Solace Old Forum

Solace II => Logs => Topic started by: Rual on February 11, 2004, 08:53:25 pm

Title: Knight vs Tower Trans
Post by: Rual on February 11, 2004, 08:53:25 pm
Round 1
Form - Jackal

622/622 255/406 369/375 tnl:446514 murder yok
Yokshi yells 'Help! A jackal is attacking me!'
Your claw DISMEMBERS Yokshi.
Yokshi parries your claw.
Yokshi has some small wounds.

622/622 255/406 369/375 tnl:446514
You dodge Yokshi's acidic bite.
You dodge Yokshi's acidic bite.
Yokshi parries your claw.
Yokshi parries your claw.
Yokshi parries your claw.
Your claw misses Yokshi.
Your claw misses Yokshi.
Yokshi parries your claw.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
Yokshi has some small wounds.

622/622 255/406 369/375 tnl:446514 bite

Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his dei
Yokshi's flamestrike MASSACRES you.
Yokshi has some small wounds.

551/622 255/406 369/375 tnl:446514
You sink your teeth into Yokshi.
Your bite devastates Yokshi.
Yokshi has some small wounds.

551/622 255/406 369/375 tnl:446514
You dodge Yokshi's acidic bite.
You dodge Yokshi's slash.
You dodge Yokshi's acidic bite.
Yokshi's slash devastates you.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Yokshi.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Yokshi.
Your claw DISEMBOWELS Yokshi.
Yokshi parries your claw.
Yokshi parries your claw.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
Yokshi is writhing in agony.

515/622 255/406 369/375 tnl:446514 fle

Yokshi stands down and begins taking things into better cons
Yokshi is writhing in agony.

515/622 255/406 369/375 tnl:446514 fle

Yokshi looks around trying to escape.
Yokshi leaves east.
Yokshi has fled!
You aren't fighting anyone.

Round 2
Form - Turtle

Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his dei
You try to yell something as you are attacked!
Yokshi's flamestrike maims you.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

482/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514 retra
You pull your head inside your shell and hide from the world
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

482/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514
Yokshi's acidic bite wounds you.
Yokshi says 'For the glory of Paladine!'
Yokshi's arms weave an intricate dance of flashing blades!
Yokshi's righteous fury misses you.
Yokshi's righteous fury injures you.
Yokshi's slash misses you.
Yokshi's acidic bite mauls you.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

441/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514
Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his dei
Yokshi's flamestrike wounds you.
A piece of lamb blackens and crisps!
A piece of lamb blackens and crisps!
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

427/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514
Yokshi's acidic bite wounds you.
Yokshi's slash misses you.
Yokshi's acidic bite mauls you.
Yokshi's acidic bite wounds you.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

380/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514
Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his dei
Yokshi's flamestrike wounds you.
A piece of lamb blackens and crisps!
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

367/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514 af
You are almost invulnerable to bash (85%).
You are almost invulnerable to pierce (85%).
You are almost invulnerable to slash (85%).
You are divinely resistant against fire (65%).
You are divinely resistant against cold (65%).
You are divinely resistant against lightning (65%).
You are divinely resistant against acid (65%).
You are divinely resistant against poison (65%).
You are divinely resistant against negative (65%).
You are divinely resistant against holy (65%).
You are divinely resistant against energy (65%).
You are divinely resistant against mental (65%).
You are divinely resistant against disease (65%).
You are divinely resistant against drowning (65%).
You are divinely resistant against light (65%).
You are divinely resistant against harm (65%).
You are divinely resistant against charm (65%).
You are divinely resistant against sound (65%).
You are divinely resistant against earth (65%).
You are divinely resistant against air (65%).

You are affected by the following spells:
Skill: retract             : is active permanently.
Spell: shapeshift          : is active permanently.
                           : modifies form into a hard-shell
ed turtle permanently.
Spell: blink               : modifies armor class by -15 for
 9 hours.
Spell: haste               : modifies dexterity by 2 for 8 h
Spell: shield              : modifies armor class by -20 for
 26 hours.
Spell: armor               : modifies armor class by -20 for
 21 hours.
Spell: detect invis        : is active for 18 hours.
Spell: eldritch shield     : modifies all saves by -3 for 7
                                     : modifies armor class by -84 for 7 hours.
Spell: fly                 : is active for 21 hours.
Spell: harden skin         : is active for 6 hours.
Spell: channel             : modifies mana by -167 for 18 ho
                           : modifies hp by 167 for 18 hours
Spell: detect magic        : is active for 7 hours.
Spell: infravision         : is active for 24 hours.
Yokshi's acidic bite wounds you.
Yokshi's acidic bite mauls you.
Yokshi's acidic bite misses you.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

337/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514
Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his dei
Yokshi's flamestrike wounds you.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

323/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514
Yokshi's acidic bite mauls you.
Yokshi's slash hits you.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

301/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514 smile
You smile happily.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

301/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514
Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his dei
Yokshi's flamestrike wounds you.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

286/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514 fle

Yokshi's acidic bite wounds you.
You blink away from Yokshi's slash.
You blink away from Yokshi's acidic bite.
A donkey's bite misses Yokshi.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.
Yokshi is in perfect condition.

273/622 237/406 375/375 tnl:446514 You look around trying to
On the Western Trade Route

[Exits: east west]
A solamnic fighter is standing here, protecting merchants fr
om the brigands.
You flee from combat to the east!

Round 3
Form - Beholder.
If you understand all rounds are one after one, that time I didnt watch my hp:)

Yokshi yells 'Help! I am being attacked by a beholder!'
Your grep MUTILATES Yokshi.
Your grep misses Yokshi.
Yokshi parries your grep.
Yokshi has some small wounds.

273/622 197/406 373/375 tnl:446524
Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his dei
Yokshi's flamestrike DISMEMBERS you.
Yokshi has some small wounds.

205/622 197/406 373/375 tnl:446524
A solamnic fighter yells 'Syena is a KILLER! PROTECT THE INN
A solamnic fighter's slash misses you.
Yokshi's acidic bite devastates you.
Your grep DISEMBOWELS Yokshi.
Yokshi parries your grep.
Yokshi parries your grep.
Your grep misses Yokshi.
You dodge a solamnic fighter's slash.
Yokshi is covered in bleeding wounds.

174/622 197/406 373/375 tnl:446524
You feel drawing from your mental energy.
Yokshi has some small wounds.

178/622 181/406 375/375 tnl:446524
Yokshi concentrates for a moment to send a prayer to his dei
Yokshi's flamestrike MASSACRES you.
Yokshi has some small wounds.

107/622 181/406 375/375 tnl:446524 fle

Yokshi's acidic bite devastates you.
Yokshi's slash devastates you.
Yokshi's acidic bite MUTILATES you.
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A solamnic fighter's slash mauls you.
You have been KILLED!!