Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Logs => Topic started by: Semaj on March 12, 2004, 02:52:24 pm

Title: Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Semaj on March 12, 2004, 02:52:24 pm
affYou are toughened against bash (13%).
You are toughened against pierce (12%).
You are toughened against slash (12%).
You are slightly toughened against fire (8%).
You are slightly toughened against cold (8%).
You are slightly toughened against lightning (4%).
You are slightly toughened against acid (4%).
You are slightly toughened against poison (4%).
You are slightly toughened against negative (8%).
You are slightly toughened against holy (8%).
You are slightly toughened against energy (4%).
You are slightly toughened against mental (4%).
You are slightly toughened against disease (4%).
You are slightly toughened against drowning (4%).
You are slightly toughened against light (4%).
You are slightly toughened against harm (4%).
You are slightly toughened against charm (4%).
You are slightly toughened against sound (4%).
You are slightly toughened against earth (4%).
You are slightly toughened against air (4%).

You are affected by the following spells:
Skill: heightened sense    : is active for 12 hours.
                           : is active for 12 hours.
Skill: spellbane           : modifies all saves by -15 for 19 hours.
Skill: resistance          : is active for 6 hours.
Skill: endure              : modifies resistance to holy by 4 for 24 hours.
                           : modifies resistance to cold by 4 for 24 hours.
                           : modifies resistance to fire by 4 for 24 hours.
                           : modifies resistance to negative by 4 for 24 hours.
                           : modifies all saves by -4 for 24 hours.
Skill: style               : modifies damage roll by 4 permanently.
                           : modifies hit roll by 4 permanently.
Skill: detect hidden       : is active for 11 hours.

<724/724hp 271/361mana 516/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:NS>
scoreYou are Semaj, Warlord of Heretics.
Race: human       Sex: male      Age: 27 years old (mature)
You are a chaotic evil assassin, wayfollower of the Shadows.
Level: 32, with 8590856 exp (experience to level: 306694).

Str: 20      Health:  724/724     Practices: 1
Int: 20      Mana  :  294/361     Training sessions: 0
Wis: 20      Move  :  522/522
Dex: 23      Carrying 19/34 items (176/377 pounds)
Con: 20      You have 130 gold and 878 silver coins.

Wimpy set to 0 hit points.  Hometown is Palanthas.
You are standing.

You fight in unarmed combat using the Python martial style.
Armor: pierce: -188  bash: -194  slash: -186  magic: -106
Hitroll: 17  Damroll: 27.
Saves will: -28 fortitude: -33 agility: -34.

You trust nobody with questionable spells.

<724/724hp 294/361mana 522/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:NS>
nblind draThe Temple

[Exits: south]
     (Glowing) A massive statue of a gold dragon has been erected here.
(White Aura) An ancient silver dragon rests here, guarding the knight's Keep.
You dodge the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You hand block the ancient silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon kicks dirt in your eyes!
The ancient silver dragon's kicked dirt scratches you.
You can't see a thing!

<722/724hp 294/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
They aren't here.

<722/724hp 294/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch misses someone.
Someone dodges your punch.
Someone parries your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
Your punch wounds someone.
You parry someone's claw.
You shield block someone's claw.
You hand block someone's claw.

<722/724hp 294/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
blindYou throw a handful of blindness dust into the room!
Someone appears to be blinded.

<722/724hp 269/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch wounds someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch injures someone.
Your punch wounds someone.
Your punch injures someone.
You hand block someone's claw.
Someone's claw DISEMBOWELS you.
Someone's claw MUTILATES you.

<623/724hp 269/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
nerveYou grasp someone's arm but fail to apply the right pressure point.
Your nerve pressure misses someone.

<623/724hp 269/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch misses someone.
Your punch wounds someone.
You dodge someone's claw.
You shield block someone's claw.
Someone's bash misses you.
You evade someone's bash, causing him to fall flat on his face.

<623/724hp 269/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
nerveYou grasp someone's arm and weaken him with pressure points.

<623/724hp 269/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch misses someone.
Someone parries your punch.
Your punch misses someone.
You use your shoulder to partially deflect someone's claw.
Someone's claw devastates you.
You hand block someone's claw.

