Title: Robe color Post by: werewolf on October 28, 2004, 03:54:59 pm As I remember, in Dragonlance series the color of mage's robe is completely defined by his alignment. Black = evil, red = neutral, white = good. And the moon which gives the power to a mage is defined by alignment too.
And the preferred subject of a mage (invocation, alternation, shapeshifting, necromancy) has nothing in common with robe color. But in Solace all invokers are called red-robed, transmuters white-robed. Still Tower mage's robe spell seems to create robe of correct color. Clearly there is some mess here, but to clear this out too many areas should be corrected.. Title: Re: Robe color Post by: Solan on October 28, 2004, 04:10:09 pm Was going to post something like this myself ;)
Maybe for now just change the moons to go with alignment? IE. any mage of good alignment follows Solinari, etc... Hopefully that wouldn't be too complicated, and would at least fix it for players (I think ;)) |