Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Logs => Topic started by: knarl on October 26, 2004, 05:03:32 am

Title: no sanc - no win :)
Post by: knarl on October 26, 2004, 05:03:32 am

<1307/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854>
Elutharo has arrived.
Elutharo yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the minotaur Inquisitor!'
[HERETIC] The minotaur inquisitor: Intruder! Elutharo is attacking the Camp!
The minotaur Inquisitor's beating wounds Elutharo.
The minotaur Inquisitor tries to disarm Elutharo, but fails.

<1307/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854>
Elutharo makes deep incantations, drawing upon his magic.
You yell 'Die, Elutharo you sorcerous dog!'
Your spellbane reflects Elutharo's spell!
Elutharo's blast of light MANGLES him!
Elutharo has a few scratches.

<1307/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854> dirt eluYour kicked dirt misses Elutharo.
Elutharo's divine power MUTILATES the minotaur Inquisitor!
Elutharo's divine power MUTILATES you!
Elutharo lands a critical hit on the minotaur Inquisitor!
Elutharo lands a critical hit on the minotaur Inquisitor!
You let out a cry of outrage!
Your acidic bite === OBLITERATES === Elutharo!
Elutharo's solamnic plate deflects your acidic bite.
Elutharo parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Elutharo parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Elutharo blinks away and your acidic bite misses.
Austin steps out of the shadows.
Austin's divine power MASSACRES Elutharo!
The minotaur Inquisitor's beating wounds Elutharo.
The minotaur Inquisitor slams Elutharo to the ground with bone crushing force!
The minotaur Inquisitor's body crush injures Elutharo.
The minotaur Inquisitor takes hold of Elutharo and grinds him against the ground.
The minotaur Inquisitor's ground control wounds Elutharo.
Elutharo is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854>
Austin has turned around, trying to escape!
Elutharo is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854> dirt elu
Austin has turned around, trying to escape!
Elutharo is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854>
Elutharo delivers a blow of deadly force!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Elutharo's divine power.
Elutharo lands a critical hit on the minotaur Inquisitor!
You let out a cry of outrage!
Elutharo blinks away and your acidic bite misses.
Elutharo parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Elutharo parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Elutharo blinks away and your acidic bite misses.
Your acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Elutharo!
Elutharo parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
The minotaur Inquisitor's beating wounds Elutharo.
Elutharo blinks away and the minotaur Inquisitor's beating misses.
Elutharo is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854>
Austin has turned around, trying to escape!
Austin leaves east.
Austin has fled!
Elutharo is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854>
Gizmo yells 'Help! Austin just tried to strangle me!'
Elutharo is covered in bleeding wounds.

<1264/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [E] 581854>
Elutharo kicks dirt in your eyes!
Elutharo's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's divine power maims you!
Someone's slash DISEMBOWELS you!
[HERETIC] Someone: Intruder! Elutharo is attacking the Camp!
[HERETIC] Someone: Intruder! Elutharo is attacking the Camp!
You dodge someone's divine power.
Someone's slash DISEMBOWELS you!
Using your dual wielded swords you parry someone's slash.
Someone's divine power MUTILATES you!
Someone delivers a blow of deadly force!
Someone's slash *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Someone parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Someone blinks away and your acidic bite misses.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES someone!
Someone parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Someone parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Someone slams someone to the ground with bone crushing force!
Someone's body crush injures someone.
Someone is covered in bleeding wounds.

<957/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [You are blinded!] 581854> They aren't here.
Someone is covered in bleeding wounds.

<957/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [You are blinded!] 581854> fleeYou turn around, trying to escape!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone is covered in bleeding wounds.

<957/1307hp 384/538m 388/390mv [You are blinded!] 581854> fleewYou turn around, trying to escape!
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!
You lost 10 exp.
The silver light of Solinari's full moon fades into the horizon.
The rain starts to pour down.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Elutharo yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the minotaur Inquisitor!'
[HERETIC] The minotaur inquisitor: Intruder! Elutharo is attacking the Camp!

<982/1307hp 423/538m 390/390mv [NESW] 581864> Before the clearing of Inquisition.

[Exits: east]
     The corpse of Ydobb is lying here.
     A large blood stained cross has been erected here.
Elutharo the male minotaur is here.
Khorag the male minotaur is here.
The minotaur Inquisitor is here, fighting Elutharo.

<982/1307hp 423/538m 389/390mv [E] 581864>
Elutharo lands a critical hit on the minotaur Inquisitor!
The minotaur Inquisitor's beating injures Elutharo.
The minotaur Inquisitor tries to disarm Elutharo, but fails.

<982/1307hp 423/538m 389/390mv [E] 581864>
Austin has arrived.

<982/1307hp 423/538m 389/390mv [E] 581864> dirt eluElutharo is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Elutharo yells 'Help! Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Your kicked dirt scratches Elutharo.
Elutharo is covered in bleeding wounds.

<982/1307hp 423/538m 389/390mv [E] 581864>
Elutharo's slash devastates the minotaur Inquisitor!
Elutharo's divine power MUTILATES you!
Elutharo delivers a blow of deadly force!
Your acidic bite DISMEMBERS Elutharo!
You let out a cry of outrage!
Your acidic bite === OBLITERATES === Elutharo!
You let out a cry of outrage!
Your acidic bite === OBLITERATES === Elutharo!
Elutharo parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Your acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Elutharo!
Elutharo blinks away and your acidic bite misses.
Austin's divine power MANGLES Elutharo!
The minotaur Inquisitor's beating injures Elutharo.
The minotaur Inquisitor's beating injures Elutharo.
The minotaur Inquisitor slams Elutharo to the ground with bone crushing force!
The minotaur Inquisitor's body crush hits Elutharo.
The minotaur Inquisitor takes hold of Elutharo and grinds him against the ground.
The minotaur Inquisitor's ground control injures Elutharo.
Elutharo is writhing in agony.

<939/1307hp 423/538m 389/390mv [E] 581864> crus
Using your dual wielded swords you parry Elutharo's divine power.
Elutharo delivers a blow of deadly force!
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Elutharo!
Elutharo parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Elutharo ripostes you and returns an attack of his own!
Elutharo's riposte decimates you.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Elutharo!
Your acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Elutharo!
Elutharo parries your acidic bite using his dual wielded swords.
Your acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Elutharo!
Austin's eyes burn with cold fury!
Austin's outrage rips Elutharo's haste from Elutharo!
Austin's divine power === OBLITERATES === Elutharo!
Elutharo is DEAD!!


Title: Re: no sanc - no win :)
Post by: ukka on October 26, 2004, 09:15:20 am
> Austin's divine power === OBLITERATES === Elutharo!

Khm.. Isn't Austin an assassin???

Title: Re: no sanc - no win :)
Post by: Elutharo on October 26, 2004, 03:48:41 pm
no cry of outrage no win either? that was horrible how inner crushed me *glares*

Title: Re: no sanc - no win :)
Post by: Elutharo on October 26, 2004, 04:03:39 pm
Gizmo had orbs, definitely was thinking to far ahead of myself, fun fight though, i took you Austin and Inner on for a while, taking both of you down. fun times