Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: Trum on October 06, 2004, 03:05:52 am

Title: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Trum on October 06, 2004, 03:05:52 am
.. how many people play Solace now, and how frequently? Anyone who does can sign up below.

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Solan on October 06, 2004, 03:09:21 am
I'm still here for what it's worth, play pretty often, though I'm getting a bit tired of the "kill and full loot, sac/sell most of it" deal...

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: kendermore on October 06, 2004, 03:56:35 am
still alive here, except match days :)

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Miradael on October 06, 2004, 04:09:41 am
I am here... oh goodie for all of you *grins evily* and i agree with Solan... the looting and sacing is getting quite annoying expecilly at Hero Rank UGH ::)

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Elyndor on October 06, 2004, 05:11:56 am
I'm here, only one character left, and after him... i dont know... same with solan, stopped playing quite a bit because everytime i died, i ended up bieng naked, and nothing ever returned, i live with it, but hell... i am getting tired of having to equip, i am even bieng looted newbie equip, which takes like 5 mins to gather

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: knight on October 06, 2004, 05:18:39 am
well...after 5 years of solace..i am still here. :D nowadays as long as i am not

i had it worst than elyndor and solan once... i was killed by saen at the temple in palanthas. and guess what... i had barbidiks and another draconian waiting there for any one's death. once i died, immediately they full looted my corpse and even grinned at me. that is even worst imho becos they werent even the ones who killed me. just bastardly opportunists who wait for death like carrion crows and then strip the corpse bare.

again like joaerh, no rp that can be seen here at all. i suggest a similiar treatment for them as i suggested for joaerh in the plaguing case. imm to appear to them and curse them for their behavior. but give them chance to learn and repent and be restored.


Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: knight on October 06, 2004, 05:20:11 am complete earlier post...

as long as i am not too busy with work, i will get online everyday...

see you all in realms...


Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Jemma on October 06, 2004, 11:19:58 am
I am ... around .. but why I don't know. Though, it isn't AS annoying as it used to be. Just the log off cowards annoy the crap out of me. But no, I only play short time, once now and then. Depends on RL ;)

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Rialon on October 06, 2004, 12:04:26 pm
I play rather often, though become really bored at times for lack of action in the realm. And full loot is not annoying after many years: it has always been like that as long as i've played. Trum, you play still or too busy with studying?

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Grim Assassin on October 06, 2004, 02:39:40 pm
I play a lot, always on every day if I can be

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Sgt Pepper on October 06, 2004, 03:41:32 pm
I quit playing, it was getting too boring, too complicated and with no RP.

Solace is a incredible game, but we are going in the wrong way.

I keep visiting this forum only to see if something changes, if it do i will come back.

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Raider on October 06, 2004, 04:57:40 pm
I almost dont play since there is nobody to kill :)

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Misoth on October 06, 2004, 05:02:20 pm
I'm playing from time to time.
But i think it is better to make voting instead of this, so that we could see a real number of players :)
And post a note to all on Solace itself to call all players here and vote.
It is really interesting how many players left here? :)

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Dedraelos on October 06, 2004, 08:58:24 pm
Me is still here :)

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: Mandrake on October 06, 2004, 11:48:59 pm
I am not playing any more...
just like to spam..

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Trum on October 07, 2004, 01:47:21 am

I am hell as busy these days.. this month.. this year..
Yet i decided to play Solace a bit - I''ll appear in realms about 4 days per week, I suppose.

P.S. A small poll is now added.

Title: Re: I just wonder..
Post by: dmitrig on October 07, 2004, 09:56:21 am
well...after 5 years of solace..i am still here. :D nowadays as long as i am not

i had it worst than elyndor and solan once... i was killed by saen at the temple in palanthas. and guess what... i had barbidiks and another draconian waiting there for any one's death. once i died, immediately they full looted my corpse and even grinned at me. that is even worst imho becos they werent even the ones who killed me. just bastardly opportunists who wait for death like carrion crows and then strip the corpse bare.

again like joaerh, no rp that can be seen here at all. i suggest a similiar treatment for them as i suggested for joaerh in the plaguing case. imm to appear to them and curse them for their behavior. but give them chance to learn and repent and be restored.


