Title: abouth skills and 100% Post by: kadroh on September 14, 2004, 10:54:36 am Since no skill can be on 100% and its just stuppid when you
see that skill on 100% fails constanly. I can suggest only this to be implemented. skill Level 1: dagger 75%/90% (max) first 75% would reprisent curent status of skills in % and second would be skill max , you can ever learn to perform. I think this would clear most of bs that is going around 100%. ::) Title: Re: abouth skills and 100% Post by: Earwin on September 15, 2004, 09:46:34 pm OMG! Stop that idiocy at last!
All success checks for skills AND spells check for practice percentage AND some other factors. When you cast 100% Power Word Kill, it checks saves around four times in a row to be successful. Otherwise the spell is failed. When you use 100% Assassinate or Cleave, it checks all various haste/slow modifiers, difference in dexterity, constitution of victim and other things to be successful. Otherwise the skill is failed. When you use 100% Drum, it checks some things to be successful AND some other things to stun the victim. When you use 100% Pincer, it checks some things to be successful (but the formula is different from drum and probability is almost (if not exactly) 100% for minofighters) AND does no other checks to stun the victim for the same time as drum does. It is impossible to write some piece of code that gives you absolute probability of a successful skill usage, because lots of factors are taken into account including various stats and affects of your victim. It is impossible to write some piece of code that gives you absolute probability of a successful spell usage, because factors like opponent's saves are taken into account. Fu**! Skills and spells are equal! Title: Re: abouth skills and 100% Post by: Hiddukel on September 16, 2004, 09:54:16 am Vsyo pad kontrolem ;)
Title: Re: abouth skills and 100% Post by: Paola on September 16, 2004, 02:07:03 pm Vsyo pad kontrolem ;) Полюбуйтесь на это чудо природы=))))))))))))) P.S. А скоро он выучит русский алфавит, и тогда держитесь! ;D Title: Re: abouth skills and 100% Post by: Jemma on September 16, 2004, 03:26:39 pm Вы выпили Водку Hiddukel?
You are sounding more Russian every day ;) Title: Re: abouth skills and 100% Post by: Hiddukel on September 16, 2004, 04:05:06 pm I'm need to practice for when I come to russia for my vacation 8)
Do I need suntan cream in Siberia? Oops, sorry for the offtopic boss Title: Re: abouth skills and 100% Post by: kendermore on September 16, 2004, 04:46:03 pm Vsyo pad kontrolem ;) man! first we shall drink on fifty, and then we shall talk, who and that supervises. :) Title: Re: abouth skills and 100% Post by: Earwin on September 16, 2004, 10:32:34 pm Hiddy! Please don't die from alcohol overdose :'(
It is very dangerous for your life to show up here, in Russia - everybody and his dog will be eager to drink some vodka with you, bite some ushankas and ride polar bears ;D I am joining Hiddy fan-club also! 8) |