Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Spelling Mistakes => Topic started by: Critic on November 28, 2004, 04:43:51 am

Title: a fiery talisman of lava
Post by: Critic on November 28, 2004, 04:43:51 am
Object 'talisman lava fiery amulet' is type armor, extra flags glow hum.
Weight is 2, value is 21000, level is 17.
You can wear it at neck.
restrict flags none.
Armor class is 5 pierce, 5 bash, 5 slash, and 5 vs. magic
Affects resist fire by 10.
Affects fortitude save by 4.
Affects fortitude save by 3.
Affects will save by 2.
Affects hp by 25.

maybe 4 reflex saves instead of 4 fortitude saves?