Title: cleanse Post by: Akhulas on November 30, 2004, 01:56:24 pm [log]
<265/666 4/487 189/201 694100 NSW> You are enveloped by the silver light of Solinari. Your backbone softens and returns to it's normal state. You writhe in agony from the plague. Your sickness decimates you. <242/666 8/487 195/201 694100 NSW> Lookout Point [Exits: north] <242/666 8/487 191/201 694100 N> cleanse <242/666 8/487 191/201 694100 N> You concentrate and focus your mind on your body, but fail to affect it. <242/666 -12/487 191/201 694100 N> // -12 mana? :) n cleanse razorspine On a bluff [Exits: north south west] Grinning evilly, a duergar lies in wait for his next victim. A dwarf worker is here, mending the trail. A dwarf paces here, looking for something evil to kill. <242/666 -12/487 187/201 694100 NSW> You concentrate and focus your mind on your body. You are mentally exhausted and can not cleanse your body further. You aren't affected by poison or disease. // but i'm diseased... [/log] Title: Re: cleanse Post by: Kiri-Jolith on November 30, 2004, 02:13:45 pm Both things fixed (mana and messages).