Solace Old Forum

Solace II => BUGS => Topic started by: Dudley on November 25, 2004, 02:57:56 am

Title: the poor skeleton with no name
Post by: Dudley on November 25, 2004, 02:57:56 am
[log]A cave filled with huge piles of dung
  You have walked upon a nesting place for giant bats. These creatures
immediately sense your prescence and they begin to swarm around you.
To the east you notice a cave-in caused by an unknown source. Through the
bats you can see that there may be an exit up.

[Exits: north up]
     A corpse of a dead man lays here among the dung and garbage.

<326/326hp 190/442mp 176/176mv 2877> c 'decay' corpse
Beautiful, mystical incantation comes out of your lips.
You decay the flesh off caretaker's corpse and reduce it to a skeleton.

<326/326hp 170/442mp 176/176mv 2877> get skel
You get the skeleton of .

You are carrying:
     the skeleton of
     a wooden rocking chair
     a goblet of fine elven wine
     a Magic Mushroom
     a leather backpack[/log]

i'm not even so sure if i was supposed to be able to decay him.

Title: Re: the poor skeleton with no name
Post by: Dudley on November 25, 2004, 03:01:53 am
[log] drop skel
You drop the skeleton of .

<326/326hp 442/442mp 174/176mv 2877> c 'animate skel' skel
You recite a sweet mystical verse.
You invoke the powers of death and the skeleton of  slowly rises to it's feet.
The skeleton of  now follows you.

Your group:
[ 1 Mob] The skeleton of  100%hp 100%mana 100%mv     0 tnl

You laugh joyously.

A cave filled with huge piles of dung
  You have walked upon a nesting place for giant bats. These creatures
immediately sense your prescence and they begin to swarm around you.
To the east you notice a cave-in caused by an unknown source. Through the
bats you can see that there may be an exit up.

[Exits: north up]
(Charmed) A skeleton of  is standing here. [/log]

okay i just did this part for fun....maybe this should just be a spelling mistake?

Title: Re: the poor skeleton with no name
Post by: Solan on November 25, 2004, 03:03:08 am
A full army of those would not only be incredibly weak, but incredibly confusing! ;)

Title: Re: the poor skeleton with no name
Post by: Dudley on November 25, 2004, 03:41:51 am
actually after further investigation, the blood drained corpse in arkham is level 22 and also has no skeletal name

Title: Re: the poor skeleton with no name
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on November 25, 2004, 10:25:40 am
I fixed something in code, however its a spelling mistake in area.