Title: identify bug? Post by: mad_ilya on November 16, 2004, 06:02:03 am lore boo
Object 'fine copper boots' is type armor. You can wear it at feet. - this line is not shown by the identify spell. A bug? Title: Re: identify bug? Post by: Solan on November 16, 2004, 07:52:27 am I noticed that too, but it never seemed like a huge bug, so I didn't say anything...but you're right, and that happens when loring anything, never when IDing ;)
Title: Re: identify bug? Post by: Dudley on November 16, 2004, 10:02:08 am my guess is lore is more of common sense, and kind of warrior 'know-how'...for example you dont "lore boots" then "compare boots gauntlets"
Title: Re: identify bug? Post by: Kiri-Jolith on November 17, 2004, 02:40:15 pm This is not actually a BUG, but I added such message to identify spell.