Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: Elutharo on October 25, 2004, 06:25:51 am

Title: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Elutharo on October 25, 2004, 06:25:51 am
Was just curious, antique flaming londsword that sears up... and enchanted column of ice. enchanted column of ice. Well arent these magical item.... Ydobb and Khorag wield each respectfully... just curious

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Solan on October 25, 2004, 06:58:40 am
Medallion of Mishakal is carried by Austin.
OK, now we've got something seriously wrong here...*frowns and glares and growls*

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Grim Assassin on October 25, 2004, 10:28:13 am
I agree.

Purify removes magical aura but obviously SOMETHING magical remains.

A true heretic wouldn't TOUCH these items.

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Teamkiller on October 25, 2004, 10:44:30 am
You talk something about Herecy...just look on yourself...

1) Kender are more or less about 8 - 12 year old kids with an adult's
intelligence. Kender are always happy and care free. Should one be found
otherwise, you can bet a devastating tragedy was the cause.
A Kender will not take orders, only suggestions.*

The Knights of Solamnia are an organization of good aligned
warriors who FOLLOW the CODE of Solamnia (set of RULES).  The Knights are supposed to truthful, honorable, and trustworthy (haha...trustworthy kenders..).
2) The Knights of the Crown is the only sect that assassins may join.

look at that... Gizmo the male kender, Knight of the Sword

are you still think what you clever?

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Elutharo on October 25, 2004, 02:05:12 pm
as i recall, i asked about these magical items on heretics. but thank you for bringing up irrelavant matters. You do not know about that situation and the RP that was involved with it. Funny how you justify this situation with a petty excuse....

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: mad_ilya on October 26, 2004, 05:36:51 am
as i recall, i asked about these magical items on heretics.

After the purification an item is ready for mortal use - it means that now its magic is under strict control.

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Solan on October 26, 2004, 05:40:27 am
Would that mean that after purification it's alright for a Heretic to say, wear a sacred Medallion of Mishakal that periodically glows with blessed light and grants healing from the goddess herself?  Seems to me that things like that are still objects of magic...and Heretics, theoretically, are supposed to want to destroy magic, not just keep it under strict control, or so I thought...

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Grim Assassin on October 26, 2004, 10:05:10 am
Agree, the whole point of Heretics is to STOP mortals using/trying to control magic.

I sense that all arguements from the heretics will come down to 'I wanna big shiny items' and they will use any silly comments to keep them.  ;)

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Elutharo on October 26, 2004, 03:27:03 pm

After the purification an item is ready for mortal use - it means that now its magic is under strict control.

Under strict control? Does that mean its officially now operated by batteries? Strict control would mean that the magic is being controlled but is still there.... when in fact your suppose to purge the item of ALL magical ability. Think your words wisely next time. I think in situation like this purification should remove the ability completely to heal, auto-whatever it does.

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Solan on October 26, 2004, 03:29:07 pm
Wait...wait...under strict control...hey, we mages have magic under strict control!  It only operates when we want it to!  So, guess that's that, we can live in peace with the heretics now! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Mandrake on October 26, 2004, 03:30:33 pm
to see wild magis in solace would be something interesting  ::)

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Elutharo on October 26, 2004, 03:44:10 pm
You talk something about Herecy...just look on yourself...

1) Kender are more or less about 8 - 12 year old kids with an adult's
intelligence. Kender are always happy and care free. Should one be found
otherwise, you can bet a devastating tragedy was the cause.
A Kender will not take orders, only suggestions.*

The Knights of Solamnia are an organization of good aligned
warriors who FOLLOW the CODE of Solamnia (set of RULES).  The Knights are supposed to truthful, honorable, and trustworthy (haha...trustworthy kenders..).
2) The Knights of the Crown is the only sect that assassins may join.

look at that... Gizmo the male kender, Knight of the Sword

Well this is no longer an excuse you can use, Gizmo deleted, So now how do you justify wearing this stuff? Clever you think you still are?  ;)

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 26, 2004, 04:50:06 pm
I have not seen these Heretics wielding such weapons/healing items yet.

But when I do, I will ask them if I can remove their spellbane, as their hatred of magic is obviously not strong enough anymore.

So, we shall see.

