is ok, i just advice people what s better to choose.

WBR. no offence, no whine, we polite.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: kadroh on September 08, 2004, 09:39:31 am
If they would return sanc to Alteration that would be something else..

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Crusader on September 08, 2004, 12:58:03 pm
Alteration mages total crap due thier form's phisical damage.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: kadroh on September 08, 2004, 02:56:29 pm
well damage is good but since one can be immune to physical
this days that i agree its totaly crap. ;)

And imms will not so much as little finger to change something
on them, so..this discusion is pointless

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Elissa on September 08, 2004, 03:12:46 pm
How can 'one' be immune to physical damage I ask you?

In very rare cases, yes. But your average thief, fighter, cleric? No

And its easy to gather some sanctuary equipment

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Crusader on September 08, 2004, 04:44:48 pm
How can 'one' be immune to physical damage I ask you?

In very rare cases, yes. But your average thief, fighter, cleric? No

And its easy to gather some sanctuary equipment

ranger in solamnia, try to kill him

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: kadroh on September 08, 2004, 04:49:20 pm
I think that Bomethos is no more but no confirmation on that.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Elissa on September 08, 2004, 06:36:06 pm
Yes, ranger in solamnia....I said rare cases, and this is still rare. Rare rare rare, I only see one solamnic knight who ever enters anyway

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: kadroh on September 08, 2004, 07:08:28 pm
still my mummies did grazes on him just before he turned immune.. :P

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Elissa on September 08, 2004, 10:30:41 pm
Then how about a new spell idea for necros? or maybe a new level of undead?

and then, oh, I don't know...Wight? Harpy? Greater Zombie? Greater mummy? With different chances for different strikes....

I know Necro's are very strong, so don't yell at me  ;) I just like variety in all things, more skills more spells more things!

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: kadroh on September 09, 2004, 09:23:44 am
Then how about a new spell idea for necros? or maybe a new level of undead?

and then, oh, I don't know...Wight? Harpy? Greater Zombie? Greater mummy? With different chances for different strikes....

I know Necro's are very strong, so don't yell at me  ;) I just like variety in all things, more skills more spells more things!

I like the idea, but assume that can come only tru manuals spellbooks..

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Sgt Pepper on September 09, 2004, 07:03:11 pm
What about a undead specialization?

Skeletons have high dex
Zombies high cons
Mummies high str???

well, it's a good idea, but necros are pretty strong already.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Sgt Pepper on September 10, 2004, 06:07:29 pm

ranger in solamnia, try to kill him

The idea for ranger is that he is incredibly strong in forest and weak outside it.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: kyberus on September 11, 2004, 03:25:54 am
I assume you are talking about the bison ranger + minotaur
+ barkskin + eq + (trophy belt if in heretics) thingy,
I guess that is unbalanced, but... it is had to do and then any nimrod can go and get a nightmare blade at the very least by that point, or a shocking mace or somesuch, and completely ignore all the benifits of all these class features. However, It is completely lethal for assassins and alteration transmuters I guess, but neither of these groups has fared particularily well, or atleast by this point in their lives (assassins fade out at high ranks, don't they?) so it kindoff becomes a moot point...

also, rangers are supposed to be stronger in the forest, weaker outside, to a degree. But not ridiculously so, its more a question of most of their combat skills drawing themselves from the wild is it not?

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Raider on September 12, 2004, 07:58:17 am
No matter of what i will post here nothin will be changed... But i'll post anyway.

Alterations are godlike, unless they meet a person which is resisted to physical.
Way of gargoyle isnt worth the gold cost but its better than nothing, considering alterations have only 2 feats to choose - toughen and way of gargoyle. Armadillo is useless for now since there are not enough people for group wars, porcupine is ultimate. Tiger/lion are godlike. Bull is fine. Lesser forms sux for alteration trans. A manual could be implemented which gives alters new non-physical forms. I doubt anything will happen :)

Btw, RACIAL sneak(all elves) which works in form is bulls**t.(it also works when riding)

Forms ideas:

I dont know how to calculate dodge(size,dex,dodge skill)... lets say the best one is 100%.
dr - at hero.
A number in "()" is a tier of a form, 1 is lowlevel form, 4 is highest lvl.

Lion(4): 3-4 attacks,dodge 50%, dr 100-115, skill - rake.
Tiger(4): 4-5 attacks,dodge 65, dr 90-100, skill - rake/tear
Jaguar(3): 4-5 attacks,dodge 70, dr 50-60, skill - hunt,bite/rake,sneak
Cougar(3): 4-5 attacks,dodge 75, dr 40-55, skill - camouflage,analogue of ambush,tear/rake,sneak
Wildcat(1-2) 3-4 attacks, dodge 50%, dr 40-50, bite,awareness,sneak.