Was that when Bazak full looted me as well? When I was fighting Saen, then he fled and some cleric finished me off and Bazak, who was out of PK, full looted...

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Trum on October 07, 2004, 01:38:17 pm
Amazing results of poll.. do you people really think so? Then - DO YOU implement your public opinion in reality and apply it to your gameplay?  ???

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Jemma on October 08, 2004, 08:45:10 am
Amazing results of poll.. do you people really think so? Then - DO YOU implement your public opinion in reality and apply it to your gameplay?  ???

Yes, I do. Until I am faced with cowards and morons. ;)

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Lynx on October 12, 2004, 11:24:56 am
Well, have no time for this stuff at all.. but mentaly with you ;)

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Kylie on October 12, 2004, 09:09:50 pm
Its interesting that you put a poll out like this, however the main thing you all should be doing is not any of the 4 suggestions you have put on your poll....the main thing that needs to happen is people need to start would be so surprised how many people will come back and new people will actually STAY...its important that a mud has roleplay, especially if its advertiseing it as roleplay...I honestly would have never came to Solace if I didnt see that it said ROLEPLAY ENFORCED...The IMM staff cant do it all by themselves, what the players need to do is this, if you are pk'd or attacked for no other reason then just because, you should send a note to the IMM's so they can deal with said person, if they are not corrected or stopped then they are going to continue to do it...enough said.

Kylie, The Healing Shield of Mishakal

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Jemma on October 13, 2004, 01:21:21 pm
Kylie, forgive me for intruding on this conversation, but, until a few months ago, we all had this very conversation in forum once before. When I say we, I mean previous players from Solace (regulars) and the "disciplining" of players for cheating and other such things, lead to a nasty forum, which has seen players leaving, and being banned.

Now, don't get me wrong ... that was fine. I do believe in implementing these such rules, but at the present time, I think there are many other things happening, taking place, to try and improve certain aspects of the game. We do not see the hard work many or ALL of the IM's do. I am sure once things are worked through, it will once again be a RP-ing enforced game.

But for now, there are issues that need to be sorted out. We are all riding the crest of the wave I guess, just waiting. :)

Hang in there. Solace was, and probably will once again, be a great RP-ing MUD . It has a lot to offer.

Chemosh and the other IM's ... keep up the good work. ;)  cracks the whip :D 

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Sgt Pepper on October 14, 2004, 01:39:53 am
Now, don't get me wrong ... that was fine. I do believe in implementing these such rules, but at the present time, I think there are many other things happening, taking place, to try and improve certain aspects of the game. We do not see the hard work many or ALL of the IM's do.

Just a idea: there are many people angry with the imms because they don't see much happening, they could post something here or in the official site to tell how its everything going on, nothing too complicated, just a small comment.

Well, this is just an small idea.  ;D

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Jemma on October 14, 2004, 11:46:18 am
Yes a few comments and something positive is always encouraging. :)

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Hiddukel on October 14, 2004, 09:42:43 pm
Well, I am still here, addicted as always to this beautiful land and its lovely people.

I am working on four different areas, at the same time, because I cannot finish something without starting something else. So expect some new places to explore pretty soon.

Sadly, I have not seen Kiri-Jolith for a while, so I cannot tell you how well the new codings or changes are going, but I know that a lot of things are happening, however slowly it might feel!

I don't know what else to say, everything comes in cycles, we hit a bad patch and then we hit a good patch, thats life I guess :)

Be good. Or evil, whatever.  ;)

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Critic on October 14, 2004, 10:00:45 pm
every Clan has his Leader (mortal or immortal) except Tower... Please, do something, or just promote the ONE member Misoth to Arcane Lord! A lot of people want to join this community...

Title: Re: I just wonder.. (a small poll added)
Post by: Critic on October 14, 2004, 10:08:55 pm
PS: nevermind :):):)