Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: Jemma on November 06, 2004, 08:47:10 am

Title: Mir
Post by: Jemma on November 06, 2004, 08:47:10 am
When is ye up and coming birthday old man? :P

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Solan on November 06, 2004, 04:51:35 pm
It was yesterday :P ;)
And yes, I wished him Happy Birthday ;) ;D

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Miradael on November 06, 2004, 10:07:31 pm
hehe Thank you Jemma... yes 17... *sigh* can already feel the back go out and the eye sight fadeing... yet i can still find myself watchin dear sweet ladies undress infront of me and seeing quitely clearly and nicely.... "Birthday to Remember"  ;D

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Dudley on November 07, 2004, 04:37:31 am
youre not old enough for strip clubs yet, tiger.

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Jemma on November 07, 2004, 05:44:04 am
TMI TMI I have NO idea what you are all talking about now  :o ??? ::) ;D :P

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Solan on November 07, 2004, 06:49:28 am
*agrees with both responses above this one*
Some things are better left unsaid :P

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Jemma on November 08, 2004, 12:20:01 am
Yeah, you all have enough of a hormonal imagination to leave the descriptive parts unsaid LOL *sigh* to be young again ... no THANK you  :P

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Miradael on November 08, 2004, 01:00:08 am
I wasent talkin about Strip clubs Dud *smile*... i dont go to them, they come to me *grin* ;D

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Jemma on November 08, 2004, 03:37:21 am
LOLOLOL  no offense but that was just .... funny. Sorry  ;D

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Miradael on November 08, 2004, 05:22:16 am
Jemma you know you want a peice of this shizzle ;D :P

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Dudley on November 08, 2004, 05:30:59 am
Yes, Jemma. Some of that 'Shizzle' the way...congratulations on being a GRANDMOTHER...
Mir - you really are raging with hormones arent you? Voice still cracking?

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Jemma on November 08, 2004, 06:05:33 am
sizzle? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!! I think being a MINTOUR has gone to your head  :P

Oh, btw, I didn't say congrats and happy birthday. I am sure the day was great, and HOPEfully, you weren't in Solace but venturing in the land of reality. :)

Dud, thanks :) (Dudley that is, not short for dude :P )

Oh, btw Dudley, in one of your posts, you actually talked ... humanly like, and a tad more ... mature than Dudley portrays. LOL A slight slip of the fingers?

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Elutharo on November 08, 2004, 08:39:14 am
Mir - you really are raging with hormones arent you? Voice still cracking?

*fatality dudley*

That was great, thank you dudley... Miradel your not very knightly with all this gangster talk... maybe you should join entropy:-D

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Miradael on November 08, 2004, 03:55:44 pm
Aahh... maybe not kind sir.... i shallest not betray my words i promised thee at the beginning ... KnightHood until Death... better? LoL ::) :P

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Solan on November 08, 2004, 04:00:32 pm
So, the feeling I'm getting from here then is that you're some sort of hormone-raging gangster-knight? ;D
Not quite sure why, but I get the strangest feeling that you won't find too many brothels in Solamnia ;D

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Jemma on November 08, 2004, 11:39:04 pm

Why? Have you looked Solan? lol

Title: Re: Mir
Post by: Dudley on November 08, 2004, 11:59:06 pm
Humanlike?! Mature?! It was certainly a slip of the tongue!
Jem - You'd be surprised at the multiple personalities the mind of dudley has encompassd in my relatively short time of playing.  ;)