Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: Jemma on October 29, 2004, 02:40:05 pm

Title: Duncon
Post by: Jemma on October 29, 2004, 02:40:05 pm
*passes Duncon his blue pills, hands Duncon a glass of fine elven wine*

*watches Duncon take the blue pills .... uh oh .... *

Duncons pills are the RED ones and the wine was MINE not his *sigh*

*waits for the transformation of Duncon as he swallows all the blue pills*

(they turn you into a a a a a a something ... hmmmm nueter? hmmm neuter ... hmmm ok ok I AM TRUELY BORED!!!)

Is it no wonder I hear voices in my head when fighting those putrid trolls. All that killing, bashing, kicking, all that fighting the trolls has effected me ... no wait ... that's all the years of drinking wine. *sigh*

sigh sigh sigh sigh bored bored bored bored so I thought I would just add another star to my name and make me the queen of the gabba gabba

Title: Re: Duncon
Post by: Dudley on October 30, 2004, 02:46:03 am
Dudley is completely and utterly confused.

Title: Re: Duncon
Post by: Solan on October 30, 2004, 03:39:04 am
Serril agrees with Dudley, as do many others I think ;)

Title: Re: Duncon
Post by: Elutharo on October 30, 2004, 03:49:53 am
Im just an idiot to begin with......(.......)