<588/724hp 269/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
caltrapsYou hurl some caltraps at someone.
Your caltraps decimates someone.
Someone starts limping.

<588/724hp 269/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your determination have enhanced your atack!
Someone's solamnic plate deflects your attack.
Your determination have enhanced your atack!
Someone parries your punch.
You dodge someone's claw.
You parry someone's claw.
You shield block someone's claw.

<588/724hp 269/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
poisonYou throw a handful of poison dust into the room!

<588/724hp 244/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Someone's claw DISEMBOWELS you.
Your forearm partially deflects someone's claw.
Someone's claw devastates you.
You hand block someone's claw.

<504/724hp 244/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
poisonYou throw a handful of poison dust into the room!

<504/724hp 219/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Someone parries your punch.
Your punch misses someone.
Someone dodges your punch.
You shield block someone's claw.
Someone's claw MUTILATES you.
You parry someone's claw.
You hand block someone's claw.
Someone gets a wild look in his eyes.

<458/724hp 219/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
poisonYou throw a handful of poison dust into the room!

<458/724hp 194/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch wounds someone.
You parry someone's claw.
You shield block someone's claw.
Your forearm partially deflects someone's claw.
Someone's claw maims you.

<417/724hp 194/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
poisonYou throw a handful of poison dust into the room!

<417/724hp 169/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch misses someone.
Your determination have enhanced your atack!
Someone parries your punch.
Someone dodges your punch.
Your punch misses someone.
Someone's solamnic plate deflects your attack.
Someone's claw DISEMBOWELS you.
Someone's claw DISEMBOWELS you.

<314/724hp 169/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
poisonYou throw out some dust but it is blown away.
Your determination have enhanced your atack!
Your punch decimates someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Someone's claw MUTILATES you.
You use your shoulder to partially deflect someone's claw.
Someone's claw maims you.

<226/724hp 144/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch mauls someone.
Someone parries your punch.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
You use your shoulder to partially deflect someone's claw.
Someone's claw devastates you.
You use your shoulder to partially deflect someone's claw.
Someone's claw maims you.
The room is getting dark...
You use your hands to greatly deflect someone's claw.
Someone's claw decimates you.

<127/724hp 144/361mana 520/522mv 306694 xp__Exits:None>
fleeYou look around trying to escape.
You can't see a thing!

/// it was python style////

<376/724hp 262/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
You parry someone's claw.
You parry someone's claw.
Someone's claw maims you.

<334/724hp 262/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:None>
viperYou try to strike out rapidly but lose your balance.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
You parry someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.
Someone's claw maims you.
Someone's bash misses you.
You evade someone's bash, causing him to fall flat on his face.

<292/724hp 262/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:None>

Your punch misses someone.
Your punch injures someone.
Your punch misses someone.
You parry someone's claw.
You shield block someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.

<292/724hp 262/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:None>
viperYou let loose with a furious series of rapid strikes!
Your viper strike misses someone.
Your viper strike misses someone.
Your viper strike misses someone.
Your viper strike misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
Your punch misses someone.
You shield block someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.

<292/724hp 262/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:None>

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You feel more susceptible to magic.
The ancient silver dragon shivers and suffers.
The ancient silver dragon has a few scratches.

<310/724hp 274/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:S>

The ancient silver dragon's solamnic plate deflects your attack.
Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon parries your punch.
You dodge the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You dodge the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You dodge the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon has a few scratches.

<310/724hp 274/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:S>

Your punch wounds the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon parries your punch.
You hand block the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You hand block the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You hand block the ancient silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon has a few scratches.

<310/724hp 274/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:S>
Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
Your punch wounds the ancient silver dragon.
Your determination have enhanced your atack!
The ancient silver dragon parries your punch.
Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
You dodge the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon has a few scratches.

<310/724hp 274/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:S>

You let loose with a furious series of rapid strikes!
Your viper strike misses the ancient silver dragon.
Your viper strike misses the ancient silver dragon.
The presence of Paladine protects the ancient silver dragon.
Your viper strike misses the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon's solamnic plate deflects your attack.
Your viper strike injures the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon has a few scratches.

<310/724hp 274/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:S>

Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon has a few scratches.

