Title: black robes Post by: Akhulas on November 17, 2004, 12:59:43 pm then you roll an draconian transmuter you cant choose alignment - all draconians evil. but you see something like that:
"You must be of evil alignment. Your alignment is evil, you will be a black-robed mage." but there is a courple of items black_robed_only. but you cant wear it. why? <731/731 226/853 289/291 720178 NSW> cast ident belt You recite your magical incantation. Object 'belt dried flesh' is type armor, extra flags glow. Weight is 4, value is 8800, level is 19. restrict flags black-robed_only. Armor class is 8 pierce, 8 bash, 8 slash, and 8 vs. magic Affects intelligence by -1. Affects armor class by -8. Affects mana by 35. Affects will save by 3. Affects reflex save by 3. <731/731 202/853 291/291 720178 NSW> You stop using a velvet sash. You wear a belt fashioned from dried flesh about your waist. You are zapped by a belt fashioned from dried flesh and drop it. Title: Re: black robes Post by: Kiri-Jolith on November 17, 2004, 02:44:50 pm Black robes are necromancers.