Title: A short, sharp lesson Post by: Grim Assassin on September 22, 2004, 02:53:58 am [log]
dirt You kick dirt up high into Bubwali's eyes! Your kicked dirt scratches Bubwali. Bubwali has a few scratches. <816/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me Bubwali's downward smash DISMEMBERS the sultans guard! Bubwali's downward smash DISEMBOWELS the sultans guard! The sultans guard is DEAD!! The sultans guard's guts spills out in a steaming pile of bloody entrails. Bubwali parries your punch. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali's blades spin and slice away at you. Bubwali's downward blade barrier MUTILATES you! Your punch decimates Bubwali. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali has a few scratches. <773/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me Bubwali concentrates for a moment of prayer. Bubwali's fingers flare with bright blue light! You tremble as your body begins to revert to dust. Bubwali has a few scratches. <773/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me trip war You dodge Bubwali's smash. Bubwali's downward smash DISMEMBERS you! You dodge a warhorse's pound. You hand block a warhorse's pound. Bubwali parries your punch. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali parries your punch. Bubwali has a few scratches. <708/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me Your trip misses a warhorse. Bubwali has a few scratches. <708/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me You dodge Bubwali's smash. You dodge Bubwali's smash. A warhorse's pound misses you. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali's mount gets in the way of your blow. Your punch misses a warhorse. Your punch devastates Bubwali! Bubwali has a few scratches. <708/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me Bubwali's downward crushing blow misses you. Bubwali has a few scratches. <708/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me trip war You dodge Bubwali's smash. You dodge Bubwali's smash. You dodge a warhorse's pound. Bubwali's blades spin and slice away at you. Bubwali's downward blade barrier *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Your punch devastates Bubwali. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali parries your punch. Bubwali has some small wounds. <597/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me Bubwali smashes your head, and sends you flying!. Bubwali's downward crushing blow *** DEMOLISHES *** you! Bubwali has some small wounds. <459/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me Bubwali's downward smash MANGLES you! You dodge a warhorse's pound. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali's blades spin and slice away at you. Bubwali's downward blade barrier DISEMBOWELS you! Your punch devastates Bubwali! Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali has some small wounds. <311/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me flee Bubwali smashes your head, and sends you flying!. Bubwali's downward crushing blow DISMEMBERS you! Bubwali has some small wounds. <245/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me flee Bubwali's downward smash *** DEMOLISHES *** you! You sure are BLEEDING! You dodge Bubwali's smash. Your forearm partially deflects a warhorse's pound. A warhorse's pound misses you. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali shield blocks your punch. Bubwali parries your punch. Bubwali has some small wounds. <128/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me flee Bubwali smashes your head, and sends you flying!. Bubwali's downward crushing blow *** DEMOLISHES *** you! You sure are BLEEDING! Bubwali has some small wounds. <24/907hp 320/486mana 203/281mv 615739 xp Exits:ES Bite me Bubwali's downward smash MANGLES you! You have been KILLED!! Saen says 'How does the buzzing fly bring down the mighty lion? Not by attacking it headlong!' Saen says '...but by laying its deadly gifts upon the meat, and watching with glee while the lion suffers and dies.' Saen sighs. Saen says 'A lesson well learned, master cleric. I will not make the mistake of underestimating my prey again.' Saen vanishes. [/log] Title: Re: A short, sharp lesson Post by: ezus on October 02, 2004, 04:26:37 am я буду кушать исключительно собственноручно приготовленные мэджик машрумчики ;)