Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: Ritocito on September 12, 2004, 01:33:12 am

Title: MindOverBody and train hp
Post by: Ritocito on September 12, 2004, 01:33:12 am
When elf assassin train hp he gain 12 hp. But with feat MOB number of hp must increase probably.
Bug, or feature? ;-)

Title: Re: MindOverBody and train hp
Post by: Raider on September 12, 2004, 08:01:14 am
This feat is only usable for elven fighter-likes. Cos their train hp is considerably higher than casters'. With elven fighter i gained 25hp per lvl(no toughness) and 20hp per train hp. With 4 pracs that gave me lots of hp. Which is tottally wrong imho . an elven fighter FATTER than a dwarf fighter.

Title: Re: MindOverBody and train hp
Post by: kadroh on September 12, 2004, 12:02:11 pm
i had dwarf assassin and he gained with toughnes from 28-35 hps
and my elf assissin with with MOB gains max 22-24 hps
something is very strange there..

Title: Re: MindOverBody and train hp
Post by: aresius on September 14, 2004, 03:03:18 am
dont forget that while the elf can get mind over body, toughness and toughness to be a fat-ass, a dwarf can get toughness-toughness-toughness, and you will have received more hp the first 15 lvls, so if a dwarf wants to be fat, h will alweys be the fattest.  :o  Now everyone can chose the feats they want, so if the dwarf player doesent place a single toughness, and the elf player buts all feats for hp, its only fair he gets fat (and even FattER then the dwarf). besides, elves cost 20%xp more anyway.