Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: Rual on September 21, 2004, 03:32:05 pm

Title: Payed Solace
Post by: Rual on September 21, 2004, 03:32:05 pm
Idea is very simple - consider Solace is a mud of your dream. Full of people, with polite Immortals, constantly advancing and developing, bugs fixing, helpfiles updating, people roleplaying, connect is fine and so on..

But... as always there is a point - you need to pay a small amount of money for playing MUD. Point of that poll to find out how much you love your MUD of dream:)

P.S. As you all know, I am not implementor, so that's not about making Solace paid now:)

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Raider on September 21, 2004, 04:33:22 pm
If i have to pay to play.. i'll play games like World of Warcraft. :P

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Sgt Pepper on September 21, 2004, 08:56:10 pm
I play (or used to play) solace because is (or was) the best free game i ever seen.

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Elyndor on September 22, 2004, 01:43:43 am
i dont pay for s**t on internet, if it comes free i use it, if it isnt, i keep on going.

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: sumarr on September 22, 2004, 10:40:56 am
It is very funny to watch guys, who like to use s**t, but for free. I wonder: when you wish to get some meal, you looking for s**t, or buy nice meat in supermarket?

As for me, I think, that my time costs some money. And I prefer to pay for relaxation, but only for goodness. I agree to pay for Solace, but for player-frendly Solace. :) And I do not agree to play in player-ugly Solace for free :)

I like guys, who buy stolen Windows, and cry, that Microsoft is s**t :)

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Jemma on September 22, 2004, 11:46:25 pm
For me, I am already paying for the internet, to surf ... free, and to find programmes ... free, as it costs me an arm and a leg to be on the internet.

If I find sites that are pay, I don't bother. If I want to play a game that I pay for, then yes, I buy the disc and use it. And you have the added bonus factor of no one changing things and no morons killing randomly. ;)

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: dmitrig on September 23, 2004, 02:09:37 pm
To Immortals: Set up a donation system, and I will donate....

Just because I enjoyed Solace SO much...

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Lynx on September 24, 2004, 09:44:55 am
I think the idea is fine, yet implementation will suck anyway ;(

They also will have to code a billing system for web money or something like that, I don't know..

Also remember, that if Solace will become payed, it will be the MUD mostly for players, not for immortals as "the client is always right".

That is the destiny of all good ideas *sigh* - to die young ;(

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: dmitrig on September 25, 2004, 11:28:32 am
I didn't mean a *compulsury* donation system...

I think immortals deserve some monetary rewards

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Ritocito on September 26, 2004, 01:30:18 am
А я, несмотря на англоязычность Соласа, вполне по-русски считаю, что ваши слова- дерьмо.
Деньги за муд?
Я, конечно, не втыкаю, кто есть эти иммы, но представляю себе, что они вполне здоровые люди и могут зарабатывать себе на жизнь таким образом, что на 50 баксов от муда им начихать.
Кроме того, хорошие муды получаются не от того, что кто-то деньги получает, а от того, что имплементаторам прикольно что-то прогать, при условии, что они соображают, как не напортачить лишнего.
А вы, значит, думаете, что стоит каждому плэеру скидываться по баксу в месяц, и ребята начнут генерить суперидеи и относиться к "Вам" с почтением? Это булшит.
Я согласен с тем, что иммы конкретно забили на муд (Хотя меня Чемош недавно от###рил за ругательства, и по-моему, это было круто), но ваше предложение, говорю, убогое. Если их не прикалывает писать код + бесит ваше обращение, то ничего тут не сделашь.
Хотя вру. Я думаю, если вы найдете 100 челов, готовых скидываться по 100 баксов в месяц, то всё-таки, думаю, кодить вам будут, пусть без души, но качественно.
(по доллару в месяц - я с радостью :)  )

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Paola on September 26, 2004, 07:02:39 pm
"Не в пирогах счастье, Карлсон..." (c) сами знаете кто


Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Lynx on September 28, 2004, 11:16:22 am
ну за ультиму же как-то платят и там всё пучком :)

А мады, видимо, скоро умрут - можно потом поглумиться над трупом по всякому будит

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Jemma on September 28, 2004, 01:19:47 pm
 ??? :o 8) English please :)

Title: Re: Payed Solace
Post by: Lynx on September 29, 2004, 02:40:32 pm
BTW, CF seems to be well coded and also free, so it seems to me, that a great lot depends on the personalities... yet I cannot imagine myself working for free, sorry ;)

After all, I am a fan of Solace and do not play their CF.. but Solace is not only roses, that's for sure! ;)