Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Common Discussions => Topic started by: Grim Assassin on November 12, 2004, 01:02:02 am

Title: Heretics
Post by: Grim Assassin on November 12, 2004, 01:02:02 am
Why are heretics still using these auto-casting items?

Wings of flying, robes of pass door, mace that spits firestream, swords and axes that flare up, and all the others. Its stupid.

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Solan on November 12, 2004, 01:12:42 am
Ooh, there's a mace that spits firestream? ;D
I know what you mean, though...I found it a bit odd to see the Warlord's axe glow bright red or whatever it is as he attacks me...

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: zondra on November 12, 2004, 04:04:23 am
I guess they feel that aren't overpowered enough...haha made my self laugh

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Solan on November 12, 2004, 04:23:56 am
Strip em of spellbane, they definitely don't hate magic enough ;)

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: zondra on November 12, 2004, 08:15:20 am
i think cry of outrage is way to strong. when my ranger is immune to most things. and the cry of outrage still does mangles and what not. but hey what do i know...

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: zondra on November 12, 2004, 08:18:22 am
and maybe there resist should be brought down if not cry of outrage it is like they have sanc and with stance d and toughness and still have there cry...what is a little knight to do...sigh... :-X

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Elutharo on November 12, 2004, 09:11:46 am
i have been talking about heretics using this junk for a while now.. nobody seems to  care sadly, i say change heretics name and strip spellbane since they're so magic-friendly.

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Misoth on November 12, 2004, 01:19:27 pm
If they so like magic, i think we can speak on the Conclave council
about possibility making them the servants of Tower, to help us to spare our time on clan wars with Takhisis and other enemies of Tower. So we can have more free time for exploring and learning. :)

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Paola on November 12, 2004, 01:46:07 pm
Why don't you, people, better watch yourselves, your behaviour and role-play first? You don't see a log in your own eye, Misoth, but consider yourself having the right to discuss a straw in smb. else's.  >:(

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Solan on November 12, 2004, 04:17:06 pm
Mmm, well, can't speak for others, but I'd like to think that I maintain Serril's RP and role pretty well at all times (hope so at least)...That being said, if the Heretics have their reasons for using said autocasting things, then I suppose that might work it, but I just can't see how they can both use such clearly magical weapons and at the same time hate magic enough to reflect spells...
But, um, if I have one of those "logs" stuck in there too, go ahead and tell me about it and I'll see what I can do about removing it, maybe build a nice chair out of it...good for sitting! ;D

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Paola on November 12, 2004, 04:34:13 pm
The robe and wings, Grim was talking about, are not autocasting items. They add an affect and it's different. From the role-play point of view, I could have agreed about the robe. But wearing wings and flying is a purely physical affect, correct me if I'm wrong. As for the 'Honor's face'. It doesn't flare up with magic. It only becomes red which can go either from it becoming heated or covered with blood.
Anyway, I find it pointless to raise this topic again and again here, since Fordus himself gave them his permission to use those particular items. If you have objections - why not address yourselves to him then? They listen to their leader only, if you remember their Code, and if you convince  him to forbid the usage of those robes, wings and axes,  they will obey to his only word.

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Paola on November 12, 2004, 04:45:03 pm
P. S.
And your role-play of Serril is just perfect, Solan.  :)

Those, whom I was talking about, know my point.

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Misoth on November 12, 2004, 05:11:37 pm
Why don't you, people, better watch yourselves, your behaviour and role-play first? You don't see a log in your own eye, Misoth, but consider yourself having the right to discuss a straw in smb. else's.  >:(
Paola, i think it is clear, that what i have told before in this topic is not more as just a joke... :)

But what is wrong with my RP?

I like critic, lets criticize my person, Paola.

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: zondra on November 12, 2004, 05:16:37 pm
when something glows red..or becomes covered in blood, i'm sure some short of magic makes it do that. and if you have a spare of dead angel wings on your back that are beating in the air and making you fly....sounds like black magic to me...things don't just flare up with out from sort of magic on them. and when a hertic can hit an >>>ANNIHILATE n a cry of outrage with a nightmare blade do you really think they need a sword that "glows red" i'm sure the glowing isn't powered by batteries. but what do i know anyway.. :-[

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Dudley on November 12, 2004, 08:30:38 pm
maybe its the great grand uncle of that duracel bunny....damn thing had to start somewhere....maybe it started out on krynn with a glow in the dark battleaxe - and if that commercial holds true just one or two of those damn batteries and shuno is set for life

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Critic on November 12, 2004, 10:17:26 pm
I like critic, lets criticize my person, Paola.

I like you too :)

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Elutharo on November 13, 2004, 03:00:26 am
You don't see a log in your own eye,

i posted a log a few weeks ago of Ydobb wielding blademasters sword which grants haste, that is very magical indeed. he also wields antique flaming longsword that flairs up. Those wings autocast windwall or something along the lines of that.... And because Fordus "allows" you guys to use magical items, does that really make it ok? Do you think its alright? Honestly? If you do, you should be stripped of you herecy empowerments, because your not really a heretic, your just powerful warriors that get extra abilities that wreak havoc in solace... you have no restrictions as far as im concerned and thats a load of bulls**t. Play right or dont play at all

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Solan on November 13, 2004, 03:57:47 am
Woa woa, wait, the wings we were talking about were the "shredded wings of a fallen angel" wings?  OK, now that's definitely not a physical feat...flying with wings of your own is one thing, attaching the wings of a fallen angel that were somehow removed from the original body, but still happen to beat though they aren't connected to anything, and are able to make windwalls or airblasts or whatever they are is quite another thing entirely.
Wow, that was a long sentence ;D

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Dudley on November 13, 2004, 09:39:24 am
I was thinkin instead of allowing them to have all these magical items they should be able to like forge weapons...take basic weapons and make them know using a wetstone on their swords haha......add an anvil and a furnace to the camp!

and if a heretic is using magical items doesnt that make him a heretic of heresy....and if you think about it...thats just a regular joe! Ydobb, Ironfist of Reorx

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Elutharo on November 13, 2004, 12:39:02 pm
Aye im probably just as much of a heretic as they are.....Go figure im a solamnic knight....*boggle*

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Nomiro on November 14, 2004, 05:34:32 pm
Elutharo, watch for you roleplaying at first, ok? I was pretty shocked when you refuse to help my character that entered into cursed area and asked you about help. You didnt give atleast dirs to get out from those place. I got more help from some outcast but from Leader of Solamnia. There is something wrong in realms when such things happends.

Title: Re: Heretics
Post by: Dudley on November 15, 2004, 11:20:45 pm
that sounds interesting lets hear about that