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Dedraelos on October 26, 2004, 07:26:29 pm
I wore the flame of the tower, true, this was when I thought it was just a powerful mace, I didn't know about it's secret "magical" use. I've since lost it, so I guess that doesn't matter. Neither I, nor Ydobb, or Austin wore the medallion of Mishakal, for it was destroyed for the goals of purity. What I don't want to see is heretics reduced to using practice maces and newbie gear. If you want heretics to use weapons that won't use and acidic bite, freezing bite, or any such weapon, then all people will focus 100% on physical damage reduction and we will be reduced to nothing.  We realize we are in a clan, but also try to realize that we are playing a game just the same as you, and we don't log into the game saying "Hey, I think I'll log in and let someone kill me today so they can feel good about themselves".  If the goal is to get rid of anything that could be considered magical for Heretics I'm fine with that, but in return, give us MANY more non magical weapons(and armor), and the ability to cut VERY deep into physical damage reduction.  I don't need a mace with freezing bite that does MASSACRE if I've got a smashing weapon that does the same while bypassing the physical reductions.

P.S. Please keep in mind these are just my opinions. I don't wish to upset anyone, I just want everyone to realize we are trying to enjoy Solace just the same as you.

Khorag - Fist of the Heretics

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Elutharo on October 26, 2004, 07:31:07 pm
Your saying you dont think heretics is strong ?! My lord with all of those deathblows you dont need better armor.  Were not talking about flame of tower, were talking about the enchanted column of ice. Now as you being a heretic you should realize that if the name of a weapon includes something like that, off the bat you shouldnt touch it... This situation reminds me a lot of the yankees and how they sign all top free agents, and its still not enough so they sign a lot more just to piss everyone else off. You guys are strong already and dont need these items, especially for the fact its against your rules...

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 26, 2004, 10:02:08 pm
Weapons that strike with freezing, acid, etc. do not concern me.

It is weapons and items that have a hidden magical power, flaring up, healing, etc.

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Elutharo on October 26, 2004, 11:25:55 pm
And on top of the yankees thing, i HATE them, just to clear that up. Go Redsox!

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Elutharo on October 27, 2004, 07:21:14 am
A medallion in the shape of a platinum dragon is carried by Shuno.
.......Shuno is the warlord i thought this problem was just fixed

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Mandrake on October 27, 2004, 01:50:46 pm
Shuno has connection with imms....

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Hiddukel on October 27, 2004, 01:56:38 pm
Don't be silly, I don't have 'connections' with anyone who plays Solace, so if I see him using it he will lose it.

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Mandrake on October 27, 2004, 04:45:22 pm
dont make me laugh hidy ;)

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Solan on October 27, 2004, 04:54:30 pm
Methinks he won't use it, but rather than destroy it and it's corrupting magical essence, he'll hold onto it so others can't get it

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Duncon on October 29, 2004, 10:12:04 am
*a strange rumble and then a giant cheer*
Yes yes, it is I DUNCON and i have decided to say something... Duncon thinks.. well.. .Duncon THINKS>>.. You see... duncon thinks that well... hmn.. Duncon thinks its a good idea for heretics to not like magic.. but duncon thinks. he hates Yankees TOO! So duncon thinks... That... duncon should maybe just smash and bash you all.

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Dudley on October 30, 2004, 11:45:22 pm
....duncon...that is the most ridiculous bunch of jibberish i have ever seen concentrated in one place...and for the baseball thing...i gave up on sports when the flyers traded Brind'Amour (spit)....Hextall retired an they traded was a sad year for me

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Elutharo on October 31, 2004, 03:28:57 am
look all 3 of us are philly fans and have NOTHING to cheer for because we just choke, every year i say yeah this is the year wooooo! Then i cry like a baby like i actually expected them to win. GO EAGLES! this is the year! 6-0!

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Miradael on October 31, 2004, 04:35:11 am
not to down your party *smile*... *cough* *chokeadee Choke choke*... We all Americans know McNabb will stop produceing TO will start bawling and bitchin like he always does... then he will bring the whole team down with him, and the Purple Pride will kick in... MINNESOTA VIKINGS SUPERBOWL CHAMPION BOUND.... Randy Moss is God :) ;D ;)

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Dudley on October 31, 2004, 05:03:06 am
about the eagles. i hear that. TO is an Ahole, but fudge the vikings they aint goin no where. my new favorite player is garcia any quarterback who lowers his shoulder, and takes dawkins head on to score the TD is the man in my book.

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Solan on October 31, 2004, 07:46:28 am
I'm going to beat the Administrators to it and ask what this has to do with Heretics and magical items ;) ;D

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Miradael on October 31, 2004, 09:28:19 am
Culpepper... took Ray Lewis on... Enough said?... :-* :P

Title: Re: Heretics and magical items...
Post by: Dudley on October 31, 2004, 09:31:19 pm
Solan, isnt it obvious? its an analogy! a small thinking type man took on the brute. isnt that basically tower v heretics? we never strayed from the heretic conversation  :) we were just making real life correlations