Jackal(2):5-6 attacks,dodge 80, dr 30-40, skill bite,carrion eating(eats corpses for hps)
White Wolf(3): 3-4 attacks,dodge 60,dr 40-50 bite/rake,hunt, resist cold, vuln fire.
Black Wolf(3): 3-4 attacks,dodge 55, dr 50-60, bite/rake,resist phys
Fox(2): 5-6 attacks,dodge 85, dr 25-35, bite,sneak,fox cunning(little chance of avoiding spells, protections against sneaky attacks:ambushes/bs/bj/strangle)

White Bear(4): 3-4 attacks,dodge 30%, dr 110-120, skill rake/tear/body crush, resist phys,cold. vuln fire
Grizzly(4): 3-4 attacks,dodge 30%, dr 125-135, skill rake/tear/body crush, resist phys.
Badger(2): 4-5 attacks,dodge 60, dr 40-55, skill bite/rake.

Alligator(4): 1-2 attacks,dodge 20%, dr 170-200, skill bite(damage x 0.4-0.6), resist phys,fire. vuln cold
Crocodile(3): 1-2 attacks,dodge 30%, dr 100-120, skill tail crush, resist phys,fire. vuln cold
Python(4): 1-2 attacks,dodge 40%, dr 70-90, constrict for high damage and with lag.high hp regen rate.
Giant lizard(1): 2-3 attacks, dodge 60%, dr 25-30,bite, high hp regen rate,analogue of rescue

Ostrich(2-3): 3-4 attacks(kicks), dodge 50%, dr 40-60, skill mighty kick with chance of lag :), and,perhaps, "run <direction>" - move 4-5 rooms in direction
specifed without movement lag.(mount)

Giant Raven(2): 3-4 attacks, dodge 60%, dr 35-45, skill peck in the eye,flying.

Kangaroo(3)  3-4 attacks, dodge 60%, dr 55-65, skill - might kick with chance of lag or leaping strike with chance of lag.

monkeys can handle objects.
Gorilla(4) 2-3 attacks,dodge 40%, dr 100-120, skill hammerfist-mighty strike with two hands- damage+chance to lag/stun. resist phys.
Marmoset(1) 5-6 attacks,dodge 70, dr 25-35, skill steal(60-70%), punch, hide.
chimpanzee(2) 4-5 attacks, dodge 60%, dr 40-50, skill punch.

Hare(3) 3-4 attacks, dodge 90-95,dr 35-40 bite, awaresness,analogue of rescue
Rabbit(1) 4-5 attacks, dodge 70, dr 30-35, bite,awareness,analogue of rescue
Ferret(1) 6-7 attacks, dodge 50%, dr 30-35, bite
Donkey(1) (2-3 attacks), dodge 40%, dr 30-40, kick, mount
Camel(2) (2-3 attacks), dodge 40%,dr 40-50, kick, mount, sustenance(need much less food water)
Hedgehog(1) 3-4 attacks, dodge 50%,dr 30-35, skill bite, sharp spikes :)
Armadillo(4) 2-3 attacks,dodge 30%,dr ~40. skill roll - свернуца в клубок(не может двигаца и атаковать), получить блокер 70-80%, resist almost all 60-80%,analogue of rescue
Scorpion(3): 3-4 attacks, dodge 40%, dr 50-70, res phys 30, immune poison. skills - scorpion sting/pincer

manual forms:
giants can handle objects.
Fire/Frost/Stone/Storm giants,2-3 attacks,dr 100-150,dodge 40%, parry 80%. all resist phys 30(stone - 60-70), fire - immune fire,-50 cold and so on. damtype fire/frost/phys/shock
Wielded - A huge maul.  skill maul - swing the maul for damage+chance of lag

Fire/Water/Earth/Air. dodge 70-80% 3-4attacks,dr ~100(130-150 for earth),immune f/w/phys/a, resist all other стихии, кроме противоположной - к ней вульн 50. skills fire/water - engulf.
earth - hammerfist,stomp for earthquake. air - airbolt/shocking grasp.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: kadroh on September 12, 2004, 12:00:57 pm
That all sounds great but you are forgeting one thing
that you are talking to a wall.

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: Hiddukel on September 13, 2004, 10:11:55 am
I like different forms idea.

Need descs/helps for any, I'll write and we can suggest them to Chemosh.

*A wall has spoken*  ;)

Title: Re: Alteration mages is crap, people dont play such crap.
Post by: kadroh on September 13, 2004, 08:36:12 pm
I can write desc for all those forms, but i still think the wall will be silent