<310/724hp 274/361mana 522/522mv 307324 xp__Exits:S>

The ancient silver dragon's solamnic plate deflects your attack.
Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon's solamnic plate deflects your attack.
Your punch injures the ancient silver dragon.
You dodge the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You dodge the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon has a few scratches.

///it was viper////

after 25 minutes of real i left him in small founds
How i should raid them under solamnic knight ? :'(

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Kriger on March 12, 2004, 04:40:28 pm
Well, I do not want to insult you but your character suck..Why?
Look under hitroll and damroll...And your ac is bad too...You can
and you should have much better...And Dragons shoud be tough
opponents specialy Solamnia and Takhisis...
BTW.  How do you raid Tower, or maybe you don't ???

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Critic on March 12, 2004, 04:42:32 pm
Hitroll: 17  Damroll: 27.
Kewl :)
reach at least 40hr 40dr and look at result
assassin :))))

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Morte on March 12, 2004, 05:17:26 pm
Damn! My assassin on 25 level has better parametrs, while I'm wearing crap.
And get more saves! Or you will be to easy to kill by mages.

To Kiri:
Why evasion do not work?!
(and not improves as well)

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Magon on March 12, 2004, 05:26:46 pm
Damn, are you all idiots or what ? It is not discussion of Semaj's stats, it is demonstration of how an assassin of 32 rank, not a simple assassion, mind yourself, but Warlord of Heretics fights crappy clan mob.

"injures" even with 27 damroll is not funny, it is sad, something about assassins is wrong definitely
Even with such stats he should deliver way greater damage to the dragon and that's how it was in Solace

Naked 32nd rank knight will easily raid any clan, but assassin with his punches can't do anything to dragon, that's ridiculous and that's point of this log...

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Morte on March 12, 2004, 05:41:04 pm
Damn, are you all idiots or what ? It is not discussion of Semaj's stats, it is demonstration of how an assassin of 32 rank, not a simple assassion, mind yourself, but Warlord of Heretics fights crappy clan mob.

"injures" even with 27 damroll is not funny, it is sad, something about assassins is wrong definitely
Even with such stats he should deliver way greater damage to the dragon and that's how it was in Solace

Naked 32nd rank knight will easily raid any clan, but assassin with his punches can't do anything to dragon, that's ridiculous and that's point of this log...
We are not idiots, but you are right in second thing:
Assassins are really crappy in this version of solace.
Just Semaj has shown us his stats in this log... and it is abnormal to have such parametrs for clanleader near to hero...( surely it is hard to raid someone with such parametrs) This is why i wrote about parametrs.
But I will repeat again: I'm agreed that assassins are not working properly here.

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Morte on March 12, 2004, 05:47:09 pm
And Magon, we have allready discussed crappy assassins hand to hand damage on example of previous Semaj's Log:;action=display;threadid=299

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Semaj on March 12, 2004, 05:52:53 pm
Magon - You are first man who saw what i'm trying to show by my logs, i'm glad that not all here are blinded.
no need to comment other replays.

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Morte on March 12, 2004, 05:53:27 pm
And as soon as Kiri does not react in any way to this fact, its time to arm for assassins. (wield swords on raid  ::) )

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Morte on March 12, 2004, 05:54:33 pm
Magon - You are first man who saw what i'm trying to show by my logs, i'm glad that not all here are blinded.
no need to comment other replays.
I have seen it long ago , Semaj. Even in previous log.

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Morte on March 12, 2004, 06:01:27 pm
And Semaj, there is no need to flood the forum with diffirent logs that shows us same thing .... Kiri has not reacted on the first one, why you think he will react on other your log?
Simply be restrained and enjoy the game! ;)

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Semaj on March 12, 2004, 06:09:08 pm
Morte i don't spam logs, and i hope it's my firsts and last logs.
and i've showed difference things in this logs, but seems you don't understand, you see only my stats, dr,hr and svs..

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Morte on March 12, 2004, 06:11:52 pm
Morte i don't spam logs, and i hope it's my firsts and last logs.
and i've showed difference things in this logs, but seems you don't understand, you see only my stats, dr,hr and svs..
You read my answers through a line, Semaj?

