Title: Alignment vs Clan Post by: Solan on November 27, 2004, 08:45:10 am Being in Tower and all (and this applies for a few other clans as well) I sometimes find myself working with the opposite alignment.
Now, by common logic, since we're in a common cause...and in addition, since it actually says in our large tome thing that loyalty to the Tower comes before loyalty to alignment, we should work together. We do, of course, but we can't actually group directly. I remember that in Kiri's Solace, this wasn't so, and I was wondering if such a thing could be applied here...that a clan would override alignment grouping restrictions. Even if we're different alignments, we're working together as companions, as it were, so it would make sense if it were so :) Title: Re: Alignment vs Clan Post by: Raider on November 27, 2004, 09:00:58 am I even vote for protection of clan mobiles from clanmate area spells! Hate that i cant use area spells when protecting clan
Title: Re: Alignment vs Clan Post by: Dudley on November 27, 2004, 11:58:19 am YEAH!!!...well...if...that applied to me
Title: Re: Alignment vs Clan Post by: Sgt Pepper on November 27, 2004, 11:56:57 pm Just a crazy thoght, maybe clan should replace align?
I mean, alignment vs clan issue has been causin' a lot of trouble lately, mainly with tower, let me give an example: The elvish transmuter sworn loyalty to the tower above anything else, that way he could group with any other tower mage, but obviously he would prefer to join a good one cause it's his nature. Well, just another idea ::). Title: Re: Alignment vs Clan Post by: Sgt Pepper on November 28, 2004, 12:02:13 am Just one more thing: this would help A LOT in the tower vs solamnic stuff, that way the tower could act against solamnics that brake the law ( even for a good reason), this also would help clan wars and increase the RP
Title: Re: Alignment vs Clan Post by: Jemma on November 28, 2004, 04:46:25 am How is it that any alignment can join Tower and such, yet with Warders, you can only be neutral?
Title: Re: Alignment vs Clan Post by: Solan on November 28, 2004, 07:15:09 am Magi of the Tower recognize the need for balance in things, not just neutrality but an equal amount of neutrality to the good and evil...Warders, I suppose, have to be dedicated to the forest and the animals and such above the light and darkness...or something, just a guess ;D
Still, really, would it be possible for same-clan opposite-aligns to group? |