For those who read through a line:
I wrote not only about Semaj's crappy parametrs, but about problem with assassin's hand to hand damage too.

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Semaj on March 12, 2004, 06:14:00 pm
Damn! My assassin on 25 level has better parametrs, while I'm wearing crap.
And get more saves! Or you will be to easy to kill by mages.


Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Morte on March 12, 2004, 06:15:31 pm
Damn! My assassin on 25 level has better parametrs, while I'm wearing crap.
And get more saves! Or you will be to easy to kill by mages.

Heh, then you have read my messages through one... ::)

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on March 12, 2004, 06:18:06 pm
Here what I made alone in non-limited eq. Season assassin, Wyvern style, Heretics warlord.

<853hp 1000m 641mv>
Your punch misses the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon parries your punch.
Your punch decimates the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon parries your punch.
Your punch decimates the ancient silver dragon.
Your punch decimates the ancient silver dragon.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You hand block the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon is gushing blood.

<853hp 1000m 641mv> kick
Your kick wounds the ancient silver dragon.
The ancient silver dragon is gushing blood.

<853hp 1000m 641mv>
Your punch decimates the ancient silver dragon.
Your punch mauls the ancient silver dragon.
Your punch decimates the ancient silver dragon.
You manage to make a perceptional strike.
The ancient silver dragon dodges your punch.
Your punch decimates the ancient silver dragon.
You dodge the ancient silver dragon's claw.
You parry the ancient silver dragon's claw.
The ancient silver dragon is gushing blood.

<853hp 1000m 641mv> flee
You look around trying to escape.

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on March 12, 2004, 06:19:48 pm
Just for information about the silver dragon. You know, it is hard to raid an anti-evil clan while you are evil yourself.

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Critic on March 12, 2004, 08:22:10 pm
sure, for example Reon also fights with two-headed dragon with decimates, not massacres, though he has best stuff and great stats
what do you want with such crap on you?

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Semaj on March 12, 2004, 09:35:16 pm
Critic- read replay of Magon, he is still one who understood me right.

Main power of heretics always was in great damage , they can't heal and protect themselves by magic and thier one chance - too kill enemies from one dash, now they lost this chance(especially shadows).

And to Kiri-Jolith - it's realy strange, it's clear about  protection from darkness, but i  couldn't tank him and seems your assassin could tank him easy..don't know where is the problem.. ???

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Kiri-Jolith on March 12, 2004, 11:07:40 pm
The problem is in your equipment, and tactics you chose. Also mastery of skills counts. Concerning the damage you deal and Heretics. What brotherhood are you from? Shadows. They don't deal as much damage as Fist. They have other options to play with.

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Semaj on March 12, 2004, 11:51:07 pm
Well Kiri, probably you are right, i have very bad eq but i don't know how can i get more then 30dr from non-limit eq (seems i know new areas bad) . About skills - i'm mastered in all deffence skills of course, but i think you  know what you are talking about and know what and when checks, and may be i just don't know some new tricks with assassins.
And about tactic - seems i don't understand something too, but i still see only one way -  assassinate, even sucsesfull sting don't help me to kill victims. i don't deal enough damage in one hour.. looks like now assassins are support class.
P.s I would like to test assassin under your controll if you don't mind, if you will decide that it's ok - let it be so.
P.s.s Looks like it's realy becomes flood and only few interesting replays.

Title: Re:Heretic raid solamnia
Post by: Yukka on March 13, 2004, 04:09:34 pm
Well Kiri, probably you are right, i have very bad eq but i don't know how can i get more then 30dr from non-limit eq (seems i know new areas bad) . About skills - i'm mastered in all deffence skills of course, but i think you  know what you are talking about and know what and when checks, and may be i just don't know some new tricks with assassins.
If you want more damage, play by Heretic warrior or ranger.
And about tactic - seems i don't understand something too, but i still see only one way -  assassinate, even sucsesfull sting don't help me to kill victims. i don't deal enough damage in one hour.. looks like now assassins are support class.
P.s I would like to test assassin under your controll if you don't mind, if you will decide that it's ok - let it be so.
P.s.s Looks like it's realy becomes flood and only few interesting replays.
Watch up, dear. There only 2 types of answers - use better tactic or use better equipement and weapon.